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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, XII. HA, I, Nr. 156a · Akt(e) · 1934 - 1945
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Enth: - 1934: No. 214 (among others Hitler at Hindenburg's hospital camp) No. 215 (among others Hindenburg's death - Hitler calls the people to a vote on August 19) - 1935: No. 142 (including Hitler on Germany's attitude to world politics - duration of military service fixed at one year) - 1937: No. 257 (including Hitler's rousing congress speech against the Jewish-Bolshevik world threat) No. 365 (supplement: Chronicle of the World Political Year 1937) - 1938: No. 52 (Hitler's great speech, his message to the people and the world: gigantic successes in all fields - Party and Wehrmacht filled with fanatical will - recognition of Manchukuo - understanding with German-Austria - etc. ...) No. 72 (including the seizure of power in Vienna), only supplement No. 76 (including Hitler's triumphal entry into Berlin after annexation of Austria) No. 94 (only supplement: Dietrich Eckart celebration in Neumarkt) No. 100 (only supplement: Hitler again in Vienna) No. 124 (only supplement: Die Wehrmacht des italienischen Imperiums ) - Florenz - die Kunststadt am Arno) No. 127 (including Czech State Police continues to beat down Sudeten Germans - Rome under the sign of the fascist Wehrmacht and the Dopolavoro Festival) No. 201 (only supplement: The Beginning of the Spanish War - Hungary's Attachment to the Axis) No. 221 (only supplement: Moscow/Prague, the Threat against Peace) No. 269 (among others Hitler in the Sports Palace / Mussolini in Vicenza - pronunciation Chamerlain/Daladier) - 1939: No. 234 (including Non-Aggression Pact Germany/Soviet Union - Falange and Army in New Spain) No. 235 (only supplement: Danzigs Kampf ein Rechtskampf - Heldenehrung am Yserkreuz - Flüchtlinge aus Oberschlesien) No. 237 (including Poland's Army Ready to Defeat - War Preparations at the Whole German-Polish Border) No. 239 (including All Poland in War Fever - Chaos in Upper Silesia) No. 245 (among other things, fight against Poland recorded) No. 251 (only supplement: Hitler on the Eastern Front) No. 259 (among other things, Chamberlain convicted of conscious lie - Further advance in Poland - Hitler in Galicia) No. 262 (among other things, agreement between Berlin and Moscow over Poland - Polish campaign before the end) No. 271 (including Warsaw capitulated unconditionally - German-Soviet Russian changes) No. 273 (including Europe's Hour of Fate - Western powers bear responsibility for war or peace) No. 276 (only supplement: Unmistakable spoils of war) No. 276 (only supplement: "The Pact of War") 277 (only supplement: Ritterlicher Handelskrieg der deutschen Kriegsmarine) No. 303 (inter alia Swiss Government rejects London's lies because of alleged German plans of attack against Switzerland) No. 305 (inter alia Mussolini "replaces the guard" - Brauchitsch: Germany militarily and economically invincible) No. 306 (only supplement: among other things liberty demonstration in the new Warthegau No. 307 (only supplement: integration of former West Prussian territories into the new Reichsgau Danzig; celebration hour in the Marienburg) No. 306 (only supplement: among other things liberty demonstration in the new Warthegau No. 307; only supplement: integration of former West Prussian territories into the new Reichsgau Danzig; celebration hour in the Marienburg) 308 (e.g. German-Russian resettlement in the border areas - Hertzog's bitter declaration of war on Smuts) No. 311 (e.g. England planned bombing of Germany as early as 1936 - military parade on Red Square) No. 312 (among others German-Russian friendship serves the common interests of both powers) No. 347 (only supplement: The contents of the German White Paper/England's criminal policy destroyed the peace of Europe) No. 365 (only supplement: on the prehistory of the Second World War) - 1940: No. 27 (only supplement: military service plan of the HJ - Romania vigilantly pursues England's intrigues - British intrigues in South America) No. 44 (German-Russian economic agreement signed) No. 47 (only supplement: Thus London putschte the Polish rulers up) No. 53 (only supplement: British brutality against defenceless) No. 54 (only supplement: 10th anniversary of the death of Horst Wessels) No. 89 (among others the French peace plan - Darré to Budapest) No. 94 (among others Reynaud on the French-English war aims - VB discussion with Kennedy) No. 236 (among others Vollste Bewährung der deutsch-Russischen Zusammenarbeit - Wie Deutschland den Krieg finanziert)) No. 236 (among others full probation of the German-Russian cooperation - How Germany finances the war) No. 236 (among others Germany finances the war) 256 (inter alia mad game of the London war criminals - Growing difficulties in burning London) No. 257 (inter alia Göring on the Channel coast - 100 new fires in London) No. 265 (inter alia attack on Heidelberg - New fires in Liverpool - Luxembourg is German) No. 265 (inter alia attack on Heidelberg - New fires in Liverpool - Luxembourg is German) No. 265 (inter alia Göring on the Channel coast - 100 new fires in London) No. 265 (inter alia attack on Heidelberg - New fires in Liverpool - Luxembourg is German) No. 265 (inter alia Göring on the Channel coast - 100 new fires in Liverpool - Luxembourg is German) No. 265 (inter alia Göring on the Channel coast - 100 new fires in London) No. 265 (inter alia attack on Heidelberg - New fires in Liverpool - Luxembourg is German) No. 283 (among others gravedigger Churchill - reunion with Metz) No. 320 (only supplement: German volunteers in Italian East Africa) - 1941: No. 201 (only supplement: Bolshevik women shotguns - Romania celebrates liberation of Bessarabia) No. 253 (among others German flag over Kiev - heaviest Russian losses - paralyzing bewilderment in London) No. 264 (among other things help for Moscow physically limited) No. 283 (among other things campaign in the east decided - the military end of Bolshevism) No. 284 (among other things England's illusions destroyed by the catastrophe of the Soviet armies - southern Italy's new face) No. 286 (among other things in the east further ahead - radio: new tasks in the east) No. 288 (including over 3 million prisoners - England's aid: lies and promises) No. 306 (including Roosevelt's documents - grossest forgeries) No. 61 (only supplement and addendum: Bulgaria, new partner in the Three-Power Pact) - 1944: No. 245/247, 249/250 (only supplementary sheets: Sündermann zur Vorgeschichte des 3.9.1939 "Der erzwungene Krieg", a series, also 253 No. 222 (among others the judgement of the Volksgerichtshof on July 20) No. 259 (among others The American large-scale attack - fights in the run-up to the Western defence - backers in the spotlight) No. 260 (among other things the new measures for the total war operation - backers in the spotlight) No. 311 (among other things the battle in Lorraine continues - Russian freedom movement under General Wlassow) - 1945: No. 42 (among other things Moscow deported German workers) No. 46 (among other things Stalin dictated in Yalta permanent war - between Mosel and Saar) j ;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Meinecke, F., Nr. 22 · Akt(e) · 1893 - 1949
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Enth.: - Lenel, Otto (103-109), 1911-1927 - Lenel, Paul (110-117), 1896-1915 - Lenel, Walter (118-147), 1908-1924 - Lennhoff, Ernst (148-150), 1910-1915 - Lennox, Richmond (151-162), 1918-1925 - Lenz, Friedrich (163-167), 1897-1948 - Lenz, Max (168-186), 1893-1924 - Leptien, Hans (187), 1946 - Lerche, Dr. (188), 1947 - Lettow-Vorbeck, Oskar v. (189-193), 1893-1894 - Leverkühn, August (194), 1893 - Levisohn, Wilhelm (195), 1911 - Lewald, Theodor (196-198), 1942-1945 - Lewalter, Ernst (199-200), 1947 (see also: "Kurier", Berlin) - The Liberal International, (World-Liberal-Union) (201-205), 1947 - "Liberal Association" (206-209), 1925 (see also: Pachnicke, Hermann; Schiffer, Eugen) - Liberaler Verein Charlottenburg (210), 1915 - Liberaler Verein Freiburg (211), 1919 - Lichtenberger, Henri (212), 1922 - Love, Georg (213-214), 1893 - Lieber, K., "Fraternity Saravia" (215-221), 1908-1915 - Liebermann, Felix (222), 1893 - Liebert, Arthur (223-228), 1912-1923 - Liessmann, Elisabeth (229), 1926 - Lietzmann, Hans (230-232), 1908-1925 - Lindner, Theodor (233-234), 1893 - Linnebach (235), 1910 - Linvald, Theodor (236), 1923 - Lipgens, Walter (237-238), 1946-1949 - Lippischer Lehrer-Verein (239), 1922 - Lippmann, Rose of (240), 1915 - Lithuanian legation (241), 1923 - Lithuanian chancellery (242) (see also: Timm, Ernst) - Littmann, Enno (243-244), 1913 - Litzmann, Berthold (245), 1895.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 172 · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)
  1. Behördengeschichte In der Völkerschlacht bei Leipzig (16. - 19. Oktober 1813) fügten die alliierten Truppen, zu denen auch preußische Verbände gehörten, Napoleon eine verheerende Niederlage zu. König Friedrich August I. von Sachsen, ein Verbündeter Napoleons, geriet bei der Erstürmung der Stadt Leipzig in Gefangenschaft und wurde zunächst ins Berliner Stadtschloss, später dann ins Schloss Friedrichsfelde überführt. Die französische Armee, die Dresden nach dem Sieg bei Lützen am 2. Mai 1813 besetzt hatte, kapitulierte am 11. November 1813. Die Verwaltung des Königreich Sachsen sowie des Herzogtums Sachsen-Altenburg und der reußischen und schwarzburgischen Fürstentümer wurde dem Zentralverwaltungsdepartement übertragen. Dessen Leiter, Freiherr Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom und zum Stein, richtete zum 21. Oktober 1813 das Generalgouvernement der verbündeten Mächte im Königreich Sachsen ein. Als Leitungsgremium wurde ein Gouvernementsrat unter dem Vorsitz des am 9. Dezember 1813 ernannten russischen Generals Nikolai Grigorjewitsch Repnin-Wolkonski eingerichtet. Ihm gehörten russische, preußische und sächsische Beamte an, wobei letztere auf die neue Obrigkeit vereidigt wurde. Repnin-Wolkonski stieß eine Reihe von Verwaltungsreformen an. Auch wurde in Dresden eine Industrieschule eingerichtet, in Leipzig eine Chirurgisch-Medizinische Akademie. Die königlichen Kunstsammlungen, die Brühl’schen Terrassen und der Große Garten in Dresden wurden für die Öffentlichkeit geöffnet. Die Frauenkirche wurde restauriert. Zur Fortführung des Kriegs wurden Landwehr und Landsturm errichtet und ein Banner der freiwilligen Sachsen als Freikorps aufgestellt. Dennoch erlebte der partikulare Patriotismus einen Aufschwung, der auch von den fremden Besatzungsmächten nicht übergangen werden konnte. Um Befürchtungen, das Königreich werde aufgelöst, zu begegnen, versprach Repnin noch in seiner gedruckt erschienenen Abschiedsrede: "Sachsen bleibt Sachsen, und seine Gränzen unangetastet. Eine liberale Verfassung wird die Selbständigkeit des Staates und die Wohlfahrt jedes Einzelnen sichern." (I. HA Rep. 172, Nr. 7, Bl. 3 VS). Nach dem Beginn des Wiener Kongresses übergab Repnin-Wolkonski die Leitung des Generalgouvernements am 8. November 1814 dem preußischen Staatsminister Freiherrn Eberhard Friedrich Christoph Ludwig von der Recke und dem Generalmajor Freiherrn Friedrich Wilhelm Leopold von Gaudy (auch Gaudi). Sie führten beide die Amtsbezeichnung des Generalgouverneurs. Aus der Zeit nach dem Übergang von Russland an Preußen stammt die Geschäftsordnung des Generalgouvernements vom 12. Dezember 1814. Sie basiert auf älteren Instruktionen (Leipzig, 25. Okt. 1813; Leipzig 1. Nov. 1813; 8. Nov. 1813; Wien, 25. Okt. 1814), die in der betreffenden Akte jedoch nicht enthalten sind (I. HA Rep. 172, Nr. 15). Die Grundzüge der Geschäftsordnung des Generalgouvernements dürften jedoch in den Jahren 1813 und 1814 unverändert geblieben sein. Das Generalgouvernement umfasste das Generalsekretariat, vier Sektionen bzw. Verwaltungsabteilungen sowie die Zentralsteuerkommission. Daneben bestand noch der Gouvernementsrat als "Vortrags-Versammlung sämtlicher Herren Gouvernements-Räthe". Das Generalsekretariat war die schriftgutführende Stelle innerhalb des Generalgouvernements. Es führte die Journale und beaufsichtige den Geschäftsgang. Darüber hinaus erledigte das Generalsekretariat alle übergeordneten Materien ("Generalia"), die nicht bei den einzelnen Sektionen ressortierten, sowie die Leitung der Höhere Polizei. Die Angelegenheiten der Höheren Polizei waren vom Vortrag im Gouvernementsrat befreit, wurden allein von den Generalgouverneuren entschieden. Bis zum Übergang an Preußen wurde das Generalsekretariat von Staatsrat Freiherrn Andreas von Merian geleitet, danach von Staatsrat Friedrich Wilhelm August Werner von Bülow. Bülow leitete neben Oberst Dietrich von Miltitz und einem Kriegsrat Krüger auch die 1. Sektion des Generalgouvernements. Dieser Sektion oblagen Angelegenheiten der Justiz, der allgemeinen Polizei, des Medizinal- und Armenwesens, der Gemeinden, Körperschaften und öffentlichen Institute sowie der Kirchen und Schulen. Die 2. Sektion kümmerte sich dagegen um die Finanzen, soweit diese nicht in den Bereich der Zentralsteuerkommission fielen. Zuständig waren hier Karl Ferdinand Friese und der Finanzrat Julius Wilhelm von Oppel. In der 3. Sektion regelte Kriegsrat Krüger die Angelegenheit der Militärverpflegung, während die 4. Sektion mit den restlichen Militärangelegenheiten betraut war, sofern diese nicht in den Geschäftsbereich des Generalmilitärkommandos fielen. Generalmajor Carl Adolf von Carlowitz und Major von Brockhusen waren die zuständigen Beamten. Mitglieder der Zentralsteuerkommission waren Kriegsrat Krüger, Rat und Präsident Moritz Haubold von Schönberg und Hofrat Ferber. Die Sektionschefs hatten jeweils zum Monatsende einen Geschäftsbericht zu verfassen, der über die Generalgouverneure an Staatskanzler Fürst von Hardenberg weitergereicht wurde. Was Entscheidungen anging, so hatten die Sektionschefs der 1., 2. und 4. Sektion über alle Angelegenheiten gemeinschaftlich zu befinden. Bei Differenzen entschieden die Generalgouverneure nach Vortrag im Gouvernementsrat. Eine ganze Reihe wichtiger Angelegenheiten konnte generell nur unter Beteiligung der Generalgouverneure entschieden werden. Die Plenarversammlungen fanden montags, mittwochs und sonnabends ab 10 Uhr vormittags statt. Ansonsten waren die Geschäftszeichen zwischen 9 und 13 bzw. 16 und 19 Uhr. Sofern sie nicht im Zuge der Verwaltungsreform umgebildet wurden, bestanden die königlich-sächsischen Zentralbehörden neben dem Generalgouvernement fort. Das Generalgouvernement übte jedoch die Dienstaufsicht über sie aus. Da das Generalgouvernement bis 1814 dem Zentralverwaltungsdepartement, danach dem Preußischen Staatskanzler nachgeordnet, es selbst aber den sächsischen Behörden übergeordnet war, stellte es eine Art Mittelbehörde dar. Die königlich-sächsischen Behörden sanken dagegen zu Provinzialbehörden herab. Mit den Gouvernementskommissaren und den Polizeibüros verfügte das Generalgouvernement darüber hinaus über neu gebildete, nachgeordnete Dienststellen. Nach dem Abschluss des Friedensvertrags zwischen Preußen und Sachsen am 18. Mai 1815 räumte Preußen das Königreich Sachsen, behielt jedoch das gleichnamige Herzogtum. Das Generalgouvernement wurde als Generalgouvernement des Herzogtums Sachsen von Dresden nach Merseburg verlegt. Der sächsische König, der aus der Gefangenschaft nach Dresden zurückkehrte, entließ seine Untertanen im herzoglichen Teil Sachsens mit salbungsvollen Worten aus ihren Verpflichtungen ihm gegenüber: "Ich soll von euch scheiden, und das Band muß getrennt werden, das durch eure treue Anhänglichkeit Mir und Meinem Hause so theuer war, und auf welches seit Jahrhunderten das Glück Meines Hauses und eurer Vor-Eltern sich gründete. Zufolge der den verbündeten Mächten ertheilten Zusage entlasse Ich euch, ihr Unterthanen und Soldaten der von Mir abgetretenen Provinzen eures Eide und eurer Pflichten gegen Mich und Mein Haus, und Ich empfehle euch, treu und gehorsam zu seyn euerm neuen Landesherrn." (I. HA Rep. 172, Bl 84 VS) König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preußen hieß sie mit ebenso salbungsvollen Worten willkommen: "Durch die Schicksale der Völker nunmehr von einem Fürstenhause getrennet, dem Ihr Jahrhunderte lang mit treuer Ergebenheit angehangen, geht Ihr jetzt zu einem andern über, dem Ihr durch die befreundenden Bande der Nachbarschaft, der Sprache, der Sitten, der Religion verwandt seyd. Wenn Ihr Euch mit Schmerz von frühern, Euch werthen Verhältnissen lossagt, so ehre Ich diesen Schmerz, als dem Ernste des deutschen Gemüths geziemend, und als eine Bürgschaft, daß Ihr und Eure Kinder auch Mir und Meinem Hause mit eben solcher Treue fernerhin angehören werdet. [ ] Nur Deutschland hat gewonnen, was Preußen erworben." (I. HA Rep. 172, Nr. 286, Bl. 89 VS) Das Generalgouvernement wurde mit Inkrafttreten der Provinzialverfassung im März 1816 aufgelöst. 2. Bestandsgeschichte Von welcher Behörde die Überlieferung des Generalgouvernements übernommen wurde, ist nicht bekannt, genauso wenig der Zeitpunkt der Übernahme. Noch eine sich unter den Jahresberichten des GStA PK befindende Übersicht über "den Zustand der Reposituren" aus dem Jahre 1872 vermerkt für den Bestand des Generalgouvernements "völlig ungekannt" (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 178 Nr. 1900, Bl. 160). Der Bestand befand sich zwar im GStA PK, die Vergabe der Repositurnummer und die Bearbeitung des Bestandes war aber noch nicht erfolgt. Erst 1923 wurden die Akten durch Staatsarchivrat Dr. Meyer als Repositur 172 aufgestellt (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 178 Nr. 1930, Bl. 57’). Nach kriegsbedingter Auslagerung wurde der Bestand im Deutschen Zentralarchiv, Abt. Merseburg auf Karteikarten erschlossen. Ein Findbuch wurde nicht erstellt. 2012 erfolgte die Übertragung der Erschließungsinformationen in die Archivdatenbank. Im Zuge der Retrokonversion wurden einzelne Verzeichnungseinheiten überprüft bzw. neu verzeichnet. 3. Literatur Roman Töppel, Die Sachsen und Napoleon. Ein Stimmungsbild 1806-1813, Köln u.a. 2008. 4. Verweis auf andere Bestände und Archive Im GStA PK: siehe die restlichen Bestände der Tektonikgruppe "Sonderverwaltungen der Übergangszeit 1806-1815", insbesondere: - GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 114 Zentralverwaltungsrat der verbündeten Mächte, (1812) 1813-1815. Im Sächsischen Staatsarchiv - Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden: siehe Tektonikgruppen "1.3 Hofbehörden 1485-1831" und "1.5 Behörden und Einrichtungen der Erblande", insbesondere: - HStA DD, 10030 Hilfs- und Wiederherstellungskommission für Sachsen, 1813-1821 - HStA DD, 10031 Friedensvollziehungs- und Auseinandersetzungekommission, 1815-1821 5. Anmerkungen, Bestellungen, Zitierweise Die Akten sind zu zitieren: GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 172 Alliiertes und Preußisches Gouvernement für das Königreich bzw. Herzogtum Sachsen Nr. ( ) Dr. Leibetseder 09.08.2012 Findmittel: Datenbank; Findbuch, 3 Bde.
Althoff, Friedrich Theodor (collection)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T. · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The present estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1839-1908), Prussian Ministerial Director in the Ministry of Culture, was given to the Prussian Secret State Archives in 1921 as a gift from the widow Marie Althoff. In 1924, 1935, 1936, 1951, 1958 and 2000 further smaller parts of the estate were transferred to the (Prussian) Secret State Archives (PK). The estate contains primarily personnel documents, comprehensive reference files from official activities, extensive official correspondence with a large number of partners, newspapers and newspaper clippings and a small partial estate of the widow Marie Althoff, mainly with her correspondence after 1908 The correspondence was filed by Althoff himself according to two types, alphabetically according to the names and professions of the senders, so that both groups (by database query) are to be searched. An additional peculiarity is that about 500 letters are enclosed with other correspondences, namely when the letter writers mainly expressed themselves about other, third parties. In these cases, the letters were not filed under the senders, but under the names of those about whom they were written. Modern distortion maintains this order, but ejects the names concerned in the respective distortion titles. (Example VI HA, Nl F. T. Althoff, No. 805 alphabetical correspondence "Kohl - Koppy" also contains in "Kollmann, Julius, Basel, 1887 - 1888 (3)" a letter by Gustav v. Schmoller about Julius Kollmann from 1884). In the course of entering the database, the individual correspondence partners in the correspondence volumes were added to the contents notes using the register. The number in brackets indicates the number of letters. For the former divisions A I and A II (today No. 1-655) there is a separate detailed analysis volume which should be consulted during research. Its contents are not part of the database, as they would have gone beyond its scope. For the complete technical processing of the magazine, which took place in 2012, the discount was re-signed according to serial numbers for the sake of simplicity. A corresponding concordance can be found at the end of the search. Distortion began in 1921 by Ludwig Dehio. Mrs. Krähe created the list of letter correspondents. In 1939 G. Wentz dispersed the correspondence. In the years 1960-1962 Renate Endler recorded the estate again, including a revision. From 1975-1976 a further revision was carried out by Holger Schenk. The following files were already missing when the still valid find book from the 1960s was compiled: A I No. 18 Academic Freedom, 1905 A I I No. 144 Criminalist Seminar, Halle, 1885 - 1896 A II No. 98 Eduard Simon, 1906-08 B No. 7 Baltzer B No. 21 Cantor B No. 28[Content unknown] B No. 69 Hermite B No. 137 Bd. 2 Netto B No. 168 Bd. 2 Schottki Bei B No. 48 Frobenius, B No. 65 Heffter, B No. 70 Heffner und B No. 169 Sturm missing the main part. The old numbers B No. 98, B No. 106 and B No. 167 are also missing, according to remarks in the find book; in the group "Correspondence Althoff's correspondence sorted by sender's profession", which is very intensively indexed, the contents of the missing pieces have also been included in the database, since their contents may be of partial interest, even if the individual letters no longer exist. These letters then bear the addition"(missing)". The following autograph of Althoff is also kept in the "Small Acquisitions" collection of the Geheimes Staatsarchiv PK: I. HA Rep. 94 Small acquisitions, No. 1711 Friedrich Althoff to an unknown person: Transmission of 4 facsimile Primaner essays of the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium in Berlin from 1901 on the topic "The Beinstellung der Monmämäler in der Siegesallee" with Marginalien Kaiser Wilhelm II, The database was entered by Mrs. Pistiolis, the database correction, determination and addition of the runtimes on the basis of the contained notes and preparation of the foreword was done by the undersigned. With the introduction of the new tectonics in the GStA PK, the estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff, formerly headed as I. Department Rep. 92, was incorporated into the newly formed VI. Department of Family Archives and Bequests in 2001. According to the Internet database "Kalliope, Verbundsystem Nachlässe und Autographen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin", another extensive part of the manuscript section of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz is located. This section contains 23 boxes with correspondence, documents, manuscripts, photos, prints and the death mask. Further correspondence of Althoff (312 sheets) is kept in the document collection Darmstaedter (2c 1890) of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Duration: (1723) 1778, 1824 - 1908 (1909 - 1919) and without date Scope: 23 running metres Last assigned number: To be ordered: VI HA, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff, No.... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff, No.... Berlin, August 2013 (Chief Inspectoress of the Archives, Sylvia Rose) Life Data February 19, 1839 Born in Dinslaken Father: Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1785-1852), Prussian Dömanenrat Mother: Julie von Buggenhagen (née. 1802) from 1851 1856 to 1861 Gymnasium in Wesel (1856 Abitur) Studied law in Berlin and Bonn from 1856 Membership of Corps Saxonia with subsequent honorary membership 1861 State Exam 1864 Referendar 1867 Legal Assessor Exam 1870 Lawyer 1871 Legal adviser and consultant for church and school matters in Strasbourg from 1872 Dr. h.c. associate professor of French and modern civil law (1880 full professor) in Strasbourg 1882 university lecturer at the Ministry of Culture 1888 secret senior government council 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1897-1907 ministerial director of the I. Education Department (universities and secondary schools) 1900 chairman of the scientific and scholarly staff of the University of Berlin 1897-1907 professor at the University of Berlin 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1896-1907 ministerial director of the I. 1901 Honorary member of the Göttingen Society of Sciences 1904 Title "Excellence" 1906 Title "Professor" 1907 Title of a "Real Privy Council", Crown Councillor October 20, 1908 died in Berlin-Steglitz Friedrich Theodor Althoff had been married to Marie Ingenohl (1843-1925) since 1865 and had no children. The life data were taken from the literature given. Furthermore, the personnel file Althoffs, 1882-1939 (I. HA Rep. 76 I Sekt. 31 Lit. A Nr. 15, incl. Supplement 1 2) is to be compared. Literature " M. Althoff (Edit.), From Friedrich Althoff's time in Berlin. Memories for his friends. Jena 1918 (printed as manuscript) " A. Sachse, Friedrich Althoff and his work. Berlin 1928; F. Schmidt-Ott, Experiences and aspirations. 1860-1950 Wiesbaden 1952, p. 5 u. ö. " New German Biography, vol. 1, Aachen - Behaim. Berlin 1953, pp. 222-224 " C.-E. Kretschmann, Friedrich Althoff's estate as a source for the history of the medical faculty in Halle from 1882-1907. Halle 1959 " G. Lohse, Die Bibliotheksdirektoren der ehemalmals Prußischen Universitäten und Technische Hochschulen 1900-1985. Köln 1988, p. 1 u. ö. (Publications from the Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, vol. 26) " R.-J. Lischke: Friedrich Althoff and his contribution to the development of the Berlin scientific system at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin 1991; J. Weiser, The Prussian School System in the 19th and 20th Centuries. A source report from the Secret State Archives of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 1996, pp. 194-197 (Studien und Dokumentationen zum deutschen Bildungsgeschichte, vol. 60) " Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. 16th Herzberg 1999, Sp. 29-48 " St. Rebenich and G. Franke: Theodor Mommsen and Friedrich Althoff. Correspondence 1882-1903 Munich 2012 (German Historical Sources of the 19th and 20th Centuries Vol. 67). Description: Biographical data: 1839 - 1908 Resources: Database; Reference book, 1 vol.

Becker, Carl Heinrich (Dep.) (inventory)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Becker, C. H. · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The estate of the Prussian Minister of Culture Carl Heinrich Becker was given to the Secret State Archives in 1973 by his son Prof. Dr. Hellmut Becker as a deposit. The estate consists of two main groups, 1. correspondence and 2. factual documents. Business and factual correspondence were not separated, as the transitions were fluid and difficult to distinguish in individual cases. Associations, authorities, etc. are listed in the correspondence as correspondence partners and in the subject groups with writings, publications and statutes. In the case of factual files, a detailed division into individual subject groups was made. These are Carl Heinrich Becker's notes on official matters as well as Becker's publications and works as professor of Oriental Studies. The collection was edited by Dr. Cécile Lowenthal-Hensel, Heidemarie Nowak, Sabine Preuß and Elke Prinz. The technical writing work was done by Petra Bergert. The estate comprises 19 running metres from 1919 - 1933: VI HA, Nl Becker, C. H., Nr. The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Carl Heinrich Becker (Dep.), No. Berlin, September 1995 Ute Dietsch, Scientific Archivist Curriculum Vitae Carl Heinrich Becker Born in Amsterdam April 12, 1876 Father: Consul and banker of the Rothschild brothers 1895: Abitur in Frankfurt/Main, then studied Theology and Oriental Studies in Lausanne, Berlin and Heidelberg 1899 Doctorate as Dr. phil "cum laude" in Heidelberg 1900-1902 Study trips to Spain, Egypt, Greece, Turkey and Sudan 1902 Habilitation in Heidelberg Privatdozent für Semitische Philologie 14.3.1905 Married Hedwig Schmid, daughter of the Geheimes Kommerzienrat and banker Paul von Schmid-Augsburg (three children are born out of marriage) 1906 appointed full professor 1908-1913 professor and director of the Seminar for History and Culture of the Orient at the Colonial Institute in Hamburg, founder of the journal for history and culture of the Orient "Der Islam" 1.9.1913 appointed full professor and director of the newly established oriental seminar of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität 17.5.1916 Joined the Prussian Ministry of Culture as an unskilled worker 21.10.1916 Appointed secret governmental and lecturing council, responsible for the personnel affairs of the universities; at the same time honorary professor at the University of Berlin April 1919 Undersecretary of State April 1921 Prussian Minister of Culture, after six months return to his office as State Secretary Febr. 1925 reappointment as Minister of Culture Jan 1930 Resignation as Minister, resumption of his activity as Professor of Islamic Studies at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin 1931 Appointment as 3rd professor of Islamic Studies at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin. Vice-presidents of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften and Managing Director of the Institut für Semitistik und Islamkunde Chinareise on behalf of the Volkerbund for information on Chinese education Literature (in selection): H. Schaefer (ed.), Carl Heinrich Becker - ein Gedenkbuch. Göttingen 1950 G. Müller, University Reform and World Political Education. Carl Heinrich Becker's science and university policy 1908 - 1930 (mechanical diss.) Aachen 1989 C. Esser / E. Winkelhane, Carl Heinrich Becker - orientalist and cultural politician. In: The World of Islam (28) 1988 Description: Biographical Data: 1876 - 1933 Resources: Database; Reference Book, 5 vol.

Becker, Carl Heinrich
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VIII. HA, MKB, Nr. 385 (Fiche 628 - 631) · Akt(e) · 1913 - 1917
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

213 sheets, Contains: Baptisms 1913 - 1917 (with name index) - military community - retired officers Prussian army (from 1806/07): Chief of the army: - military cabinet - ministry of war - large general staff - riding field fighter corps - castle guard company (until 1861 guard NCO company) Army division: Army inspection No. 1 Gdansk: Army Corps No. 1 Königsberg/East Prussia: - Grenadier Regiment No. 1 (1st East Prussian) Crown Prince - Füsilier Regiment No. 33 (East Prussian) Count Roon - Infantry Regiment No. 44 (7th East Prussian) Count Dönhoff - Infantry Regiment No. 44 (7th East Prussian) Count Dönhoff - Infantry Regiment No. 33 (7th East Prussian) Count Roon - Infantry Regiment No. 44 (7th East Prussian) Count Dönhoff - Infantry Regiment No. 33 (7th East Prussian) 45 (8th East Prussian) - Machine Gun Division No. 5, 1917 - Ulan Regiment No. 12 (Lithuanian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 1 (1st Lithuanian) Prince August of Prussia - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 1 (East Prussian) of Linger - Pioneer Battalion No. 1 (East Prussian) Prince Radziwill - Pioneer Battalion No. 18 (Samländisches) Army Corps No. 17 Gdansk: - Infantry Regiment No. 61 (8th Pomerersches) of the Marwitz - Infantry Regiment No. 141 (Kulmer) - Infantry Regiment No. 175 (8th West Prussian) - 1st Leibhusaren Regiment No. 1 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 11 (1st West Prussian) Army Corps No. 20 Allenstein: - Infantry Regiment No. 59 (4th Posensches) Freiherr Hiller von Gärtringen - Infantry Regiment No. 146 (1st Masurian), 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 147 (2nd Masurian) - Infantry Regiment No. 150 (1st Ermländisches) - Hunter Battalion No. 1 (East Prussian) Count Yorck von Wartenburg, 1916 - 1917 - Cuirassier Regiment No. 5 (West Prussian) Duke Friedrich Eugen von Württemberg - Dragoon Regiment No. 11 (Pomerersches) von Wedel, 1916 - 1917 - Ulanen Regiment No. 4 (1. Pomerersches) by Schmidt - Field Artillery Regiment No. 35 (1. Westpreußisches) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 82 (2. Masurisches) - Pioneer Battalion No. 23 (2. Westpreußisches) Army Inspection No. 2 Berlin: Gardekorps Berlin: - Generalkommando - Intendantur - Proviantamt Berlin - Garnisonverwaltung Nr. 2 Berlin, 1917 - Military Training Area Döberitz, 1916 - 1917 - Guard Infantry Division No. 4, 1916 - 1917 - Guard Cavalry Division - Guard Cavalry Brigade No. 3 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 1 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 1 2 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 3 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 4 - Guard Regiment on Foot No. 5 - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 1 Emperor Alexander - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 2 Emperor Franz - Guard Grenadier Regiment No. 3 Queen Elisabeth - Guard Machine Gun Division No. 2 - Cuirassier Regiment of the Gardes du Corps - Guard Cuirassier Regiment - Guard Dragoon Regiment No. 2 Empress Alexandra of Russia - Guard Ulan Regiment No. 3 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 1 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 2 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 2 3, 1917 - Guard Foot Artillery Regiment - Guard Pioneer Battalion - Railway Regiment No. 1 - Telegraph Battalion No. 1 (Cavalry Telegraph School) - Airship Battalion No. 1 - Guard Train Battalion - Half Battalion Division Army Corps No. 12 (1. Saxon) Dresden: - (Leib-) Grenadier Regiment No. 100 (1. Saxon) - Schützen- (Füsilier-) Regiment No. 108 Prince Georg Army Corps No. 19 (2. Saxon) Leipzig: - Infanterie-Regiment No. 106 (7. Saxon) King George - Pionier-Bataillon No. 22 (2. Saxon), 1917 Army-Inspection No. 106 (7. Saxon) King George - Pioneer-Bataillon No. 22 (2. Saxon), 1917 Army-Inspection No. 106 (7. Saxon) 3 Hannover: Army Corps No. 7 Münster: - General Command - Infantry Regiment No. 13 (1st Westphalian) Herwarth von Bittenfeld - Infantry Regiment No. 159 (8th Lorraine) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 22 (2nd Westphalian) - Pioneer Battalion No. 7 (1st Westphalian) Westphalian), 1917 Army Corps No. 9 Hamburg-Altona: - Intendantur - Infantry Regiment No. 75 (1st Hanseatic) Bremen - Infantry Regiment No. 85 (Holstein) Duke of Holstein - Fusilier Regiment No. 86 (Schleswig-Holstein) Queen - Fusilier Regiment No. 90 (Grossherzoglich-Mecklenburgisches), 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 24 (Holsteinisches) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 45 (Lauenburgisches) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 20 (Lauenburgisches) - Pioneer Battalion No. 9 (Schleswig-Holsteinisches) Army Corps No. 10 Hannover: - Infantry Regiment No. 79 (3rd Hannoversches) by Voigts-Rhetz - Hussar Regiment No. 17 (Braunschweig) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 10 (1st Hannoversches) by Scharnhorst - Field Artillery Regiment No. 62 (East Frisian) - Train Battalion No. 10 (Hannoversches) Army Inspection No. 4 Munich: Army Corps No. 3 Berlin: - General Staff - General Command - Leib-Grenadier Regiment No. 8 (1st Brandenburg) King Friedrich Wilhelm III - Grenadier Regiment No. 12 (2nd Brandenburg) Prince Carl of Prussia - Infantry Regiment No. 20 (3rd Brandenburg) Count Tauentzien von Wittenberg - Infantry Regiment No. 24 (4th Brandenburg) Grand Duke Friedrich Franz II von Mecklenburg-Schwerin - Füsilier Regiment No. 35 (Brandenburg) Prince Heinrich of Prussia - Infantry Regiment No. 52 (6. Brandenburg) of Alvensleben - Infantry Regiment No. 64 (8. Brandenburg) Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia - Field Artillery Regiment No. 3 (1. Brandenburg) Field Artillery Master - Field Artillery Regiment No. 18 (2. Brandenburg) Field Artillery Master - Field Artillery Regiment No. 54 (Neumark) - Pioneer Battalion No. 28 (2. Brandenburg) of Alvensleben - Infantry Regiment No. 64 (8. Brandenburg) Brandenburgisches), 1914 - 1917 - Telegraph Battalion No. 2 - Garrison Hospital Küstrin Army Inspection No. 5 Karlsruhe: Army Corps No. 8 Koblenz: - Infantry Regiment No. 25 (1st Rheinisches) of Lützow - Infantry Regiment No. 28 (2nd Rhineland) of Groeben - Infantry Regiment No 69 (7th Rhineland) - Field Artillery Regiment No 23 (2nd Rhineland) - Field Artillery Regiment No 59 (Bergisches) - Airship Battalion No 3 Army Corps No 14 Karlsruhe: - Cavalry Brigade No. 28 - Infantry Brigade No. 58, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 113 (5th Baden), 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 114 (6th Baden) Emperor Friedrich III - Dragoon Regiment No. 22 (3rd Baden) - Infantry Brigade No. 28 - Infantry Brigade No. 58, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 113 (5th Baden), 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 114 (6th Baden) Emperor Friedrich III - Dragoon Regiment No. 22 (3rd Baden) Badisches) Prince Karl - Field Artillery Regiment No. 14 (1st Badisches), 1916 - 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 50 (3rd Badisches), 1917 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 14 (Badisches) - Telegraph Battalion No. 4 Army Corps No. 15 Strasbourg i. Alsace: - General Staff - Infantry Regiment No. 136 (4th Lorraine) - Infantry Regiment No. 171 (2nd Upper Alsatian) - Dragoon Regiment No. 15 (3rd Silesian) - Pioneer Battalion No. 15 (1st Silesian) (Alsatian) - Pioneer Battalion No. 19 (2nd Alsatian) Army Inspectorate No. 6 Stuttgart: Army Corps No. 4 Magdeburg: - Infantry Regiment No. 26 (1st Magdeburg) Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Dessau - Infantry Regiment No. 165 (5th Hannoversches), 1901 - Hussar Regiment No. 10 (Magdeburg), 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 4 (Magdeburg) Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria - Field Artillery Regiment No. 40 (Altmärkisches) - Pioneer Battalion No. 4 (Magdeburg) Army Corps No. 11 Kassel: - General Staff - Infantry Regiment No. 32 (2nd Thuringian) - Infantry Regiment No. 71 (3rd Thuringian) - Infantry Regiment No. 82 (2nd Thuringian) Kurhessian) - Hussar Regiment No. 14 (2nd Kurhessian) Landgrave Friedrich II of Hesse-Homburg - Field Artillery Regiment No. 47 (2nd Kurhessian) - Pioneer Battalion No. 11 (Kurhessian) Army Corps No. 13 (Württemberg) Stuttgart: - General Staff - Grenadier Regiment No. 119 (1st Württemberg) Queen Olga - Infantry Regiment No. 121 (3rd Württemberg) Alt-Württemberg - Infantry Regiment No. 122 (4th Württemberg) Württemberg) Emperor Franz Josef of Austria, King of Hungary - Infantry Regiment No. 124 (6th Württemberg) King Wilhelm I - Infantry Regiment No. 125 (7th Württemberg) Emperor Friedrich, King of Prussia - Infantry Regiment No. 125 (7th Württemberg) Emperor Friedrich, King of Prussia - Infantry Regiment No. 124 (6th Württemberg) 126 (8th Württemberg) Grand Duke Friedrich of Baden - Ulan Regiment No. 20 (2nd Württemberg) King Wilhelm I - Landwehr Division No. 2 (Württembergische), 1917 Army Inspection No. 7 Saarbrücken: Army Corps No. 16 Metz: - General Command - Division No. 34, 1917 - Hunter Regiment on Horseback No. 12, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 98 (Metzer) - Infantry Regiment No. 130 (1st Lorraine) - Infantry Regiment No. 135 (3rd Lorraine) - Dragoon Regiment No. 135 (3rd Lorraine) 13 (Schleswig-Holstein) - Ulanen Regiment No. 14 (2nd Hannoversches) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 33 (1st Lorraine) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 69 (3rd Lorraine) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 70 (4th Lorraine) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 16 (Lorraine) - Pioneer Battalion No. 16 (1st Lorraine) Army Corps No. 18 Frankfurt/Main: - Infantry Regiment No. 88 (2nd Nassau) - Infantry Regiment No. 116 (2nd Grand-Ducal-Hessian) Kaiser Wilhelm - Infantry Regiment No. 118 (4th Lorraine) Grand-Ducal-Hessian) Prince Carl - Dragoon Regiment No. 6 (Magdeburg) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 61 (2nd Grand-Ducal-Hessian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 63 (2nd Nassauian) Army Corps No. 21 Saarbrücken: - Division No. 42, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 97 (1st Nassau Army) - Infantry Regiment No. 97 (2nd Nassau Army) - Division No. 42, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 97 (1st Nassau Army) - Division No. 21 (2nd Nassau Army) Upper Rhine) - Infantry Regiment No. 131 (2nd Lorraine) - Infantry Regiment No. 137 (2nd Lower Alsace) - Dragoon Regiment No. 7 (Westphalian) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 8 (1st Rhineland) by Holtzendorff - Field Artillery Regiment No. 15 (1st Rhine) Oberelsässisches) - Field Artillery Regiment No. 31 (1st Unterelsässisches) - Pioneer Battalion No. 27 (2nd Rheinisches), 1916 - 1917 Army Inspection No. 8 Berlin: Army Corps No. 2 Stettin: - Grenadier Regiment No. 9 (2nd Pommersches/Kolbergsches) Graf Gneisenau - Infantry Regiment No. 14 (3rd Pommersches/Kolbergsches) Pommersches) Count Schwerin - Infantry Regiment No. 42 (5th Pommersches) Prince Moritz of Anhalt-Dessau - Infantry Regiment No. 54 (7th Pommersches) of the Goltz - Infantry Regiment No. 149 (6th West Prussian) - Dragoon Regiment No. 12 (2nd Brandenburg) of Arnim - Field Artillery Regiment No. 2 (1st Pommersches) - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 15 (2nd Pommersches, until 1910 2nd West Prussian) Army Corps No. 5 Posen: - Artillery Depot Posen - Grenadier Regiment No. 6 (1st West Prussian) Count Kleist von Nollendorf - Infantry Regiment No. 19 (2nd Posensches) of Courbière, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 46 (1st Lower Silesian) Count Kirchbach - Field Artillery Regiment No. 5 (1st Lower Silesian) of Podbielski - Field Artillery Regiment No. 20 (1st Posensches) Army Corps No. 6 Wroclaw: - Machine Gun Division No. 1 - Dragoon Regiment No. 8 (2nd Silesian) King Frederick III - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 6 (Schlesisches) von Dieskau Inspection of Field Artillery Berlin, 1913 - 1917 General Inspection of Foot Artillery Berlin: - Foot Artillery Shooting School Jüterbog, 1917 General Inspection of the Engineering and Pioneer Corps and Fortresses Berlin, 1913 - 1917 - Fortress Posen - Engineer Inspection No. 3 Strasbourg i. Alsace - Fortress Strasbourg i. Alsace - Engineer Inspection No. 4 Metz Feldzeugmeisterei: - Artillery Depot Inspection Berlin - Artillery Depot Torgau General War Department: - Inspection of the infantry schools - Infantry Shooting School Wünsdorf - NCO School Ettlingen - NCO School Weißenfels - Artillery Examination Commission Ersatz-, Versorgungs- und Justizdepartement: - Inspection of military penal institutions - Kaiser Wilhelm Academy for Military Medical Education (before 1895 Medical-Surgical Friedrich Wilhelm Institute [Pépinière]) - Sanitätsamt Berlin - Kriegsakademie Other Army: - Artillery Depot Ingolstadt - Artillery Depot Liège - Railway Brigade No. 2 - Guard Field Artillery Regiment No. 5, 1916 - 1917 - Garrison Berlin Schöneberg - Gendarmerie Brigade No. 3 Berlin - General Inspectorate of Military Transport - Engineering Committee - Inspection of Military Telegraphy - Inspection of Motor Vehicles - Torpedo Inspection - Imperial Protection Forces, High Command - Kriegsschule Hannover - Landgendarmerie - Landwehr-Regiment No. 18 (1. Posensches) - Landwehr Regiment No. 24 (4. Brandenburgisches) - Navy, Admiral Staff - Sailor Artillery Department No. 4 Cuxhaven - Military Technical Academy - Pioneer Inspection No. 1 - Reichsmarineamt - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika - Schutztruppe für Südwestafrika - Traininspektion Truppen 1. World War I: - Army No. 1, Stage Inspection I, 1915 - 1917 - Army No. 2, Motor Car Gun No. 72, 1915 - 1917 - Army No. 4, Stage Telephone Depot 4, 1915 - 1917 - Army No. 4, Stage Doctor, 1916 - 1917 - Army Telephone Park No. 22, 1917 - Army Aircraft Park No. 11, 1916 - 1917 - Army Corps, No. 3, 5th Landstorm Pioneer Company, 1915 - 1917 - Army Corps No. 6, Provision Office Column III, 1915 - 1917 - Army Command No. 2, 1915 - 1917 - Army Command No. 4, 1915 - 1917 - Reinforcement Battalion No. 117, 1915 - 1917 - Brigade Replacement Battalion No. 3, 5th Landstorm Pioneer Company, 1915 - 1917 - Army Corps No. 6, Provision Office Column III, 1915 - 1917 - Army Command No. 2, 1915 - 1917 - Army Command No. 4, 1915 - 1917 - Reinforcement Battalion No. 117, 1915 - 1917 - Brigade Replacement Battal No. 9 - Railway Construction Company No. 111, 1917 - Replacement Division No. 8, Field Artillery Depository, 1916 - 1917 - Replacement Division No. 19, 1915 - 1917 - Replacement Machine Gun Company No. 2, 1915 - 1917 - Stage Inspection No. 7, 1915 - 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 183, 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 231, 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 248, 1916 - 1917 - Field Bakery Column No. 101, 1917 - Field Flier Department No. 19, 1917 - Field Flier Department No. 34, 1917 - Field Army, General Staff, 1917 - Telephone Replacement Department No. 231, 1917 - Field Artillery Regiment No. 248, 1916 - 1917 - Field Bakery Column No. 101, 1917 - Field Flier Department No. 19, 1917 - Field Flier Department No. 34, 1917 - Field Army, General Staff, 1917 - Telephone Replacement Department No. 231, 1917 8, 1917 - Aircraft Mastery of the Fliegertruppen Berlin Adlershof, 1917 - Foot Artillery Battalion No. 36, 1915 - 1917 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 103, 1917 - Foot Artillery Regiment No. 207, 1917 - Guard Foot Artillery Reserve Regiment No. 2, 1915 - 1917 - Guard Corps, Stage Fleet Column - Guard-Landsturm-Bataillon Nollendorf, 1915 - 1917 - Guard Reserve Corps, General Staff, 1916 - 1917 - Guard Reserve Corps, Horse Depot I, 1915 - 1917 - General Directorate of Brussels Railways, 1916 - 1917 - General Command No. 54, 1917 - Army Group Crown Prince Rupprecht, 1917 - Infantry Battalion No. 703, 1917 - Infantry Division No. 89, 1917 - Infantry Division No. 101, 1915 - 1917 - Infantry Division No. 218, 1917 - Infantry Division No. 221, 1917 - Infantry Division No. 238, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 409, 1917 - Infantry Regiment No. 444, 1917 - Engineering and Deck Officer School Kiel, 1916 - 1917 - Inspection of the Air Force, 1917 - Inspection of the Intelligence Forces, 1917 - Fighter Regiment No. 4, 1917 - Combat Wing 2, 1916 - 1917 - Korpsbrücken-Train No. 19, 1917 - Coastal Defence Hamburg, 1916 - 1917 - Landsturm-Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon Nr. 1 Gent (III/36), 1917 - Landsturm-Infanterie-Bataillon Nr. 2 Frankfurt/Oder, 1915 - 1917 - Landsturm-Infanterie-Bataillon Nr. 4 Gotha, 1916 - 1917 - Landwehr-Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 8, 1916 - 1917 - Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 12 - Landwehrkorps Breslau - Marine-Luftschiffer-Abteilung Ahlhorn, 1916 - 1917 - Militär-Eisenbahndirektion Nr. 1, 1916 - 1917 - Militär-Eisenbahndirektion Nr. 2, Mobile Bahnhofkommandantur Nr. 244, 1917 - Military Railway Directorate No. 4 Warsaw, 1916 - 1917 - Military Mission to Turkey, 1917 - Mine Launcher Battalion No. 4, 1916 - 1917 - Mine Launcher Replacement Battalion No. 3, 1917 - News Replacement Division No. 2, 1917 - Pioneer Company No. 269, 1916 - 1917 - Reserve Division No. 16, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Division No. 30, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Field Artillery Regiment No. 5, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Field Artillery Regiment No. 33, 1917 - Reserve Foot Artillery Regiment No. 10, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 8, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 35, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 46, 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 51, 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 64, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 66, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 66, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 51, 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 64, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 66, 1915 - 1917 93, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 98, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 201, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 202, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 204, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 225, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Hunter Battalion No. 16, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Corps No. 9, 1917 - Reserve Corps No. 14, Telephone Department, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Corps No. 15, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Ammunition Column No. 43, 1915 - 1917 - Reserve Medical Company No. 55, 1915 - 1917 - Medical Company No. 243, 1917 - Heavy Coast Mortar Battery No. 3, 1916 - 1917 - Heavy Radio Station No. 19, 1917 - Experimental and Training Airfield East, 1916 - 1917 - Weapons and Ammunition Procurement Office, 1915 - 1917;

Bramann, Friedrich Gustav from (Dep.)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Bramann, von · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Friedrich (Fritz) Gustav von Bramann came from a family of landowners in East Prussia. Born on 25. In September 1854 in Wilhelmsberg near Darkehmen he attended the Gymnasium in Gumbinnen and then studied medicine at the University of Königsberg. In 1880 he did voluntary military service in a cuirassier regiment as a one-year volunteer, the second half as a one-year voluntary doctor. In the following years he participated in several military exercises and was promoted to general physician in 1905. In the years 1881 to 1884 von Bramann was an assistant at the surgical clinic of the University of Königsberg, received his doctorate in 1883 as Dr. med. and from 1884 was assistant to Prof. Dr. Ernst von Bergmann at the surgical clinic of the Charité in Berlin. Of decisive importance was von Bramann's stay in San Remo in 1887/1888 on the recommendation of Prof. von Bergmann. Here, in February 1888, he made a tracheotomy for Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm, who suffered from throat cancer, using chloroform as an anaesthetic. On his return to Berlin, von Bramann completed his habilitation and was appointed associate professor at the University of Berlin. He refused an appointment to the University of Greifswald in 1889, but one year later accepted an appointment to the University of Halle. Already accepted into the Hohenzollernorden in 1888, he was elevated to hereditary nobility in 1890. Further non-Prussian awards were added. Friedrich von Bramann died on 26 April 1913 in Halle and left his wife Hanna, née of Tronchin (died 1943) and four sons. Two of them, Goswin (born 1894) and Hellmuth (born 1895) fell in the First World War at intervals of two months (March and May 1915). The eldest son, August Friedrich, (née 1892) died in 1936; the fourth, Constantin lived from 1899 to 1989 and was last chief physician of the surgical clinic at the municipal hospital in Berlin Neukölln. The estate registered here, Friedrich Gustav von Bramanns, was presented to the GStA PK in 2011 by Dr. Hellmut von Bramann, a grandson of Friedrich Gustav von Bramann, as a deposit. The focus is on the correspondence between Ernst von Bergmann and his first assistant Friedrich Gustav von Bramann. It begins with the arrival of Bramanns in San Remo and extends over the entire stay, whereby the letters of Bramann are more numerous - von Bramann complains about missing answers (Nr. 13). On the other hand von Bergmann points out the increased workload in Berlin, which prevents him from writing more frequently (No. 22). Formulations from von Bramann's letters to von Bergmann were in part verbatim in the official Report (The illness of Emperor Frederick the Third, presented according to official sources and the figures given in the royal report) the House Department reports. Berlin 1888). This correspondence was already evaluated in the mid-1960s as part of a medical dissertation, to which Constantin von Bramann made his father's family-owned letters available (Christa Rinck, The course of the death sickness of Emperor Frederick III after the correspondence between E. v. Bergmann and Fritz Gustav Bramann. Diss. Berlin 1965). There are typewritten copies of the letters of Bramanns and von Bergmanns, which was probably written in the late 1950s / early 1960s by Mrs. Cläre Zimmermann, a sister of the secretary Dr. Constantin von Bramanns at the Neukölln Municipal Hospital, Ruth Zimmermann. Perhaps these (not entirely error-free) transcriptions were made with a view to an intended evaluation of the correspondence. The letters were put together with the transcriptions in an album. This formation was dissolved for conservation reasons. However, the album is under no. 52 in the estate. The tradition of the ministry of the Royal House (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 100) as well as the Personalrepositur BPH, Rep. 52 Friedrich III. Last assigned no.: The estate is to be quoted: GStA PK, VI. HA Family archives and estates, Nl Friedrich Gustav von Bramann (Dep.), No. The estate is to be ordered: VI HA Nl Friedrich Gustav von Bramann (Dep.), No. Literature: - Winfried Burkert, The Surgeon Friedrich Gustav von Bramann. The Crown Prince's savior. Halle 2008 - Michael Freund, The drama of 99 days. Illness and Death of Frederick III, Cologne / Berlin 1966 - The Illness of Emperor Frederick the Third, presented according to official sources and the reports filed with the Royal Housing Ministry. Berlin 1888 - Christa Rinck, The Course of the Death Sickness of Emperor Friedrich III after the Exchange of Letters between E. v. Bergmann and Fritz Gustav Bramann. Diss. Berlin 1965 Berlin, October 2012 Dr. Schnelling-Reinicke Inventory description: Life data: 1854 - 1913 finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.