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Description archivistique
201/1 - Social welfare office
201/1 · Fonds
Fait partie de Stuttgart City Archive

Brief description: The "Armenbureau", renamed Armenamt in 1885, was founded in 1873. On April 1, 1910, the alms administration (responsible for the accounting and cashier's office of the local poor association as well as for the administration of the poor foundations and the municipal eating establishments), which had been independent until then, was attached to the poor people's office. From February 1919, the Armenamt was known as the "municipal welfare office". After the Reichsfürsorgeverordnung of 1 April 1924 came into force, a distinction was made between "superior welfare" and "welfare for the poor". For this purpose, the Youth Welfare Office, founded in 1921, was merged with the War Welfare Office to form the "Welfare Office". Its jurisdiction extended to the care of war-disabled persons and war survivors, pension recipients of disability and salaried employees' insurance, small and social pensioners as well as unemployed persons and minors in need of assistance. The welfare office was still responsible for all other people in need. On 1 May 1933 the welfare and welfare offices were united under the name "Wohlfahrtsamt". After the end of the Second World War, the Social Welfare Office was rebuilt with the following departments: Welfare Office, Youth Welfare Office (independent since 1962), Foundation Office, Emergency Aid Office (spun off in 1952 under the name "Ausgleichsamt"), Refugee Office (since 1949). Scope: 3117 units/2 films/50 printing plates/12 slides/86 photos/105 running meters Content: Files: General welfare, welfare office, welfare for war victims, small and social pensioners, unemployed, sick, disabled, alcoholics, homeless, hikers, foreigners, Germans abroad, returnees, resettlers, evacuees, new citizens, refugees, prisoners of war, homosexuals and prostitutes, health, recreational and family welfare; Cooperation with the voluntary welfare work; youth welfare office, child and youth welfare; foundation office, individual foundations, donations and collections of photos: Educational institutions, children's homes, kindergartens Children's sanatoriums, youth work, workplace for compulsory workers in Gaisburg, military hospitals, training workshop for metal workers Plans: offices of the welfare or Welfare Office, Cannstatt Civil Foundation, Landjahrheim Wart, children's and welfare homes, kindergartens, training workshop for metal workers, women's home in Bismarckstraße, association for children's homes Photos: mainly welfare facilities (old people's homes, nursing homes, welfare accommodations, youth homes, children's clinic) and social office facilities Duration: 1748-1985 All files are subject to a blocking period of 30 years from the end of their term; the file contains several file units with a personal blocking period. In the case of photo units, copyrights are often to be observed. Foreword: Introduction On January 1, 1873, the Reich Law on the Support Residence came into force in Württemberg. In the course of the resulting reorganization of the care of the poor, the "Armenbureau" was founded as an office for the urban poor. The tasks of this office, renamed "Armenamt" in March 1885, were laid down in the Statute for the Administration of Public Care for the Poor of 4 December 1873: 1. receiving applications for support, carrying out the necessary investigations, presenting the results of these investigations and the application to the Armdeputation, implementing the decisions of the Armdeputation. 2. to provide expert opinions on admission to state orphanages, institutions for the blind and deaf and dumb, as well as to the poor bath in Wildbad. 3. making requests for immediate financial assistance to the City Council in particularly urgent cases. 4. to order the provision of support in kind as well as food and shelter in asylum for the homeless; to give clothing to poor travellers in transit. 5. advising and supporting the deputation of the poor in asserting claims of the local local arms association for compensation of support against the legally obligated arms associations or private persons; the same applies to the imposition of compulsory labour and the initiation of compulsory education. 6. to participate in the appointment of volunteers to care for the poor. 7. the same applies to the election of the poor doctors. 8. the same applies to the election of the paid poor supervisors. 9. the supervision of the poor in public support, research into the causes of impoverishment and the measures to prevent poverty. In addition, until their unification with the Armenamt on 1 April 1910, the alms-giving service responsible for the accounting and cashier's office of the Ortsarmenverband as well as for the administration of the poor foundations and the municipal eating establishments existed. On April 1, 1913, professional guardianship was introduced, which was established as a collective guardianship. During the First World War, the Office of the Poor was given further tasks by various war welfare institutions and measures. In February 1919 the former poor people's office was renamed the "municipal welfare office". On 7 August of the same year, the municipal council decided to establish the War Welfare Office for War-Damaged Persons and War-Related Persons. The Welfare Department, whose tasks included the granting of subsistence allowances from voluntary contributions to those in need or the forwarding of those in need to the competent authority, was established on 3 February 1921. After the enactment of the Württemberg Youth Welfare Office Act of October 8, 1919, which prescribed the establishment of a youth welfare office in every official body, such an office was also established in Stuttgart on April 1, 1921. It took over all legal and voluntary tasks of the public youth welfare including the economic care for the needy youth. After the foundation office, which had existed since 1910, was dissolved as an independent office as a result of the devaluation of money by municipal council resolution of 16 August 1923, it was merged with the welfare office. On 1 January 1924, on the other hand, the social pensioner welfare was transferred from the welfare office to the war welfare office, which had already taken over the small pensioner welfare scheme on 1 September 1923, which had since been administered by the Central Administration for Charity. The welfare system underwent a major reorganisation with the entry into force of the Reichsfürsorgeverordnung (Reich Welfare Ordinance) of 1 April 1924, which separated "superior welfare" from "welfare for the poor". For this purpose, the Youth Welfare Office was merged with the War Welfare Office to form the "Welfare Office". Its jurisdiction extended to care for war-disabled persons and war survivors, pension recipients of disability and employee insurance, small and social pensioners and (since 9 October 1924) for unemployed persons and minors in need of assistance. The welfare office remained responsible for all other needy persons. On 1 April 1925, the administration of the municipal kindergartens was transferred from school administration to the welfare office. On 25 February 1929, an educational counselling centre was set up at the Youth Welfare Office; it was to deal with all educational issues and advise the municipal authorities and the population on educational matters. The Foundation Office was re-established as an independent office on 1 October 1929. A major change in the organisation of social welfare took place in 1933 when, on 1 May of the same year, the Welfare and Welfare Office was united under the name "Wohlfahrtsamt". The new Office was initially divided into the following business areas: - General welfare work (since then welfare office) - youth welfare office - war welfare - small pensioner welfare - social pensioner welfare Already in December of the same year a new division of the business circles took place: - General Administration (with Foundation Office) - Family Welfare - Welfare Office for War-Damaged Persons and Survivors - Youth Welfare Office On 1 February 1935, the municipal labour welfare service was transferred to the Welfare Office. The Welfare Office received a further increase in tasks by taking over the administration of the welfare institutions on 1 April 1939 and by setting up a department for family maintenance in September of the same year. After the end of the Second World War, with the establishment of the Social Welfare Office, welfare work was again reorganised. This newly established office got the following departments: 1. welfare office 2. youth welfare office 3. foundation office 4. office for immediate assistance (became independent on 1 September 1952 as a compensation office) On 2 February 1949 the refugee office, which had since belonged to the economic department, was integrated into the social welfare office as the fifth department, while the youth welfare office was separated from the social welfare office in 1962 and continued as an independent office. The files recorded here were handed over to the City Archives by the Social Welfare Office between 1983 and 1988, with the fact files being taken over in their entirety. Since it was not possible to take over all the individual files offered, only the files of those persons whose surnames begin with the letter "G" were kept here. The stock contains 3117 units, has a circumference of 105 running metres and is divided into the following parts: A Fürsorgerecht, Träger der öffentlichen Fürsorge B Wohlfahrtsamt (Verwaltung) C Fürsorgeleistungen des Wohlfahrtsamts D Jugendfürsorge (gesetzliche Grundlagen) E Jugendamt (Verwaltung) F Fürsorgeleistungen des Jugendamts G Stiftungsamt It was attempted to roughly restore the registry order of the former Welfare Office, since the term of most files refers to the period between 1924 and 1945. The following aspects had an aggravating effect on the order and distortion of the inventory: 1. the frequent and numerous changes in the organisation of the offices 2. several changes in the file plan (e.g. files with different contents had the same file number) 3. files which were created in the welfare office before 1924 and later continued at the welfare office received a new four-digit file number, while files which were not continued retained their old file number. The long duration of the files (from 1748 to 1985) also made it difficult to put all the files in order, although the files which arose after 1945 were mostly individual files (social assistance, tuberculosis aid, etc.). As already mentioned above, the majority of the holdings contain files from the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich, so that the social conditions of this epoch can be traced. Since the inventory was already used before the completion of the indexing work and was already quoted in publications, a concordance is attached to the repertory. Existing individual files (social assistance files, family maintenance files, etc.) are subject to special personal protection and can only be used in exceptional cases with special prior permission. Further files on the history of the poor and social system in Stuttgart are to be found in Depot A, in the holdings of the main file and in the holdings of the Foundation Office. Stuttgart in January 1993 Edited by Elke Machon 1992 Supplements to the Preface: From July to October 2006, the typewritten finding aid book on the "Social Welfare Office" holdings by Angelika Gyurcsik, supervised by Sabine Schrag and Christina Wewer, was transferred to the Augias 8 indexing program. Unusual abbreviations within the original find book were resolved. Units summarized in the original Finebook were transferred to Augias if there were more than 10 units (422-679, 1099-1131, 1281-1396, 1513-1524), if there were less than 10 units they were recorded separately. In the course of the Augias input, the stock was partly measured and tufted information replaced by cm information. In March 2015, files from the former "Armenamt", which had been wrongly kept there, were taken from the collection of newspaper clippings and incorporated into the 201/1 Social Welfare Office under the serial number 3116. According to Vermekr, the files were handed over to the archive on August 11, 1949, on the file cover sheet. One unit (No. 3117) was subsequently handed over by the Social Welfare Office in 2015. The photos were handed over to the city archives in August 2001. The shots are two roll films, 12 slides and 50 printing plates, all shots are black and white. The photos show social facilities such as old people's and nursing homes, youth homes and welfare facilities as well as schools in Stuttgart in the 1950s. The printing plates are for the most part each provided with an impression. From these as well as from the glass slides and the roll films, a PE print was subsequently made. Four printing plates are without impressions; according to the current state of knowledge, these cannot be printed any more because the small-format offset printing machines are no longer in use. Use is via the photo prints. The photos with the inventory designation FM 86 were recorded by Vera Dendler in October 2001. A typewritten finding aid was created. In December 2016, this was transferred to the Augias registry program and integrated into the 201/1 Social Welfare Office.