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Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 3-R.1.g. · Bestand · 1886 - 1955
Teil von State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Colonial Policy - Colonial Legislation - Protectorate Act - Reichskolonialamt - Colonial Service - Colonial Procurement - Schutztruppe - Togo, Cameroon, D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a, D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Herero Uprising - Railway Construction - Colonial and Settlement Societies - Kiautschou/Tsingtau - Caroline Islands, Palau Islands and Mariana Islands - Colonial Policy and Research under National Socialist Rule - Position of Bremen in the Colonial Movement, especially Institute of Colonial Research

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 2-M.6. · Bestand
Teil von State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Foundation of the North German Confederation, also election to the first Reichstag, 1866-1871 - Emperor and Imperial House 1868-1902 - Constitution 1866-1885 - Trade and traffic conditions 1867-1875 - Postal conditions, in particular post and telegraph facilities in Bremen, 1867-1910 - Railways 1868-1897 - Customs 1866-1900 - Stock Exchange Act 1891-1904 - Shipping to sea 1867-1901 - Seamen's Association and Seamen's Regulations 1867-1902 - Maritime Marks, Reichskanzler 1867-1901 - Bundesrat, in particular Bremischer Bevmächtigter beim Bundesrat, 1867-1933 - Reichstag, in particular Reichstag elections in Bremen, 1867-1918 - Various matters in the fields of legislation and administration, in particular passwords 1867-1871, civil status and marriage 1868-1891, Insurance 1877-1903, measures and weights 1868-1897, emigration 1891-1903, trade regulations 1867-1908, statistics 1867-1900, labour law 1914-1928 - Franco-German War 1870/71, in particular measures to protect the Weser and claims for compensation for angry ships, 1870-1897 - Colonialism 1885-1907

7,2001 Afrikahaus J. K. Vietor (Bestand)
Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 7,2001 · Bestand · 1862 - 1932
Teil von State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Explanation: The company was run under this name as its own business since 1888 by Johann Karl Vietor, but was able to make use of the branches in Ghana, Togo, Dahomey, Cameroon, Liberia and Guinea, which had been founded by other members of the Vietor family since 1857. After the severe setback in the First World War, the company was rebuilt in Liberia, Ghana and Togo, but this was destroyed by the world economic crisis, so that the company died out in 1932. It was partly in close contact with other companies co-founded by J. K. Vietor. Content: Business papers before the First World War, in particular land purchases, inventories, insurance of factories in Togo (Anedlo, Palime, Lomé), in Ghana (Keta) and in Dahomey (Porto Novo) - Complete company registration after the First World War, in particular Reich compensation for war and colonial damage, correspondence with other companies and own branches - Liquidation