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277 / 509 · Partie · 22. Juli 1914
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Disputes between Andersen and Bock] Andersen to the board with the statement that the missionary situation in Kikangala 'cannot be described as very unfavourable'. Bock just didn't show any endurance, as he had only been on the ward for three months. About the interruption of work at the Makamba station and the advantages of the new Shunga station. The visit and the evaluation by Roehl. About the possible construction of a new station and which area would be suitable for it. Remarks on the 'carpenter's application': If no carpenter can be sent from Germany, Andersen asks to have the furniture come from outside. Contrary to his first request, he does not want to build the furniture himself. Note that Andersen encloses sketches of the mission stations. About all the physical work Andersen has to do.

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A new field of work?
226 / 67 · Partie · Februar 1911
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Excerpt from 'Schleswig-Holsteinisches Missionsblatt'] Bracker with a personal statement: He is sceptical about an expansion of Breklum's mission activities to Africa. Although the 'Islamic threat' threatens, there is no money available for an Africa mission. The mission to India would suffer if a new field of work were created in Africa. 'Just no gimmicks of the longing for something new! It's much too serious!'

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7 / 294 · Partie · 25.03.05
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

The General Assembly cordially asks the Further Board to occupy a further area in (East) Africa, in addition to our Indian mission areas, to which our love should constantly belong, (as soon as this is possible without damaging our older work).

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Circular about Kikangala to Kigoma
277 / 525 · Partie · 29. Dezember 1914
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Andersen to the brothers. Andersen gives the official answer to Bock's request for forgiveness at Christmas 1914. Andersen alleges that Bock only asked for forgiveness because it was Christmas. His request was therefore worthless. Andersen asks Jessen to evaluate the matter and then forwards the letter to Bock with remarks. addressed to Bock Andersen writes: ' I cannot allow question marks, exclamation marks or remarks to be placed in the document'! Andersen wants to grant Bock's request for forgiveness only if Bock makes a confession of his mistakes and apologizes.

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