Contains: Explanatory reports, overviews and questionnaires concerning retail prices for bread and wheat biscuits, colonial goods, milk, milk products, eggs, fruit, vegetables, meat, sausage, fats, fish
Contains: Re-establishment of the former consumer cooperative of the Warndt in Geislautern and return of its assets: Memorandum; increase in the allocation of farmed food for pensioners, pensioners, widows, orphans and war-disabled persons; absorption of the surplus profit; syndicate of the Saarland food and luxury food retail trade; Asko consumer cooperative; costs for food products in the Saarland 1949-1950; International association of food retailers' organisations; wage costs; ordinance on the management of goods in dairy shops; consumer cooperative of the Völklinger Hütte and private retail trade; taxes and levies for Brenner's own growth (schnapps); ban on discharging bread and bakery products; sale of fresh meat in colonial goods shops.
Specifically, this concerns the taxation of beer, spirits, sparkling wine, colonial goods, mineral oils, starch sugar and sweeteners.
Contains: Malaria by returning soldiers / colonial troops of the occupying powers, semi-annual report bacteriological research station Landau, infection by cured sick people, cases falsely declared as flu in the district, leaflet, obligation to report, instructions for disinfectors, risk of typhus in late summer, personnel milk collection points and grocery stores
Contains: six different stamps, coloured motifs - First large colonial exhibition, Saarbrücken v. 19. April - 21 May 1913, coloured
Including the following Saarland references: 1912/1913 Exhibitions: 1st Great Colonial Exhibition, Saarbrücken 19.4.- 21.5.1913 (p.11) Provincial Exhibition of the Agricultural Association for Rheinpreußen, Saarbrücken 21.-29.9.1912 (p.10) Companies: Dudweiler, Adler-Dorgerie Karl Auler (p. 10) Geislautern, Saarbräu (p. 30) Saarbrücken: H. Becker Sohn, Farbenfabrik (p. 6) Steam bakery Fritz Buddensick (p. 44/45) Adams Chocoladenhaus, St. Johann (p. 6) Photographic manufacturer Jakob Dahl, St. Johann (p. 20) H. L. Largest steam coffee distillery in the Saar region (p. 7) Zwieback bakery Fritz Danulat, St. Johann (p. 6) Eden-Theater, (p. 48) Steam bakery Jakob Frech, St. Johann (p. 48) Johann (p. 24) Mittelrheinische Glas- und Spiegelmanufactur (p. 24) Saarbrücker Senffabrik Hertz (p. 7) S.A. Israel und Co. GmbH (p. 34) Seifenfabrik C. Kirchner, St. Johann (p. 24) Germania-Drogerie Emil Knoll, Malstatt (p. 31) Becker Fr. Kollmar, St. Johann (p. 30 and 43) Pelzhaus Korn (p. 20 and 40) Jul. Lentes, Butter -Eier, (p. 46,48) Lolat Eisenbeton AG (p. 24) J. Lyon Söhne, Herrengarderobe (p. 29) Ed. Morgenstern, Kunstdrechsler, St. Johann (p. 24) Saardruckerei St. Johann (p. 11) Fortschritt Stiefel J. Scheuer GmbH (p. 10) Gebr. Sinn (p. 11 and 35) Chem. technical factory Franz Stiewing (p.19)) B. Süskind, ladies and girls' clothing (p. 20) Wurst- und Fleischkonservenfabrik J. Thewes (p. 10 and 25) Union-Brauerei AG (p. 5) Verkehrsverein (p. 36-38) Gebr. Wildberger, Kaffeerösterei (p. 13) S. Wronker
Contains: also curricula, references to literature and maps, cooperation in the Rheinisches Wörterbuch and in the preservation of historical monuments, guidelines for regional and folkloristic research in the Saar area by Prof. Aubin; meteorology, air-raid protection, treatment of border colonial questions, reference to maritime service in East Prussia, keeping a village and house book by the teacher
Contains: also church library, advanced training courses in physical education, recommendation of literature, care of aviation, commemoration ceremonies, occupation of positions in prison, textbooks, prohibition of lectures about the foreign legion, co-operation with NSDAP and NSLB and HJ, German youth festival 1936, freedom of religion, national nutrition, colonial questions, study trips to Czechoslovakia
Classified as secret. Contains: Circulars of the Reich Forestry Commissioner etc.; questionnaires, leaflets etc.
Contains: Secret Circular of the Reich Forestry of 3. 6. 1940 on the preparation of the future Colonial Forestry Administration - advertisements, individual reports, summonses, including to the Forestry Protection Command (later -corps) in Brieg.
Volume 1. Contains: Personnel lists, salary issues, seniority lists, proof of Aryan descent. - Also individual officials or applicants. - Preparation of a colonial forestry operation (1938). - Damage caused by troop occupancy at the Altenwald Forester's Lodge in 1940 (very detailed). - Map of the Oberf. Neunkirchen, sheet 2 (1934); dto of the forest office Saarbrücken, with drawing of the Gdeund Staatswald (on topographical map of Bavaria 1 : 25.000, No. 34 St. Ingbert). - Map of the forestry office Saarlautern (1 : 100.000?). - Map of the Oberf. Fischbach, with drawing of the districts. - Map of the Oberf. Saarbrücken (sewn into the band). - Map of the Kirkel-Neuhäusel forestry district, with drawing of the wood species (1938).
See manuscript t, n, v, w. Contains: a) Statute of the purchasing cooperative of the Grube von der Heydt from 1 April 1901, printed; b) ditto from 3 August 1919, printed; c) Kriegsanleihe - Sparkarten des Deutschen Sparkassenverbandes, 1917; d) Carte d'Identité, issued on 23 April 1917; d) Carte d'Identité, issued on 23 April 1917; e) Carte d'Enforcement, issued on 23 April 1917. March 1919; e) Membership card of the Eisenbahn-Arbeiterpensionskasse des Saargebietes, 1919 - 1923; f) Statutes of the free support fund of the Protestant parish Güchenbach, 1926, printed; g) Membership card of the Vaterländischen Frauenverein vom Roten Kreuz, Saarbrücken-Land, 1933; h) Membership card of the DRK-Kreisgemeinschaft Saarbrücken-Land, 1938; i) Membership card of the Turn-Verein-Pflugscheid, issued on 1. Admission Certificate to the Health and Survivors' Insurance Fund of the Deutsche Reichsbahngesellschaft, 1935