14 Treffer anzeigen

NL 162 · Bestand
Teil von Leipzig University Library

Correspondence with Franz Michael Felder, travel diary of Felder (1867); work manuscripts of Felder; material for the care of Felder's work, correspondence Hildebrands with Johann Georg Waibel, correspondence Hildebrands with Wilhelm Hamm, letters from Hermann Sander to Hildebrand, correspondence with Kaspar Moosbrugger, letters from Kaspar Moosbrugger to other persons, letters from Hildebrand to Jakob Felder and other persons.

Ms.0888/1025 · Akt(e) · 1888-11-26
Teil von Leipzig University Library

Reports about the state of the family in Zittau. Reports about a lecture by Ernst [Speck] about Emin Pascha as well as about a concert of the Gymnasialchor. Writes about the last Sunday of the dead. Share news from Julius [Schramm].

NL 254/3/1/Pl-Rei/71 · Akt(e) · 1882-01-28
Teil von Leipzig University Library

Regrets that Stieda could not give his strength to "Ausland" for the time being; joy at Stieda's memory of meetings; return of [Max] Buchner; fragmentation of the former museum circle (departure of Dr. Graff to Aschaffenburg; broken leg of Renouf); meetings with Rudolph Oldenbourg; longing for life in a smaller town; intention to visit him in Dorpat and his friends in Petersburg; hopes for Stieda's visit in Munich and mentions his two daughters.

Letter from Gustav Ruprecht to Eduard Zarncke
NL 249/1/V/59 · Akt(e) · 1912-12-27
Teil von Leipzig University Library

Par. critically notes that in the latest issue of the magazine of the addressee, the book of Paul Rohrbach "The German thought in the world" is displayed; par. suggests to the counter-script "The German thought in the world. To point out a critical appreciation of the book of the same name by "Paul Rohrbach" by Friedrich Siebert from Munich, which was published in the Verl. "The book by Siebert contains a well-founded criticism of the still missing correct sense of German style, and on the use of a Latin script for such a book.

Letter from Siegfried Passarge to Wilhelm Stieda
NL 254/3/1/O-Pa/53 · Akt(e) · 1910-12-17
Teil von Leipzig University Library

Request for information on [Victor] Ehrenberg regarding a second Ordinariate for National Economy; report on different views within the Appeals Commission (reliable vs. superficial writer); request for feedback on his judgement on [Ludwig] Pohle until the meeting on July 3.