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Personnel files V (Inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 430/5 · Bestand · 1839-1941
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. the history of the collection: Like positions M 430/1 - 430/4, position M 430/5 forms a select position. It unites the personal documents of military officials (including military pharmacists and military clergymen) and veterinarians of the XIII army corr 'thus usually from the time after 1870/71, and arose at the latest in 1950 in the Reichsarchiv branch Stuttgart by the union of documents of numerous provenance offices. Around or after 1934, further files of Württemberg military officials were "incorporated" into him which the Reichsarchiv branch office Stuttgart apparently had received from the Reich Ministry of the Interior; in addition, individual clusters of concepts or copies of military service time certificates were occasionally classified as the Reichsarchiv branch office or (since 1937) the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart. With its remaining holdings, the holdings were transferred to the Main State Archives in Stuttgart in 1945. In the course of the reorganization of the holdings N 430/1 - 430/4 in the years 1971 - 1973 it was supplemented by individual documents or tufts which had been handed down so far in these holdings. In view of the insufficient state of order and indexing of the holdings of military provenances before 1870/71, it cannot be ruled out that in the course of the progressive reorganization of these archival records further personnel files will come to light which - because they were continued after 1870/71 - would also have to be classified in the present holdings. To what extent such files will be proceeded or how far they will remain with the holdings of the respective provenances, which generally close with the years 1870/71, has to be decided on a case-by-case basis. 1. to the order of the stock: The previously valid repertory of the Reichsarchiv branch in Stuttgart from September 1930, which probably indexed the holdings as the first finding aid, listed in alphabetical order the names of the persons about whom files were available. While the repertory usually indicated the date of birth and the official's position, it did not contain any information on the duration of the files and on the provenance points where they had grown up. The files themselves were arranged in 63 large groups according to the repertory and did not have any archive signatures in detail. In contrast, the current reorganization attempted to separate and record the written material grown up for one person at different provenance offices according to the provenance. Often, however, it was not possible to clarify the provenance of individually handed down documents (personal sheets; evidence of personal, service and income circumstances; qualification reports; proof of employment; calculations of the pensionable period of service; military passports; excerpts from rankings; service certificates in some of which the remains of cashed records can be seen, the provenance of which is not clearly clarified; where information about this is missing in the title entries, it is therefore usually written material of this kind.The main part of the holdings has grown up in the military offices of Württemberg. As Appendix 1 shows, however, it also includes numerous non-Württemberg military and civilian provenance sites. These files were handed over to Württemberg authorities when the officials and veterinarians concerned transferred to Württemberg services and were in most cases continued there. In order not to fragment again the personnel documents united in the inventory, however, now also not continued files remained incorporated into the inventory. To the current new listing it is to be noticed that from the first names of the officials and veterinarians only the call name is indicated, as far as necessary and possible, it became and. These additions are indicated by square brackets. Of the official positions, only the most recently reached is given; however, titles and, in the case of formerly active officers who have transferred to the military administration, the former military rank are also given. For the same reason, the wording "widow's allowance for N.N." is used uniformly in numerous therein and contained notes, even if it concerns the regulation of a pension or the granting of orphans' pensions, invalidity pensions, war allowances and the like for the widows and orphans of civil servants. The index added at the end of this section lists the subjects, places and persons covered by the title recordings, with the exception of the provenance sites where the files have grown up, and the names, titles and positions of the individual officials and their families. The collection comprises 2908 tufts (14 m). After extensive preparatory work by the archivist Herrmann, supervised by the undersigned, it was recorded from spring 1975 to autumn 1976 by Oberstaatsarchivrat Dr. Fischer, who also prepared the repertory. Stuttgart, February 1977(Fischer) 3rd Appendix I: List of provenances represented in the collection: I. Württemberg Army1. Military AdministrationMinistry of WarHigh War CourtIntendantur XIII. A. K.Deputy Intendantur XIII. A. K.Intendantur of the 26th DivisionIntendantur of the 27th DivisionMontierugsdepot HeilbronnClothing Department XIII. A. K.War Clothing Department XIII. A. K.Artillery depot LudwigsburgProviantamt LudwigsburgProviantamt StuttgartProviantamt UlmGarnisonsverwaltung HohenaspergGarnisonsverwaltung LudwigsburgGarnisonsverwaltung UlmMilitär-Bauamt II LudwigsburgMilitär-Neubauamt CannstattMilitär-Neubauamt EsslingenSanitätsamt XIII. A. K.Garnisonslazarett StuttgartUnteroffozoer-Vorbildungsanstalt Ellwangen2. Commandos, Staffs, TroopsDeputy General Command XIII. A. K.Corps General Physician XIII. A. K.Fortress Command and Barracks Administration HohenaspergCourt of 26th DivisionCourt of 27th Division DivisionAuditor of the Garrison UlmDistrict Command BiberachDistrict Command CalwDistrict Command EhingenDistrict Command EllwangenDistrict Command EsslingenDistrict Command GmündDistrict Command HallDistrict Command HeilbronnDistrict Command HorbDistrict Command LeonbergDistrict Command LudwigsburgDistrict Command MergentheimDistrict Command RavensburgDistrict Command ReutlingenDistrict Command RottweilDistrict Command StuttgartDistrict Command I StuttgartDistrict Command II StuttgartDistrict Command UlmGrenadier-Regiment No. 119Infantry Regiment No. 120Füsilier Regiment No. 122Replacement Battalion Infantry Regiment No. 126Infantry Regiment No. 127Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 121Replacement Battalion Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 121Spare Battalion Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 246Spare Battalion Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 119Spare Battalion Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 126Dragonese Regiment No. 26Spare Eskadron Ulanen Regiment No. 19II. Replacement Department Field Artillery Regiments No. 13II. Replacement Department Field Artillery Regiments No. 29Replacement Battalion Foot Artillery Regiments No. 13Pioneer Battalion No. 13Minenwerfer-Kompagnie No. 254Württ. Phone Department No. 204News Replacement Department No. 13Train Department No. 13Train Replacement Department No. 13Field Post Expedition No. 754Field Post Expedition No. 796Field Post Expedition No. 9853. AbwicklungsungsstellenHeeresabwicklungsamt WürttembergAbwicklungsintendantur XIII. A. K.Abwicklungsstelle des Bekleidungsamts XIII. A. K.Abwicklungsstelle des Füsilier-Regiments Nr. 122Abwicklungsstelle des Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 126II. Preußisches Heer1. Military AdministrationMinistry of WarDirectorate I.A.K.Directorate II.A.K.Directorate III.A.K.Directorate IV. A. K. Directorate V. A. K. Directorate VIII. A. K. Directorate X. A. K.Intendantur XI. A. K.Intendantur XIV. A. K.Intendantur XV. A. K.Intendantur XVI. A. K.Intendantur 12. DivisionIntendantur 16. DivisionIntendantur 20. DivisionIntendantur 21. DivisionIntendantur 22. DivisionIntendantur 29. DivisionIntendantur 30. DivisionIntendantur 31. DivisionFieldIntendantur 56. DivisionGGIntendantur 56. DivisionGIntendantur 12. DivisionIntendantur 16. DivisionIntendantur 20. DivisionIntendantur 21. DivisionIntendantur 22. DivisionIntendantur 29. DivisionIntendantur 30. DivisionIntendantur 31. DivisionIntendantur 56. DivisionGIntendantur 6. DivisionGIntendantur 12. A. Commandos, Staffs, TroopsDistrict Command BremenDistrict Command DonaueschingenDistrict Command HeidelbergDistrict Command PotsdamDistrict Command StockachDistrict Command StrasbourgGeneral Command XV. A. K. Airship Replacement Department No. 3Dissolution Command Airship Battalions No. 4Train Replacement Department No. 10III. Bavarian ArmyDistrict Command Ans Ans Ans Answer District Command. Field Artillery Regiment IV Imperial Armed Forces and Imperial Authorities1. Reichswehra) Military Administration:ReichswehrministeriumReichswehrbefehlsstelle WürttembergWehrkreisommando VIntendantur des Wehrkreisises VHeeresanwaltschaft bei der 5. DivisionReichsbekleidungsamt LudwigsburgReichsverpflegungsamt LudwigsburgReichsverpflegungsamt StuttgartHeeresunterkunftsamt StuttgartHeeresunterkunftsamt TübingenWirtschafts- und Rechnungsamt der Nachrichten-Abteilung 5Heeresarchiv Stuttgartb) Troops Brigade News Division 132. ReichsbehördenReichsministerium des InnernReichsschatzministeriumReichsarchivbranstelle StuttgartReichsdisziplinarkammer für WürttembergReichspensionsamt - Department WürttembergLeichsvermögensamt LudwigsburgLeichsvermögensamt StuttgartLandesfinanzamt StuttgartHauptversorgungsamt StuttgartVersorgungsstelle BiberachVersorgungsstelle EhingenVersorgungsamt GmündVersorgungsamt HeilbronnVersorgungsamt HorbVersorgungsamt LudwigsburgVersorgungsstelle StockachVersorgungsamt StuttgartVersorgungsamt Ulm