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Archival description
Staatsarchiv Bremen (STAB), 2-Q.9. · Fonds
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Content: Origin and development of Bremerhaven 1825-1862 - Acquisition and expansion of the port area 1824-1845 - Border regulations, sovereignty issues and expansion of the area 1827-1876 - Battery (Fort Wilhelm) and other military rights of Hanover and Hanover respectively Prussia 1820-1872 - Relations to Lehe, transit traffic and road construction between Bremen and Bremerhaven through Hanoverian territory 1827-1873 - Land acquisition and settlement for the establishment of a port at the Geeste estuary by Hanover 1817-1830 - Organisation, construction and extension of the port facilities: Old Port 1826-1878, New Port 1845-1872, Imperial Port 1871-1900, Imperial Port II and III 1900-1908 - Deputation at Bremerhaven, Deputation for the ports and port facilities, Deputation for the ports and railways, in particular protocols 1827-1891 - Accounting books of the Deputation and the Office of Bremerhaven, Budgets and accounts 1828-1920 - Port inventory lists, lists of ships lying in port 1833-1842 - Port staff, in particular Port Director Jacob Johann van Ronzelen and Carl Friedrich Hanckes, Hafenmeister, Schleusenmeister und -knechte, Hafenlotsen 1827-1902 - Amtmann und Amtsassessor, especially reports of the Amtmänner Johann Heinrich Castendyk, Johann Thulesius, Georg Wilhelm Gröning und Friedrich August Schultz 1827-1904 - Rechnungswesen und Visitationen des Amts 1829-1887 - Amtsschreiber, Police commissioners, police dragons, tax collectors and other officials 1827-1898 - lawyers, notaries, consuls and consular agents, auctioneers 1831-1904 - laws and regulations 1826-1901 - taxes and duties 1834-1874 - port authorities, Port regulations, port dues 1827-1902 - Public land, buildings and facilities, including the office building and port house, ferries and bridges, shipyards and ship berths, emigration centre, fire brigade, water supply, road construction and sewage system, gas station, cemetery 1829-1910 - settlement, Cultivation and trade, in particular allocation of building sites, basic letters, trade supervision, guilds 1827-1925 - administration of justice and police, including criminal investigation of the dynamite attack against the steamship ''Mosel'' (1875) 1827-1902 - municipal constitution and administration, Community Citizenship, Accounting 1837-1902 - General Church Relations 1827-1866, Unierte Gemeinde 1833-1903, Meiergefälle from Walle and Gröpelingen 1758-1852, Lutheran Community (Kreuzkirche) 1862-1902, Catholic community (Marienkirche) 1849-1902 - school system 1827-1897 - poor system 1836-1881 - medical system 1827-1901 - markets 1852-1890 - death and support funds, associations, municipal savings bank 1862-1907 - military conditions, quartering 1869-1884

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 80.19 · Fonds · 1829-1954
Part of Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remarks History of the authorities: 1855 June Establishment of an independent "Princely Forest Directorate" 1897 June Integration into the Rentkammer as "Forest Department" 1921 April Directorate of Domains and Forests, Forest Department 1924 August Lippische Regierung, Forest Department 1934 October Lippische Regierung Abt. II, Staatsforstverwaltung 1936 June The Reich Governor in Lippe and Schaumburg-L., Landesregierung Lippe, ... 1945 April Lippische Landesregierung, Abteilung II, Landesforstverwaltung 1948 Nov. 1948 Transfer of the forestry department to the Landesverband Lippe (company about the unification of the state of Lippe with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and company about the Landesverband Lippe, both from 05.11.1948) The tasks of the state forestry administration were 1. in the exercise of the sovereign rights of the state with regard to forestry, hunting and fishing 2. in the management of state-owned forestry Even at the end of World War I, forestry sovereign activity was based on the "Ordinance on the Management of Private and Community Timber" of 1819 (Landesverordnungen Bd. 6, p. 459 ff.); there was no forestry law. With the establishment of the Forest Directorate in 1855, a service instruction for foresters and forest marksmen was issued (see L 94 No. 42) and the division into 13 senior forest rangers (later amended several times) as well as official and service designations were determined. At the beginning of the year 1919 the old Domanial forest administration still existed with the 8 upper foresteries Hiddesen (2132 ha), Berlebeck (3093 ha), (Kohlstädt-)Horn resp. Oesterholz (2940 ha), Schieder (2935 ha), Falkenhagen (2713 ha), Sternberg (1913 ha), Langenholzhausen (1806 ha) and Detmold (672 ha), altogether 35 foresteries with an area of approx. 18,200 ha. - Hiddesen was the former Oberförsterei Lopshorn with seat in the Heidental (renaming 15.11.1918), Langenholzhausen the previous Obf. Varenholz with headquarters in Langenholzhausen, Detmold was called Diestelbruch until 30.05.1912. The seat of the Obf. Oesterholz was renamed to Obf. Horn moved from Oesterholz hunting lodge to the city on 01.08.1927 (Official Gazette No. 62), in 1929 the seat of the Obf. Sternberg into the castle Brake; in addition the merger of Sternberg and Detmold to the Obf took place to 01.01.1929. Brake. By the Domanialvertrag of 31.10.1919 the princely house received the Oberförsterei Berlebeck with the four foresteries Hirschberg, Hirschsprung, Hartröhren and Kreuzkrug. The main task of the State Forestry Administration in the 1920s was the step from administration to "operation", which was caused by modern economic development. The corresponding documentation therefore also takes up a great deal of space. In October 1934, the names of the authorities, offices and services were redefined on the basis of the new regulations introduced in Prussia (see current No. 592). Oberförsterei became Forstamt, Försterei became Revierförsterei. The chief forester became a land forester, a state chief forester a forester, a forester a district forester. Former auxiliary foresters were now called foresters, forest assistants auxiliary foresters, foresters and forest apprentices forest candidates (for administrative service / operational service). Until 1921 the forestry administration was housed in the building of the Fürstliche Forstdirektion, Hornsche Str. 66, built in 1866. After its sale to the company Gebr. Klingenberg, the offices were moved on 1 October to the converted building of the former Fürstliches Marstall am Schlossplatz / Rosenthal (see L 94 No. 10). In June 1924, the company moved again to the government building at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz and in August it was incorporated as the Lippische Regierung, Forstabteilung (see current no. 597). Julius Feye was the first "forester" of Lippe until his death in October 1896. From May 1897 until his death on 18.04.1925, Oberlandforstmeiser Alois Baldenecker, formerly Prussian Oberförster from Neukirchen, Kassel district, headed the Lippe forestry administration. He was followed by Alfred Reier from Syke near Bremen as a land forester from March 1926 onwards, after provisional management by forester Karl Schmidt from Hiddesen, but he was already retired at the end of July 1933 before reaching the age of 65 (he was born on 18.06.1879) "in order to simplify the state government". The aforementioned forester Schmidt was now to head the state forestry administration in addition to his head forester Hiddesen. However, since it soon turned out that it was impossible to exercise both offices, Dr. Köster, a trainee forestry officer, was hired by the Hiddesen forestry office from November 1935. Schmidt (*15.11.1871) held his office as land forester until shortly before he reached the age of 67 (October 1938), but resumed his duties when his successor Fritz Murmann from Bielefeld was drafted for military service and finally - after an interim U.K. position - fell in December 1942. It was not until 1 March 1946 that Schmidt finally retired, after Alfred Hirsekorn, the Lord Forester from Rinkerode, had been appointed the provisional head of the State Forestry Administration in January of the same year. However, he made his office available in May and was replaced by Otto Wahl from Celle. About 9/10 of the holdings (No. 1-878) originate from the addition 47/1976, which was arranged according to the file plan introduced in 1927 ("conversion of the forest department's registry according to the state budget", see current No. 590) and was valid until the files were handed over to the Landesverband Lippe in 1949. Nos. 879-892 came into the house as entrance 37/1962, No. 893-971 were already signed as L 80 II c No. 1-9, but not listed. At the beginning of 2003, 27 business diaries (journals) were discovered on the access floor (Nos. 972-998). The files essentially cover the period from the creation of the new department registries in 1924 (see current No. 597 and L 75 IV / 1 No. 20) until the transition to the forest department of the regional association; many file covers bear the note "angelegt 1927". Previous files are in stock L 94 (Forstdirektion); continued files or files created only in 1950 and later were assigned to stock D 110. The transfer of file management to the LVL proved to be extremely blurred. The forest department of the government existed until 1949. Very many files contain still some few documents from the years 1950-1951, rarely also 1952. These files were left, if the contents had developed far predominantly in the years until 1949, with the existence L 80.19, since otherwise only one torso would have remained. Obviously, the LVL created new files from 1951/52 and transferred the old registry to the State Archives in 1976. The above-mentioned file plan formed the basis for the order of the inventory, which, however, required numerous changes. General files on the establishment and organisation of the forest administration, for example, ranked 7th among the title groups. Different groups of files had to be grouped or subdivided. Nos 879 et seq. could easily be attributed to the positions of the file plan used. Although the main task of the forest administration was the management of the state forest, the collection also offers a wealth of contemporary historical sources, e.g. for the use of prisoners of war, environmental pollution (fisheries control), tourism, state economic policy (Dörentruper Sand- und Thonwerke, Holzverkohlung Schieder), buildings such as the "Krumme Haus" and the silver mill; - during the Nazi era there were numerous points of contact with the party and various Nazi organizations. Sources: - D 72 Brakemeier no. 2 and 3 (estate of Wilhelm Brakemeier, chief forester in Brake) - L 80.19 no. 590-593, 597 - L 75 IV. 1 no. 20 - L 76 no. 206 (personnel matters, etc.) leitende Forstbeamte) - Die Lippische Landesverwaltung in der Nachkriegszeit, ed. v. Heinrich Drake, Detmold 1932 (Dienstbibliothek C 303) - Lippisches Staatshandbuch (im Lippischen Kalender, Dienstbibliothek A 255) Detmold, Mai 2003 gez. Arno Schwinger P.S.: In July 2005, the addition 35/2004 - Nos. 999-1087 - was added (mainly real estate, land register and cadastral matters as well as redemptions); in June 2009, Nos. 1088 (from L 93 !!) and 1089-1112 (from L 94) were allocated to the L 80.19 portfolio on account of their term and recorded here. signed Arno Schwinger It is to quote: L 80.19 Order number

Old and new station plans
45/1 · File · ca. 1900-1910
Part of State Archives Bremen (STAB) (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Collection of site plans of the plots in Togo, 12 pieces of different execution and size, mostly undated; plans of the construction of the church in Lomé, approx. 20 pieces, approx. 1905-1910 - Note: Lots in folder.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 32508 · File · 1904 - 1919
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

122 sheets, Contains and others: - Foundation of a high altar for the St. Joseph Church built by the St. Benedictus Mission Society St. Ottilien in Dar es Salaam by Wilhelm II, 1904/1905 - Relocation of the headquarters of the Protestant Mission Society for German East Africa from Berlin to Bethel near Bielefeld, 1906 - Appointment of the Governor of German East Africa, Albrecht von Rechenberg, as representative of Wilhelm II at the solemn consecration of the high altar of St. Wilhelm's Church in Berlin. Josephskirche in Daressalam, 1908 - Approval of a support for the education of the children of the missionaries of the Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1909 - Approval of the donation contract concluded between the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen and the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika for a property located in Lüderitzbucht as well as approval of the acquisition of a property in Windhoek by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen, 1909 - The first edition of the newspaper "Rafifki yangu" ("My Friend"), published by the Catholic Mission Dar es Salaam in January 1910, is sent with the editorial for Wilhelm II's birthday. by the Bishop and Apostolic Vicar of Dar es Salaam Thomas Spreiter OSB [with explanations on the Kiswahili language and the translation of the editorial], 1910 - Approval of the acquisition by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen of the farm "Gaub" located in German Southwest Africa, 1910 - Approval of the acquisition of the farms "Omburo" in the district of Omaruru and "Ouises" in the district of Rehoboth, situated in German Southwest Africa, as well as of land in Usakos by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen, 1910 - Approval of the acquisition of the farm "Korab-Ost" by the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen, 1910 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4. Class to the Director of the North German Mission Society in Bremen August Wilhelm Schreiber and award of the Crown Order 4th Class to the missionaries Jakob Spieth and Gottlob Däuble in Togo, 1911 - Approval of the acquisition of a property of the Berlin Mission Society in Berlin situated in Dar es Salaam by the Mission Institute of the Protestant Brotherhood in Herrnhut, 1911 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 3rd Class to the Apostolic Provicar and Vicar General (ret.) Stephan Baur in Zanzibar, 1912 - Approval of the proposals of the Protestant and Catholic committees for the distribution of the national donation for the Christian missions in the German colonies and protectorates (Kaiser Wilhelm donation for the Christian missions in the German colonies and protectorates), 1913 - Assumption of the protectorate via the foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe" and delegation of a member to the board of the foundation, 1913 - Draft of the constitution of the foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe". Berlin] [1913] (print) - Constitution of the Foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe" of 6 December 1913. [Berlin] [1913] (print) - List of members of the Administrative Council of the Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe. Berlin [1913] (print) - permission of the foundation "Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe" as well as appointment of the Oberhofprediger D. Ernst Dryander as member of the board, 1913 - permission of the Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft in Barmen to acquire pasture land at the southwest border of the farm "Ghaub" and the farm "S 37" in the district Grootfontein, 1914; archives closed for conservation reasons! Digitalization available!