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Autograph collection (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Mainz, AS · Sammlung · 1499-2005
Teil von City Archive Mainz (Archivtektonik)

Over 850 letters from important personalities in politics, art and literature, including Georg Forster, Napoléon I. Bonaparte, Thomas Mann, Anna Seghers, Richard Wagner and Carl Zuckmayer The reorganization of the letter collection by Janet Nett was completed in September 1978. In contrast to the old order, in which there were often up to 80 letters in an envelope under one number, the new order included each letter individually, assigned a number and placed it in an envelope. Letters that clearly came from the archive's estates were returned to them (Vogt, Kindlinger, Rheinisch Naturforschende Gesellschaft). This reduced the original number of letters by about half, from about 1400 to 700 September 1978, net.