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* To the German soldiers! Antisemitic appeal to the German soldiers and citizens against the "agitation" of the politician Oskar Cohn and the Social Democracy as the "Schutztruppe der Juden" (Protection Force of the Jews).
* To the German soldiers! Antisemitic appeal to the German soldiers and citizens against the "agitation" of the politician Oskar Cohn and the Social Democracy as the "Schutztruppe der Juden" (Protection Force of the Jews).
9.1 (IX.1.) Granting and withdrawal of civil rights, discrimination against Jews, jurisdiction over residents, emigration, trade regulations, local court
9.1 (IX.1.) Granting and withdrawal of civil rights, discrimination against Jews, jurisdiction over residents, emigration, trade regulations, local court
Correspondence especially of G. Lückhoff as circular propagandist with the dormant propagandist line (also single circulars)
Correspondence especially of G. Lückhoff as circular propagandist with the dormant propagandist line (also single circulars)
Finanzamt Heilbronn: Tax files of Jewish citizens (inventory)
Finanzamt Heilbronn: Tax files of Jewish citizens (inventory)
First World War 1914-1918 - Various individual aspects - Prehistory and outbreak of the First World War: Vol. 14: First World War (July crisis, consolidation of the alliances of tripleentents and central powers, Jews)
First World War 1914-1918 - Various individual aspects - Prehistory and outbreak of the First World War: Vol. 14: First World War (July crisis, consolidation of the alliances of tripleentents and central powers, Jews)
Jews and Half Jews in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a
Jews and Half Jews in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a
Jews in German South-West Africa
Jews in German South-West Africa
S - Collection (small acquisitions) (inventory)
S - Collection (small acquisitions) (inventory)
Settlement of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood in Neuenbeken
Settlement of the Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood in Neuenbeken
Surveillance and persecution of political opponents of National Socialism, the churches, Freemasons and Jews
Surveillance and persecution of political opponents of National Socialism, the churches, Freemasons and Jews
Use of astrologers in the fight against Great Britain - incitement of the colonized peoples in the Orient, especially in India, to resist - publication of a magazine by the Reich Criminal Police Office
Use of astrologers in the fight against Great Britain - incitement of the colonized peoples in the Orient, especially in India, to resist - publication of a magazine by the Reich Criminal Police Office