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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 237 Zugang 1967-19 · Bestand · 1933-1945 (-1968)
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Content: With the "Verordnung über die Anmeldung des jüdischen Vermögens" (Ordinance on the Registration of Jewish Property) of 26 April 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt 1938 I 414 f.), legal transactions with which Jews made dispositions over certain parts of their property became subject to approval. The main licensing authority in Baden was the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economics. The ¿Ordinance on the Use of Jewish Property¿ of 3 December 1938 (Reichsgesetzblatt 1938 I, pp. 1709-1712) tightened this regulation in such a way that the licensing authority could expressly force the lawful owners to sell certain assets. In addition to ownership of commercial enterprises, real estate and securities, such conditions were also imposed on works of art with a value of over 1000 Reichsmark. The present inventory contains files on those individual cases in which the Baden Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs approved or instructed the so-called "aryanisation" of assets (predominantly commercial enterprises and real estate). There are also applications from individual citizens for the acquisition of companies or properties whose "Aryanization" was planned. There is also evidence of files on companies that had been victims of boycott measures against Jewish companies in 1933 as well as lists of controlled assets from the period after 1945.Karlsruhe, in February 2016Lutz Bannert Inventory history: The documents of the present inventory came to the General State Archive (access 1967-19) as a delivery from the Karlsruhe Regional Council and initially formed the inventory 505 "Aryanization files". Because these files were mainly created at the Baden Ministry of Finance and Economics, they were re-signed at the end of the 1990s to 237 entries 1967-19. Files with a term beginning after 1945 were created at successor authorities of the Ministry of Finance, i.e. at the President of the State District of Baden, Economics Department, or at the Economics Department of the North Baden Regional Council. They contain negative responses to requests from restitution authorities, courts and Jewish successor organizations for "Aryanization" files. Due to the connection in content with the files of the Ministry of Finance, they were left in their present form. Access to the files was provided by a file that was converted at the end of 2015 and then processed into an online finding aid. Karlsruhe, February 2016Dr. Martin Stingl