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Deutsche Kolonien und Schutzgebiete: Bd. 11
Deutsche Kolonien und Schutzgebiete: Bd. 11
Entwicklung der Schutzgebiete in Afrika und der Südsee
Entwicklung der Schutzgebiete in Afrika und der Südsee
Deutsche Schutzgebiete: Schutztruppen, Bereitstellung der Mittel anläßlich des Eingeborenenaufstands 1904 (Hereroaufstand)
Deutsche Schutzgebiete: Schutztruppen, Bereitstellung der Mittel anläßlich des Eingeborenenaufstands 1904 (Hereroaufstand)
Deutsche Kolonien und Schutzgebiete: Bd. 10
Deutsche Kolonien und Schutzgebiete: Bd. 10
328 Foreign material by country
328 Foreign material by country
African and German at one table, with wine and cigars D.S.W. Africa. Once upon a time.
African and German at one table, with wine and cigars D.S.W. Africa. Once upon a time.
African D.O. Africa/In the bath
African D.O. Africa/In the bath
Africans bathing in the camp Africans washing, neck cuffs
Africans bathing in the camp Africans washing, neck cuffs
Africans in Togo eating At meal.
Africans in Togo eating At meal.
Balance sheets of public limited companies etc. with assets abroad or in protectorates: Requests for exemption from the obligation to present the balance sheet, income statement and annual report and from the obligation to hold the Annual General Meeting Deutsche Afrika Bank AG
Balance sheets of public limited companies etc. with assets abroad or in protectorates: Requests for exemption from the obligation to present the balance sheet, income statement and annual report and from the obligation to hold the Annual General Meeting Deutsche Afrika Bank AG
Banjo, African chief of the Herero Herero captain Banjo
Banjo, African chief of the Herero Herero captain Banjo
Bastard, turning a bull oar African, turning a bull oar oar *
Bastard, turning a bull oar African, turning a bull oar oar *
Chief Bandjo. German-South-West-Africa Herero chief Bandjo
Chief Bandjo. German-South-West-Africa Herero chief Bandjo
'Collection of newspaper cuttings and press articles
'Collection of newspaper cuttings and press articles
Company of Chinese soldiers Tsingtau-Kiautschou. The Chinese Company
Company of Chinese soldiers Tsingtau-Kiautschou. The Chinese Company
Con-Fu-tse Spotlight on the boxer movement: Con-Fu-tse (Chinese climb the ladder leading to their great teacher)
Con-Fu-tse Spotlight on the boxer movement: Con-Fu-tse (Chinese climb the ladder leading to their great teacher)
'Deportation of German traders from the territories claimed by France
'Deportation of German traders from the territories claimed by France
* D.S.W. Africa. German and African soldiers of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika at the rest stop
* D.S.W. Africa. German and African soldiers of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika at the rest stop
D.S.W. Africa. Hererowerft in the field. Hereros camp in a field
D.S.W. Africa. Hererowerft in the field. Hereros camp in a field
From our colonies. Hereros at the Pontok Building, German South West Africa Hereros building a round hut
From our colonies. Hereros at the Pontok Building, German South West Africa Hereros building a round hut
Herero in front of their homes D.S.W. Africa. Herero apartments.
Herero in front of their homes D.S.W. Africa. Herero apartments.
Local gathering at a boat dock Our colonies. Series VII. 8th / Muanza. German East Africa. Scene at the beach of Victoria-Nyanza.
Local gathering at a boat dock Our colonies. Series VII. 8th / Muanza. German East Africa. Scene at the beach of Victoria-Nyanza.
Massai Portrait picture of a male Massai
Massai Portrait picture of a male Massai
'Militärische Expeditionen in den Aufstandsgebieten der Dja
'Militärische Expeditionen in den Aufstandsgebieten der Dja
'Muni Territory. - 'Das deutsche Muni-Gebiet
'Muni Territory. - 'Das deutsche Muni-Gebiet
Our colonies. Series IV.3: German reading in Africa Africans reading the "Berliner Illustrirten Zeitung" (Berlin Illustrated Newspaper)
Our colonies. Series IV.3: German reading in Africa Africans reading the "Berliner Illustrirten Zeitung" (Berlin Illustrated Newspaper)
Sunday walk Africans on a street
Sunday walk Africans on a street
''Supply system
''Supply system
* To the German soldiers! Antisemitic appeal to the German soldiers and citizens against the "agitation" of the politician Oskar Cohn and the Social Democracy as the "Schutztruppe der Juden" (Protection Force of the Jews).
* To the German soldiers! Antisemitic appeal to the German soldiers and citizens against the "agitation" of the politician Oskar Cohn and the Social Democracy as the "Schutztruppe der Juden" (Protection Force of the Jews).
Tsintau. The Heath Wall German soldiers with guns in front of a mural in Tsingtau
Tsintau. The Heath Wall German soldiers with guns in front of a mural in Tsingtau
Warpath Massai On the warpath against the Massai. A spring trip to D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a
Warpath Massai On the warpath against the Massai. A spring trip to D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a
Woermann Linie AG, Deutsche Ost-Afrika-Linie Balance sheets of stock corporations etc. with assets abroad or in protectorates: Requests for exemption from the obligation to present the balance sheet, the profit and loss account and the annual report as well as from the obligation to hold the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Woermann Linie AG, Deutsche Ost-Afrika-Linie Balance sheets of stock corporations etc. with assets abroad or in protectorates: Requests for exemption from the obligation to present the balance sheet, the profit and loss account and the annual report as well as from the obligation to hold the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
02.01.02 German countries
02.01.02 German countries
1. German publications
1. German publications
1001. official announcements - 1002. municipal youth welfare office Munich - 1003. cultural department Munich - 1004. regional office for the Bavarian riot police - 1005. local administrations - 1006. police - 1007. university Munich - 1008. school department Munich - 1009. Munich District Office - 1010th State Institute for Plant Production and Plant Protection - 1011st War Archive - 1012nd Call by the City of Frankfurt am Main for the Reconstruction of the Paulskirche - 1013rd District Youth Ring Munich - 1014th Military Government for Bavaria, Headquarters European Command - 1015. Health Office Munich - 1016th leaflet on the fourth war loan - 1017th German Emergency Aid, Richard Wagner Welfare Stamps 1933 - 1018th Ministry of War (1918) - 1019th Municipality of Munich - 1020th Royal Administration Tegernsee - 1021. Royal State Ministry of Justice - 1022. head of the refugee office Deggendorf - 1023. potato beetle defense service - 1024. district hiking teacher for fishing in Upper Bavaria - 1025. statistic
1001. official announcements - 1002. municipal youth welfare office Munich - 1003. cultural department Munich - 1004. regional office for the Bavarian riot police - 1005. local administrations - 1006. police - 1007. university Munich - 1008. school department Munich - 1009. Munich District Office - 1010th State Institute for Plant Production and Plant Protection - 1011st War Archive - 1012nd Call by the City of Frankfurt am Main for the Reconstruction of the Paulskirche - 1013rd District Youth Ring Munich - 1014th Military Government for Bavaria, Headquarters European Command - 1015. Health Office Munich - 1016th leaflet on the fourth war loan - 1017th German Emergency Aid, Richard Wagner Welfare Stamps 1933 - 1018th Ministry of War (1918) - 1019th Municipality of Munich - 1020th Royal Administration Tegernsee - 1021. Royal State Ministry of Justice - 1022. head of the refugee office Deggendorf - 1023. potato beetle defense service - 1024. district hiking teacher for fishing in Upper Bavaria - 1025. statistic
12. 08. 1922 in Nkoaranga
12. 08. 1922 in Nkoaranga
15.7. The German Reich (1871-1918)
15.7. The German Reich (1871-1918)
16,24/1 Witbooi, Hendrik: Fragments of the estate in the National Archives Namibia in Windhoek - Reproductions (holdings)
16,24/1 Witbooi, Hendrik: Fragments of the estate in the National Archives Namibia in Windhoek - Reproductions (holdings)
17th German Reich and German Federal States
17th German Reich and German Federal States
1934-1935: Volume 3
1934-1935: Volume 3