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Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 2-M.6. · Bestand
Teil von State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Foundation of the North German Confederation, also election to the first Reichstag, 1866-1871 - Emperor and Imperial House 1868-1902 - Constitution 1866-1885 - Trade and traffic conditions 1867-1875 - Postal conditions, in particular post and telegraph facilities in Bremen, 1867-1910 - Railways 1868-1897 - Customs 1866-1900 - Stock Exchange Act 1891-1904 - Shipping to sea 1867-1901 - Seamen's Association and Seamen's Regulations 1867-1902 - Maritime Marks, Reichskanzler 1867-1901 - Bundesrat, in particular Bremischer Bevmächtigter beim Bundesrat, 1867-1933 - Reichstag, in particular Reichstag elections in Bremen, 1867-1918 - Various matters in the fields of legislation and administration, in particular passwords 1867-1871, civil status and marriage 1868-1891, Insurance 1877-1903, measures and weights 1868-1897, emigration 1891-1903, trade regulations 1867-1908, statistics 1867-1900, labour law 1914-1928 - Franco-German War 1870/71, in particular measures to protect the Weser and claims for compensation for angry ships, 1870-1897 - Colonialism 1885-1907

Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 5,1/1 · Bestand · 1868 - 1938
Teil von State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Administration of services, personnel, cash management and accounting - Collection of legal provisions and decrees, including judicial decisions on postal, telegraphic and telephone services - International postal agreements and treaties with individual states - Supervision and regulation of postal services, organisation of subordinate postal and telegraph institutions - German postal institutions abroad, especially in German New Guinea, on the Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Palau Islands and Marshall Islands, on Samoa and in Shanghai - relations of the Oberpostdirektion with shipping companies, railway companies and forwarding agents - postal statistics - postal traffic with overseas countries, also establishment of postal steamship lines - air and rail postal services - radio and radio broadcasting