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Archival description
KIT-Archiv, 27025 · Fonds · 1889-1950
Part of KIT Archive (Archive Tectonics)

Contents: An overview of the contents can be found in the classification. History of origins: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Christoph Heinrich Rehbock (*12.04.1864 in Amsterdam, 17.08.1950 in Baden-Baden) studied civil engineering in Munich and Berlin from 1884 to 1890. After the diploma examination and the government building leader examination he worked from 1890 to 1892 in Berlin at the Reichstag building administration, then from 1893 to 1894 in the Bremen building administration. After passing the government building master examination in 1894, he worked in Berlin as a consulting engineer for hydraulic engineering and undertook journeys through Europe, to Canada and the USA as well as to South America and 1896/97 to southern Africa. In 1899 he was appointed full professor at the Technical University of Karlsruhe, where he established the river engineering laboratory and served as rector in the academic years 1907/08, 1917/18 and 1925/26. In 1934 Rehbock was emeritus. Pre-archival inventory history: Foreword by Klaus-Peters Hoepke in the provisional find book: "The inventory changed location several times between its creation and its transfer to the university archive. In 1943 Rehbock obtained permission from the rector to bring his papers from the river engineering laboratory to his house in Baden-Baden to arrange them. When Baden-Baden became a military restricted area in the autumn of 1944, Rehbock moved it to his alternative quarters in Ried b. Benediktbeuren/Obb. At the end of the war he took her back to Baden-Baden. Since his house was confiscated by the French military administration, he had to move again - taking his papers with him. During Rehbock's lifetime, but at the latest after his death, individual pieces of furniture, parts of his library, these papers - probably supplemented by parts of the written private estate - reached the Technical University of Karlsruhe. In September 1992 Prof. Dr. techn. Peter Larsen and PD Dr.-Ing. Hans Helmut Bernhart of the Theodor Rebock Institute arranged for the fundus to be transferred to the university archive. Furthermore Dr.-Ing. Andreas Richter from the Institute of Hydromechanics handed over a bundle of Rehbock manuscripts of the lecture on weirs to the archive in January 1995; it was added to the collection under the serial number 63a. The inventory listed below is made up of parts of the service room estate and private papers. In view of the distances travelled, experience has shown that it is hardly probable that the fundus that existed around 1943 is still completely preserved. After the war, for example, there must have been two folders with the correspondence that Rehbock had kept with the nestor of German hydraulic engineering, Hubert Engels from Dresden, a colleague he held in high esteem. In any case, the effects of war had destroyed not only countless measurement records, plans, etc. but also the historically valuable and extensive collection of site plans of the Rhine models: According to Rehbock, the already print-ready collection documented "the best I could achieve in the experimental world". (So to Anton Grzywienski, 15.12.1946, no. 162) [...] In Baden-Baden Rehbock actually dealt with arranging his papers. He probably used the registration plan as a basis, according to which he had correspondence, sketches, plans, etc. filed during his active time in the river engineering laboratory. (This registry plan no longer exists, so that the presumed losses can no longer be determined). Above all, Rehbock added explanatory remarks for posterity to individual folders or documents. Many documents then contain underscores, paint strokes or margin notes made with coloured pencils (red, purple or green). Unfortunately, it is not always clear whether these are traces of processing from the course of business or later highlights, which it seemed advisable to place roebuck in view of posterity." Archive history: Most of the documents were transferred from the Theodor Rehbock Institute to the university archive in September 1992. A small levy was made in January 1995 from the Institute of Hydromechanics (No 63a). The Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Cultural Engineering, which emerged from the Theodor Rehbock Institute, submitted further documents in 1996, which Hoepke classified partly in "Signatures" he had created and partly under No. 351-381. Numbers 370-381 included 1,345 photographic glass plates. These were included in a provisional list in late 2003 and filmed and digitised at the turn of the year 2003/04. On 02.06.2008 the addition 29/? was added to the inventory as signature number 406. Explanation of the order: The order of the inventory was established in its basic features according to the order carried out by Theodor Rehbock. Changes took place in the initial stock formation in the university archive (see Archivische Bestandgeschichte) and in the digitisation of the finding aid in 2005. Indexing information: In the second quarter of 2005, the finding aid available in electronic form was easily edited and imported into the finding aid database. The existing classification was adopted largely unchanged. During the digitization of the finding aid, signatures with alphanumeric additions were changed to purely numeric signatures. Classification overview: 1. personalia 2. colonial matters 3. university matters 4. memberships 5. manuscripts 6. divining rod 7. structural engineering 8. technical contacts in the USA 9. tooth sleeper patent and its exploitation 9.0 general 9.1 German projects 9.2 Company Dyckerhoff 9.3 Company Philips

302 NL Bach, C.
Universitätsarchiv Chemnitz, 302 · Fonds · 1838-2007
Part of Chemnitz University of Technology

1st administrative history/biography: Carl Bach was born on 08.03.1847 in Stollberg in the Erzgebirge mountains as the son of the saddler master and carriage builder Heinrich Julius Bach. After attending primary school and private school in Stollberg, he completed an apprenticeship as a locksmith. In the years 1863 and 1864 he worked in the steam engine construction of the company R. Hartmann in Chemnitz. During this time he learned English in addition to his work. Then he was first a pupil of the Gewerbschule, later of the Werkmeisterschule, where he graduated at Easter 1866 with the overall grade 1 and the silver medal, which was only awarded in one copy. This year he took part in planning work for the Chemnitz water pipeline under the direction of Prof. Kankelwitz. After the following studies at the Polytechnikum Dresden he followed Prof. Kankelwitz as assistant for the years 1868 to 1872 to Stuttgart. After this time Bach studied again, this time with Grashof at the TH Karlsruhe, where he earned his diploma in 1873. In the following five years he worked as an engineer in Wollwich, London and Vienna, finally becoming director of Lausitzer Maschinenfabrik AG in Bautzen. He was elected to the Zittau Chamber of Commerce in 1877 and married in the same year. On 01 October 1878, Bach was appointed full professor of mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Stuttgart, where he established the Materials Testing Institute in 1884 and the Engineering Laboratory eleven years later. From 1885 to 1888 he was rector of the TH Stuttgart. One year later, on 20 June 1889, Bach was awarded the silver commemorative medal by the King of Württemberg on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the government. In February 1892 he received the Knight's Cross and on 25 November 1895 the Honorary Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown, connected with the nobility of persons. He was also awarded the title of "Construction Director". Already in 1883 Carl Bach was appointed to the Federal Polytechnic in Zurich, in 1895 to the Technical University in Berlin and in 1902 unofficially to the Technical University in Vienna. However, he did not follow any of these calls. On 22 March 1911 he was awarded the Commander's Cross of the 2nd Class of the Albrecht Order by King Friedrich August of Saxony, in 1914 the title "Staatsrat", in February 1916 he was awarded the Wilhelmskreuz by the King of Württemberg, in February 1918 the Commander's Cross of the Order of the Württemberg Crown. Also this year Bach was the first technician in Württemberg to receive the title "Excellence". From 1912 to 1918 Carl von Bach was a member of the 1st Chamber of the Württemberg State Parliament for the TH Stuttgart. On his 70th birthday, 1917, he became an honorary citizen of his hometown Stollberg and on his 80th birthday an honorary citizen of Stuttgart. In 1920 the senate of the TH Stuttgart had him paint for the senate hall. Two years later Bach was emeritus. In 1926 Bach was painted again, this time for the conference hall of the VDI in Berlin. Carl von Bach died in Stuttgart on 10 October 1931. He holds honorary doctorates from the TH Berlin (1903), the University of Tübingen (1927), the TH Vienna (1927), and the TH Stuttgart (1927). In close cooperation and lively exchange of ideas with renowned entrepreneurs and inventors such as Robert Bosch, Paul Daimler, Rudolf Diesel, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin and many others, Bach succeeded in bridging the gap in mechanical engineering between practitioners such as Redtenbacher (Karlsruhe) and theorists such as Reuleaux (Berlin) by purposefully combining theory and practice through experimental research in mechanical engineering and civil engineering. In order to secure the scientific basis, Bach successfully established two research institutes, the Materials Testing Institute 1884, of which he was director until 1922, and the Engineering Laboratory 1895. On his initiative, the first chair for aeronautics and automotive engineering was established in Germany in 1925, together with the associated laboratory. Based on his work, Bach is regarded as the founder of static elasticity and strength theory. Both from his own experience and from his work in business circles and technical associations, Bach was aware that the rapid development of German industry required a fundamental reform of engineering education. He demanded a "workshop practice" of at least one year. Bach considered solid practical experience supplemented by thorough, comprehensive training in natural science and technical subjects, but also the teaching of humanities disciplines, the "humanisation of technical universities", to be absolutely essential for the engineer of the future. His educational policy intentions, which he realized in his more than 40 years of work at the Technical University of Stuttgart, he achieved above all through the Association of German Engineers. The appreciation of Bach as a teacher and scholar is expressed not only by his appointments to other universities, but also by the orders and honours of crowned heads and associations of a technical, scientific and socio-political nature, as well as the magnificent letter of thanks from the students of the TH Stuttgart. 2nd inventory description: Carl von Bach (1847-1931) was one of the most important German technical scientists of his time. In the field of mechanical engineering and material testing he did pioneering work, which is the basis for today's problems and solutions. The estate of Carl von Bach comprises a total of about 40 running metres. Archive material. However, this material does not only contain the scientific legacy of Bach, but much more: in addition to the scientific works - almost all manuscripts of his major works are available in various editions - an extensive part of his private legacy is also preserved. In addition, the University Archives also contain the estate of his son Julius Bach. He was bequeathed in his will the entire legacy of his father's writings, which he finally bequeathed to the then Technical University of Karl-Marx-Stadt alongside his own. Particularly valuable in the estate of Carl von Bach, if one can even pick out a subgroup, is the traditional business correspondence. On approx. 50,000 sheets, both the correspondence received and the correspondence sent out over the period from 1876 to 1931 are almost completely handed down. Because of Bach's focus on work and research, the theory of strength and elasticity, of which he was a co-founder, he came into contact with various representatives from science and industry. Moreover, Bach was a very socially committed person, which is also reflected in this correspondence. However, the preservation of the tradition is endangered. In particular, the copial books with the outgoing correspondence will only be released for use in exceptional cases. The degree of preservation of the writing material is particularly problematic here. As a rule, the deceased did not use commercially available ink, but mixed it himself in varying compositions, some of which faded very strongly. In addition, the transparent paper of the books is only of little stability. For this reason, the business correspondence in the Bach estate was completely filmed and digitized. Selected documents are recorded on colour film and are available as negatives and positives. The Subdivision of the Estate Carl von Bach's estate is divided into six sections in its provisionally final stage of indexing: I. Biographical material This group includes personal documents, testimonies of his educational and professional career, documents about his military service, honours, vocations, anniversaries and autobiographical records. II. private correspondence This is arranged chronologically according to the members of the family and within them. Of these, the correspondence with his son Julius is the most extensive and certainly also the most interesting, since it contains the discussions of various technical problems that were conducted between the two scientists. III. business correspondence This cannot claim to be complete, but the extent of the overdelivery is impressive. Particularly remarkable is the tradition of the outgoing mail, which is recorded in a total of 35 copial books on approx. 35000 sheets. They cover the period from 1876 to 1903 and from 1909 to his death in 1931. Within these copies the letters are arranged chronologically and for almost each of these books there is a register of names of the addressees, which has been made by the deceased. However, the Kopialbücher also contain copies of incoming letters and various concepts, orders, etc., which Bach probably regarded as particularly important. Also the mail archived in this group is quite remarkable with 18 000 sheets. In total, there are about 2500 correspondents in the group of business correspondence. With regard to the two sections on private and business correspondence, it should be noted that correspondence can also be found outside these sections, in the fact files. IV. Business papers Here you will find the manuscripts of his countless publications, statements and expert opinions on the fields of science covered by Bach, as well as extensive material collections on these questions. His work on material testing, the durability of steam boilers and riveted joints, etc. can be particularly well understood here. Bach himself created firm portfolios in which he collected all possible processes into one subject and then labeled them accordingly. This state of order and distortion was largely adopted during the earlier processing of the estate, without verifying the content in detail. This situation was resolved in 2007. The order by subject has been maintained, but the folders have been repackaged and the file titles have been supplemented with extensive "Contains" notes to facilitate access to this material. In addition, papers from the estate of Julius Bach were added to this section, but these clearly have their origin in Carl Bach. V. Material Collections Various types of material have been summarized here. This concerns e.g. his membership cards, orders, promotional gifts, material samples or also different photos. Sections 4 and 5 have not been rearranged, but have been taken over from the original legator. VI. Non-provenance material Here is the material about the legator that was later added to the estate, such as obituaries or copies of and about Bach from other archives. In the revision of the estate, further material on Carl Bach was added. Of particular note here are the numerous photos of the Carl Bach family, which were made available in digital form for the collection. The inventory signature is the number 302, followed by an indication in Roman numerals and the individually numbered file units (in Arabic numerals). The Roman numerals indicate the six different groups. Example: 302 / III / 0123 Carl von Bach estate estate / business correspondence / foreign correspondence America: Argentina, Chile, Canada, USA Inventory processing The Carl von Bach estate has not yet been finally catalogued. At the beginning of the processing in the 80s a file was created, which was the basis for the input into the database at the end of the 90s. The data was transferred unchanged. A new classification was developed for the estate, according to which the entered units of registration are arranged. New file titles have been created in the Biographical Material, Private and Business Correspondence sections. In 2007, sections IV to VI were finally developed in greater depth. Although most of the titles of the files in the business papers and material collections were originally taken over by the testator, they were supplemented with extensive remarks. The present finding aid book thus represents the most recent state of processing for the time being. Digitisation The correspondence in the estate has been completely filmed and digitised from the film. Due to the state of preservation, the originals are no longer released for use. A high quality silver halide film has been used to secure the existence of the company. As a rule, this part of the estate is used via the electronic data on the PC. The designation of the CD-ROM corresponds to that of the file unit. During scanning, the individual sheets were numbered consecutively. The first part of the file name, however, reflects the file unit. However, the file numbers do not match the page number. 3. state of indexing/scope: indexed; find book, database, digitised material; scope: 40.75 running metres.

Universitätsarchiv Stuttgart Findbuch zum Bestand 33 Forschungs- und Materialprüfungsanstalt für das Bauwesen (FMPA) - Otto-Graf-Institut Edited by Dr. Volker Ziegler With the cooperation of Hanna Reiss, Tamara Zukakishvili, Stephanie Hengel, Maria Stemper, Simone Wittmann, Anna Bittigkoffer, Norbert Becker Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Stuttgart 2012 Table of contents 1st foreword 2. 2.1 The founding of the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart 2.2 Carl Bach and Emil Mörsch 2.3 The beginnings of Otto Graf in the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart 2.4 Otto Graf, Richard Baumann and the successor of Carl Bach 2.5 The formation of the Department of Civil Engineering and the Institute for Building Materials Research and Testing in Civil Engineering 2.6 Otto Graf after the Second World War 2.7 Otto Graf's Services 2.8 Relocation of the FMPA to Vaihingen 2.9 Restructuring within the FMPA 2.10 Re-sorting the FMPA to the Ministry of Economics of Baden-Württemberg 2.11 Reintegration of the FMPA into the University of Stuttgart and Reunification with the MPA 3. 3.1 Inventory History 3.2 Filing and Registration 3.3 Distribution density 3.4 Focus on content 4 Literature 5. Reference to further archive holdings 6. User notes 1. Foreword In 1999 and 2000, the University Archive Stuttgart took over a large number of old files from the central institute building of the then Research and Material Testing Institute Baden-Württemberg (FMPA) - Otto-Graf-Institut, a total of 263.7 shelf metres. This extensive collection, together with a few smaller, later additions, forms the holdings 33, which the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) funded from June 2008 to March 2012 as part of the Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (LIS) funding programme. The focus of the cataloguing lies on the research organization and on the networks in NS large-scale projects and in construction projects of the early Federal Republic of Germany, which also corresponds to the density of the inventory handed down between 1933 and 1958. The Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart officially commenced its activities on 25 February 1884. It was an institution of the Technical University of Stuttgart. From the beginning, both areas were covered: material testing for mechanical and plant engineering as well as the testing of building materials and construction methods. When in 1927 the institutional separation of the two areas of work was initiated, the registries of the Material Testing Institute/MPA (Mechanical Engineering) and the Material Testing Institute for Construction were also separated. When the latter moved from Stuttgart-Berg to the new buildings in Stuttgart-Vaihingen at the end of the 1950s and beginning of the 1960s, the files were taken along for building material testing, but also the series of joint outgoing mail books from 1883. They are therefore also part of the archive holdings 33. Following the retirement of non-archival-worthy files, the archive holdings currently comprise 3,484 archive units from the period from 1883 to 1996 as well as 777 personnel files of FMPA employees up to 1986. A finding aid book is also available online for the personnel files of employees born up to 1912. A whole series of employees of the Stuttgart University Archive were involved in the implementation of the project. The project staff members Hanna Reiss, Tamara Zukakishvili and Stephanie Hengel must first be named here. Hanna Reiss recorded the personnel files and the important clients, in addition she supported the scientific coworker with evaluation questions. Tamara Zukakishvili recorded the daily copies of the departments of the Otto-Graf-Institut. Stephanie Hengel, together with the undersigned, carried out the evaluation of the partial stock of publications and recorded and systematised, among other things, the extensive partial stock of the Länder Expert Committee for New Building Materials and Types of Construction. Maria Stemper registered the outgoing mail correspondence, Simone Wittmann, Anna Bittigkoffer and Norbert Becker a part of the test files of the departments concrete, stones and binders, earth and foundation engineering and building physics. Norbert Becker, Anna Bittigkoffer and Stephanie Hengel carried out the inspection and evaluation of the large-format documents and plans as well as the extensive collection of photographs and photonegatives. Rolf Peter Menger took over important de-icing and packaging work and Norbert Becker, head of the University Archive in Stuttgart, provided advice and support on all important issues. Once again we would like to thank all those involved in the implementation of the project. Stuttgart, 12.03.2012 Dr. Volker Ziegler 2nd outline of the history of building material testing at the Technical University/University of Stuttgart 2.1 The foundation of the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart The present volume 33 contains the files of the working area of building material testing, which was part of the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart under various names until 1945 and only then became independent, which is why it is necessary to go into the history of the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart in more detail. The Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart officially commenced its activities on 25 February 1884. Professor Adolf Groß, Professor of Machine Drawing, Machine Science and Design Exercises at the Stuttgart Polytechnic, was the founding director. In September 1883, however, Groß changed from the Polytechnikum Stuttgart to the board of directors of the Württembergische Staatseisenbahnen and was replaced by Carl Bach[1] as the board member of the Materialprüfungsanstalt[2] In the decree of the Department of Churches and Education in the Staatsanzeiger für Württemberg of 21 February 1884, the following is formulated as the area of responsibility of the Materialprüfungsanstalt Stuttgart: 1. The Materialprüfungsanstalt is determined to serve the interests of industry as well as those of teaching. Initially, the equipment was purchased to determine the tensile strength of metal and wooden rods, belts, ropes, cement and cement mortar, the compressive strength of cement, cement mortar and bricks, the bending strength of metal rods and beams, the shear strength of round metal rods. On request, elasticity modulus and proportional limit, if any, can also be determined during tensile tests. It has been decided to extend the institution by the facilities for determining the wear and tear of stones. The fees payable for the use of the establishment shall be sufficient to cover its expenses. Public operation will begin on 25 February this year. This shows that building material tests were planned from the outset and that the institution was to be operated economically. The Royal Württemberg Ministry of Finance provided an amount of 6,000 Marks. Furthermore, 10,000 Marks came from a surplus that had been achieved at the state trade exhibition in Stuttgart at that time. This was what the Württembergische Bezirksverein Deutscher Ingenieure (Württemberg District Association of German Engineers) had advocated following an application by Carl Bach.[3] There was no state funding. Carl Bach therefore had to make do with a room in the main building of the polytechnic, which had to be shared with the electrical engineering department. Apart from Carl Bach, there was only one employee at the beginning. It was not until 1906 that a new building could be moved into in Stuttgart-Berg. The development had been so positive that the state of Württemberg assumed the construction costs and Carl Bach was able to hire additional personnel, including engineers Richard Baumann, Otto Graf and Max Ulrich, who came to the Materials Testing Institute in 1903 and 1904. They were largely paid for out of earned funds. 2.2 Carl Bach and Emil Mörsch Carl Bach's collaboration with Emil Mörsch, a man who laid the scientific foundations for reinforced concrete construction, was of fundamental importance. In 1902 Mörsch published his work Der Eisenbetonbau, seine Anwendung und Theorie. This book was published in a short time and became a standard work. Mörsch, who was still working for Ways at that time.

Landeshauptarchiv Schwerin, 5.12-3/1 · Fonds · 1849 - 1953
Part of Schwerin State Archives (archive tectonics)

The Ministry of the Interior, created by the Decree of 10 October 1849, was the supreme head of the internal administration of the Land, insofar as it did not fall within the remit of other ministries or the State Ministry. The Ministry was in charge of the supervision of all local authorities and was entrusted with the management of the sovereign police force and the supervision of all police authorities and institutions. His tasks also included the handling of economic and general agricultural matters, including the regulation of property, farm and day labour relations, transport, association and press matters, the administration of roads and hydraulic engineering as well as social services. In addition, the Ministry's portfolio included citizenship matters, border and electoral matters, as well as civilian administration matters related to the military. Essentially, the business circle of the Ministry remained unchanged until 1945. It was extended in 1875 to include the civil status system. In 1905, the Ministry of Justice, Department of Education, transferred the affairs of the technical and commercial technical and further education school system from the Ministry of Justice to the Ministry of the Interior. During the First World War, the Ministry was responsible for controlling the food supply and the war economy, and after the war it was responsible for civilian demobilization. In 1919 the newly founded Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests (see 5.12-4/2) took over the handling of agricultural matters, including rural labour and ownership, and in 1937 also agricultural water matters. There are gaps in the file tradition. Major losses were caused by the fire in the government building in 1865. At the beginning of 1945, files from 1933 to 1945 were deliberately destroyed in the Ministry. Most of the files of the Department of Social Policy from the period after 1918 were also lost. A. GENERAL DEPARTMENT Registrar's aids and file directories - ministries: Rules of procedure and operation; Circulars and circulars; Imperial legislation and Imperial authorities; State legislation; Administrative jurisdiction; Secret and main archives; Museums, monuments and associations; Government library and public libraries; Service buildings; Law gazettes; Newspapers and calendars; State handbook. B. STAFF DISTRIBUTION Service and pay relationships of ministries in general - Ministry of the Interior and subordinate departments: General personnel matters; individual personnel files. C. MUNICIPAL DEPARTMENT I. Cities: General municipal policy; relations with the state government and the countryside; city constitution, city and municipal regulations; citizenship; city ordinances; city councils; councils of municipalities (magistrates); municipal institutes; taxation; finance; plots of land; field, pasture and forest management; road and ambulance police; marksmen's guilds in general and in individual cities or administrative districts: Dominatrix and knighthood offices; official regulations (Includes, among other things, the following District division, territorial consolidation in accordance with the Greater Hamburg Act); official assembly and official committees; district administration and rural communities: Rural community regulations; community organisation in knightly, monastic and treasurer villages; community boundaries and place names; community representations and schools; community administration; community encumbrances, taxation; poor coffers and auxiliary shop funds; community estates; rural ownership relationships (contains: small ownership and farm workers); expropriations; medical police; fire extinguishing special purpose associations of offices or districts, towns and communities. II. special files city districts: Rostock with Warnemünde; Schwerin; Wismar; Güstrow; Neustrelitz. offices and/or districts. Inventory content: General administration; cities belonging to districts; individual rural communities. D. MECKLENBURG-SCHWERINSCHER LANDESVERWALTUNGSRATTUNG I. General affairs organisation and business operations; minutes of meetings - decisions and resolutions: in accordance with city, official and rural community regulations; in midwifery, school, evacuation and fire-fighting associations; in hunting, water and lake-building matters; in outfitting and incorporation - approval of bonds - confirmation of statutes. II. individual cities Inventory content: city council; civil service; finance and taxation; poor affairs; police; urban property and urban district. III. individual offices or districts Inventory content: Constitution and administration; finance and taxation; poor affairs; fire-fighting; road maintenance; community affairs; individual rural communities. E. LANDESGRENZSACHEN General - Land border against Lübeck - Land border against the Principality of Ratzeburg - Land border against Lauenburg - Land border against Hanover - Southern Land border against Prussia - Land border against Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Land Stargard) - Former Mecklenburg-Strelitzsche Land border against Prussia - Eastern Land border against Prussia (Pomerania). F. Elections to the Reichstag: Election to the Reichstag of the North German Federation; Reich Electoral Law of 31 May 1869, electoral associations and agitation; elections to the German Reichstag 1871-1912; election to the German National Assembly; elections to the German Reichstag 1920-1938 - Reich presidential elections - other votes, petitions for a referendum and referendums - Landtag elections: Electoral law and regulations; elections to the constituent and to the 1st to 7th state parliaments; other votes G. PERSONNESSTANDSWESEN General and legislation - certification and determination of the civil status - legitimation - name changes - adoption of children - registry offices: organization and business; registry office matters and districts. H. STATE ASSENTIALITY: General: Laws and Regulations; Relations with German Federal States; Relations with Non-German States - Marriages of Non-Mecklenburgers or Foreigners in Mecklenburg: General; Register - Register of Applications for the Issue of Certificates of Residence - Naturalisation: Register; Admission Certificates - Re-Lending of Citizenship - Options - German Citizenship East: Register - Special Files - Naturalisations: General; Register; Special files - Emigration: General; Emigration agencies, reports on their activities and lists of emigrants; Marriage of emigrants; Consensus on emigration (Contains: Register, Special files, Various entries and inquiries) - Expatriations after 1933 - Matters of foreign inheritance. I. PASSWESEN General - General files of the Trade Commission in passport matters - Passport register - Individual passport applications. K. ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT I. Banks and credit institutions in general - Individual banks and credit institutions: Ritterschaftlicher Kreditverein; Rostocker Bank; Mecklenburgische Lebensversicherungs- und Sparbank zu Schwerin; various banks and credit institutions - advance institutions - savings banks. II. insurance supervision Insurance supervision: general; life insurance; fire and fire insurance; livestock insurance; miscellaneous non-life insurance; knighthood insurance associations - social insurance: general and legislative; public authorities (Contains: (e.g. the State Insurance Office, the State Insurance Offices, the State Insurance Institution); accident insurance; disability and old-age insurance; health insurance; war-affected persons insurance; catering, sickness and death funds for journeymen and manual workers; pension, death and widow's funds. III. Geological Survey IV. Trade General - Trade powers in Mecklenburg - Markets - Customs and trade with foreign countries - Trade associations and chambers of commerce - Commercial courts. V. Trade Legislation - State and public institutions: Trade Inspector, Trade Commission, Trade Inspectorate; Decisions of the Trade Commission; Chamber of Crafts and Labor; Trade Courts; Trade Associations - Industrial Employment Relationships - Master Craftsmen's, Journeymen's and Apprentices' Guilds: General; guilds on a national scale; individual guilds A-Z. - Travelling trades and peddlers - Travelling actors and musicians - Privileged trades: Musicians; Frohnereien (Contains: General and legislation, individual Frohnereien); chimney sweeps; livestock cutters - cooperatives - Price testing - Dimensions and weights, weights and measures - Technical commission (supervision of steam boilers and mills). VI. trade and technical education trade schools: General information; individual vocational schools - technical colleges: Building trade schools (Contains: Neustadt-Glewe, Schwerin, Sternberg, Teterow); Engineering school Wismar - Various technical schools - Business schools and commercial colleges - Agricultural schools: Dargun; Zarrentin - Commercial and commercial educational institutions outside Mecklenburg. VII. Industry in general - Individual branches of industry - Enterprises and industries in individual cities - Grand Ducal Industrial Fund. VIII Exhibitions and congresses IX. Mining Mecklenburg Mining Authority - Mining facilities and operations (Contains: Conow, Jessenitz, Lübtheen, Malliß, Sülze) - Conditions of miners - Storage of mineral resources. X. Electricity supply XI Agriculture and forestry Agricultural Council and Chamber of Agriculture - Agricultural reports and exhibitions - Promotion of agricultural and forestry activities - Fisheries: general and legislative; coastal and deep-sea fishing; inland fishing - Rural conditions: General; Individual goods and places - Conditions of day-labourers (regulations) - Grand Ducal Settlement Commission and Settlements. XII Statistics Population and poor statistics - Labour, trade and commerce statistics - Agriculture and forestry statistics - Shipping statistics - Finance statistics - Local directories. XIII Surveying XIV Regional Planning and Settlement Office XV Sale of Jewish Property L. TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT I. Railways Relationship with the Reich: General administration (contains, among other things: annual reports of the Mecklenburg railways); railway police; equipment; construction; transport; use of the railways for military purposes and during wars; employment; cash and accounting; statistics - Mecklenburgische Eisenbahnen: Nationalisation; Commission files on nationalisation; Bonds and state bonds; Individual routes or companies before nationalisation; Großherzoglich-Mecklenburgische Friedrich-Franz-Eisenbahn; Railway matters after nationalisation. II Shipping General: Legal provisions; registration and registers of merchant ships; annual reports of shipping companies; prevention of ship accidents; customs and smuggling; receipt and dissemination of information; scientific institutions; associations - ship surveying - ship telegraphy - Maritime Office, examination system - maritime schools: General information; Wustrow Nautical School; Dierhagen Navigation Preparatory School; Other Nautical Schools - Seemannsordnung, Seamen's Employment Relationships - Seaports - Reichshilfe für die Seeschiffahrt, War Compensation (Second World War). III. circulation of bicycles, motor vehicles and aircraft M. SOCIAL ASSISTANCE AND SOCIAL POLICY I. Homeland and poor affairs General legislation on homeland, poor affairs and settlement - Commission for Homeland affairs - Local affiliations - Settlement in the Domanium - Poor affairs - Appeals and complaints regarding support for the poor. II. social welfare and social policy general welfare and welfare institutions - Landeswohlfahrts- und Landesjugendamt, Landespflegeausschuss, Wohlfahrtspflegerinnen - welfare: youth welfare; tuberculosis and other health care; maternal and child welfare; care for the unemployed; war welfare; pension welfare; groups of people in need of assistance; food price reduction for the underprivileged; donations and collections - labour matters: Housing assistance: Landeswohnungsamt; General housing assistance and housing guidance; Tenant protection; Housing construction and small settlements - War relief fund and war credit committees - Refugee assistance: General; Regional committee for refugee assistance; Mecklenburgische Ostpreußenhilfe foundation; Accommodation of refugees in the Second World War Foundations and Collections - Landarbeitshaus Güstrow: Rules of procedure and operation, administrative reports; establishment and occupancy; service and salary relationships, personnel matters; budgeting, cash management and accounting; general economic matters and construction; goods Federow and Schwarzenhof (secondary institutions); children's home and children's hospital Güstrow. N. MILITARY AREAS Military legislation and general military affairs - Military administration - Relations with the German federal states and abroad - Individual military branches - Recruitment and replacement - Services of the population for the military: quartering and service; benefits in kind; marches through, troop and shooting exercises; benefits in case of war - mobilization and wars of 1870/71 and 1914/18: preparation of mobilization in peace; mobilization, war benefits and measures of 1870/71; mobilization 1914 and World War I (Includes: General measures, measures taken by civilian authorities, propaganda, use of civil servants and civil servants for military service, measures taken by military authorities, monitoring of printed matter and correspondence, monitoring of foreigners, prisoners of war, collections and confiscations, patriotic assistance and young men).support for military servants and their for invalids and veterans. O. VOLKSERNÜHRUNG (First World War and post-war period) conferences and publications on popular nutrition - business and personnel affairs of the Department of Popular Nutrition - reporting and statistics - Reichsbehörden für Volksernährung - State authorities in the field of public nutrition: State and district authorities for public nutrition, municipal associations, state feed agency, state fat agency; price inspection agencies, usury office, usury courts; state price office; state grain office and district grain offices; workers' and farmers' councils. P. WAR AND AFTERWAR ECONOMY (FIRST WORLD WAR) General - Banking, Securities Trading - Bankruptcy Proceedings - Trade - Employment Relationships, Foreign Workers - Industry: General; Individual Industries - Agriculture - Fuel Supply - Foreign Assets: General; Forced Administration or Liquidation (Includes: Rostock Shipowners, Banks, Land and Companies). Q. War damage in the Second World War General - Individual war damage: Rostock and Warnemünde; Schwerin; Wismar; Other cities and municipalities; Forestry, official reserves, frohneries; Electrical network. R. POLICE DEPARTMENT I. Political and Security Police From 1830 to 1918: Gendarmerie (Contains: General, gendarmerie stations, personnel and salary matters, budget, cash and accounting); criminal police law; rights of the manor, patrimonial jurisdiction; knightly police associations and offices; popular movements before and after 1848; security police; surveillance and combating of the social democratic movement, of anarchists and communists; press police (surveillance of bookstores, book printing houses and lending libraries); surveillance and prohibition of political associations and assemblies. From 1918/19 to 1945: Political Police (Contains: November Revolution and post-war crisis, surveillance and prohibition of political parties, associations and organizations, fight against the KPD); news collection point; local defence services; state commissioner for disarmament (contains, among other things, weapons delivery in individual cities, offices and communities); security police 1919-1921; order police 1921-1934 (contains: Police administration, organisational strength, official regulations, individual commands and stations, agendas and orders, activity, training, exercises, training areas and weapons, cash and accounting, equipment and catering, accommodation and official housing, general personnel matters, personnel files); Landesgendarmerie und ihre Tätigkeit; Landeskriminalamt, Krimi-nalpolizeistelle Schwerin; Organisation der Polizei von 1934-1945. II. Gerichtspolizei III. Sittenpolizei IV. Medical Police V. Building and Fire Police S. STRASSEN- UND WASSERBAUVERWALTUNG I. General administration Organisation and business operation - Budget, cash and accounting - Service and remuneration - General personnel matters: Road and hydraulic engineering administration as a whole; roadside inspections and roadside fee collectors; road and hydraulic engineering offices; road attendants and road workers, beach and dune supervisors; lock masters and lock attendants - service properties - equipment and vehicles - surveying - files of the Karl Witte construction council. II. roads and roads General road and road construction matters: Forwarding, pricing, wage rates of the construction industry; technical construction; maintenance obligation; cycle paths; rights of third parties, ancillary facilities; road traffic regulations, signage, meteorological service - Chausseegehöfte der Straßenbauämter Güstrow, Neustrelitz, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren.- Chausseen: Roadside Police Regulations and Roadside Money Tariff; Creation and maintenance of roads in general; main roads in the area of the road construction offices Güstrow, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren; Nebenchausseen in the offices Grevesmühlen, Güstrow, Hagenow, Ludwigslust, Malchin, Parchim, Rostock, Schwerin, Waren, Wismar; Chausseen in the district Stargard and in the former principality Ratzeburg; Chausseeinventare (Contains: General, Individual inventories of the road construction administrations Güstrow, Neustrelitz, Schwerin, Waren).- Reichsstraßen.- Landstraßen I. Ordnung.- Landstraßen II. Order. - Bridges: General; Single Bridges (Contains: Elbe, state road Berlin-Hamburg, catchment areas of Sude, Boize, Elde, Havel, Stepenitz, Warnow, Recknitz and Peene, Wallensteingraben): General information; Imperial roads; country roads I. order; country roads II. order; country roads II. order Road construction planning - Execution and status of construction works - Emergency works - Road directories. III. Roads Right of Way and Road Order.- Road Police.- Legal Decisions and Complaints.- General Road Matters.- Road Construction.Load.- Main.Routes.: Directories.; Surveys.on.Main.Routes.- Communication.Routes.- Establishment.of.New.Routes.- Routing.- Public.Routes.- Public.Routes.Closed.- Footpaths.- Church.and.School.Routes.- Bridges. IV. Baltic Sea and waterways Baltic Sea: General information; storm surges; coastal protection, beach regulations - waterways: General; Accessibility; Sea waterways (Contains: Laws and Ordinances, Maritime Emergency Notification, Weather and Icebreaking Services, Water Levels and Pollution, Maritime Marks and Signals, Pilotage, Seaports, Ferries, Land and Construction); Inland Waterways (Contains: General information, statistics on ship and raft traffic, water levels, individual inland waterways, canal and navigable objects, port facilities and loading stations, locks and culverts, lock masters, lock keepers and river supervisors, hydroelectric power stations and waterworks, high-voltage and telegraph facilities, industrial facilities, mills, water police permits, compensation, fishing and hunting). V. Water management Water law - Soil improvement cooperatives, expansion and clearing of watercourses - Schwerin lakes - Waste water.

BArch, R 61 · Fonds · 1927-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Founded in 1933, since 1934 as a public corporation of the Reich subject to the supervision of Reichsju‧stizministers and Reich Minister of the Interior, responsible for the promotion and Ver‧wirklichung of the "National Socialist Program in the Entire Field of Law" Long Text: Founding and Legal Foundations The Academy for German Law was constituted on 26 March 1933. The constituent meeting was attended by the Reich Secretary of the Federation of National Socialist German Lawyers Dr. Heuber, Professors Dr. Wilhelm Kisch and Dr. von Zwiedineck-Südenhorst, the General Director of the Munich Reinsurance Company Kißkalt, two representatives of the business community and the future Director Dr. Karl Lasch. On 22 September 1933 a Bavarian law was passed (Bayerisches Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt No. 37, p. 277), the only article of which granted the Academy the status of a public corporation. The articles of association were attached as an annex, according to which the provisional seat was to be Munich and which outlined the tasks of the new corporation as follows: By "applying proven scientific methods" it should "promote the reform of German legal life (...) and implement the National Socialist programme in the entire field of law and economics (...) in close and permanent liaison with the bodies responsible for legislation". In detail, her sphere of activity included cooperation in drafting laws, in the reform of legal and political science education, in scientific publications and the financial support of practical scientific work for the research of special fields of law and economics, the organisation of scientific conferences and teaching courses as well as the cultivation of relations with similar institutions abroad. The office of the Führer of the Academy was to be held in personal union by the head of the Reichsrechtsamt of the NSDAP; he was responsible for the external representation of the ADR, its internal management, all personnel decisions and the decision on amendments to the statutes as well as the dissolution in agreement with the Führer of the NSDAP. As auxiliary organs a deputy, a leader staff and a treasurer as well as the department heads of the specialized departments to be created were intended. The Bavarian State Ministry of Justice should be responsible for supervision. The members of the Academy, whose number should not exceed two hundred, were to be appointed for four years; ordinary, extraordinary, sponsoring and corresponding members were distinguished. At the first German Lawyers' Day in Leipzig, the establishment of the Academy for German Law was solemnly proclaimed on 2 October 1933. This already showed that Frank was striving to turn the Academy into an institution of the Reich, which would give him the opportunity to influence the Gleichschaltung der Justitz in the Länder even after he had completed his work as Reich Commissioner for the Unification of the Justitz. On 18 June 1934, the draft of a law on the Academy for German Law was sent to the head of the Reich Chancellery for submission to the cabinet (BA, R 43 II/1509). The Reich Minister of Justice agreed after it had been clarified that the Academy should receive its own funds and not burden the Reich, the Länder or the communities. At the request of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, the draft was amended to provide for joint supervision of the Academy by the Reich Ministry of Justice and the Reich Ministry of the Interior. After adoption in the cabinet meeting of 3 July 1934, the law was passed on 11 July 1934 (RGBl. I. S. 605), with which the Academy for German Law became the public corporation of the Reich; a new statute was attached. With this law, the Academy's tasks changed only to the extent that the responsibility for the reorganization of German legal life in the field of business ceased to exist. The headquarters remained in Munich. The Führer of the Academy became an honorary president, whose appointment was made by the Reich Chancellor. The binding of the office to the management of the Reichsrechtsamt of the NSDAP ceased. As an organ of the Academy, in addition to the President, a Presidium also provided support and advice. The maximum number of members was set at 300. Committees were set up to carry out the practical work of the Academy. The law of 11 July 1934 was not amended until 1945. In November 1934 a change was planned, which provided for a salary for the president according to the regulations for Reich officials. However, the draft was removed from the agenda of the cabinet meeting of 4 December 1934 (BA, R 22/198, R 43 II/1509) on Hitler's instructions. On the other hand, two amendments were made to the statutes, first on 16 October 1935 (RGBl. I. p. 1250). It provided that, in the event of the dissolution of the Academy, its assets would fall to the Reich, due to the taking up of a high mortgage, which the Academy had taken up to expand its Berlin house. More serious in its significance was the second amendment of 9 June 1943 (Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger of 9 June 1943). It was initiated by the new President, Reich Minister of Justice Dr. Otto Thierack. He prohibited the acceptance of private donations for the Academy and abolished the office of treasurer. The new constitution submitted to the Reich Ministry of Justice by the director of the Academy Gaeb on 10 December 1942 was to take this into account and at the same time streamline the provisions (BA, R 22/199). After consultations in the participating Reich ministries, the new constitution was finally formulated in a meeting on 8 June 1943 between representatives of the Reich Ministry of Justice, the Reich Ministry of the Interior and the Academy, signed on 9 July 1943 and published on the same day. In addition to the abolition of the office of treasurer and the institution of supporting members, the main changes were the inclusion of provisions on the President's auxiliary organs and the scientific structure of the Academy, which had previously been included in the structure regulations and the administrative regulations, as well as in a clear arrangement. The aforementioned Aufbauordnung had been issued on 15 December 1936 as an order of the President concerning the reorganization of the scientific work of the Akademie für Deutsches Recht (Zeitschrift der Akademie für Deutsches Recht 1937, p. 23). It defined the structure of the scientific apparatus of the Academy. The first of these, the Honorary Senate, was of little importance, while the other two, the Department of Legal Policy for Legal Policy and the Department of Legal Research for Scientific Research, were of decisive importance. It also dealt with the future centre of the Academy, the "House of German Law", for which the foundation stone had been laid a few months earlier and which was to house the research and educational facilities of the Academy. On April 1, 1937, the President had supplemented and extended the Academy's administrative regulations (Zeitschrift der ADR, p. 405f.) by enacting them, which outlined in more detail the tasks of the individual organs, namely the treasurer and the director, who were responsible for the financial and general administration of the Academy, the director of scientific and legal policy work, the committee chairmen, and the class secretaries entrusted with the direction of the classes. Eight administrative units were also listed, one each for the Legal and Legal Research, Personnel and Legal Office, Organisation, Libraries, Periodicals and Press, International Transport and Cash and Accounting departments. After the amendment of the statutes of 9 June 1943, on 10 June 1943 there was also an amendment to the administrative regulations (Zeitschrift der ADR 1943, p. 37f.), in which the provisions on the treasurer's office were completely omitted and the explanations on the administration were greatly shortened. The extensive information on the administrative departments has been replaced by brief information on the division of units, which has existed for a long time. Organisation and staffing The President of the Academy possessed extensive powers - apart from his ties to the supervisory ministries. His appointment by Hitler and the honorary position, which presupposed a further office securing its holder financially, could give him weight vis-à-vis the authorities and party offices. Its founder, Dr. Hans Frank, was appointed the first President on August 1, 1934. In his memoirs "In the Face of the Gallows" he confesses that the Academy was to be an important means of shaping law for him, especially since the Reichsrechtsamt, of which he had been head since 1929 and which secured him a place in the highest party hierarchy, lost more and more of its importance in the period after the assumption of power, and the NS-Rechtswahrerbund, of which he had held the leadership since 1928, offered only little scope for influencing legislation. Frank's ideas were acknowledged when, after his assignment as Reich Commissioner for the Gleichschaltung der Justiz in den Ländern had ended, he was dismissed by Hitler on 19 March. In the letter of appointment, the Akademie für Deutsches Recht was described as an institution which enabled him "to participate in the implementation of the National Socialist ideology in all areas of law without restriction to the judiciary in the narrower sense", i.e. an expansion of the scope of duties beyond the framework of law-making into the other areas of legal life, which in this form emanating from Hitler represented an important expansion of power. Frank could thus see himself in possession of a kind of special ministry for National Socialist legal formation in competition with Gürtner's Reich Ministry of Justice. In the years up to 1939, Frank, whose ministerial office moved from his first residence at Voßstraße 5 in Berlin to the Berlin building of the Academy at Leipziger Platz 15 on July 3, 1935, remained closely involved with the work of the Academy and legal policy. His attempt in 1939 to free himself from the annoying supervision of the Reich Ministry of Justice and the Reich Ministry of the Interior, which made him dependent on Gürtner and Frick above all with regard to possible changes to the statutes, but also in financial matters, and to subordinate the Academy to his supervision as minister remained unsuccessful (BA, R 2/24103). Frank's presidency ended in August 1942, after his appointment as Governor General in Poland on 12 October 1939, when business had been conducted practically by the Deputy President. Hitler released Frank from his office as President of the Academy with a deed of August 20. It was not true, however, when Frank told his deputy Professor Emge that the reason for the dismissal was the "overcrowded and ever increasing burden" of his duties in the Generalgouvernement. On the contrary, Frank had aroused Hitler's displeasure because between 9 June and 21 July 1942 he had defended law, judicial independence, personal freedom and humanity against the police state in four speeches at the universities of Berlin, Munich and Heidelberg as well as at the Academy of Sciences in Vienna (cf. H. Weinkauff, Die deutsche Justitz und der Nationalsozialismus, 1968, p. 74, 161f.) This solo effort, which was directed primarily against Himmler and Bormann, also led to a ban on speaking and the loss of his position as Reichsrechtsführer and head of the Reichsrechtsamt, which was dissolved. This also involved a change in the office of deputy president, which had to be appointed by the president according to the statutes of 1934 and confirmed by both supervisory ministries. Frank had been represented since 1937 by Dr. Carl Emge, Professor of Philosophy of Law at the University of Berlin, after the Vice-President Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kisch, Professor of Civil Procedure and German Civil Law at the University of Munich, who had been appointed in 1933, had resigned for health reasons from his office. Emges was replaced in November 1942 by the State Secretary in the Reich Ministry of Justice, Dr. Rothenberger. Whether after Rothenberger's dismissal (January 1944) his successor, Herbert Klemm, was also appointed deputy president of the academy after Rothenberger's dismissal as state secretary cannot be determined. The second organ of the Academy, besides the President, was the Presidium. Emerging from the Führerrat of the Academy provided for in the 1933 Law, it had the task of supporting and advising the President, determining the budget and carrying out the preliminary audit of the budget account. According to the administrative regulations issued in 1937, the president, his deputy, the treasurer and the head of the scientific and legal-political work belonged to him by virtue of office. For this purpose, the President could appoint further members of the Academy to the Presidium, which should meet at least once a year. In accordance with the new administrative regulations of 10 June 1943, the Reich Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs joined as new permanent members. The Reich Minister and head of the Reich Chancellery Lammers also belonged to the Presidium. The actual work of the Academy in the fields of legal policy and legal research was directed by the Head of Scientific and Legal Policy Work, who was appointed by the President from among the members and who gave guidelines and assigned tasks to the Legal Structuring and Research Departments. This office, which was particularly important for the work of the Academy after the strong use of Frank by his tasks in the Generalgouvernement, was initially held by State Secretary Freisler, later by the Deputy President. As long as the Academy was supported entirely or to a considerable extent by the voluntary donations of its supporting members, the Treasurer was of great importance. He was responsible for all financial and property management, in particular the supervision of the budget and all contracts affecting the Academy's finances. From the beginning, the function was held by a close confidant of Frank, General Director Arendt, who kept it until its abolition in 1942. However, the treasurer had already lost influence in 1939, since the Reich made an ever larger subsidy to the academy budget and its control thus became stronger and stronger. The general questions of organization, administration, and human resources of the Academy for German Law, as well as the liaison with the Reich authorities, lay with the Director of the Academy. Dr. Karl Lasch held this post from 1933 until his appointment as governor of the Radom district in 1939, after which Dr. Gaeb took over the post as deputy director of the Diplomvolkswirt, which he held until 1945. The members of the Academy were divided into different groups according to their rights and tasks. The core consisted of 300 full members, initially appointed for four years; the number was maintained in 1943, and membership was extended to 10 years. According to Frank, the limitation to a relatively small number should emphasize the elitist character of the academy and awaken an elite consciousness among its members. In addition to legal, political and economic scientists, lawyers and senior civil servants, there were also some corporate members, including the law and political science faculties of the universities, which were represented by their deans. Extraordinary members by virtue of office were the Reich Ministers of Justice and Home Affairs. Foreigners who were interested in the Academy's work and were willing and qualified to contribute to it were accepted as corresponding members. The sponsoring members should maintain the Academy financially. These were mostly commercial enterprises, some of which were actively established and were prepared to make a contribution that varied according to their financial means for the honour of formally belonging to the Academy. The disadvantage of this financing system was that it created a financial dependence on the donations and could arouse suspicion that the donors were influencing the work of the Academy. It was eliminated by prohibiting any acceptance of donations in 1942. The work of the Academy was carried out in the Departments of Legal Design and Legal Research. All ordinary members of the Academy were organised, supervised and directed by the head of scientific and legal policy work. The Legal Department, to which all full members belonged, had to bear the main burden. In numerous (up to over 70) committees which changed over the years, often divided into main, sub and special committees as well as working groups or central committees, it discussed current questions of legal policy and participated in the legislative preparations of the ministries through proposals, statements, expert opinions and drafts. At the Academy's tenth anniversary in June 1943, Thierack was able to point to a considerable number of laws in which it had played a significant role until 1941, including the German Community Code and the 1935 Wehrgesetz (Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - Wehrgesetz - 1935, the 1937 German Civil Service and Stock Corporation Laws, the 1938 Youth Protection and Marriage Laws, the 1939 Law on the Introduction of Compulsory Insurance, and the 1939 Law on the Introduction of Legal Structure, which dealt particularly intensively with the reform of criminal law and the creation of a new People's Code. After the beginning of the war, numerous committees were suspended and, as the war lasted longer, dissolved. Nevertheless, the work did not come to a standstill. Only the emphasis shifted to all matters related to the war, e.g. air-raid protection law and, above all, nationality and international law. The relevant committees dealt in detail with issues relating to the reorganisation of the European continent, but also with maritime and land warfare and relations with the USA. At Frank's request, the Academy also took a stand on questions of German politics in the East and a reorganisation of the Generalgouvernement; it issued a secret report in January 1940: "Rechtsgestaltung deutscher Polenpolitik nach volkspolitischen Gesichtspunkten" (BA, R 61/243, Document 661-PS of the Nuremberg Trial against the Chief War Criminals). In 1942 the Academy still had 76 committees with eleven subcommittees. After all committees that had dealt with peace issues had been gradually suspended or completed their work, by the end of 1943 only committees with directly war-related tasks remained, including the committees on social security and international law. The committees involved in the drafting of the planned National Code also suspended their work, with the exception of the main committee, which only continued the necessary work. The scientific work was carried out within the Academy of German Law by the Department of Legal Research. Only scientists have been appointed to this department. Her task was to research the history, methodology and knowledge of the law and later also of the economy; she met in working groups, which were grouped into classes. First there were three classes, of which class I dealt with the study of the history and basic questions of law, class II with the study of the law of "people and empire" and class III with the study of the "people's federal" legal life. Each class was headed by a class leader. The management was carried out by a class secretary. The offices were initially filled as follows: Class I: Chairman: Prof. Dr. Heymann, Secretary: Prof. Dr. Felgentraeger Class II: Chairman: Prof. Dr. von Freytag-Loringhoven, Secretary: Prof. Dr. Weber Class III: Chairman: Prof. Dr. Weber Dr. Hedemann, Secretary: Prof. Dr. Lange After the war began, there were only class secretaries left, namely for Class I Prof. Dr. Heymann, for Class II Prof. Dr. Gleispach, for Class III Prof. Dr. Hueck. The Department for Legal Research published the series of publications, the working reports and the yearbook of the Academy for German Law and from 1941 also "Das deutsche Rechtsschrifttum". She was also in charge of the quarterly "Deutsche Rechtswissenschaft" and the collection of non-German penal codes. Within the framework of the department there was a committee for the examination of the law study regulations, which in 1939 presented its results to the Reich Ministry for Science, Education and People's Education. In 1940 a fourth class came into being with increasing importance of economic questions, which was responsible for the research of the "national economy" and which was to make the results of economic science accessible to the authorities and offices for the execution of practical tasks. In August 1944, on the instructions of the President, the work of the remaining committees and working groups was discontinued "for the further duration of the war" as well as the promotion of the individual members of special research commissions (letter from Thierack to Lammers of 12 August 1944, BA, R 43 II/1510a). The Academy maintained close contact with foreign countries through its corresponding members. Visits by foreign scientists, students, but also politicians were frequent. In addition, the German sections of various foreign institutions were affiliated to it. On the other hand, efforts were made to expand the Academy's sphere of influence by establishing new companies or maintaining close contact with existing companies in Germany. For the work abroad, there was a separate department in the administration of the Academy, which looked after the associations; as far as purely German organisations were concerned, the support was provided by the specialist departments of the Legal Structuring Department. In the period of its existence the following associations were affiliated to the Academy of German Law: 1. German Section of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences 2. German National Group of the International Law Association 3. German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright 4. International Association for Financial and Tax Law 5. German Society for Financial and Tax Law 6. German Society for Prisoners (affiliated since 1935) 7. Society for Legal and Political Sciences in Vienna 8th Society for German Criminal Law 9th Working Groups: a) for the German-Bulgarian legal relations b) for the German-Italian legal relations c) for the German-Polish legal relations (until 1939) d) for the German-Hungarian legal relations Library and Publications The establishment of a reference library for academics working in the Academy began early on. It was Frank's aim to develop this library into a central collection point for all important legal literature and related areas. The basis was the purchase of the library of the legal historian Prof. Karl von Amira, who died in 1930; later the library of the Munich jurist Prof. Konrad Beyerle was also acquired. Further accesses from various sources, mostly through taxes from authorities (e.g. the library of the former R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t , the duplicate holdings of the R e i c h s c h s a r k a m e in Potsdam as well as duplicates of foreign law collections and periodicals from the R e i c h s t a g s a l bibliothek) brought the holdings to around 60,000 publications by 1937. Although the library was primarily intended to serve the Academy, it was basically open to any qualified interested party. An "archive" was attached to the library, which, on Frank's instructions, created 1. a "card index of Jewish legal authors", which "eradicated Jewish literature from the library or from the library". The aim was to remove the works of Jewish authors from all public libraries or libraries serving study purposes and to transfer them to their own departments "which were to indicate the activities of the Jews and the Jewish people"; 2. to edit a card index of general legal writers by author and by work. In addition, a collection of portraits of lawyers, a collection of press clippings on the topics "Law in the Press" and "Academy in the Press" as well as a collection of journal articles from the entire body of jurisprudential literature were in the works. The first library director, Utschlag, also designed a large exhibition on legal history and law in general, which the Academy organized in conjunction with the Faculty of Law of the University of Munich on the occasion of the 1936 Annual Conference in Munich under the title "Das Recht" (The Law). The journal of the Akademie für Deutsches Recht, founded in 1934, provided information on the ongoing work of the Academy and on current legal issues. It was initially supervised by the Academy's own office for writing and finally transferred to the C-H. Becksche Verlagsbuchhandlung in 1937, where it was published until 1944. In addition to detailed reports on the representative events of the Academy (often also as special supplements or commemorative editions), it produced essays, news on organisational changes and the activities of the Academy's working committees, as well as book reviews. In addition, the journal published court decisions of a fundamental nature from 1935 onwards. The decisions were forwarded to the Academy by the courts via the Reich Ministry of Justice. The President acted as editor, the main editor was initially Director Dr. Lasch, then Kammergerichtsrat Dr. Lauterbacher. From 1 January 1939, Deutsche Rechtswissenschaft was published quarterly as the second journal. With the consent of the Reich Minister for Science, Education and Popular Learning, it was transferred from the previous editor Prof. Dr. Karl August Eckhardt to the Department of Legal Research. They brought treatises, contributions and book reviews. The Academy also published the Zeitschrift für Wehrrecht and was involved in the publication of the Zeitschrift der Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz, the Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, the Blätter für Gefängniskunde and the Gerichtssaal. The yearbook of the Academy for German Law should give an overview of the work within one year. It was also published by the President and in its first editions offered a good overview of the most important events in the Academy and its committee work, while later larger treatises on individual issues predominated. In the first years, detailed information on the committee's activities could be obtained from the work reports, which were produced in small print runs using the transfer printing process and were intended only for the confidential information of party offices and authorities and were not to be circulated further. In addition, there was another - public - series of working reports of the Academy for German Law, in which the chairmen published the results of their committees. For more extensive scholarly work that had emerged from the Academy, the series was to serve the Akademie für Deutsches Recht, of which about 80 volumes were published; it was divided into individual groups according to subject areas. Finally, the Academy continued the collection of non-German penal codes organized by the editor of the Zeitschrift für die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft and published individual writings on special occasions, e.g. on the occasion of the opening of the House of German Law. Financing and assets In his memoirs of 1946, Frank emphasized the financing of the Academy for German Law, which was independent of the "Reich, State, and Party," with which he had hoped to preserve the actual non-partisanship of his institute. In fact, in the first years of its existence, the Academy was almost entirely maintained by donations from third parties, the supporting members, which included both private individuals and business enterprises. The Reichsjustizministerium had also made its approval of the transfer to the Reich dependent on the academy having to carry itself. In the accounting year 1935/36, donations reached the record level of over 1 million RM, and in 1936, 70 donors raised just over 500,000 RM. This was sufficient to cover the expenses, especially since the Reich Ministry for Science, Education and Popular Education had made available a one-time sum of 250,000 RM for the promotion of scientific work. On the other hand, already in 1937, despite a donation volume of almost 700,000 RM by 94 donors, there was a shortfall which had to be covered by donations for the accounting year 1938. In March 1938, General Director Arendts, the Treasurer of the Academy, declared in a meeting with the responsible adviser of the Reich Ministry of Finance, in which also Director Lasch took part, "that the Academy would strive for its entire budget of about 750 - 800,000 RM to be gradually fully supported by contributions from the Reich over the course of about three years," and justified this with the "aim of developing it into a legislative institution of the Reich. In its audit report for the years 1936-1937 of 24 March 1939, the Court of Audit of the German Reich also took the view that a continuation of the previous method of financing was not compatible with the reputation of the Reich; it was the duty of the Reich to "place the financing of the tasks on a sound basis" (BA, R 2/24103). This became indispensable after the Reich Minister of the Interior, in agreement with the deputy Führer, finally rejected a collection permit for the Academy in July 1939 on the basis of the Collection Act of 5 November 1934. This also meant that advertising had to be discontinued for which the company had used its own advertising specialist. In the accounting year 1939/40, the donations fell to 290,000 RM, and for the first time a subsidy from the Reich of about 480,000 RM was granted towards the running costs, so that these were now predominantly borne by the Reich. Although in 1940/41 the income from donations increased again somewhat, the donations already received for 1942 were transferred to the Dankspendenstiftung des Deutschen Volkes on Thierack's instructions. The Academy for German Law was now financed entirely from the Reich's budget. The Akademie für Deutsches Recht used considerable financial resources to provide representative accommodation. On 6 June 1935, the Lachmann-Mosse trust administration acquired the house and property at Leipziger Platz 15 from a foreclosure sale for the Berlin office at a price of RM 1.25 million. Of the purchase amount, one million RM was raised by eight mortgages of a group of insurance institutions, for which the Reich took over the interest and redemption service at the expense of the budget of the Reich Ministry of Justice; this was the reason for the amendment of the statutes that, in the event of the dissolution of the Academy, its assets would fall to the Reich. The annual contribution to be paid by the Reich was 50,000 RM for a period of 25 years. The remaining purchase price of 250,000 RM was to be paid interest-free in five annual instalments of 50,000 RM, which were to be raised from donations. Much more elaborate was the construction of a "House of German Law" at the Academy's headquarters in Munich. The first plans from January to June 1936 provided for three components, for which over 5.3 million RM were estimated. In the course of the negotiations, the mammoth project shrank to two construction phases. On October 24, 1936, on the occasion of the second annual conference of the Academy, Reichsminister Rust laid the foundation stone for Building I, front building and reading hall. The costs were to amount to RM 2,2 million, raised by a loan from the Reich Insurance Institution for Employees, the interest and repayment service of which was taken over by the Reich. Already on 31 October 1937 the academy could celebrate the topping-out ceremony, on 13 May 1939 the opening of the building unit I. The former Max-Joseph-Stift, which was to be renovated and extended by a festival hall, was acquired as Building II for a price of more than RM 1.3 million; in June 1938, the Reichsversicherungsanstalt took out a further loan of RM 2.2 million, the remainder of which was frozen at RM 900,000, however, when construction work was stopped after the outbreak of the war. Administration and registry The administrative apparatus of the Academy gradually developed from July 1934. Initially, most of the service operations were carried out in the Berlin office building; in addition, there was a small office mainly for the construction of the planned extensive library at the headquarters in Munich. It was only after the completion of Building I of the House of German Law in 1939 that the construction of a larger, structured office began, the management of which was placed in the hands of a speaker of its own. According to the rules of procedure, which the Academy submitted to the Reich Ministry of Justice in September 1935 (BA, R 22/198), the administration was divided into departments, headed by a speaker, assisted by an assistant. The speakers were assessors or younger officials on leave in the starting positions of their careers, provided they had knowledge of economics. The president used a presidential chancellery as his personal office. The management of the entire service operation was the responsibility of the Director of the Academy, who had a personal consultant at his disposal. The Director was also in charge of the Organisation Division, which was responsible for the preparation and implementation of the events. The office service was headed by a personnel officer who, in addition to personnel processing, was also in charge of registry and law offices, house and property administration as well as budget monitoring tasks. Other speakers assisted the committee chairmen of the Legal Department, generally one for four committees. In contrast, only assistants were assigned to the secretaries of the three research classes. For the entire financial and asset management, the preparation of the budget, the cash and bookkeeping, accounting, for the conclusion of contracts and the remaining budget management, the treasurer provided the necessary forces free of charge with the exception of an advertising expert and an assistant. The foreign department, which in addition to maintaining foreign contacts also supervised foreign publications, the exchange of journals and literature and the management of the affiliated international societies and associations, was relatively well staffed with a speaker and his deputy, a scientific assistant, an interpreter and a (part-time) unskilled worker for Slavic languages. The administrative regulations of the Academy of 1937 combined the previous organizational forms into nine administrative offices, which in January 1938 comprised one to seven departments, depending on the area of responsibility. These units corresponded to the previous departments. The most extensive was the Administrative Office for Legal Structuring with seven units (I - VII). The administrative office for magazines and press had two (X, XI), the others (legal research, libraries and international transport) had only one each (VIII, IX, XII), as did the administrative offices for cash and accounting (XIV), organisation (XV) and human resources and law firms (XIII), which, however, were also grouped under a central unit. In addition, there was a unit XVI (Legal Office) as the "Legal Office of the ADR". This organization continued to exist in principle even during the war, but with the resulting drastic personnel restrictions, which in the beginning practically paralyzed the entire academy apparatus, but later allowed it to remain in operation. After the closure of the Academy's work, whose offices were moved to the Reich Ministry of Justice building at Wilhelmstraße 65 on 10 January 1944, most of the staff was released at the end of 1944, but parts (finance) continued to work until March 1945. The files produced during the Academy's activities were initially kept in so-called departmental registries, i.e. the written records of the individual speakers. It was not until 1938 that the at least partial compilation of the written material produced so far began in a central registry. The consultant responsible for the law firm was in charge of the execution. At first, the registry business of the Legal Department was taken over, later that of the main administrative office (without the personnel files). The Department of Legal Research initially refrained from handing over its records to the Central Registry. The registry of the foreign department remained independent. Nothing significant could be ascertained about later changes in the registry system. During the establishment of the House of German Law in Munich, a registry was also set up there. It is certain that since the merger of the registries in 1938 the corresponding files have been filed according to a uniform and systematically structured file plan. As of 1940, this plan (BA, R 61/34) comprised seven main areas divided into three groups and sub-groups. The file plan was structured according to the decimal system with four-digit digits, to which an additional digit and a year could be added by slash if necessary. In addition to the documents produced in the course of administrative activities, an extensive complex of documents, characteristic of the Academy and its work, has emerged in the form of minutes of meetings of the committees and other specialist bodies, some of which are based on extensive stenographic notes. Copies were kept in the registry and in the "archive" of the magazines and press department. They form the most important part of the stock. Timetable on the history of the Academy 1933 June 26 Constitution in the Bavarian Ministry of Justice September 22 Granting of the rights of a public corporation in Bavaria by Bavarian law October 2 Ceremonial proclamation of the Academy for German Law at the German Lawyers' Day in Leipzig November 5 1st 1st plenary session in Berlin 1934 January 1st opening of the Berlin offices January 29th 2nd plenary session March 17th 3rd plenary session May 26th founding of the journal of the Academy for German Law 26th founding of the journal of the Academy for German Law in Berlin June 1st Annual Meeting in Munich, at the same time 4th plenary session July 11 elevation to public corporation of the Reich by Reich Law August 9 appointment of Dr. Hans Frank, former leader of the Academy, as President November 13 5th plenary session in Berlin November 18-22 trip to Bulgaria Frank December 19 appointment of Frank as Reich Minister without portfolio 1935 February 27 6th plenary session June 26-28 2nd Annual Meeting with ceremony in the presence of Hitler, at the same time session 21 August Celebratory session on the occasion of the XI International Congress on Criminal Law and Prison Law, also 8th plenary session 15 October Inauguration of the building in Berlin, Leipziger Platz 15 16 October Amendment to the Statutes 30 November 9 plenary session 1936 28 February 10 plenary session 12-17 March Poland trip Frank at the invitation of the University of Warsaw 2-8 April Visit Frank to Rome 2 June Celebratory session on the occasion of the International Congress on Industrial Property 21-24 October 3rd Annual Meeting, also 11th plenary session May 17 Opening of the Chair of German Law at the University of Sofia by Director Lasch June 19 Constituting the Department of Legal Research of the Academy of German Law (with 1st class session) October 28-31 4th 4th Annual Meeting in Munich, also 13th plenary session and event of the Association of Foreign Friends of the Academy of German Law 2nd Annual Meeting in Munich, at the same time 13th plenary session and event of the Association of Foreign Friends of the Academy of German Law at the University of Sofia. November Foundation of the Association for German-Italian Legal Relations December Competition: "State and Party in Italy" 1938 1 June Opening of a series of guest lectures at the University of Vienna 16-18 June 5th Annual Conference in Munich, at the same time 14th Plenary Session 1939 13 May Inauguration of the House of German Law July Prohibition on further donations 12 October Appointment of Frank as Governor General for the Occupied Polish Territories 13 October Appointment of Director Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Lasch becomes district governor in Radom and is represented by Dr. Gaeb 1940 10 January Establishment of the IV class (research of the national economy) in the Department of Legal Research 22-24 November 7th Annual Conference in Munich with plenary session 1942 9. June to July 21 Speeches by Frank in Berlin, Vienna, Munich and Heidelberg against the police state August 20 Dismissal of Frank as President and Appointment of the Reich Minister of Justice Dr. Thierack October Resignation of the Deputy President Prof. Dr. Emge 3. November State Secretary Dr. Rothenberger appointed Deputy President 1943 9 June Announcement of a new constitution of the Academy for German Law 1944 10-12 January Transfer of the Berlin office to the Reich Ministry of Justice 12 August Closure of all legal-political and scholarly work Inventory description: Inventory history Like many of the holdings of the Federal Archives, the documents of the Academy for German Law are only incompletely handed down and divided as a result of war losses. The division began as early as 1943, when the two offices moved files, books and inventory to smaller towns in the area to protect them from air raids, the Munich office to Altötting, Griesbach and Wegscheid (district court), the Berlin offices primarily to the Feldberg (Mecklenburg), Havelberg, Prenzlau, Zehdenick and probably also Templin storage sites also used by the Reich Ministry of Justice, and the Cochem Castle. Some of the files removed from Berlin were confiscated by Russian troops. Since 1957 they have been in the Central State Archives in Potsdam, where they formed the holdings 30.13 (Overview of the holdings of the German Central Archives 1957, p. 86). This had a volume of 155 volumes from the period 1933-1942, 33 of which refer to the activities of the committees and 31 of which apparently originate from the foreign department of the Academy; the holdings include files of the Association for the Improvement of Prisoners (25 volumes) and the German Society for Prison Science. In the hands of American troops fell, in addition to Munich files, the documents still available in the Berlin office at the end of the war, as well as files that had apparently still been brought from Zehdenick to Thuringia in 1945. Most of this stock was transferred via the Ministerial Collecting Center near Kassel to the World War II Records Division of the American National Archives in Alexandria, Va., where it formed the Record Group 1036 with other German documents. A smaller part was handed over to the Federal Ministry of Justice at the beginning of the 1950s, and the file of lawyers and economists remained with a branch of the US Army in Germany. In Alexandria the files were filmed in 1958 by the American Historical Association and described in 1959 in volume 6 of the Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va., pp. 14-27. In 1960 this part of the collection was transferred to the Federal Archives, which in 1962 was also able to take over the remaining files from the Federal Ministry of Justice and the aforementioned index. In a final return, the Federal Archives received documents from the Academy in 1973 from the Library of Congress, Washington D.C. Some files of the Committee for German-Italian Legal Relations had been transferred to the Institut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie in Amsterdam after the end of the war; they were also made available to the Federal Archives by the latter in 1974 for further completion of the R 61 collection, which had meanwhile been formed from the existing files. Finally, the Institute for Contemporary History, Munich, which had been able to acquire some of the copies of the minutes of the committee meetings collected in Munich and the reference files of the ordinary professor Dr. jur. Hermann Krause (1939-1944 member of the main committee of the academy), also left its documents to the Federal Archives; and in March 1976, it was able to acquire the reference files of Reg. Dir. a.D. and then member of the board of Deutsche Centralbodenkredit AG, Oesterlink, member of the Mortgage Legal Committee of the Academy, will close a lore gap in this area. Thus all surviving traditions of the Academy for German Law outside the GDR were probably brought together in inventory R 61. In 1990, the part of the archive that had been preserved in the Central State Archives of the GDR was merged with R 61. Archivische Bewertung und Bearbeitung (only old stock R 61, without ZStA 30.13) The written material of the Akademie für Deutsches Recht consists essentially of two parts which are already clearly separated from each other. In addition to an extensive collection of factual and correspondence files, the "Archive" of the Press and Periodicals Office contains a considerable part of the collection of minutes and minutes of meetings, some of which can also be found in the files of the Legal Department. From 1938, with a few exceptions, the Academy's documents were filed in a central registry according to a systematic file plan. The filing was done chronologically from bottom to top, but was often disturbed afterwards. In order to eliminate the - often severe - irregularities and to improve the usability of the holdings, all subject units and individual processes were placed in an official filing system (from top to bottom) when the holdings in the Federal Archives were organized and listed in 1967, and torn file units were reunited in the process. Loose written material was reformed after factual matters. The files are therefore no longer in the same condition as they were when they were filmed in the USA, so that an identity between the volumes with the American signatures ADR 1 to ADR 238, some of which also referred to documents of other provenances, and the volumes signed in the Federal Archives exists only rarely; as far as possible, however, the corresponding American signatures were noted, and in addition the concordance between the signatures of the Federal Archives and the role designations of the microfilm T-82 (below pp. 87-90) makes a comparison possible. Cassations were primarily carried out in subject groups, most of which have been preserved in their entirety in the Federal Archives. In addition to the removal of numerous duplicates, administrative documents in particular were freed from all insignificant correspondence. Most of the submissions to committees on private legal matters of no general importance were also largely destroyed. Since the records and minutes were originally also available in the registry of the Academy, the reorganization of the status quo, which is not, moreover, based on the old file plan scheme, attempted to restore the old unit of records and minutes of the individual committees and other working bodies of the Academy of German Law as far as possible, whereby the internal "provenance" (registry or "archive") in the file directory is expressed only by the old signature. The records filed in the registry shall bear the letter "P" in front of the file number, unless they are in correspondence, and the "archive" copies shall not bear a signature. In order to indicate the separation of the holdings into the partial provenances of Berlin and Munich, the place of origin has also been entered in the Remarks column, as far as determined. In addition, the structure of the holdings in simplified form is based on the structure of the Academy. Content characterisation: Part 1 (formerly: ZStA, 30.13): Legal bases, organisation, service administration, librarianship and Veröffentli‧chungen 1933-1945 (68), Jurisprudence - Department of Legal Research 1936-1945 (47), Legal Policy - Department of Legal Structuring General committee files 1935-1943 (6), individual committees 1933-1944 (365) Part 2 (formerly: BArch, R 61): Committees 1933-1940 (36), foreign countries 1934-1942 (34), international congresses, conferences 1935-1941 (16), journal of the Academy for German Law 1935-1939 (10), Sitzungsan‧gelegenheiten, invitations, minutes 1935-1939 (7), reference files, internals, individual items 1934-1944 (26), association for the improvement of prisoners 1934-1942 (26), German Ge‧sellschaft for prison science 1927-1939 (7) state of development: Publication Findbuch: Werhan, Walter; Fensch, Elsa: Akademie für Deutsches Recht (fonds R 61) (Findbücher zu Bestände des Bundesarchivs, Bd. 9), 2nd up, Koblenz 1976; find card index citation method: BArch, R 61/...

BArch, R 3118 · Fonds · 1852-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Commission of 22 - 28 ordinary members and 8 - 10 deputy members elected and appointed by the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce for three years to advise and pass resolutions on the admission of securities to stock exchange trading, set up in 1909 in accordance with the Stock Exchange Act of 8 May 1908, and honorary in office for 22 - 28 ordinary members and 8 - 10 deputy members elected and appointed by the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce for three years, acting under the supervision of the state government or the state government, respectively. after 1934 of the Reich Economic Ministry, their Tä‧tigkeit ended with the closure of the Berlin Stock Exchange in 1945. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory was transferred to the Deutsches Wirtschaftsinstitut (DWI) Berlin around 1955 and from there to the Zentrale Staatsarchiv in Potsdam in 1970/71. In the course of the reunification of both German states, this collection was transferred to the Federal Archives. Archive evaluation and processing There are numerous gaps in the tradition. The whereabouts of missing files could not be determined. Characterisation of content: Essentially, the overdelivery consists of individual case files for companies that have registered securities for stock exchange trading. These include primarily banks, mining and smelting works, the energy industry, the chemical industry, the construction industry, housing associations, mechanical engineering, apparatus, vehicle and tool construction, the food and luxury food industries. A large number of documents on mortgages are also available. Citation style: BArch, R 3118/...

BArch, RL 36 · Fonds · 1934-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The Technical Office, established in 1933, set up testing facilities for weapons and equipment at various locations that existed until 1945. Inventory description: KOMMANDO DER ERPROBUNGSSTELLEN According to the provisions of the Versailles Treaty of 1919, the German Reich was prohibited from developing and constructing aircraft for military purposes. Nevertheless, as early as 1920, the Reichswehr Ministry (RWM) set up units with the task of carrying out preparatory work for the creation of development and testing sites for an air force. For example, a "Air Defence" (TA) unit was set up in the Truppenamt (TA) and an aeronautical unit in the Inspektion für Waffen und Gerät (IWG). After the merger of the IWG with the Waffenamt (Wa.A) of the RWM at the beginning of 1927, the aeronautical department became the department 6 F of the testing group (Wa.Prw. 6 F). He was in charge of the development departments disguised as civil engineering offices as well as the test groups in Johannisthal and Rechlin. The testing thus fell within the competence of the testing department of the Weapons Office. At the end of November 1928, the procurement department was also taken over by the Wa.L.Prw. Group. At the end of July 1939, in order to better meet the growing requirements, the Aviation Group in the Weapons Office (Wa.L) was divided into three groups: "Development of aircraft (Wa.L. I)", "Development of equipment" (Wa.L. II) and "Testing" (Wa.L. III). There was also a group on "Procurement" and a group on "Defense Economics and Armaments". On February 8, 1933, on the orders of Reichswehr Minister Blomberg, the Air Protection Office (LA) was formed, which was now also to be responsible for the development, testing and procurement of aircraft, aircraft engines and special aircraft equipment. He was assigned the aviation group in the weapons office, now known as Wa.Prw. 8, as Division L 2. After the transfer of the air-raid protection office to the newly created Reich Aviation Ministry (RLM) in May, the aviation technology department was initially subordinated as the Technical Department (B II) to the General Office (LB) of the RLM, but then, in the course of the reclassification of the RLM to the Technical Office (LC) on October 1, 1933, and, like the latter, directly subordinated to the Secretary of State for Aviation, Colonel General Milch. It was divided into the departments LC I (Research), LC II (Testing) and LC III (Procurement). Colonel Wimmer, as head of the Technical Office, remained responsible for aviation technology, while Captain Freiherr von Richthofen, who headed the LC II department from June 1934, was in charge of the technical aspects of the test centres (e-places). Until the Luftwaffe was unmasked in March 1935, the tests were carried out by the "Test Centres of the Reich Association of the German Aviation Industry" disguised as civilian. The "Commando der Fliegererprobungsstellen" (Command of Pilot Test Centres), which had been established in 1934 and was based in Rechlin, now appeared as the central testing authority. At the head of the command was the commander of the testing stations (K.d.E.), who was at the same time head of the E station Rechlin and superior of the chief of the E station Travemünde. His supervisor was the head of department LC II (Testing). In December 1936, the E posts Rechlin and Travemünde as well as Tarnewitz were directly subordinated to the new Chief of the Technical Office, Colonel Udet, in 1937 and charged with the development and technical testing of the Luftwaffe equipment. In the course of a reorganization of the entire RLM, the Technical Office was directly subordinated to Göring. As a result, Udet changed the organizational structure of the Technical Office again in May 1938 and dissolved the office of Commander of the Test Laboratories. The E posts now received independent command offices, which were technically subordinate to the head of the Technical Office. On February 1, 1939, the Technical Office, the Supply Office and the "Industry and Economy" group of offices were merged to form the new General Airworthiness Inspectorate (GL) and once again placed under the authority of the State Secretary for Aviation. Lieutenant General Udet was appointed General Airworthiness Officer and was now responsible for the management and control of the entire aviation technology as well as for the securing of the entire air force requirement while retaining his function as Chief of the Technical Office. After his suicide on 17 November 1941, the former Secretary of State for Aviation at the RLM, Generalfeldmarschall Milch, assumed these offices in personal union. In autumn 1941 a new command of the testing stations (Kdo.d.E) was established. In technical and operational terms, it was subordinate to the Commander of the Test Centres (K.d.E ), who in turn was subordinate to the Chief of the Technical Office and worked closely with the responsible development departments C to E of the Technical Office (GL/C). This post was held by Major Petersen until the end of the war. After the General Aircraft Master's Office was dissolved on 27 July 1944, the business area and thus the entire technical air armament was transferred to the Chief of Technical Air Armament (Chief TLR). The office was subordinated to the General Staff of the Luftwaffe and thus to the High Command of the Luftwaffe (OKL). The commander of the testing stations was now directly under the command of the Chief of Technical Air Armament, but was then subordinated to the commander of the Ersatzluftwaffe (BdE-Lw) shortly before the end of the war. Until 1945 the following E-positions were established and partially dissolved: Rechlin, Travemünde, Tarnewitz, Peenemünde, Udetfeld, Madüsee, Werneuchen, Süd (Foggia), Munster-Nord, Jesau, Arktis-Finsee, Cazeaux (Süd) and Karlshagen. In addition, a large number of test commands and test squadrons were set up from 1941 onwards, some of which were formed only briefly for the testing of individual aircraft types and quickly dissolved again after testing. ERPROBUNGSSTELLEN Torpedowaffenplatz der Luftwaffe Gotenhafen-Hexengrund (ca. 1942-1945) On April 2, 1942, the Luftwaffe Torpedowaffenplatz was repositioned as a branch office. He was subordinate to the General Airworthiness Officer (Technical Office) in terms of military service and discipline. He was assigned to Luftgaukommando I in terms of war classification, economy and administration. With effect from 1 May 1944, the Torpedowaffenplatz was then placed under the command of the E units. He was responsible for the testing of air torpedoes and associated dropping devices. Jesau (1943-1944) This E-Stelle was founded in 1943 as an outpost of the Peenemünde-West testing station. The main task of the E-Stelle Jesau was the execution of surveying work for distance and proximity fuses as well as the testing of the rocket-powered aircraft Messerschmitt Me 163. In August 1944 the E-Stelle Jesau was dissolved. Munster-Nord (1935-1945) As early as 1916, a test and production facility for gas ammunition was set up in Munster-Breloh for the first time on 6,500 hectares. From 1935, manufacturing and testing facilities for chemical warfare agents were again built on the site and the Munster-Nord Army Experimental Station, which was subordinate to the Army Ordnance Office, was set up. Both the Luftwaffe and the Weapons Office use the area for technical testing of high attack bombs and low attack spray containers. Peenemünde-West, later Karlshagen (approx. 1939-1945) After the start of construction work at the end of July 1937, Peenemünde-West started operations on 1 April 1938. Uvo Pauls was in charge until September 1, 1942, succeeding Major Otto Stams and Major Karl Henkelmann at the end of 1944. The task of the E unit was the testing of rocket engines and rocket-propelled, remote-controlled dropping weapons (e.g. Fi 103, Hs 298). The central group of the test centre was the air traffic control, which was responsible for the deployment of the aircraft fleet. She was also assigned a weather station. The following test groups were active at the experimental site, working on different tasks: E 2: Aircraft and missile systems with rocket propulsion, including support of the troop test commands (Fi 103 and Hs 117) E 3: Engines and fuels E 4: Radio and radio control systems E 5: Equipment (power supply, control systems, image station, measuring base) E 7: Drop systems, target and target training equipment E 8: Ground systems The E station was moved to Wesermünde air base near Bremerhaven in April 1945. Rechlin (approx. 1925-1945) Already planned in 1916, the "Flieger-Versuchs- und Lehranstalt am Müritzsee" started operations in 1918 during the First World War. Due to the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles, however, the installations there were dismantled again at the beginning of the 1920s. As part of the camouflaged continuation of pilot testing in the Weimar Republic, a test airfield was built in Rechlin from 1925. On the initiative of Hauptmann Student, the German Aviation Research Institute (DVL) in Berlin-Adlershof set up a new "Department M" specifically for this purpose. The "Luftfahrtverein Waren e.V.", founded in 1925, acquired the necessary area on behalf of the Reich and took over the operation of the new airfield. Factory and flight operations began in the summer of 1926. From 1927/28 Albatros Flugzeugwerke GmbH in Berlin-Johannisthal leased the facility, which was now called the "Testing Department of Albatros Flugzeugwerke Johannisthal". After the Reichsverband der Deutschen Luftfahrt-Industrie (RDL) had taken over the site at the insistence of the Reichswehr troop office at the end of 1929, it was continued under the camouflage name "RDL Erprobungsstelle Staaken". After the National Socialists came to power in 1933, the facilities in Rechlin were rapidly expanded to become the largest testing station (E station) for aviation equipment. From 1935, the E-Stelle Rechlin was regarded as a showpiece of the Luftwaffe. Until the end of the war, four large building complexes with different uses were built on the huge area: Group North management and technical administration, air base command and weather station; Testing of airframes (from 1936), of radio and navigation equipment, of aircraft on-board devices and equipment, aeromedical tests as well as high-frequency and ionospheric research Group South Testing of engines, of materials as well as of fuels and lubricants East Group Testing of ammunition for on-board weapons and drop-weapons West Group Military testing (only 1935-1938), test group and shipyard, fracture recovery, training workshop Initially, the focus of testing activities in Rechlin was on flight and engine testing. This included the flight testing of the engines, the measurements on the individual engine components as well as the creation of complete aircraft types. Other areas of activity include the testing of aircraft equipment - from on-board instruments to rescue and safety equipment, hydraulic systems - and radio and navigation equipment. From 1933 the testing of weapons was also carried out in Rechlin. The main focus was on the testing of ammunition for firearms as well as the testing of drop ammunition within the framework of flight testing. After the beginning of the 2nd World War, prey planes were thoroughly tested there and the results evaluated. In addition to the purely technical testing of all land aircraft and their equipment, new aircraft types are tested for their military suitability, especially after the start of the war. For this purpose, the Lärz Test Command was set up, to which these aircraft types were assigned for operational testing. From mid-1944 the testing of the new jet aircraft Me 262, Ar 234 and He 162 received highest priority. The E-Stelle Rechlin has undergone several organisational changes during its existence. An overview of the structure and filling of positions is attached as an annex. This is a compilation from the publication of Beauvais. South (Foggia) (c. 1941-1942) In the second half of 1941, the E-Stelle Süd started operations at the airfield in Foggia, Italy. It was intended for the testing of air torpedoes and underwater weapons, which had to be carried out in Grosseto due to unfavourable conditions. At the end of February 1942, it was decided to move the E-Stelle Süd to the French town of Cazaux, southwest of Bordeaux, and operations began at the airfield in May 1942. The test flights were used for the ballistic measurement of various types of bombs or dropping containers, the testing of target devices and bomb droppings. The commander of the E post was Captain Henno Schlockermann. After Allied air raids in March and September 1944, during which the installations were severely damaged and several test aircraft destroyed, operations had to be restricted and then discontinued altogether. By order of 10 October 1944, the E post was officially closed. Tarnewitz (1937-1945) Construction work began in 1935, and two years later the Tarnewitz electric power station was officially put into operation. The task of the new unit was to test new weapon systems for Luftwaffe aircraft. In addition to machine guns and bombs, this also included the newly developed rocket weapons. The various tasks were performed by the groups W 1 (installation), W 2 (ballistics and sights), W 3 (mountings and air discs) and W 4 (on-board weapons and ammunition). From 1938, the E post was subdivided into the specialist groups machine guns and ammunition, including rocket testing (IIA), mountings and air discs (II D), ballistics and sights (II E), installation of weapons in aircraft (II F). Travemünde (1928-1945) In 1928 a seaplane test centre (SES) was founded in Travemünde under the camouflage name "Reichsverband der Deutschen Luftfahrtindustrie Gruppe Flugzeugbau". Originally planned and established after World War I as a secret testing ground for independent naval aviation, the Travemünde testing ground was subordinated to the RLM in 1934 after the National Socialists seized power and expanded further. The focus of the testing activities in Travemünde was the testing of seaplanes and their equipment, naval mines and air torpedoes as well as special ships and boats for maritime flight operations. This also included testing seaplanes, landing on icy and snowy ground, landing attempts on aircraft carriers and rescue measures on the open sea with the aircraft. The E post was divided into the following groups in 1933: A: Navigation, radio, seaman's equipment, special installations B: Operation of aircraft, ships, docks, catapults and vehicles, ground services E: Flight service, holding pilots ready F: Aircraft testing, preparation, execution and evaluation of measurements, reports, assessments G: Testing of on-board devices, radio measuring devices, laboratory, precision mechanical workshop, photo service, duplication K: Administration, personnel, material, buildings, installations M: engines, propellers, aggregates, workshop and test benches Udetfeld (1940-1945) The Udetfeld electric power station was set up in 1940 near Beuthen/Oberschlesien. At the beginning it was led by Major Werner Zober, later by Lieutenant Colonel Rieser. The test leader was Fl.Stabsingenieur Rudolf Noch. The task of the E-Stelle was the testing of small explosive and incendiary bombs, parachute bombs and special detonators as well as the acceptance blasting of all German bomb types. At times she was also engaged in the testing of parachutes and ejection seats. For this purpose it was equipped step-by-step with a measuring base, several discharge points and a picture position. Last tests and measurements took place until shortly before the invasion of the Soviet army at the end of January 1945. The E-Stelle was dissolved by order of 15 February 1945 and its tasks taken over by the E-Stelle Rechlin. Werneuchen (1942-1945) The E post was established in April 1942 at the air base in Werneuchen. She was responsible for the testing and development of search and target devices for air and sea reconnaissance and worked closely with the Aeronautical Radio Research Institute in Oberpfaffenhofen. Field stations for testing ground radio measuring instruments were located in Weesow and Tremmen. The flight testing of newly developed equipment was initially carried out by the test squadron of the Technical Test Command (TVK), and was then transferred to the newly formed night fighter group 10. Their tasks also included the development and testing of equipment for the defence against interference and deception by the enemy air forces. In Werneuchen, the night hunt radio measuring devices FuG 202 "Lichtenstein", the ship's target search device FuG "Hohentwiel" as well as the ground search devices "Würzburg-Riese" and "Freya" were tested. In February 1945, the E-Stelle was moved to Stade and renamed to E-Stelle Stade in April 1945. The E post was commanded by Major i.G. August Hentz until April 1944, then until its dissolution by Major i.G. Cerener. ERPROBUNGSKOMMANDOS und ERPROBUNGSSTAFFELN Erprobungskommando 4 (ERPROBUNGSSTAFFELN Test Command 4) Set-up by order of 1 December 1944 by air fleet 10. Troop testing of the X4 guided missile and testing of operational procedures and tactical capabilities. Test Command 15 Formed from the Experimental Squadron Hs 293 and intended for troop testing of the Gleitbombe Hs 293. Test Command 16 Set up on the Command Path in April 1942 in Peenemünde-West, at the beginning of September budgeting and transfer to Zwischenahn, then in October to Brandis. Testing of the rocket-propelled hunter Me 163 B "Komet". Dissolution on 14 February 1945. Tasks were to be taken over by Jagdkommando 400, which also received the operational aircraft. Erprobungskommando 17 Transfer of the 2./Kampfgruppe 100 from Hannover-Langenhagen to the French Chartes, renaming into E-Kommando XY in January 1942 and temporarily into E-Kommando 100 (March to May 1942), then budgeted as E-Kommando 17. Further development of the X- and Y-process and deployment against England. Mid-September 1942 Renamed 15th Combat Squadron, 6th Experimental and Training Command, 18, set up on 1 August 1942 in Pillau and subordinated to the General of the Air Force by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy (Ob.d.M.). Testing of the aircraft types intended for the aircraft carrier "Graf Zeppelin" including the instruction and training of the flying and ground personnel on this equipment. Test Command 19 Deployment on 1 July 1942 at the Castel Benito airfield near Tripoli on the Command Way. Testing of the aircraft types Bf 109 and Fw 109 for tropical suitability as fighter and battle planes. Personnel of the supplementary groups of the fighter squadron 27 and 53, respectively. Test and training command 20 formation on 1 October 1942 in Travemünde (later Kamp). Testing of on-board special aircraft as well as instruction and training of flying and ground personnel for on-board special aircraft. Test and Training Command 21 Set up on 1 August 1942 in Garz/Usedom. Personnel and equipment of the disbanded II. combat squadron 3. troop testing of the bomb PC 1400X. Test and teaching command 22 Set up autumn 1942 in Lärz. Testing of the Fw 190 fighter bomber version with long range (Jaborei). Personnel of the combat squadron 40, of the fighter squadrons 2 and 26 as well as of a destroyer school. Spring 1943 Transfer to St. André in France and use for the formation of the I./Schlachtkampfgeschwader 10. Test and training command 24 formation on 1 March 1943 in Mark-Zwuschen. Testing of aircraft types suitable for reconnaissance purposes, including equipment (navigation and heading devices). Dissolution in October 1944, assumption of the tasks and the personnel by the experimental association OKL. Test Command 25 Set-up in accordance with the order of 17 April 1943. Troop testing of the aircraft required for day hunting, aircraft radio measuring equipment, weapons and combat procedures as well as deployment within the framework of the Reich Defence. Reclassification into hunting group 10 with the same tasks. Test Command 26 Set-up in accordance with the order of 29 December 1943 by renaming the 11th (Pz.)/battle squadron at the airfield of the Udetfeld E station. Dissolution on 14 February 1945 and transfer of personnel to General der Schlachtflieger. Assumption of the tasks of the supplementary squadron of the Schlachtgeschwader 151. Experimental squadron 36 Set up in Garz according to the order of 10 August 1943 by renaming the 13th/fighting squadron 100. Testing of the suitability for troops of the successor models of the Hs 293 as well as briefing of observers on the He 177 equipped with the Kehlgerät FuG 203. Dissolution on 12 July 1944. Transfer of the personnel to the E-Kommando 25 for the continuation of the testing of the fighter missiles. Test Command 40 The Fliegerforstschutzverband was formed on 5 March 1940 as an independent association from the "Pest Control Group" of the Flugkommando Berlin, which had existed since 1936. It was mainly used for forest pest control and from October 1941 also took over malaria control in the occupied territories. Numerous spraying and pollination flights were carried out for this purpose. Another focus of his activities was the sowing of agricultural and forestry seeds and the spreading of artificial fertilizers. After being placed under the command of the E units on 1 January 1944, the Fliegerforstschutzverband was renamed E-Kommando 40. By order of 3 September 1944, the command stationed in Göttingen was dissolved and the remainder of the command was transferred to Coburg in November 1944, where it was used to set up E-command 41. Erprobungskommando 41 Formation on January 22, 1945 from remaining parts of the Erprobungskommando 40 and subordination in military service under Luftgaukommando VII and operational under Luftflottenkommando Reich. Test Command 100 See Test Command 17 Test Command Bf 109 G Report of arrival at Rechlin on 15 March 1942. Equipped with eleven Bf 109 G-1 and seven pilots in July. No more data. Test Command Ta 152 Positioning on the Command Way on 2 November 1944 in Rechlin. In accordance with the order of January 9, 1945, the deployment was extended until April 1945, and the deployment was reorganized into a group staff with a staff company as well as four task forces and a technical testing squadron. No formation of the four operational squadrons due to takeover of troop testing of the aircraft type Ta 152 by III/Jagdgeschwader 301. Dissolution on January 23, 1945. Test command Ta 154 formation on December 9, 1943 at the air base Hannover-Langenhagen. Testing of the front suitability of the aircraft type Ta 154. Dissolution according to the order of August 1, 1944. Transfer of personnel to the E-command Me 262. Test command He 162, deployment order of January 9, 1945 for an E-command in group strength (but not with this designation). Implementation of the operational testing of the aircraft type He 162 by I./Jagdgeschwader 1. Experimental squadron He 177 deployment on 1 February 1942 in Lärz. Testing of the aircraft type He 177. Dissolution on September 20, 1943. Transfer of personnel to combat squadron 40. Test squadron Ju 188 set up on March 1, 1943 in Rechlin. Transfer at the end of July 1943 to Chièvres near Brussels. Used for 4th/combat squadron 66th test squadron Me 210 set up in late spring 1942 in Lechfeld, relocated in July 1942 to Evreux in France. Operational testing of the aircraft type. After temporary renaming into 16th/fighter squadron 6 and 11th/destroyer squadron 1, finally reclassification into test squadron Me 410. Test squadron Ar 234 set up summer 1944 (July) in Lärz. Operational testing of the aircraft type Ar 234 B as a bomber. Personnel of the combat squadron 76th Erprobungskommando Me 262, deployment on 9 December 1943 at the Lechfeld air base. First testing of the V-model Me 262 and personnel supply of the III./Zerstörergeschwader 26 in April 1944. Starting from August 1944 formation of Einsatzkommandoos among other things in Lärz. At the end of September use of parts of the E-command, the III./ZG 26 to form the E-command "Novotny" and a new E-command 262 in Lechfeld. Official dissolution of E-command 262 on 2 November 1944. Test command Do 335 set up on 4 September 1944 by command of the E-positions. Troop testing of the aircraft type Do 335 as a mosquito night fighter, fighter, reconnaissance and combat aircraft. Relocation to Rechlin on 20 November. Revocation of the dissolution order of 14 February 1945. Test command JU 388 set up on 15 July 1944 in Rechlin. Testing the Ju 388 as a night hunter. Dissolution on 14 February 1945. Transfer of personnel to Combat Wing 76, E-Command Do 335 and various units. Test squadron Me 410 See test squadron Me 210. Troop testing of the aircraft type Me 410. Integration as 9th squadron of the combat squadron 101 and renaming into 12./KG 2 in October 1943 and finally April 1944 into 13./KG 51. Test squadron 600 formation according to order of April 1, 1945, intended for testing the rocket-driven interceptor Ba 349 "Natter". No further data known. Test command "Kolb", order of 20 November 1944. No further information known. Test command "Nebel" (Fog), order of 26 July 1944, for the testing and production of the Me 264 aircraft type, then from December 1944 also for the testing of long-range aircraft. Etatisierung des E-Kommandoos Ende Februar 1945. Lehr- und Erprobungskommando (W) After Colonel Wachtel had already been commissioned since April 1943 to carry out the war operation of the Fieseler Fi 103 (camouflage designation Flak sight FZG 76), the establishment of the Erprobungskommando began in June 1943. In military service it was subordinated to the higher commander of the anti-aircraft artillery schools and in questions of training and testing to the general of the anti-aircraft weapon. It was supplied by Luftgaukommando III, to which it belonged in terms of war classification. On 15 August 1943, the Wachtel Command formed the Flak Regiment 155 (W), which was soon transferred to France. Sonderkommando Fähre (Siebel) The Sonderkommando Fähre was responsible for the provision and operation of air force ferries for the transport of air force goods. (The information on the E-positions and E-commands were published in abbreviated form by Heinrich Beauvais/Karl Kössler/Max Mayer/Christoph Regel: Flugerprobungsstellen bis 1945. Johannisthal, Lipezk, Rechlin, Travemünde, Tarnewitz, Peenemünde-West. Bonn 1998). Characterisation of content: The collection mainly comprises work and test reports as well as correspondence between the command of the test centres and the test centres themselves and superior departments and various companies. Most of the test reports are for the two E posts Rechlin (approx. 200 AU) and Travemünde (approx. 160 AU). About 60 volumes of files with pollination and spray reports including the corresponding maps have been handed down by the Fliegerforstschutzverband. Of the remaining e-positions, only minor fragments of files have been preserved. The seven file volumes of the command of the e-offices, which deal with organizational matters of the e-offices and e-commands, are to be emphasized. State of development: Online-Findbuch 2007 Scope, Explanation: 573 AE Citation method: BArch, RL 36/...

Albers, Wilhelm
BArch, N 686 · Fonds · 1879-1919
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Dr. Wilhelm Albers General Physician born on 02 November 1859 in Uelzen, died on 17 December 1919 in Lüneburg 29 March 1879 - 15 February 1883: Kaiser Wilhelm Academy for Military Medical Education 1891 - 1895: Doctor in the Surgical Department of the Charité in Berlin 17 July 1900 - 04 March 1904: East Asian Expeditionary Corps of the East Asian Occupation Brigade until 17 September 1904 December 1901: Chief Physician Feldlazarett 2 in Beijing and Feldlazarett 1 in Tientsin 18 December 1901 - 04 March 1904: Brigadier Physician 1910: Chief Physician and Division Physician of the 5th Division in Frankfurt/Oder 1914-1918: Corps Physician of the XXIIth Reserve Corps (consisting of 43rd and 44th Reserve Divisions), at the beginning of the First World War on the Western Front, from June 1915 on the Eastern Front. Editing note: Index inventory description: Lectures from his time in East Asia. 6 volumes field letters to his wife, 3 volumes with letters of family members and 12 volumes diary entries from the First World War as a corps doctor of the XXII reserve corps citation method: BArch, N 686/...

BArch, R 8048 · Fonds · 1886-1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The All-German Association was founded on 9 April 1891 under the name "Allgemeiner Deutscher Verband" with its headquarters in Mainz as a reaction against the German-English Zanzibar Treaty. The main tasks were to revive German national consciousness, to support German nationality abroad and to promote German interests in Europe and overseas, especially German colonial policy. In 1894 the name was changed to Alldeutscher Verband. In 1918 the seat was moved to Berlin. The association's programme was expansionist and nationalistic. Especially in the Habsburgs' Austro-Hungarian Empire, anti-Semitism and anti-Slavism were already pronounced before the First World War. With his ideological aim he acted as an intellectual precursor of Hitler's fascism. In March 1939 he was dissolved by Reinhard Heydrich on the grounds that his programme had now been fulfilled. Processing note: Findbuch (1960/70) Inventory description: Inventory history In 1942, the last chairman of the association, Dr. Heinrich Class, handed over the remains of the association archive to the Reichsarchiv. In 1943 further files of Prof. Calmbach (Stuttgart) were added to the Reichsarchiv. In 1950, the German Central Archive in Potsdam (later Zentrales Staatsarchiv Potsdam) took over the AV documents, which had been stored out together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv during the Second World War. Due to a lack of old finding aids, there is no information about possible war-related losses. Archive evaluation and processing As a result of the first simple indexing of the documents in the German Central Archive in Potsdam, a finding index was created in 1960 which described 720 file units with a circumference of 9.2 linear metres. In 1970 the collection was reworked, partly refoliated, renumbered and redefined in terms of content. As a result, a preliminary finding aid book was created, which was technically processed in the period from 2003 to 2005. The search book can now be searched online on the website of the Federal Archives. Characterisation of the contents: Main points of the tradition: Foundation, organisation and history of the association, meetings of the board, meetings of the executive committee, general correspondence by year, relations and relationships with organisations and persons, publications and situation reports of the office, submissions and public declarations 1895-1933, collections, war target movement in the 1st World War. World War II, Ethnic and Anti-Semitic Movement, Position on Christianity, Position on State and Government during the Weimar Republic, Relations with Austria-Hungary, Anschluss Österreichs, Verhältnis zum Ausland Erschließungszustand: Findbuch (o.Dat.), Online-Findbuch (2005) Citation method: BArch, R 8048/...

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T. · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The present estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1839-1908), Prussian Ministerial Director in the Ministry of Culture, was given to the Prussian Secret State Archives in 1921 as a gift from the widow Marie Althoff. In 1924, 1935, 1936, 1951, 1958 and 2000 further smaller parts of the estate were transferred to the (Prussian) Secret State Archives (PK). The estate contains primarily personnel documents, comprehensive reference files from official activities, extensive official correspondence with a large number of partners, newspapers and newspaper clippings and a small partial estate of the widow Marie Althoff, mainly with her correspondence after 1908 The correspondence was filed by Althoff himself according to two types, alphabetically according to the names and professions of the senders, so that both groups (by database query) are to be searched. An additional peculiarity is that about 500 letters are enclosed with other correspondences, namely when the letter writers mainly expressed themselves about other, third parties. In these cases, the letters were not filed under the senders, but under the names of those about whom they were written. Modern distortion maintains this order, but ejects the names concerned in the respective distortion titles. (Example VI HA, Nl F. T. Althoff, No. 805 alphabetical correspondence "Kohl - Koppy" also contains in "Kollmann, Julius, Basel, 1887 - 1888 (3)" a letter by Gustav v. Schmoller about Julius Kollmann from 1884). In the course of entering the database, the individual correspondence partners in the correspondence volumes were added to the contents notes using the register. The number in brackets indicates the number of letters. For the former divisions A I and A II (today No. 1-655) there is a separate detailed analysis volume which should be consulted during research. Its contents are not part of the database, as they would have gone beyond its scope. For the complete technical processing of the magazine, which took place in 2012, the discount was re-signed according to serial numbers for the sake of simplicity. A corresponding concordance can be found at the end of the search. Distortion began in 1921 by Ludwig Dehio. Mrs. Krähe created the list of letter correspondents. In 1939 G. Wentz dispersed the correspondence. In the years 1960-1962 Renate Endler recorded the estate again, including a revision. From 1975-1976 a further revision was carried out by Holger Schenk. The following files were already missing when the still valid find book from the 1960s was compiled: A I No. 18 Academic Freedom, 1905 A I I No. 144 Criminalist Seminar, Halle, 1885 - 1896 A II No. 98 Eduard Simon, 1906-08 B No. 7 Baltzer B No. 21 Cantor B No. 28[Content unknown] B No. 69 Hermite B No. 137 Bd. 2 Netto B No. 168 Bd. 2 Schottki Bei B No. 48 Frobenius, B No. 65 Heffter, B No. 70 Heffner und B No. 169 Sturm missing the main part. The old numbers B No. 98, B No. 106 and B No. 167 are also missing, according to remarks in the find book; in the group "Correspondence Althoff's correspondence sorted by sender's profession", which is very intensively indexed, the contents of the missing pieces have also been included in the database, since their contents may be of partial interest, even if the individual letters no longer exist. These letters then bear the addition"(missing)". The following autograph of Althoff is also kept in the "Small Acquisitions" collection of the Geheimes Staatsarchiv PK: I. HA Rep. 94 Small acquisitions, No. 1711 Friedrich Althoff to an unknown person: Transmission of 4 facsimile Primaner essays of the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium in Berlin from 1901 on the topic "The Beinstellung der Monmämäler in der Siegesallee" with Marginalien Kaiser Wilhelm II, The database was entered by Mrs. Pistiolis, the database correction, determination and addition of the runtimes on the basis of the contained notes and preparation of the foreword was done by the undersigned. With the introduction of the new tectonics in the GStA PK, the estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff, formerly headed as I. Department Rep. 92, was incorporated into the newly formed VI. Department of Family Archives and Bequests in 2001. According to the Internet database "Kalliope, Verbundsystem Nachlässe und Autographen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin", another extensive part of the manuscript section of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz is located. This section contains 23 boxes with correspondence, documents, manuscripts, photos, prints and the death mask. Further correspondence of Althoff (312 sheets) is kept in the document collection Darmstaedter (2c 1890) of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Duration: (1723) 1778, 1824 - 1908 (1909 - 1919) and without date Scope: 23 running metres Last assigned number: To be ordered: VI HA, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff, No.... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff, No.... Berlin, August 2013 (Chief Inspectoress of the Archives, Sylvia Rose) Life Data February 19, 1839 Born in Dinslaken Father: Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1785-1852), Prussian Dömanenrat Mother: Julie von Buggenhagen (née. 1802) from 1851 1856 to 1861 Gymnasium in Wesel (1856 Abitur) Studied law in Berlin and Bonn from 1856 Membership of Corps Saxonia with subsequent honorary membership 1861 State Exam 1864 Referendar 1867 Legal Assessor Exam 1870 Lawyer 1871 Legal adviser and consultant for church and school matters in Strasbourg from 1872 Dr. h.c. associate professor of French and modern civil law (1880 full professor) in Strasbourg 1882 university lecturer at the Ministry of Culture 1888 secret senior government council 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1897-1907 ministerial director of the I. Education Department (universities and secondary schools) 1900 chairman of the scientific and scholarly staff of the University of Berlin 1897-1907 professor at the University of Berlin 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1896-1907 ministerial director of the I. 1901 Honorary member of the Göttingen Society of Sciences 1904 Title "Excellence" 1906 Title "Professor" 1907 Title of a "Real Privy Council", Crown Councillor October 20, 1908 died in Berlin-Steglitz Friedrich Theodor Althoff had been married to Marie Ingenohl (1843-1925) since 1865 and had no children. The life data were taken from the literature given. Furthermore, the personnel file Althoffs, 1882-1939 (I. HA Rep. 76 I Sekt. 31 Lit. A Nr. 15, incl. Supplement 1 2) is to be compared. Literature " M. Althoff (Edit.), From Friedrich Althoff's time in Berlin. Memories for his friends. Jena 1918 (printed as manuscript) " A. Sachse, Friedrich Althoff and his work. Berlin 1928; F. Schmidt-Ott, Experiences and aspirations. 1860-1950 Wiesbaden 1952, p. 5 u. ö. " New German Biography, vol. 1, Aachen - Behaim. Berlin 1953, pp. 222-224 " C.-E. Kretschmann, Friedrich Althoff's estate as a source for the history of the medical faculty in Halle from 1882-1907. Halle 1959 " G. Lohse, Die Bibliotheksdirektoren der ehemalmals Prußischen Universitäten und Technische Hochschulen 1900-1985. Köln 1988, p. 1 u. ö. (Publications from the Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, vol. 26) " R.-J. Lischke: Friedrich Althoff and his contribution to the development of the Berlin scientific system at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin 1991; J. Weiser, The Prussian School System in the 19th and 20th Centuries. A source report from the Secret State Archives of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 1996, pp. 194-197 (Studien und Dokumentationen zum deutschen Bildungsgeschichte, vol. 60) " Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. 16th Herzberg 1999, Sp. 29-48 " St. Rebenich and G. Franke: Theodor Mommsen and Friedrich Althoff. Correspondence 1882-1903 Munich 2012 (German Historical Sources of the 19th and 20th Centuries Vol. 67). Description: Biographical data: 1839 - 1908 Resources: Database; Reference book, 1 vol.

BArch, R 67 · Fonds · 1914-1921
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: In January 1915, the Hamburgische Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz and the Frankfurter Verein vom Roten Kreuz joined forces through the Prussian Ministry of War with the aim of bringing about a unified working group of all those involved in the investigation of missing persons and the care of prisoners. For the investigation of missing persons the name "Ausschuss für deutsche Kriegsgefangene" was chosen and for the care of prisoners the name "Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche". By May 1915 it had been possible to combine all the major Red Cross associations in Germany into a single working group. In September 1915, the Working Group and the Central Committee of the German Red Cross Associations in Berlin agreed on the principles of their respective responsibilities in the areas of missing persons investigation and prisoner welfare. The two headquarters in Hamburg and Frankfurt am Main became official information centres in the sense of the Hague Land Warfare Ordinance; at the same time they were attached to the Central Evidence Bureau of the Prussian War Ministry. Their tasks included the search for missing soldiers, the procurement of official death certificates and the improvement of postal traffic with prisoners of war. In addition, the Committee for German Prisoners of War of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross endeavored to provide information in the occupied territories of France, Russia, and Romania and to improve the situation of foreign prisoners of war in Germany. In July 1916, Rudolf Lismann, a senior member of the Committee for German POWs of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross, founded the Archive of the Committee for German POWs, later the Archive for POW Research. His aim was to produce a comprehensive documentation of the prisoners of war of the First World War from a uniform point of view. The collection areas included the relief organizations of the Red Cross associations, missing persons, prisoners of war and civilians, the position of prisoners under international law, refugees, hostages and refugees. Status: December 2003 Inventory description: In January 1915, the Hamburgische Landesverein vom Roten Kreuz and the Frankfurter Verein vom Roten Kreuz joined forces through the mediation of the Prussian Ministry of War, with the aim of bringing about a unified working group of all the offices concerned with the investigation of missing persons and the care of prisoners. For the investigation of missing persons the name "Ausschuss für deutsche Kriegsgefangene" was chosen and for the care of prisoners the name "Hilfe für kriegsgefangene Deutsche". By May 1915 it had been possible to combine all the major Red Cross associations in Germany into a single working group. In September 1915, the Working Group and the Central Committee of the German Red Cross Associations in Berlin agreed on the principles of their respective responsibilities in the areas of missing persons investigation and prisoner welfare. The two headquarters in Hamburg and Frankfurt am Main became official information centres in the sense of the Hague Land Warfare Ordinance; at the same time they were attached to the Central Evidence Bureau of the Prussian War Ministry. Their tasks included the search for missing soldiers, the procurement of official death certificates and the improvement of postal traffic with prisoners of war. In addition, the Committee for German Prisoners of War of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross endeavored to provide information in the occupied territories of France, Russia, and Romania and to improve the situation of foreign prisoners of war in Germany. In July 1916, Rudolf Lismann, a senior member of the Committee for German POWs of the Frankfurt Association of the Red Cross, founded the Archive of the Committee for German POWs, later the Archive for POW Research. His aim was to produce a comprehensive documentation of the prisoners of war of the First World War from a uniform point of view. The collection areas included the relief organizations of the Red Cross associations, missing persons, prisoners of war and civilians, the position of prisoners under international law, refugees, hostages and refugees. State of development: Findbuch (1984) Citation method: BArch, R 67/...

BArch, R 8120 · Fonds · 1933-1940
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The Bank der Deutschen Arbeit was founded in 1933 in Berlin as a private specialist bank by the smashing of the banks for workers, employees, and civil servants, controlled by the German Labor Front (DAF). It took over the assets of the free and Christian trade unions. At first, its main function was to provide credit for job creation and settlement purposes, later the bank developed into a general credit bank with a large number of branches in the German Reich and the occupied territories. Content characterization: In addition to a few Generalia 1925-1950, there are primarily individual case files for individual companies A-Z. State of development: Find index (1974) Citation method: BArch, R 8120/...

BArch, R 8121 · Fonds · 1933-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Former: The Bank der Deutschen Luftfahrt, also known as the Aero- or Luftfahrtbank, was formed by the transformation of Luftfahrtkontor GmbH into a public limited company with shareholder resolution of 6 July 1940, the object of which, according to the articles of association of that date, was "the execution of banking transactions of all kinds and of related transactions serving directly or indirectly aviation purposes, as well as the administration and supervision of aviation companies and the execution of all such transactions, including in a fiduciary capacity" [1]. Luftfahrtkontor GmbH had been founded in 1933/34 in the context of the takeover of the Junkers group by the Reich Aviation Ministry (RLM) and in 1938 was responsible for the administration of 1. the Reich-owned facilities leased to companies in the aviation industry, 2. the Reich's holdings in companies in the aviation industry and 3. the investment loans [2]. In the course of the so-called "capital cut" to reform corporate financing, the investment loans granted until then were converted into state aid for special depreciation and firms were encouraged to use more of their own funds and borrowed capital to finance investments. To this end, both the RLM and the Reich Ministry of Finance (RFM) considered it sensible to set up their own commercial bank for aviation, whose loans were intended to stimulate the involvement of other banks and other donors and to which all Reich shareholdings in the aviation industry and aviation were to be transferred. On 9 June 1939 Luftfahrtkontor GmbH received its banking licence from the Reich Commissioner for Banking and quickly acquired the character of a "universal bank for German aviation" [3] after the start of the war. In addition to the conventional investment loans, the Luftfahrtbank increasingly granted the aerospace armaments companies - similar to the Deutsche Industriebank for the suppliers of the army and navy - the credit assistance provided by the Reich Economic Ministry (RWM) for the mobilization of arms production (in short: "mobkredite") with Reich guarantees from autumn 1939 onwards. This resulted in a substantial increase in the Bank's lending volume, which, together with the significant increase in managed participations and deposits from aviation companies, as well as increased activity on the stock exchange and the money market, led to the Bank being renamed "Bank der Deutschen Luftfahrt" and converted into a stock corporation (AG). This was in response to the wish of the General Airworthiness Officer Ernst Udet that "the company's status as a bank should be expressed in the company name" [4]. Like its predecessor Luftfahrtkontor, the Bank der Deutschen Luftfahrt initially resided in Berlin-Schöneberg, Am Park 12. In the night from March 1 to March 2, 1943, Ge‧bäude burned out completely after an Allied air raid, whereupon the bank had to move its Geschäfts‧räume to the center of Berlin (Werderstr. 7). As a result of the fire, loss of files also seems to have been the cause of complaint [5]. Dissatisfied with the accommodation that was not considered to be standes‧gemäß, the bank pushed in the spring of 1944 the efforts that had previously been made by the Jewish company Panofski

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Becker, C. H. · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The estate of the Prussian Minister of Culture Carl Heinrich Becker was given to the Secret State Archives in 1973 by his son Prof. Dr. Hellmut Becker as a deposit. The estate consists of two main groups, 1. correspondence and 2. factual documents. Business and factual correspondence were not separated, as the transitions were fluid and difficult to distinguish in individual cases. Associations, authorities, etc. are listed in the correspondence as correspondence partners and in the subject groups with writings, publications and statutes. In the case of factual files, a detailed division into individual subject groups was made. These are Carl Heinrich Becker's notes on official matters as well as Becker's publications and works as professor of Oriental Studies. The collection was edited by Dr. Cécile Lowenthal-Hensel, Heidemarie Nowak, Sabine Preuß and Elke Prinz. The technical writing work was done by Petra Bergert. The estate comprises 19 running metres from 1919 - 1933: VI HA, Nl Becker, C. H., Nr. The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Carl Heinrich Becker (Dep.), No. Berlin, September 1995 Ute Dietsch, Scientific Archivist Curriculum Vitae Carl Heinrich Becker Born in Amsterdam April 12, 1876 Father: Consul and banker of the Rothschild brothers 1895: Abitur in Frankfurt/Main, then studied Theology and Oriental Studies in Lausanne, Berlin and Heidelberg 1899 Doctorate as Dr. phil "cum laude" in Heidelberg 1900-1902 Study trips to Spain, Egypt, Greece, Turkey and Sudan 1902 Habilitation in Heidelberg Privatdozent für Semitische Philologie 14.3.1905 Married Hedwig Schmid, daughter of the Geheimes Kommerzienrat and banker Paul von Schmid-Augsburg (three children are born out of marriage) 1906 appointed full professor 1908-1913 professor and director of the Seminar for History and Culture of the Orient at the Colonial Institute in Hamburg, founder of the journal for history and culture of the Orient "Der Islam" 1.9.1913 appointed full professor and director of the newly established oriental seminar of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm-Universität 17.5.1916 Joined the Prussian Ministry of Culture as an unskilled worker 21.10.1916 Appointed secret governmental and lecturing council, responsible for the personnel affairs of the universities; at the same time honorary professor at the University of Berlin April 1919 Undersecretary of State April 1921 Prussian Minister of Culture, after six months return to his office as State Secretary Febr. 1925 reappointment as Minister of Culture Jan 1930 Resignation as Minister, resumption of his activity as Professor of Islamic Studies at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin 1931 Appointment as 3rd professor of Islamic Studies at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin. Vice-presidents of the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften and Managing Director of the Institut für Semitistik und Islamkunde Chinareise on behalf of the Volkerbund for information on Chinese education Literature (in selection): H. Schaefer (ed.), Carl Heinrich Becker - ein Gedenkbuch. Göttingen 1950 G. Müller, University Reform and World Political Education. Carl Heinrich Becker's science and university policy 1908 - 1930 (mechanical diss.) Aachen 1989 C. Esser / E. Winkelhane, Carl Heinrich Becker - orientalist and cultural politician. In: The World of Islam (28) 1988 Description: Biographical Data: 1876 - 1933 Resources: Database; Reference Book, 5 vol.

Becker, Carl Heinrich
BArch, R 2107-I · Fonds · 1939-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: The State Tax Offices were established in 1919 as the central authorities of the three-tier Reich Finance Administration, and from Apr. 1937 they were known as the Chief Finance President. Their jurisdiction was usually territorially limited. Only the LFA/OFP Berlin was assigned various responsibilities after 1933 which were to be exercised for the entire territory of the Reich, including the administration of enemy property in Germany and German property abroad (processed in a special branch office for enemy property in 1942). Inventory description: Inventory history The files of the branch office for hostile assets of the OFP Berlin-Brandenburg were continued by the Oberfinanzdirektion Berlin after 1945. When it resumed its activities in May 1945, the branch office had taken over hundreds of thousands of registration forms and the extensive file that had been moved to the vaults of the Deutsche Reichsbank during the last years of the war. At the end of 1962, the files and card indexes were transferred to the Dornburg Archive Depot of the GDR's State Archive Administration and were virtually unusable there. When the archive depot was closed in 1992, the documents were transferred to the Federal Archives. Due to the fact that the large mass of single case files usable by the existing alphabetical index was opposed by a comparatively small stock of unlisted Generalia, two partial stocks R 2107 (single case files) and R 2107 I (Generalia) were formed. The Generalia were evaluated and recorded between 1997 and 2002. In the course of the evaluation, approximately 2.0 linear metres of files from the Amt für Preise at the Stadtbezirksverwaltung Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg as well as from the Zentralfinanzamt Groß-Berlin and the Magistrat von Berlin were separated out and handed over to the Landesarchiv Berlin, while numerous official documents were removed and handed over to the Bundesarchiv library. Numerous duplicates, form collections and routine documents were collected. Content characterization: Tradition: Regulation of the operation of the Oberfinanzdirektion in general and the branch office 1934-1945, treatment of property in general 1938-1944, treatment of hostile property in Germany and in the countries and territories occupied by Germany 1940-1943, treatment of German property abroad (according to spheres of influence and countries A-Z) 1940-1944, treatment of Jewish property 1941-1944 (91) as well as property of individual persons and companies 1929-1945, prisen affairs in France 1940-1944, damage regulation 1935-1953. State of development: Onlinefindbuch (2002) Citation method: BArch, R 2107-I/...

BArch, R 3602 · Fonds · 1873 - 1954
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: In 1880, the "German Agricultural Council" suggested the creation of a "Reichszentrale zur Beobachtung und Vertilgung der die die Kulturpflanzen schädden Insekten und Pilze" (Reich Centre for the Observation and Eradication of Insects and Fungi Harmful to Cultivated Plants). On 24 March 1897, the Member of Parliament and practical farmer, Dr Dr hc. Albert Schulz-Lupitz in the Reichstag, an initiative for the creation of an "agricultural-technical Reichsanstalt für Bakteriologie und Phytopathologie". A necessity was given by the annual damages in the agriculture and forestry by diseases and pests of the cultivated plants and because of the importance of certain bacteria. This request was initially postponed until the following year and was finally dealt with again on 28 January 1898. On that day the Imperial Health Office demanded 2400 Marks for a "botanically trained unskilled worker" who would not only carry out the food examinations, but also the botanical work for the pharmacopoeia and the exploitation of plants from the protectorates, as well as be active in the field of plant protection. Finally, on 25 February, a commission met at the "Imperial Health Office" to discuss the planned establishment of a "Biological Department" at the Health Office and to draw up a first memorandum. The integration into this office was carried out because the now projected tasks (e.g. combating phylloxera) had been carried out there for years. The founding memorandum set out the tasks of the future research institute in eight points and became part of the "Law on the Determination of a Supplement to the Reich Budget Budget for the Financial Year 1898". In 1899 this department already comprised four laboratories in the newly built building of the "Imperial Health Office" in Klopstockstrasse in Tiergarten. Initially the department (see Reichstag printed matter no. 241, 1898): - study the living conditions of animal and plant pests of cultivated plants and gain the basis for their control, - study the damage to cultivated plants caused by inorganic influences, - study the beneficial organisms from the animal and plant kingdoms, - study the microorganisms useful and harmful for agriculture, and - study the diseases of bees. - In addition to the experimental activities, the following tasks were also assigned to the department: - Collecting statistical material on the occurrence of the most important plant diseases at home and abroad, - Provision of difficult-to-access literature (in particular from abroad) to the state institutes, - Publication of common publications and leaflets on the most important plant diseases, - Training of experts (for the German colonies). For field experiments, a test field was leased in Dahlem on the site of the "Royal Prussian Domain" at today's Königin-Luise-Strasse 19. In May 1898 the construction of a greenhouse with insulating cells and a small laboratory building began on this site. When the "Biological Department for Agriculture and Forestry at the Imperial Health Office" was founded, Oberregierungsrat Dr. med. h. c. Karl Köhler was director of this office. The first head of department was then in 1899 the Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Albert Bernhard Frank, who died in 1900. His successor was Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Carl Freiherr von Tubeuf, who was appointed to Munich after only a few months. In 1902, Dr. Rudolf Aderhold, Privy Councillor, became the new head of the government. He was followed on August 1, 1907 by the Privy Senior Government Councillor Prof. Dr. Johannes Behrens, former head of the "Bacteriological Laboratory". A further change of leadership did not take place until 1920, when Privy Councillor Prof. Dr. Otto Appel became Director of the BRA. He was succeeded from 1933 to 1945 by Dr. Eduard Riehm, Senior Government Councillor, as Director and from 1937 as President of the BRA. Head of the BRA until 1945 Term of officeHead1898Oberregierungsrat Dr. med. h. c. Karl Köhler1899Geheimer Regierungsrat Prof. Dr. Albert Bernhard Frank1900- ca. 1902Geheimer Regierungsrat Prof. Dr. Carl Freiherr von Tubeuf1902-1907Geheimer Regierungsrat Dr. Rudolf Aderhold1907-1920Geheimer Oberregierungsrat Prof. Dr. Johannes Behrens1920-1933Geheimer Regierungsrat Prof. Dr. Otto Appel1933-1945Oberregierungsrat Dr. Eduard Riehm On 1 April 1905, the department became an independent authority as the "Imperial Biological Institute for Agriculture and Forestry" (see Reichsanzeiger No. 83 of 6 April 1905) and was now subordinate to the Reichsamt des Inneren until it was subordinated to the Reichswirtschaftsamt on 31 October 1917 (renamed the Reichswirtschaftsministerium on 21 March 1919). On 13 January 1919 it changed its name to "Biologische Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft" (Biological Imperial Institute for Agriculture and Forestry) and from 1920 was subordinate to the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture (RMEL). Names and assignments of the BRA until 1945 Name Superordinate authority1898-1905Biological Department for Agriculture and Forestry at the Imperial Health Office1. April 1905 Imperial Biological Institute for Agriculture and Forestry Reichsamt des Inneren31. October 1917Reichswirtschaftsamt or Reichswirtschaftsministerium13. January 1919Biologische Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft1920Reichsministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft Since 1907, the following BRA branch offices have gradually been set up to research and control pests and diseases: - 1907: Ulmenweiler near Metz, from 1919: Naumburg / Saale (phylloxera) - 1920: Aschersleben (vegetables and ornamental plants) - 1921: Stade (fruit trees), from 1941: Heidelberg - 1921: Trier, from 1926: Bernkastel-Kues (vines) - 1925: Kiel (grain and fodder plants) - 1927: Mechow near Kyritz, from 1936: Eichhof (Langen near Redel, potato diseases, breeding) - 1932: "The "Branch Office East" in Königsberg (research into the possibilities of sufficient production of protein-containing animal feed for the "German East") - 1934: Gliesmarode (rust diseases, forest resistance of plants) - 1940: Vienna (previously Vienna State Institute for Plant Protection) - 1940: Kruft / Eifel (potato beetle research), later relocation to Mühlhausen / Thür. In addition, the BRA supervised research supported by RMEL in Markee in Nauen (combating cabbage pests: cabbage fleas, cabbage flies, cabbage shoots) and Magdeburg (combating tomato diseases). The working group with the German Entomological Institute of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, founded in 1934, was intended to promote systematic and morphological research in the field of applied entomology. In the case of mass occurrences of individual pests, so-called "flying stations" were set up ad hoc for research purposes, which could be dissolved at any time. These flying stations included: - 1921-1925: Oybin near Zittau, respectively Dresden (plague of nuns) - 1922-1927: Crenzow / Pomerania and Anklam (beetle of Rübenaas) - 1924: Stralsund, from 1925: Rosenthal near Breslau, from 1928: Heinrichau, from 1933: Guhrau (beet fly and beetle leaf bug) - 1929-1931: Randowbruch / Pommern (grass diseases and pests) - 1937: Oldenburg (grassland pests) After the end of the war in 1945, the BRA was broken up, first attempts were made to resume work in Berlin and the four occupation zones. In May 1945, the Dahlem offices were first subordinated to the Berlin magistrate. Prof. Dr. Otto Schlumberger became the new President in Berlin in July. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory R 3602 Biologische Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft consists of a total of 1955 files, which are subdivided as follows: - Naumburger Akten": signature numbers 1-1020 - files of the BRA: signature numbers 2001-2625 - personal files: Signature numbers 3001-3320 "Naumburger Akten" The first portion of files, subsequently referred to as Naumburger Akten, was handed over to the Zentrale Staatsarchiv (ZStA) in Potsdam on 24 January 1983 by the Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften, Institut für Züchtungsfragen Quedlinburg. A list of fees is available. The Naumburg files formed the inventory R 3602 Biologische Reichsanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft. After 3 October 1990, the holdings were transferred from the ZStA to the Federal Archives. Files of the BRA Of the approx. 40 linear metres of the remaining records which had been preserved in the Federal Biological Institute for Agriculture and Forestry - Institute for Nonparasitic Plant Diseases - Berlin-Dahlem, the Federal Archives took over approx. 12 linear metres of archival documents in August 1983, including personnel files, most of the administrative documents and a selection of documents on implementation tasks. Around 1978, a considerable number of files, mainly from the Office for Economic and Legal Affairs in Plant Protection (WURA), had already been collected by the Federal Institute. In 1988, the Bernkastel-Kues branch and the Berlin Institute of the Federal Biological Research (Institut Berlin der Biologischen Bundesanstalt) handed over further files, in particular on viticulture and soil fertilisation (R 168 / 470-625). Personnel files In the 1950s, personnel files were mainly transferred from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry to the ZStA. These three named groups of files were brought together in the Federal Archives to form a single collection: R 3602 Biological Imperial Institute for Agriculture and Forestry. The Naumburg files retained the signature numbers 1 to 1020, the numbers of the files from the former R 168 were added around 2000 (R 168 / 1 became R 3602/ 2001), the 320 personnel files received the signature numbers R 3602 / 3001-3320. The ZStA had no further BRA files. It is suspected that the archival material handed over to the Reichsarchiv by the BRA and the other branch offices was destroyed during the destruction of the archive in April 1945. Content characterisation: Documents on the following subject areas have been handed down: Headquarters: Business operations of the headquarters 1885-1949, land and buildings, budget 1905-1944, personnel matters 1902-1949, business operations of the branch offices, especially Trier and Bernkastel-Kues 1919-1948, development and activities in general: historical development 1897-1944, activity reports, work of the advisory board, lectures, publications, public relations, anniversaries 1902-1952. Individual areas of responsibility: Plant protection 1899-1948, animal protection 1894-1940, botany 1879-1944, soil analysis and treatment, fertilisation, viticulture 1873-1944 (77), activity of the branch Trier and Bernkastel-Kues 1920-1946. Naumburg branch: administration and organisation 1920-1945, business operations 1920-1945, land and buildings 1901-1943, budget 1921-1945, personnel matters 1917-1947, development and activity in general, including research funds, public relations 1907-1961, tasks: Phylloxera control, including: herd of phylloxera, research, phylloxera memoranda 1875-1951, grapevine breeding 1891-1955, plant protection and pests (without phylloxera) 1902-1947, relations to and material from other (including foreign) institutions 1905-1944, activities of other institutions 1897-1952. State of development: online find book (2008) citation: BArch, R 3602/...

Boell, Ludwig (inventory)
BArch, N 14 · Fonds · 1911-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Life data 03.07.1889 born in Weißenburg/Elsaß I. married with Edith ..., died 1927 II. married with Miranda ... Military service in the royal prussia. Army and in the Reichswehr 01.10.1907 Entry 30.09.1920 Release from the 200,000 man army Promotions 1908 Corporal 31.03.1909 NCO 10.08.1909 Deputy Sergeant 19.11.1909 Flag Junker 22.03.1910 Lieutenant (with patent of 22.3.1908) 25.02.1915 Lieutenant Colonel 18.06.1917 Captain Positions 01.10.1907 Inf.Rgt. 143 One-year volunteer 04.02.1909 Inf.Rgt. 132 Voluntary exercise 16.06.1909 Inf.Rgt. 60 Exercise A 23.08.1909 Inf.Rgt. 56 Flag officer 26.11.1913 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, Recruit Depot Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 10th field comp. 03.1914 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1st field comp. Kp-Führer, Ordonnanz-Officier beim Kommandostab, Adjutant der Schutztruppe und Generalstabsoffizier bei General Wahle 31.03.1920 VII AK budgeted Kp chief 07.1920 Schutztruppen-Abwicklungsamt Berlin-Adlershof Inventory description: Eugen Friedrich Ludwig Boell, was born on 03.07.1889 in Weißenburg/Elsass. He attended the elementary school and the grammar school in Weissenburg, as well as the University of Strasbourg/Elsass where he studied philology. Married in second marriage to Miranda Machalitzky born 13.01.1908, with whom he had four children. Hildegard Ingeborg Boell born 19.02.1934 Friedrich Ludwig Boell born 12.05.1935 Gisela Adelheid Boell born 14.03.1939 Erika Miranda Boell born 03.04.1943 Ludwig Boell was an officer in the army and in the Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika (1914-1918). In 1920 he retired from the Reichswehr due to the reduction of the Wehrmacht and due to military service damage. After his retirement from the army, he was responsible for collecting and sifting the material for the history of the East African campaign at the Schutztruppenamt and the Colonial Central Administration. Furthermore, he was adjutant of the staff chief of the senior management of the organization "Escherich", as well as office manager and accountant at the Theresientaler Kristallglasfabrik. 01.08.1936, appointment to the government council in the Reichsdienst at the Forschungsanstalt für Kriegs und Heeresgeschichte in Potsdam. 01.05.1938, was promoted to the senior government council. On 01.09.1944, Ludwig Boell was awarded the War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords. Military service in the Royal Prussian Army and in the Reichswehr 01.10.1907 Entry 30.09.1920 Discharge from the 200,000 man army Promotions 00.00.1908 Corporal 31.03.1909 NCO 10.08.1909 Sergeant 19.11.1909 Fahnenjunker 22.03.1910 Lieutenant (with patent dated 22.03.1908) 25.02.1915 Lieutenant Colonel 18.06.1917 Captain Positions 01.10.1907 Inf.Rgt. 143 One-year volunteer 04.02.1909 Inf.Rgt. 132 Voluntary exercise 16.06.1909 Inf.Rgt. 60 Exercise A 23.08.1909 Inf.Rgt. 56 Flag-junker 26.11.1913 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, Rekrutendepot Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 10. field company 00.03.1914 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1. field company 00.03.1914 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1. field company 00.03.1914 Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1. field company 00.03.1914 Feldkompanie Kompanieführer, Ordonnanz-Offizier bei beim Kommandostab, Adjutant der Schutztruppe und Generalstabsoffizier bei General Wahle 31.03.1920 VII. AK budgeted company commander 00.07.1920 Schutztruppen-Abwicklungsamt Berlin-Adlerdorf Einsatz 1914-1918 Deutsch-Ostafrika citation method: BArch, N 14/...

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 114 · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

1 History of the authorities In the course of the wars of liberation, the Wroclaw Convention of 19 March 1813 formed a Board of Directors consisting of two German and two Russian members. This committee was headed by the baron from and to the stone, who is in Russian service. He was to take over the administration of the areas to be conquered in northern Germany, but his activities were effectively limited to Mecklenburg, Saxony and for a short time to some small Thuringian states. Since the Allied Powers had defined the tasks only without obligation and hardly supported his activities, he was unable to meet the expectations placed in him. For this reason, renewed negotiations took place between the Allies, which resulted in a new agreement. On 21.10.1813 the Leipzig Convention was concluded by the allied powers Austria, Russia, Prussia, Great Britain and Sweden. This agreement created the Central Administrative Department and dissolved the Central Administrative Council. Stein was again appointed head of the Central Department. The headquarters of the administration was located at the headquarters of the Allied Powers, first in Frankfurt am Main and later in Paris. The Central Administrative Department was responsible for the administration of the Kingdom of Saxony and the territories of the conquered Napoleonic satellite states (Kingdom of Westphalia, Grand Duchy of Berg, Grand Duchy of Frankfurt). Other Rhine Confederation states remained outside the authority's sphere of influence, as the princes concerned moved to the Allied camp in good time. The main tasks of the Central Administrative Department included: - Ensuring the supply of the troops of the Allied Powers in the administered territories - Contributions to the war costs of the Allied Powers through cash payments and supplies from the administered territories - Implementation of the national armament and installation of the land storm - Supervision of the national administration by the authorities of the administered territories during the transitional period. To carry out these tasks at regional level, several Generalgouvernements have been set up in the administered areas. The Generalgouvernements were subordinate to the Central Administrative Department and bound by Stein's instructions. To support the governors-general, councils were set up in the individual provinces to which nationals of the areas concerned, as well as some non-national civil servants, belonged. Existing administrations and authorities were largely used to carry out the administrative tasks. The following Generalgouvernements were formed: - Generalgouvernement Sachsen o Headquarters: Dresden o Governor General: initially Nikolai Grigorjewitsch Repnin-Wolkonski (1778-1845), Russian General - Generalgouvernement Berg o Headquarters: Düsseldorf o Governor General: first Justus von Gruner (1770-1820), then Prince Alexander von Solms-Lich - Generalgouvernement Frankfurt o Administrative seat: Frankfurt/Main - Generalgouvernement between Weser and Rhine o Administrative seat: Münster o Governor General: Ludwig von Vincke (1774-1844) - Generalgouvernement Mittelrhein (from 1814) o Administrative seat: Trier (later Koblenz, respectively. Mainz) o Governor General: Justus von Gruner - Generalgouvernement Niederrhein (from 1814) o Headquarters: Aachen o Governor General: Johann August Sack (1764-1831). In a position as head of the Central Department, Stein tried to work towards the political transformation of Germany. A number of draft constitutions and correspondence on various constitutional and constitutional issues bear witness to these efforts, which, however, did not lead to any tangible results due to the Allies' incipient restoration policy. After the conclusion of the First Paris Peace on 30.05.1814 the tasks of the Central Administrative Department were fulfilled and its dissolution followed. The managed areas have been handed over to the civilian administrative authorities. As late as 1814, one of Stein's closest associates, Johann Albrecht Friedrich von Eichhorn, wrote a publication that can be regarded as an account of the activities of the Central Administrative Department. 2 History of the holdings Unfortunately it is not possible to provide more detailed information on the history of the holdings, e.g. the time when the documents were taken over by the Secret State Archives of the PK. The original find book was recorded and compiled by the archivist Robert Arnold, who worked in the Secret State Archives from 1884-1891 and 1901-1910. After the Second World War, the holdings returned to the German Central Archive in Merseburg as a result of outsourcing and German division and, after reunification, to the Secret State Archive PK. The holdings search book was retroconverted in 2011 and 2012 by the archive employee Guido Behnke. The classification has been recreated. In addition, the existing file titles were reviewed and revised. In some cases, individual files had to be redrawn. As part of the distortion, the inventory was re-signed (conversion of the signature schema to Numerus currens). In order to make it easier to use the old signatures, which are no longer in use, a concordance was added to the search book. 3 References to other holdings and literature references 3.1 Holdings in the Secret State Archive PK 3.1.1 Generalgouvernement Sachsen - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 172 Allied or Prussian Gouvernement for the Kingdom or Duchy of Saxony 3.1.2 Estates of Stein and his employees in the Central Department - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Squirrel - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Gruner I (M) - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Gruner - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Johann August Sack - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Karl vom Stein 3.2 Collections in other archives - Archive Schloss Cappenberg, Cap.C.I, Freiherr vom Stein's estate (cf. Der Freiherrn vom Stein im Archiv des Grafen von Kanitz auf Schloss Cappenberg / ed. by Norbert Reimann, edited by Annekatrin Schaller and Norbert Reimann. - 2 volumes. - Münster, 2009 - 1324 p.) 3.3 Literature (selection) - Botzenhart, Erich; Hubatsch, Walther (ed.): Freiherr vom Stein - Briefe und amtliche Schriften, Vol. 4: Preußens Erhebung - Stein als Chef der Zentralverwaltung - Napoleons Sturz (January 1813 - June 1814), Stuttgart 1963, 893 p. - Botzenhart, Erich; Hubatsch, Walther (ed.): Freiherr vom Stein - Briefe und amtliche Schriften, Vol. 5: Der Wiener Kongress - Rücktritt ins Privatleben - Stein und die ständischen Strstreben des westfälischen Adels (June 1814 - December 1818), Stuttgart 1964, 895 pp. - [Eichhorn, Johann Albrecht Friedrich:] The Central Administration of the Allies under the Baron of Stein, Berlin 1814, 140 p. - Hubatsch, Walther: The Stein-Hardenberg Reforms, Darmstadt 1977, 242 p. - Huber, Ernst Rudolf: German Constitutional History since 1789, Vol. 1, Stuttgart 1957, pp. 499-510 - Just, Wilhelm: Administration and Armament in Western Germany after the Battle of Leipzig in 1813 and 1814, Göttingen 1911, 118 pp. - Kielmansegg, Peter Earl of: Stein and the Central Administration 1813/14, Stuttgart 1964, 203 p. - Neigebaur, Johann Daniel Ferdinand: Presentation of the Provisional Administrations on the Rhine from 1813 to 1819, Cologne 1821, 345 p. - Vollheim, Fritz: The provisional administration on the Lower and Middle Rhine during the years 1814 - 1816, Bonn 1912, 256 p. - Wetzel, Paul: The Genesis of the Central Administrative Board appointed on 4 April 1813 and its effectiveness until the autumn of this year, Greifswald 1907, 110 p. 4 Notes, order signature and method of citation Scope of holdings: 149 SU (2.0 running metres) Duration: 1812 - 1815 Last issued signature: The files must be ordered: I. HA, Rep. 114, No. () The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 114 Central Administrative Council of the Allied Powers, No. () Berlin, December 2012 (Guido Behnke) finding aids: database; finding guide, 1 vol.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, E 170 · Fonds · 1848-1920 (Va ab 1818, Na bis 1950)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

The file delivery of the Central Office for Trade and Commerce in Stuttgart. Von Walter Grube: The Königlich Württembergische Zentralstelle für Gewerbe und Handel (Royal Württemberg Central Office for Trade and Commerce) has assumed a particularly prestigious position among the authorities that the German states created for their economic administration in the 19th century. It originated as a state college under the Ministry of the Interior in the same revolutionary year of 1848, in which Prussia, Austria and Bavaria established special trade ministries; the notoriously thrifty Württemberg did not know its own ministry for economic affairs until the end of the monarchy, as Baden had in its trade ministry in 1860-1881. Nevertheless, the "Central Office", above all under the leadership of the great Ferdinand von Steinbeis (1856-1880), was successful in economic policy, which, in addition to the achievements of the ministries of trade and commerce of other countries, was quite impressive. It was thanks to the work of the Central Office that Württemberg, which was poor in raw materials, technically still lagging behind, and had unfavorable transport connections, soon became the actual state of state trade promotion, from which people for a long time tried eagerly to learn, not only in Germany. The Central Office played a decisive role in the restructuring of the Württemberg economic structure in the age of the Industrial Revolution. The historian of her first heyday in 1875 has divided her versatile field of activity into the following groups: 1. "Consultative services" in legislative and administrative matters: trade, customs, trade, banking and building legislation, coinage, measure and weight, commercial security police, iron and salt extraction, transport, taxation and more.a.; 2. teaching activities: trade schools, travelling teachers, trade training workshops, model and teaching material collection, trade model store, library, journalistic work, associations; 3. "Direct influence on commercial activity": markets, trade fairs, stock exchanges, exports, foreign commercial agencies; 4. direct influence on commercial activity": support with capital and technical suggestions for all branches of industry; 5. regimental activity" mainly as a state patent office, state exhibition commission, central authority for chambers of commerce and industry, state calibration authority and in the administration of commercial foundations. Among these activities, in the country conscious of its school tradition, "instructive work" has always rightly been regarded as a special glorious page of the Central Office; the Protestant Prelate Merz once called it a "jewel of Württemberg". Not least due to the educational work of the central office and the commission for the commercial further training schools founded in 1853, a down-to-earth tribe of recognised skilled workers grew from day labourers, small farmers' and vineyard gardeners' sons, from guilt-bound master craftsmen and a poorly developed trading class of that highly qualified entrepreneurship which, in addition to the broad stratum of vital small and medium-sized enterprises characteristic of Württemberg, has created many a company of world renown. The far-sighted way in which the Central Office, overcoming some resistance, drove trade promotion and economic policy in general at that time was still noticeable in its effects up to the crisis resistance of the Württemberg economy, which was widespread and much envied in the thirties of our century.After the state revolution of 1918 had also given Württemberg its own ministries for the economy (Labour Ministry and Food Ministry, 1926 united to form the Economics Ministry), the Central Office for Trade and Commerce was reorganised by decree of the State Ministry of 30 November 1920 under new distribution of responsibilities to the State Trade Office. For the organization of the state economic administration, this was not as revolutionary as the founding of the Central Office, with which a completely new epoch of Württemberg industrial history had begun. But the reorganization was more far-reaching than the repeated renewal of the "Basic Provisions" of 1848, through which the Central Office had repeatedly adapted itself to the changes in economic life and in the relationship between the state and the economy in the course of its seventy-year history. The Central Office, the creation of the revolution of 1848, thus underwent its strongest transformation to date through the revolution of 1918. As one can easily understand, the precipitation of files from the Central Office represents a unique source in the state sector for the economic history of Württemberg in the years 1848-1920. In addition, the Central Office had taken over not inconsiderable files of older semi-private institutions founded or sponsored by the state, such as the "Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Gewerbe" (Society for the Promotion of Trade) founded in 1830 and the "Handels- und Gewerbsverein" (Trade and Trade Association) founded in 1819, and later partly also the "Zentralstelle des landwirtschaftlichen Vereins" (Central Office of the Agricultural Association) established in 1817. The registry of the Stuttgart Central Office for Trade and Commerce in 1920, when it was transformed into the State Trade Office, contained the relevant records of a full century. The Central Office, like the majority of the 19th century ministries and state resource authorities, has not exercised little care in its registry. The first registry plan of the newly founded authority, which was first provisionally housed in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was drafted in 1850 by Reinhardt's secretary, a booklet of only 37 pages; it remained in force throughout the Steinbeis era until the early eighties. The files taken over immediately in 1848 by the Gewerbeförderungsgesellschaft and the Handels- und Gewerbeverein were incorporated into the individual departments of the registry in 1850. The same procedure was followed when, in 1882, on the occasion of the reorganization of the registry of the Central Office for Agriculture, the previous files of the Central Office of the Agricultural Association had been handed over to the association, as well as again in 1888, when papers from the estate of the well-known national economist Moriz Mohl were handed over to the association. In 1869 a separate room had to be set up for the registry, which until then had been housed in the only chancellery room, and the three "full-grafted" file shelves had to be increased by two new ones. In 1883, not long after the Director (and later President) Robert von Gupp took office, a fundamental reorganization of the further swollen registry overflowing into the corridors and attic had become indispensable. The work was transferred by the Ministry of the Interior to the civil servant Heberle of the Oberamt Schwäbisch Hall, since it could not be handled by the few civil servants of the central office, and was only completed after three years. The new registry plan drawn up by Heberle, now already a volume of 200 pages, has been preserved, while his repertory, four times as extensive, unfortunately did not come to us. For the first time, Heberle systematically separated the current registry (then 1109 fascicles) from the old registry (then 1242 fascicles). On the occasion of these works also the first file cassations of considerable size took place (about 180 fascicles and volumes). The surviving elimination lists show that this was done conscientiously and that there was probably very little collected, which would be of interest to the economic historian today. The order created in 1883-85 has survived the relocation of the central office to the new magnificent building of the Stuttgart State Trade Museum in 1896; even today, a large part of the files can be found in the fascicles formed and inscribed by Heberle. In the new building, in 1901-1902, the old registry, which had already grown into a proper official archive, could be separated and appropriately furnished in the attic. In 1905-1908, Obersekretär Hauser produced a new file plan of 800 pages for old and current registries, using but also improving the Heberleschen order, which was in use until the reorganization of the Central Office in 1920 and has fortunately been preserved. The fact that substantial parts of it then fell victim to the bombs of the Second World War is one of the most sensitive source losses for research. All files of the Central Office, which had been sent to the Ministry of Economy by the State Trade Office in the wake of the organisational changes of 1920, were burnt with the Ministry of Economy, including valuable files on chambers of commerce, trade contracts and customs 1819-1870 as well as on railways 1857-1913. Apart from the ruinous remains, all files of the Central Office that were still in the possession of the Stuttgart State Trade Office during the Second World War have also been destroyed, including not only extensive material from the first two decades of the 20th century, which was still curious at the time, but also some departments dating back a long way, some of which still had files from the "Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Gewerbe" (1830-1848) and its predecessors. These were once two larger deliveries by the Stuttgart State Trade Office from 1930 and 1939, a total of about 40 m (today inventory E 170), and the files of the Patent Commission of the Central Office, which were handed over by the Reich Patent Office in 1939 and which, according to the German Patent Law of 25 January 1877, were not available for inspection. The first volume was sent to Berlin in May 1877 (Reichsgesetzblatt pp. 501ff.) (11 m, today stock E 170a), and finally 60 volumes of invoices from the Zentralstelle (1848/49-1908/09, 2 m), which the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg had taken over in 1921 with the invoice section of the former Finanzarchiv (today stock E 224a). The existing registry aids, administrative repertories, handover and elimination directories no longer allow even a rough percentage to be given today of how the volume of this rescued document (a total of 53 linear metres) relates to that of the lost document. But on the basis of Hauser's file plan of the Central Office from 1905-1908 at least the larger and for research most perceptible gaps in the inventory handed down to us can be determined. For example, most of the minutes of the meetings are missing, the files on the well-known Stuttgart State Trade Museum (the second oldest in Europe) and those on the Information Centre for the Construction Industry; in addition to the diaries, the once demonstrably existing files on the large library of the Central Office - the most important of Germany's trade libraries -, on social insurance, industrial legal protection, building legislation, traffic with foodstuffs, luxury foods and utensils have been completely lost. Despite these and other gaps, the preserved files of the Central Office and its predecessors still represent an invaluable source for the economic history of the Württemberg royal period. It is well known that the records of the commercial enterprises, most of which grew out of small businesses, are often extremely incomplete and not easily accessible for general use; the valuable archives of the Stuttgart and Ulm Chambers of Commerce were almost completely destroyed by the Second World War. The central tradition of state industrial promotion thus offers not only the only opportunity to explore the great transformation process of the 19th century as a whole; it is also widely the only source both of the history of hundreds of individual enterprises and of the emergence of economic self-government. This source was already not completely unused. But for a long time, the partially quite inadequate degree of their development prohibited the real exploitation of them. Only the annual accounts of the Central Office (in inventory E 224a) did not require any special expenditure for archival finding aids. In chronological order, you will find detailed evidence of all measures for industrial education and support for trade, of each "sending experts abroad and appointing tradesmen from the same field" (as one of the invoice headings reads), of the purchase of models, drawings, samples, sample tools, machines and inventions, of exhibitions and prize distributions, of the introduction of new branches of industry and the upgrading of existing ones, of the promotion of the sale of goods, of trade associations and craftsmen, and finally of expenditure on fundamental studies of industrial development. Anyone looking for individual companies or persons in the accounts must of course, in order to reach their goal quickly, already be aware of the vintages in question, and must also be content with the fact that 19th century accounts, less informative than some from earlier times, essentially give facts and only rarely motives.In 1949, the State Archives Ludwigsburg was able to complete a hand-written archive repertory for the patent files of the Central Office (fonds E 170a), which had been taken over in 1939 without any index, during the executive board of the then Oberarchivrat Dr. Max Miller. In two volumes (with together more than 1000 pages) it lists the protocols of the patent commission and some general files as well as the chronologically arranged special files on all Württemberg patents examined by the central office in the years 1848-1877 (with name index). In addition, for the years 1841 to 1848, it makes accessible the relevant preparatory files of the Central Office of the Agricultural Association, which was responsible for the patent system at that time, characteristic of the Biedermeier view of commercial economy. The collection, easily accessible since 1949 (a total of 2373 tufts), contains patent files of Swabian inventors (e.g. Daimler, Max Eyth, Magirus, Gebrüder Mauser and Friedrich Voith) as well as numerous patent applications of non-Württembergians (from the rest of Germany, from other European countries and from America), all in all quite considerable documents for the history of technology. It proved to be more difficult for the archive administration to catalog the even more important and far more extensive file deliveries of the Landesgewerbeamt of 1930 and 1939, the first of which is already listed in K.O. Müller's printed "Gesamübersicht" of 1937 (fonds E 170). In the research service of the State Archives, especially since the Second World War, there have been repeated attempts to use these files for surveys of company histories and anniversaries. But the scarcity of the summary handover lists made this an always time-consuming and often unsuccessful effort. Even the question of individual facts and data could embarrass the archivist; there was absolutely no question of a systematic evaluation of the holdings for the economic and social history, which is becoming more and more important from year to year. Paul Gehring's important essays on Württemberg economic history in the 19th century had to be written without the use of these files, especially under the difficult working conditions of the war and post-war years. Under these circumstances, the production of a scientifically useful repertory became an urgent desideratum of both administration and research. Fortunately, in 1958, the efforts of State Archives Director Dr. Max Miller to obtain funds from the State Trade Office of Baden-Württemberg for the temporary employment of a legally and economically trained processor of these trade and commercial files were successful. The typewritten repertory E 170 comprises three state folio volumes of almost 1000 pages and, restored according to the Hauser file plan from 1905-1908, makes the holdings usable right down to their finest ramifications. Some of it certainly is of predominantly regional or even only local historical interest. But much of it shows in surprisingly rich detail how systematically the Central Office used the experiences and models of the then technically and socially advanced German and non-German states (above all Belgium and England) to raise the Württemberg economy. There are numerous files on the secondment of entrepreneurs, technicians and craftsmen abroad for technical and artistic training, on experiments with foreign machines and production processes, on the appointment of foreign specialists, on participation in major international exhibitions from Paris and London to Philadelphia and Melbourne. Thus, the collection of files shows the way in which a 19th-century German middle-class state developed its craft with comparatively modest but skilfully invested financial expenditures and helped its industry to become internationally competitive. At the goal of this way stood, that was the specifically Württemberg of a gemeindeutschen procedure per se, a quality industry of large variety and healthy decentralization. The typewritten finding aid was provided by Rudolf Denk, Walter Grube and Wolfgang Schmierer (completion 1969). Note: This finding aid book is a repertory which has been available only in typewritten form up to now and which has been converted into a database-supported and thus online-capable format according to a procedure developed by the "Working Group on Retroconversion in the State Archives Ludwigsburg". This can lead to a certain discrepancy between the modern external appearance and the today partly outdated design and wording of the title records, in particular:- corrections, deletions and supplements were checked and incorporated.- The title records of archive units found to be missing were taken over and provided with a corresponding note ("Missing since ...." or similar).- If the allocation of new order numbers was unavoidable, the old signature was verified in the respective title record and in a separate overall concordance.

BArch, RH 18 · Fonds · 1929-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Description of the holdings: The head of the army archives was the head of archives for the Wehrmacht part of the army with its official seat in Potsdam. The chief of the army archives was in charge of the army archives in Potsdam, Vienna, Munich, Dresden and Stuttgart, the army archives branches in Prague and Gdansk, as well as the representatives in the occupied territories and the Wehrmacht sighting station for prey files. The Chief of the Army Archives was responsible for the recording of files of the High Command of the Wehrmacht, of the High Command of the Army with subordinate offices, of the command authorities, troops, administrative authorities and other institutions of the army (cf. HDv. 30 Correspondence and Business Transactions of the Wehrmacht, Appendix 2). The User Regulations regulated the lending and use of the Army Archives (cf. BArch RH 18/437). After three years of negotiations, the Reich and Prussian Minister of the Interior and the Reich War Minister agreed in September 1936 that the military files should be taken over by the High Command of the Army. On April 1, 1937, the chief of the army archives and the army archives under his command took over the military archives, which since 1919 had been administered by the Reichsarchiv, its branches in Dresden and Stuttgart, and the war archives in Munich. The Chief of the Army Archives was subordinate to the Chief Quartermaster V in the General Staff of the Army until 1942. With the reorientation of the writing of war history, Hitler subordinated the Chief of the Army Archives to the Commissioner of the Führer for Military History, Colonel Scherff, with effect from 1 July 1942. From 1937 to 1942 Friedrich von Rabenau was the chief of the army archives, from 1942 until the end of the war Karl Ruppert, who had been in charge of the Potsdam army archives since 1937. The management of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam and the office of Chief of Army Archives were merged in 1943. Heeresarchiv Potsdam The Heeresarchiv Potsdam was divided into three departments. Department A administered the Brandenburg-Prussian Army Archives, the archives of which ran from the 17th century until the dissolution of the Prussian army in 1920. Department B kept the files of the volunteer formations formed after World War I and of the Reichswehr. Section C was intended for the recording of Wehrmacht files, i.e. from 1935 with the re-establishment of military sovereignty. The departments of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam were divided into subject areas. Other organisational units included the collections, estates, maps and the picture collection. In 1935, the Berlin Department of the Reichsarchiv (especially the Prussian War Ministry after 1867) and the Central Office of Records for War Losses and War Graves were also subordinated to the Heeresarchiv Potsdam. The Heeresarchiv Potsdam continuously took over the war diaries of all command authorities and troops as well as the court files of the field and war courts in the court file collection centre. The file collection centre West in Berlin-Wannsee mainly recorded loot files from various military offices in France. The organisational structure of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam was not uniform and changed several times until 1945. In territorial matters, the Heeresarchiv Potsdam was bound by the instructions of the commander in Wehrkreis III (Berlin). A British air raid on Potsdam on 14 April 1945 hit the service and magazine building of the chief of the army archives and the army archive Potsdam hard. The holdings of the Brandenburg-Prussian Army Archives were almost destroyed. This concerned, among other things, the files of the Prussian military cabinet, the files of the Prussian Ministry of War, the war files of the unification wars and the most important war diaries with attachments from the First World War. The personal records of the Prussian army and the Reichswehr are considered almost completely destroyed. In 1943 the Heeresarchiv Potsdam outsourced the department for the recording of war diaries to Liegnitz in Silesia. At the end of 1944 this branch was moved back to Potsdam. Later, the Heeresarchiv Potsdam outsourced large quantities of its archives. Shortly before the enclosure of Berlin, the war diaries of the Second World War and a few particularly valuable older files were transferred to Blankenburg in the Harz Mountains and to Bad Reichenhall or Kufstein in "two transports of 4-6 railway wagons each" (Poll). The archives in Blankenburg were confiscated by the Western Allies. These were the war diaries of the Army High Commands, the General Commands, the divisions and other army departments as well as parts of older files. The war diaries of top army authorities were burned in Reichenhall and Kufstein on the orders of Scherff, the Führer's representative for military historiography. The destruction of older files, estates and collections in Reichenhall could be prevented by the responsible official. Heeresarchiv Wien The Chief of the Army Archives took over the War Archive Vienna after the integration of Austria in 1938. It was the central military archive of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy until 1918 and of the Republic of Austria until 1938. After the beginning of World War II, the Army Archives Vienna was assigned the Southeast Files Collection Point for the collection of loot files from the Southeast region. In territorial matters the Army Archives Vienna was bound to the instructions of the commander in the military district XVII (Vienna). Today the War Archives are under the control of the Austrian State Archives. Heeresarchiv München After the foundation of the Reichsarchiv in 1919, the Kriegsarchiv München was able to maintain its status as an independent Bavarian archive and was not subordinated to the Reichsarchiv as a branch of the Reichsarchiv, as were the archives in Dresden and Stuttgart. In 1937, the head of the Heeresarchiv took over the Kriegsarchiv München as the Heeresarchiv München. The Army Archives Munich covered the entire Bavarian military tradition from about 1650 to 1920. After the beginning of World War II, the Army Archives Munich was assigned the file collection point South, in particular for the recording of Italian booty files. In territorial matters, the Heeresarchiv München was bound by the instructions of the commander in Wehrkreis VII (Munich). After the Second World War, the Kriegsarchiv München was subordinated to the Bavarian Hauptstaatsarchiv. Despite losses during the war, the majority of the holdings have been preserved and enable source research into military history before 1919 as a replacement for the lost archive of the Potsdam Army Archives. Army Archives Dresden In 1937, the head of the army archives took over the Dresden branch of the Reichsarchiv from the Reichsarchiv as the Dresden Army Archives. This service was responsible for the stocks of the Saxon Army (XII. (I. Royal Saxon) Army Corps and XIX. (II. Royal Saxon Army Corps). The holdings of the Army Archives Dresden covered a period from 1830 - 1919 without a clear demarcation between the holdings and the Main State Archives Dresden. In territorial matters the Army Archives Dresden was bound to the instructions of the commander in the Military District IV (Dresden). During the Anglo-American air raid on Dresden on 13 February 1945, the personal documents of the Saxon army suffered losses. Despite losses during the war, the majority of the holdings have been preserved and enable source research for military history before 1919 as a replacement for the lost archive of the Potsdam Army Archives. The government of the USSR returned the preserved holdings of the Dresden Army Archives to the government of the GDR after the war. Until reunification they were administered in the military archives of the GDR in Potsdam. The Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv transferred the holdings to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden in 1991. Heeresarchiv Stuttgart The head of the army archives took over the Reichsarchiv branch Stuttgart from the Reichsarchiv in 1937 as Heeresarchiv Stuttgart. This office was responsible for the holdings of the Württemberg Army Corps (XIII (Royal Württemberg Army Corps) and the XIV (Grand Ducal Baden Army Corps). In territorial matters the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart was bound to the instructions of the commander in the Wehrkreis V (Stuttgart). The Heeresarchiv Stuttgart has been preserved without war losses and, as a replacement for the lost records of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam, enables source research for military history before 1919. Today the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart is subordinated to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. The archives of the XIV (Grand Ducal Baden) Army Corps are stored in the General State Archive in Karlsruhe, although the Grand Duchy of Baden from 1871-1919, in contrast to Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg, did not have a military reserve right. Army Archives Prague Branch The Army Archives Prague branch administered the former Czech army archives and recorded archival material of the Austro-Hungarian army in Bohemia and Moravia. It was in charge of supplementing the official archival material with collections, making the holdings available for use by Wehrmacht offices, and providing information. In territorial matters, the Army Archives Prague branch was bound to the instructions of the Wehrmacht Plenipotentiary at the Reich Protector in Bohemia and Moravia (Wehrkreisbefehlshaber in Böhmen und Mähren). The Gdansk Army Archives Branch The Gdansk Army Archives Branch captured the military archives captured during the Eastern campaigns, in particular the Polish Army Archives. It had to record this material, make it usable and provide information from the files. In territorial matters, the Gdansk Army Archives Branch was bound by the instructions of the Commander of Military District XX (Gdansk). The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Military Commander in France The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Military Commander in France in Paris had to supervise and evaluate the French army archives. He was to inventory sources on German history, copy documents and collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Military Commander in Belgium and Northern France The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Military Commander in Belgium and Northern France in Brussels was to evaluate the Belgian Army Archives, enable their use by German agencies, inventorise sources on German history, copy documents and collect material on contemporary history. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Alsace-Lorraine The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Alsace-Lorraine in Metz was concerned with the re-registration of German army files, the sighting of French prey files, in particular the Maginot Line, and the provision of files for Wehrmacht offices. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in the Netherlands The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in the Netherlands, based in The Hague, was responsible for overseeing and evaluating the Dutch army archives. He was to inventory sources on German history, copy documents and collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the German Forces in Denmark The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the German Forces in Denmark, based in Copenhagen, was to evaluate the Danish Army Archives and collect material on contemporary history. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Norway The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Norway in Oslo took over the management of the Norwegian Army Archives, gave information to German offices and collected contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Italy The Commissioner of the Chief of the Army Archives in Italy was commissioned, after the fall of Italy and the invasion of the Wehrmacht in Italy in 1943, to secure the files of the Italian army for the writing of war history and for evaluation by Wehrmacht offices. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Athens After the occupation of Greece, the Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Athens was responsible for the inspection and safeguarding of the Greek Army records as well as an archival-military inventory. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Belgrade The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives in Belgrade evaluated the Yugoslavian Army files, provided military replacement services, pension offices and information on resettlement issues. Furthermore, he should collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ostland The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ostland in Riga administered and evaluated the military archives and holdings in Riga, Kaunas, Vilnius. He provided information for the military replacement services and recorded German and Polish army files. Furthermore, he should collect contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ukraine The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Wehrmacht Commander Ukraine in Kiev had to evaluate the military archives in Kiev and Kharkov and to record Austrian and Polish military files. He was involved with the collection of contemporary historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commanding General of the Security Forces and Commander in the Army Area North The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commanding General of the Security Forces and Commander in the Army Area North had to evaluate the seized military archives and collect historical material. The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the Rear Army Area Center The Commissioner of the Chief of Army Archives at the Commander of the Rear Army Area Center had to evaluate the seized military archives and collect historical material. Wehrmacht-Sichtungsstelle für Beuteakten The Wehrmacht-Sichtungsstelle für Beuteakten checked the loot files arriving from the front for their salary and forwarded them to Wehrmacht offices, as far as the files seemed important to them for further warfare. In territorial matters, the Wehrmacht sighting post for loot files was bound to the instructions of the commander in Wehrkreis III (Berlin). Preprovenience: Reichsarchiv Content characterization: The files of the RH 18 holdings Chief of Army Archives contain personal and material files of the "Chief of Army Archives" and almost all offices subordinated to him. In addition, the inventory contains regulations and announcements of the respective territorially competent command authority, e.g. of the military commander in France or of the commander in Wehrkreis VII (Munich). The records of the holdings of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam are assigned to the holdings. This includes finding aids of the registries, delivery directories and finding aids of the army archives. These records provide an overview of the numbers and contents of the former holdings and supplement the lost holdings of the Prussian army with organisational documents. The lists of estates contain biographical information. A special feature of the RH 18 collection are its personnel files, which, in contrast to most other personal documents of the Wehrmacht, have not been removed from the collection. The personnel files were classified by the respective services. The permanent exhibition of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam is virtually reconstructed in the online find book for RH 18, arranged according to display cases or themes. War diaries, orders, military conventions, correspondence between well-known generals and contemporary collection material from 1679 until after the end of the First World War were included in the Archivalienschau by the staff of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam. The documents have been filed thematically in display cases. On the reverse side of the documents the responsible subject area of the Heeresarchiv Potsdam, the holdings and the serial number are indicated. The Federal Archives and Military Archives do not present these archival records in their original form, but in microfiches. A large part of the documents was in stock MSg 101, which was completely re-signed to RH 18. State of development: Online-Findbuch Scope, Explanation: 2482 AE Citation method: BArch, RH 18/...

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 206 · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary note The Senior Welfare Office for civil servants from the border areas was established at the same time as the Welfare Office for civil servants from the border areas (GStA PK, I. HA Rep. 180 C) with the law on the accommodation of indirect civil servants and teachers from the areas assigned by the Versailles Treaties (Accommodation Act) on 30 March 1920 (GS. p. 63). It was an appeal body to the welfare office for civil servants from the border areas and to the welfare office for teachers (stock not handed down). An appeal has been lodged against decisions concerning the termination of a post, the obligation of the Appointing Authority to notify a post, the right to register an applicant, the obligation for the applicant to accept an assigned post and the loss of the right to welfare of an applicant, the involvement of the Employers' Associations in the removal costs and the use of a post occupied contrary to the provisions of this Act. The law concerned indirect state officials who lost their office as a result of the assignment or occupation of Prussian parts of the country or gave up their office because, according to the circumstances, they could not be expected to continue their office under foreign rule. It also applied to the former Alsace-Lorraine indirect civil servants and teachers and to teachers who had had to give up their jobs in the foreign or colonial school service (the welfare office for teachers was responsible for this; its file stock is not handed down). The 1920 law was amended by the law of 21 May 1935 (p. 69). The Chief Welfare Office was under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance, but was affiliated to the Higher Administrative Court. It essentially consisted of members of the Higher Administrative Court appointed by the State Ministry; it was not received until 1945. The files listed here were transferred to the main archive in 1953 by the Higher Administrative Court in whose house, Berlin-Charlottenburg 2, Hardenbergstr. 31, was located. gez. Dr. Kober, May 2011 finding aids: database; finding guide, 1 vol.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VIII. HA, D · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary Remark The measures set out in the VIII. HA seals, coats of arms, genealogy, D coins, medals and medals are mainly items handed down since 1945 In the "Overview of the holdings of the Secret State Archives of Berlin-Dahlem, Part 2 II - IX. Main Department" by H. O. Meisner and G. Winter, Leipzig 1935, the Department III Medals and Coins is listed with 20 numbers. In the pre-war repertory of the collections of the GStA, 26 coins and medals are individually listed under section III. the last accession dates from 1937. the pieces of the GStA were removed during the Second World War and obviously neither reached Dahlem nor the Central State Archives of the GDR, Merseburg Department, after the end of the war. The find book about the collections of the department Merseburg does not mention coins and medals. In Dahlem, in the then VIII. Main Department of Seal, Coat of Arms and Family History Collections, D Medals and Coins which were added after 1945. These form the main part of today's collection. In addition, a group for badges has been added. In 2006 some pieces from the I. HA Realien were recorded, large-format plaques remained there. The medal for the Berlin Trade Exhibition (1844), now No. 9, is also listed in the pre-war repertory. Last number assigned: 111 Instructions for use The VIII. HA Seal, coat of arms, genealogy, D coins, medals and medals is additionally listed by an index of places and persons as well as an index of medalists. In the index of medalists, no distinction has been made between the medalist, the modeller, the stamp cutter, etc. The collection is in the magazine Dahlem and can be ordered on red loan notes. The pieces are to be ordered as follows: VIII. HA D No. xy The pieces are to be quoted as follows: GStA PK, VIII. HA Seal, Coat of Arms, Genealogy, D Coins, Orders and Medals, No. xy Clear, 16. 10. 2006 finding aids: database; find book, 1 vol.

Coins, medals, tokens
StadtarchivHof, XM · Fonds
Part of Hof City Archive (Archivtektonik)
  • Signature of the inventory: XM - Description of the stock: Coins, medals, tokens - Size of the holdings: more than 1,900 numbers - Find aids: Findbuch - Description of the holdings (essential contents with indication of the term): 1. coins 1.1. Germany (c. 1180 - 1950) 1. coins 1. coins 1.1. Germany (c. 1180 - 1950) 1.2. other issuers (around 20 BC - 1948) 2. medals 2.1. court (1817 - 1998) 2.2. other (1530 - 1983) 3. stamps 3.1. court (around 1870 - around 1995) 3.2. other (around 1800 - 2003) title recording: 1. coins: Nominal (value declaration) and issuer - medals: Type of medal - Marks: Issuer 2nd obverse: illustration, inscription 3rd reverse: illustration, inscription 4th edge: inscription 5th origin (gift, loan, artist, mint, place of discovery, part of a coin treasure) 6th comments: Material, shape (if not round), diameter, condition Definition of terms: In the sense of this finding aid are: - Coins: valuable expressions of money, i.e. small objects which are typically redeemable in an area at various locations and for any purpose and which can be stored for an unforeseeable period without losing their value without being lost; in distinction to banknotes and other forms of money, coins are small, often round and made of metals (exceptions: angular coins; coins made of porcelain or paper); in spite of its limited monetary functions (temporal and local limitation of validity), emergency money from the years 1917-1923 is counted here as coins. - Medals: formally coin-like pieces that are primarily honorary or propagandistic in character and have no monetary functions (accumulation, measurement of value, interchangeability). Medals of remembrance: issued for later commemoration of an event taking place at the time of issue (special forms: medals for baptism, Christmas, congratulations, participation), commemorative medals: issued for commemoration of an earlier event or a deceased person, medals of honour (also: Medals of merit): issued to document the honouring of a living person by a public body (similar to an order), mocking medals, joke medals: issued to ridicule an event, a person or an idea, advertising medals: issued by companies or businesses to attract customers. - Brands: fee stamps (also: discount stamps), i.e. valuable, coin-like pieces that can only be redeemed at a single institution or body for a specific purpose; here also: play money etc. The following numbers have not yet been assigned: 2151-2194, from 2199 - Information on the history of the holdings (with references to literature): Collections of the Stadtarchiv and the Museum Bayerisches Vogtland, some received as gifts or loans from private collectors, some taken over by the municipal administration. The city of Hof or its museum (in contrast to some other municipalities, such as in the time of the emergency money 1914-1923) did not carry out a systematic collecting activity. Purchases of coins or medals are not provable with the exception of a coin find from the bird stove in 1966. Some pieces came into the collection in connection with the foundation of the museum, others in return for Hofer emergency money, which the city of Hof sent to other municipalities. The Hof medals of the 1980s and 1990s are evidence because the City Archives provided the artwork and texts for their design, or takeovers from the administration (e.g. in the case of the 1994 State Garden Show, when the City of Hof liquidated the remaining assets). In many cases, the provenance context can no longer be reconstructed. Information on coin finds: The stock contains coins from several coin finds: A coin was found in 1952 in the hospital church in Hof (XM 1803). A coin was found in 1966 on the Drosselsteig 10 property in the Vogelherd district of Hof. The 115 coins were purchased for the municipal museum. However, only parts of it are available in the inventory. The whereabouts of the remaining coins are unknown. Cf. the list attached to the introduction (only in the printed search book). The third find of coins are the coins that were found during the excavations of the former monastery of the Poor Clares in Hof in 1987. The Landesamt für Denkmalpflege in Schloss Seehof (Memmelsdorf near Bamberg) lent them to the museum. It concerns the order numbers 554 and 1807-1809. Further coins are in the act of the city archives yard A 113/181: 3 strongly weathered coins with the writing of the mint C. Balmberger, Nuremberg, of 14.11.1919, 1 strongly weathered coin with the writing of the mint C. Balmberger, Nuremberg, from 6.9.1920, 7 coins on a cardboard strip while writing to the mint L. Chr. Lauer, Nuremberg, from 6.9.1920: 5 Pfennig, district Dieburg, 1918, 10 Pfennig, city Rudolstadt, 1918, 5 Pfennig, district Heppenheim, o. Dat, 10 Pfennig, town Überlingen, 1917, 10 Pfennig, district Heppenheim, 1918, 25 Pfennig, Rupertiwinkel, 1918, 50 Pfennig, district Lauterbach, n. d. Lit.: Allgemeine Geld- und Münzgeschichte/Lexika A. Luschin von Ebengreuth, Allgemeine Münzkunde und Geldgeschichte des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit, 2nd ed, Munich/Berlin 1926 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 50) Ferdinand Friedensburg, Mint Studies and Money History of the Individual States of the Middle Ages and Modern Times, Munich/Berlin 1926 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 320) Friedrich Freiherr von Schrötter, Dictionary of Mint Studies, Berlin/Leipzig 1930 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 51) Arthur Suhle, German Mint and Money History from the Beginnings to the 15th Century, Berlin/Berlin 1926 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 51) Helmut Seling, Keysers Kunst- und Antiquitätenbuch, Heidelberg/Munich 1959 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 322/2) Tyll Kroha, Münzen sammeln, Braunschweig 1964 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 330) Helmut Kahnt/Bernd Knorr, Alte Maße, Münzen und Gewichte, Mannheim u.a. 1987 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 949) Dieter Fassbender, Lexikon für Münzsammler, Augsburg 1991 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 1133) Arnd Kluge, Geld und Banken in Hof, in: Hof im Spiegel der Zeit, 2. edition, in German only, Bad Soden-Salmünster 1996, pp. 17-25 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 1311) Gerhard Schön coins, German coin catalogue 18th century, 3rd edition, Munich 2002 (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Paul Arnold and others, Large German coin catalogue from 1800 to today, repeated editions (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Christian Charlet, Monnaies des Rois de France de Louis XIII a Louis XVI 1640-1793, Paris 1996 Jean-Marc Leconte, Le bréviaire de la numismatique francaise moderne 1791-1995, Paris 1995 Günter Schön and others, world coin catalogue. 19th century, repeated editions (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Günter Schön and others, World coin catalogue. 20th century, repeated editions (available at the Stadtbücherei Hof) Friedrich Freiherr von Schrötter, Brandenburg-Fränkisches Münzwesen, Part II: the coinage of the Hohenzollern Burgraves of Nuremberg and the Margraves of Brandenburg in Franconia 1515-1603, Halle 1929 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 4° A without signature) Kurt Jaeger, Die neueren Münzprägungen der deutschen Staaten vor Einführung der Reichswährung, 5th century, the newer mintings of the German states before the introduction of the imperial currency. Issue: Kingdom of Bavaria 1806-1871 with Grand Duchy of Berg and Würzburg, Basel 1957 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 8° A 139) Hans Meyer, Das deutsche Notgeld. Private emergency coins 1915-1923, issue 8, Berlin 1971 (to XM 216) Peter Menzel, Deutsche Notmünzen und sonstige Geldersatzmarken 1840-1990, 2 volumes, Gütersloh 1993 Gerhard Greim, Wipper und Kipper in Hof, in: Kulturwarte, 1969, p. 158f (Münzstätte Hof 1620-22) Hans Seiffert, Münzelend - Inflation - Notgeld, in: Kulturwarte, 1968, p. 178-184 (Tipper and luffing period 1620-23, emergency money 1914-24 in the Hof region) Heinz Henschel, When Münchberg spent city emergency money, in: Kulturwarte, 1968, S. 187-192 (Münchberger Notgeld 1917-1924) Maximilian Ritz, series on emergency money 1917-1924 in Hof and surroundings, in: Kulturwarte: Offizielle Notmünzen der Stadt Hof, 1971, p. 251-253 Das Hofer Papiernotgeld, 1972, p. 32-34 Das Hofer Notgeld - Die Großgelddscheine, 1972, p. 141-143 Papiernotgeld 1922: Hof ist besser als seiner Ruf, 1972, p. 204-205 Hofer Inflationsscheine (1. Teil): "Jeder ist nun Millionär", 1974, p. 145-146 Hofer Inflationsscheine mit Überdruck (2. Teil): Ein Dollar für ein Billion Papiermark, 1975, p. 16-17 Hans Hofner, Die Münzenfunde im Stadt- und Landkreis Hof, in: Kulturwarte, 1959/60, p. 83-87 Stadtarchiv Hof, A 113/134, 113/181, 113/221 (Hofer Notgeld 1916-1923) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 4390 (Coin finds in Hof 1952-1978) Medals Dieter Fischer/Hermann Maué, The Medals of the Hohenzollern in Franconia (Scientific supplements to the Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums, 15), Nuremberg 2000 (Stadtarchiv Hof, 4° A, without no.) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 202 (Award of the Medal of Merit of the Bavarian Federation of Industrialists 1906-1935 to 25 year and 40 year service anniversaries in Bavarian industrial enterprises; the medal itself is not included in XM) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 25, 189, 191 (Award of the Wilhelm I.-Commemorative medal to holder of the war commemorative coin of 1870/71, 1898-1919; the medal itself is not included in XM) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 147 (Celebrating the 100th birthday of the German Emperor Wilhelm I.., 1896-1897; to XM 1923-1925) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 200 (Award of the Red Cross Medal, 1898-1920; the medal itself is not included in XM) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 134 (Celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the birth of the Red Cross) Birthday of the prince regent Luitpold, 1900-1901; to XM 787)Stadtarchiv Hof, A 202/26 (precious metal traffic, 1914-1922; to XM 782, 790, 814) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 176 (offers of medals, guide busts etc.), 1927-1944; to XM 792) Stadtarchiv Hof, A 4391 (Hof commemorative medals 1981-1992) - legal circumstances (loan contract, blocking periods): property of the Stadtarchiv Hof. - Author of the collection (with details of the period of processing): Dr. Arnd Kluge, December 1998 - February 2001, January - September 2003 (first entry)
BArch, R 8024 · Fonds · 1890-1933
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Association founded in Berlin in 1896 by Karl Supf for the economic development of the German colonies through scientific investigations, publications, research trips and propaganda activities; since 1902 officially "Economic Committee of the German Colonial Society". In 1936 probably merged into the Reichskolonialbund. Inventory description: Inventory history The fact that an archive was set up in the Colonial Economic Committee is regarded as a confirmed finding. The Colonial Economic Archive, which was established at the Berlin Central Office in 1909, already had records of more than 600 colonial enterprises in its founding year. Due to a lack of documents, it is not possible to determine when the documents were transferred from these archives or the registries to the Reichsarchiv. For the period of the Second World War it can be assumed that the holdings, together with other holdings of the Reichsarchiv, were outsourced and taken over after 1945 by the Deutsches Zentralarchiv Potsdam (later Zentrales Staatsarchiv Potsdam). Due to the lack of old finding aids, no information can be given on war-related outsourcing losses. Archive evaluation and processing Together with the documents of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l l s c h a f t , the holdings of the Kolonialwirtschaftliches Komitee are among the most comprehensive non-governmental records of the colonial movement in the Federal Archives. The first processing of the holdings has already been carried out at the Central State Archives in Potsdam. Usually a simple distortion occurred. The new revision resulted in minor changes to the share titles and the reclassification of the portfolio. Content characterisation: Trade, industry and economic relations with other countries; colonial policy; colonial societies, colonial associations, colonial banks, colonial enterprises. State of development: Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2003 Citation method: BArch, R 8024/...

Kolonialwirtschaftliches Komitee
A Rep. 200-01 · Fonds · (1725-) 1820-1920 (-1938)
Part of State Archive Berlin

On 2 March 1820, King Frederick William issued a statute for the merchants of Berlin. It received the name "Korporation der Berliner Kaufmannschaft". Superior authorities were the municipal authorities of the city of Berlin and the Prussian Ministry for Trade and Industry. Joining the corporation was a free decision. In order to obtain the commercial rights (credibility of the books, interest and commissions, changeability, social status of the assistants), however, accession was a prerequisite. The guild of cloth and silk traders, the guild of material traders and the stock exchange corporation merged to form a new association in the corporation of the Berlin merchants. She managed the affairs of the merchant team and represented them externally. Her area of responsibility included the cities of Berlin and Charlottenburg. After the establishment of a chamber of commerce in Berlin on April 29, 1902 according to the law of August 19, 1897, the corporation ceded its public law tasks to the chamber of commerce, but remained in existence alongside the chamber of commerce as a self-governing body and was finally dissolved only in 1920.- Organisation and assets (real estate, finance, elections, elders, advisory boards, celebrations, foundations) - Chambers of commerce and associations (chambers of commerce, commerce and agriculture, companies, cooperatives, associations, federations, federations, international congresses).- Berlin Stock Exchange (incl. Court of Honour) - trade and industry (individual branches of trade, crafts, working hours, arbitration, trade with foreign countries, exhibitions, taxes, customs) - transport (railways, shipping, packing yards) - expert opinions Commissions and deputations. Commercial college Berlin, indexed: 1405 [AE] 52,95 [lfm].Duration: (1725 -) 1820 - 1920 (- 1938).Use: database, find book, finding aids.References:- LAB A Rep. 010-02 Magistrat der Stadt Berlin, Städtische Baupolizei- LAB A Rep. 016, Magistrat der Stadt Berlin, Gewerbedeputation- LAB A Rep. 201 Gewerberat zu Berlin- LAB A Rep. 200-02-03 Handels-Hochschule Berlin- BLHA Pr. Br. Rep. 070 Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Berlin-Brandenburg- GStA I. HA Rep. 120 Ministry of Trade and CommerceLiterature:- Berlin. In: Now living Kauffmannschaft in and outside Germany. First Versuvh. Leipzig 1743 - The corporation of the merchants of Berlin. Commemorative publication on the occasion of the centenary on 2 March 1920, Berlin 1920 - Demeter, Karl: Private Wirtschaftsarchive in Berlin. In: Archivalische Zeitschrift, ed. by der bayerischen Archivverwaltung, 44th Vol. (1936), Munich 1936 - Cuba, Karlheinz: The holdings of the Berlin Merchants' Corporation and their significance for the economic history of the 19th and early 20th centuries. In: Series of publications of the Stadtarchiv Berlin, Vol. 1 (1964), H. 2, pp. 109-118.

BArch, R 2301 · Fonds · 1822-1946
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Under the name Rechnungshof des Norddeutschen Bund (Court of Audit of the North German Confederation), the Prussian Chamber of Upper Legislation took control of the budget of the German Reich for the financial years 1867-1869 for the first time, renaming the authority the Rechnungshof des Deutschen Reiches (Court of Audit of the German Reich). In addition to controlling the Reich's budget, the Oberrechnungskammer, in its function as Court of Audit, was responsible for auditing the budget of Alsace-Lorraine (1874-1919) and for controlling the budget of the protectorate (since 1892/95 Africa, since 1898 all protectorates). The Court of Audit (Rechungshof, RH) was chaired by the Chief President of the Chamber of Appeal; its members were appointed by the Emperor at the suggestion of the Federal Council. The task of auditing the accounts of the Reich's budget had to be transferred to the Upper Chamber of Accounts by repeated individual legislation, usually on an annual basis. Article 86 p. 2 of the Weimar Constitution ("The audit of accounts is regulated by the Reich Law") established the audit of accounts for the Reich Administration under constitutional law. The Reich Budget Code of 31.12.1922 accordingly provided for the fundamental audit of the Reich budget by the Court of Audit of the German Reich (legalization of the audit of the "economic efficiency of the administration"). Thus, for the first time, auditing was fixed as a right of the state; at the same time, the establishment of the Court of Audit as an independent Reich authority independent of the Reich government was regulated. The Imperial Budget Code determined - as an important objective of the Court of Audit after examination of the submitted annual accounts - to prepare memoranda on the most important audit results and to submit proposals to the Imperial Government for the amendment and interpretation of laws in order to remedy identified deficiencies in the administration. The Court of Audit of the Weimar Republic represented a college of President, Directors and Councillors, which decided all fundamental matters by majority vote in the Plenary Assembly. In order to decide on matters that were limited in scope and only concerned individual administrative areas, the Reich Budget Code granted the formation of senates consisting of at least 3 members. In addition, the expert activity could be carried out at the request of the Reich Ministers, the Reich Parliament and the Reich Council; in addition, companies with their own legal personality could also be audited by the Court of Audit. The President and the other members of the Court of Audit were now appointed by the President of the Reich, countersigned by the Reich Minister of Finance. The President of the Court of Audit was also responsible for the management of the Prussian Chamber of Accounts. From October 1, 1922, however, he no longer headed the Prussian but the Reichsbehörde full-time. Presidents of the Court of Audit were: 1869-1890: Karl Ewald von Stünzner 1890-1898: Arthur Paul Ferdinand von Wolff 1898-1914: Eduard Ludwig Karl von Magdeburg 1914-1922: Ernst Holz 1922-1938 Friedrich Ernst Moritz Saemisch 1938-1945 Heinrich Müller 1922 was also appointed Reichssparkommissara with the task, together with the Reich Minister of Finance, of examining the entire budget and drawing up expert opinions on it. He was supported by the savings committee of the Reichstag. In December 1933 this office was closed again and the tasks were transferred to the new presidential department of the Court of Audit. As the supreme audit and control authority, the Court of Audit was responsible for supervising the entire Reich budget by examining the budget accounts, including the unscheduled income and expenditure of all Reich administrations, the accounts for the entire non-monetary property of the Reich as well as the books and accounting documents of the enterprises of the Reich. Since the end of the First World War, the Court of Audit has also had to increasingly control the use of Reich funds, which flowed into the private economy in the form of loans, credits, guarantees, subsidies and participations, by including both important business enterprises and a rich country of smaller enterprises in its audit area. The internal structure of the RH remained essentially unchanged throughout its existence. It was divided into the presidential department and a changing number of audit departments, to which the authorities and companies to be audited were allocated according to objective criteria. For the collection and cartographic indexing of laws, ordinances, administrative provisions, official regulations and other documents required for auditing the accounts, a news agency was attached to the Presidential Department, which from 1937 was known as the "Archive". In 1933 the Court of Audit was confirmed as an independent supreme Reich authority vis-à-vis the Reich government, but the previous procedure of majority decisions was abolished and the President was largely granted authority to issue directives to all organs of the Court of Audit. With the exception of the Wehrmacht control and the use audit of state subsidies to the NSDAP, the Court was initially able to perform its duties within the framework of financial control to the full extent even after 1933. In 1934, the office of the Reich Savings Commissioner, who was responsible for advising the Reich government on all matters relating to budget management and the appropriate design, simplification and cost reduction of the administration, was dissolved and its most important functions transferred to an office of the Presidential Department of the Court of Audit. Also from 1934, the Act on the Maintenance and Increase of Purchasing Power (Gesetz zur Erhaltung und Hebung der Kaufkraft) made it possible to extend the jurisdiction of the Court of Audit to include the auditing of corporations, institutions and other legal entities under public law (finally laid down by law in the Reich Auditing Ordinance of 30 March 1938). In the course of the imperial reform efforts of the Third Reich, the "Law on the Budgetary Management, Accounting and Auditing of the Länder and on the Fourth Amendment to the Reich Budget Code" of 17 June 1936 brought important changes: with the beginning of the 1936 accounting year, the auditing of the budget and economic management of the Länder was transferred to the Technical University. For this purpose, based on the already existing State Audit Offices, the Regional Court set up in 1937 foreign departments responsible for one or more Länder, initially in Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Leipzig (from 1940 Dresden) and Munich. Later Vienna (1939), Poznan (1942) and Metz (1942) were added. These external departments of the Court of Audit were assigned "accounting offices" by the Länder as preliminary audit offices in accordance with the "Vorprüfordnung für die Länder" of 9 April 1937. After 1938, especially during the war, the focus of the audit activities of the Court of Audit shifted: on the one hand, the audit of the administrations in the so-called "Old Empire" was reduced, on the other hand, however, the jurisdiction of the Court of Audit was extended to all German administrations in the occupied territories and also exercised there to a large extent. Only the Generalgouvernement and the autonomous protectorate government had their own examination offices. . Inventory description: Inventory history The majority of the RH's registry, which is already in the Reichsarchiv, was transferred to the former Central State Archives of the GDR after the war. At the end of the war, a further part of the existing records was still kept in the RH buildings in Potsdam and Berlin and was archived after 1946. The losses caused by the Allied air raid on Potsdam in April 1945 amount to approx. 9 running metres. Since the Prussian Oberrechungskammer took over the examination of Reichaufgabe für Kunst, Wissenschaft, kirchliche Angelegenheiten und Forstwirtschaft in 1934 (the Prussian Oberrechungskammer already had corresponding departments for these areas), these records - as well as the previous files of the Court of Audit in the holdings of Rep. 138 of the Geheimes Staatsarchiv, Stiftung prußischer Kulturbesitz. Archival evaluation and processing The registries of the Court of Audit distinguished three groups of files according to the tasks of the authority, which are also reflected in the classification: - General files - Technical files with special audit documents and instructions - Audit files for the actual audit negotiations. In this finding aid book, both the relevant files of the tradition kept until 1990 in the Central State Archives as fonds R 2301 and the files kept in the Federal Archives as fonds R 47 are recorded. Although the necessary standardisation of individual development information was achieved by merging the two parts of the transmission, a complete re-drawing did not take place. The general files were kept according to a uniform file plan and are summarised at the beginning of the inventory. The specialist and examination files are arranged according to the most recently valid business distribution plan. In addition, the files of the "archive" are listed separately as a relatively independent structural part with various special registries. The creation of archival file titles, volume sequences and series was usually required when the files were recorded; the creation of identical titles was unavoidable due to the specific nature of the structure. Characterisation of content: The Court of Audit's transmission more or less comprehensively covers the authority's entire spectrum of tasks with the following focal points: - Organisational, legal, administrative and operational matters - Court of Audit and Reich Savings Commissioner - Civil servant duties and rights - Affairs of employees and workers - Budget, cash, accounting and auditing - Specialist and audit files on individual authorities and companies such as the Reich Ministry of Finance, the Reich Ministry of Labor, the Reich Ministry of the Interior, the Reich Office for Regional Planning, the Reich Nourishment State, Reich offices and main associations, Vereinigte Industrieunternehmungen AG und Untergesellschaften (VIAG), Kleinbahnunternehmen und Wohnungsbauunternehmen, Hauptversorgungs- und Versorgungsämter sowie Wehrmachttversorgungsämter - Collection of administrative reports, statutes and other printed matter from local and district administrations (locations A-Z) - Budgets and budget accounts of the Länder and municipal institutions - Gesetzsammelmappen In addition, 3089 personnel files are part of the inventory. , citation style: BArch, R 2301/...

BArch, N 559 · Fonds · 1881-1949
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: General of the Infantry Berthold von Deimling Life data 21.03.1853 in Karlsruhe 03.02.1944 in Baden-Baden Career 1873 Promotion to Lieutenant Seconde 1875 Change to Infantry Regiment "Duke of Holstein" (Holsteinic) No. 85 (Rendsburg) 1880 promotion to lieutenant 1879 to 1882 Kriegsakademie Berlin 1882 officer in infantry regiment no. 85 1886 transfer to the Großer Generalstab (railway department) 1888 captain 1891 general staff officer in the 1st division in Königsberg 1893 major 1895 in the general staff of the XVI. Army Corps 1898 Battalion Commander in the infantry regiment "Prince Wilhelm" (4th Baden) No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1900 Lieutenant Colonel and transfer to the Great General Staff (Chief of Operations Division II) 1903 Colonel and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Commander of the 2nd Army Commandant of the German Army (Battalion) No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1903 Colonel and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Commander of the 2nd Army Command No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1904 Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1900 Lieutenant Colon and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1903 Commander of the infantry Regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Field Regiment 1905 deputy of the commander-in-chief for the southern region 1905 elevation to hereditary nobility 1906 commander of the Schutztruppe in southwest Africa 1907 major general 1908 return and commander of the Infanterie-Brigade 58 (Mühlhausen) 1910 lieutenant-general and appointment as commander of the 29. Division in Freiburg i. Br. 1913 General of the Infantry and Commanding General of the XV Army Corps (Strasbourg) 1914 War operation in southern Alsace, on the Aisne, off Ypres in Flanders, off Verdun (XV. Army Corps) 1916 Awarded the Pour le Merite (capture of the Fort Vaux) 1916 Assignment to the Somme 1916 Transfer to the Section Commander of the Army Division B (Vosges) 1917 Farewell with simultaneous appointment as Chief of the 1st Under Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 132. Description of the stock: The stock contains life memories, anda. on his activities as commander of the Schutztruppe in South West Africa (1906-1907), the 58th Infantry Brigade in Mulhouse/Alsace (1907-1910) and the 29th Division in Freiburg (1910-1913) and as commander general of the XVth Army Corps in the 2nd Infantry Army Corps in the United Kingdom. Feldartillerieregiments in Südwestafrika 1904-1906 (Herero- und Hottentottenaufständen); further documents from the period of service in Südwestafrika as well as from the 1st World War; correspondence with Ludendorf and Hindenburg as well as from the time after retirement; further newspaper articles and pictorial material. References to other holdings R 1001 Reichskolonialamt (Online-Findmittel) R 1002 Authorities of the former protectorate Deutsch-Südwestafrika (Online-Findmittel) N 14 Ludwig Boell estate N 38 Arnold Lequis estate N 103 Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck estate NL 30 Viktor Franke citation: BArch, N 559/...

Deimling, Berthold von
BArch, NS 30 · Fonds · 1917-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

The Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg (ERR) is one of the largest "robbery organisations" of the "Third Reich". Equipped with the authority to "secure" material in the occupied territories for the fight against the "ideological opponents" of National Socialism, he brought countless books, documents and other cultural assets from the possession of libraries, institutes, archives, private individuals, etc. into his hands in the occupied western and eastern territories; in addition, he was actively involved in art theft. The evaluation of the cultural property to be captured and secured by the ERR was to be carried out by the "Hohe Schule" or the "Institut zur Erforschung der Judenfrage" in Frankfurt, at least as far as research on the "Jewish question" could be useful, to which even "materials" of an incommensurable scope were then directed. The haste with which the "seizures" had to be made within a few years or months in areas often far from the borders of the German Reich, made final decisions about the whereabouts of the captured property, especially in the territory of the Soviet Union, at most theoretically visible; in its mass it remained in the territories cleared by German troops. In addition to the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Question, the East Library and the Central Library of Rosenberg in Berlin were the main places of reception, apparently for material on the "Study of Bolshevism". There were also numerous other recipients, such as the Wehrmacht (for entertainment literature, but also for "military files and archive material" from the occupied Eastern territories, which had to be handed over to the Danzig branch of the Army Archives). The following decrees are the basis for the establishment and mission of the task force: Führererlass of 29.1.1940 concerning the establishment of the "Hohe Schule": The Hohe Schule is to become the central site of National Socialist research, teaching and education. Their construction will take place after the war. However, in order to promote the preparations that have begun, I order Reichsleiter Alfred Rosenberg to continue this preparatory work - especially in the field of research and the establishment of the library. The services of the Party and the State shall give him every assistance in this work. Decree of the chief of the OKW of 4.7.1940 to the commander-in-chief of the army and the commander-in-chief of the Wehrmacht in the Netherlands: Reichsleiter Rosenberg has applied to the Führer: 1. to search the state libraries and archives for writings of value to Germany, 2. to search the chancelleries of the high church authorities and lodges for political actions directed against us, and to confiscate the material in question. The Führer has ordered that this proposal be complied with and that the Secret State Police - supported by archivists of the Reichsleiter Rosenberg - be entrusted with the investigation. The head of the security police, SS-Gruppenführer Heydrich, has been notified; he will contact the responsible military commanders for the purpose of executing the order. This measure will be implemented in all the territories we occupy in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France. It is requested to inform the subordinate services. Order of the chief of the OKW of 17.9.1940: To the commander-in-chief of the army for the military administration in occupied France In addition to the s.Zt. The Führer has decided, on the basis of the instructions given by the Führer to Reichsleiter Rosenberg to search lodges, libraries and archives in the occupied territories of the West for material of value to Germany and to secure it through the Gestapo: "The conditions before the war in France and before the declaration of war on 1.9.1939 are decisive for the possessions. After this deadline, transfers of ownership to the French Reichsleiter Rosenberg have been completed. State or the like are void and legally ineffective (e.g. Polish and Slovak library in Paris, holdings of the Palais Rothschild and other abandoned Jewish property). Reservations regarding search, seizure and removal to Germany on the basis of such objections shall not be accepted. Reichsleiter Rosenberg or his representative Reichshauptstellenleiter Ebert has clear instructions from the Führer personally regarding the right of access. He is authorised to transport the cultural goods that appear valuable to him to Germany and to secure them here. The Führer has reserved the right to decide on their use. It is requested that the relevant military commanders or services be instructed accordingly. Führer decree of 1.3.1942: Jews, Freemasons and the ideological opponents of National Socialism allied with them are the authors of the present war directed against the Reich. The systematic spiritual combat of these powers is a task necessary for war. I have therefore commissioned Reichsleiter Rosenberg to carry out this task in agreement with the head of the OKW. Its task force for the occupied territories has the right to investigate libraries, archives, lodges and other ideological and cultural institutions of all kinds for corresponding material and to seize it for the ideological tasks of the NSDAP and the later scientific research projects of the high school. The same regulation applies to cultural objects which are in the possession or property of Jews, of stray origin or of origin which cannot be clarified unobjectionably. The implementing regulations for cooperation with the Wehrmacht are issued by the head of the OKW in agreement with Reichsleiter Rosenberg. The necessary measures within the Eastern territories under German administration are taken by Reichsleiter Rosenberg in his capacity as Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories. For a short time the full name of the office was "Einsatzstab der Dienststellen des Reichsleiters Rosenberg für die besetzten westlichen Gebiete und die Niederlande", then "Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg für die besetzten Gebiete". The addition "for the occupied territories" was omitted according to the order of the Joint Staff Committee of 17.11.1944. The headquarters of the Joint Staff Committee was initially Paris. The expansion of the tasks made it necessary to relocate her to Berlin, where she temporarily stayed in the office building at Margarethenstrasse 17. The later office in Berlin, Bismarckstraße 1, was destroyed by an air raid. Organisation and structure: The structure of the ERR consisted in its main features of staff management, main working groups and working groups (set up regionally), occasionally also special detachments, branch offices, etc. The ERR was structured in such a way that it was able to provide a clear overview of the various departments. In addition, there were special staffs which were mainly charged with the "recording of cultural assets", which took place in constant collision with the equal interests of other authorities, such as the Reich Minister for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda (in France with regard to the recording of musical works, musical manuscripts and instruments by the Special Staff for Music) and the Reichsführer-SS (for example with regard to the recording of prehistory and early history). The organisation and distribution of responsibilities of the staff management were adapted to the respective tasks of the ERR institution, which were constantly expanding until 1943 and have been changing ever since. The constant change of tasks, organisation and personnel conditions became a principle for the large number of the departments themselves active in the "worked" areas, which were also completely dependent on the politico-military and administrative conditions in these areas, caused by the respective military, civil or national administrations, and not least by the perpetual conflicts of competence of the party and imperial authorities touching or fighting each other in their areas of interest and ambitions. The development of the ERR began in France with the institution "Einsatzstab Westen" under the leadership of Kurt von Behr. Soon the "Westen" task force was divided into three independent main working groups: France (Paris), Belgium and Northern France (Brussels), Netherlands (Amsterdam). At the same time, V. Behr was the head of the Western Office, which was responsible for securing furnishings for the occupied eastern territories, the so-called M Action. This office was in itself "detached" to the East Ministry; according to Rosenberg's order of 24.11.1944, it was "taken back" to the task force. In the first half of 1944, both the M campaign and the "art collection campaign" were extended to southern France. Probably related to this is the establishment of the South of France Working Group, which finally set up a branch office in Nice and an external command in Marseilles. From the very beginning of its activity in France, the ERR had not confined itself to securing only material from libraries, archives, etc. for the "ideological struggle". He also began to collect and secure art treasures and thus entered into a certain competition with the actions carried out on behalf of Hitler ("Linz" Führer order) and Göring as well as with the art protection carried out by the military commander. Institutionally, he created a special task force "Fine Arts" (SBK) for this task, to which the collection points for fine arts in the Louvre and Jeu de Paume belonged. The Special Staff was only responsible for securing and inventorying the objects of art; the right of disposal over the objects of art - including those seized by the Office of the West in the course of the M Action and handed over to the Special Staff - had been reserved to the "Führer", a demand that was later extended to all works of art "that were or will be confiscated by German authorities in the territories occupied by German troops". The SBK maintained its activity in France to a certain extent until its dissolution. The struggle for responsibility for seized works of art continued until the end of the war, up to and including issues of relocation to Germany (Führer construction and salvage sites such as Neuschwanstein and Herrenchiemsee, etc.) and ultimately works of art to be seized in Austrian mines (Alt-Aussee). The activities of the Italian working group are described in the report of its leader of 28.8.1944 as follows: "The procurement of material on the activities of ideological opponents will continue to be at the forefront of our work in Italy. In the form of translations, reports and evaluation work, this material is prepared by AG Italy and forwarded to the management. At the beginning of 1941, the ERR extended its activities to the Balkans and further to Greece. A Sonderkommando Greece was formed, which was dissolved in 1941. A Sonderkommando Saloniki is still provable until 1942. ERR services were also established in 1941 in Serbia - Special Staff of the Commanding General and Commander of Serbia, an Agram Liaison Office and a Belgrade Liaison Office for the Yugoslav Territories. Efforts to gain a foothold in Hungary failed apparently because of the resistance or influence of the envoy Dr. Veesenmayer. Later, a main working group for the southeast (Belgrade) can be proved, which was formed with effect from 15 February 1944 from the working group for the southeast, which in turn could have originated from the command "Southeast", proven for 1942, which was transferred from Belgrade to Thessaloniki on 10 July 1942. In Denmark, the ERR established a service in Copenhagen. Any approach to "profitable" activity was soon nullified by Dr. Best, representative of the German Reich in Denmark: "Confiscation in the style of the other occupied territories would never come into question". Immediately after his appointment as Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories (RMbO), Rosenberg began to direct the initiative of his task force to the eastern territories as well. On April 2, 1941, Rosenberg had already conceived a Führer's order to instruct him "to carry out the same tasks as in the occupied western territories in all the countries occupied or still occupied by the German Wehrmacht within the framework of this war". Until the Führer's order of 1 March 1942 was issued, Rosenberg referred to "the orders issued by the Führer for the West and the tasks carried out in the Western territories by the departments of Art, Archive and Library Protection within the framework of military administration". Rosenberg's guidelines on the protection of cultural assets for "research into the activities of opponents of National Socialism and for National Socialist research" were issued to the Reichskommissariate Ostland and Ukraine on 20.8.1941 and 3.10.1941 respectively. By decree of 27.4.In 1942 Rosenberg finally commissioned the RKO and RKU as the RMbO to once again expressly "commission the ERR for the occupied Eastern territories with the recording and uniform processing of cultural assets, research material and scientific institutions from libraries, museums, etc.", which are found in public, ecclesiastical or private spaces". With the same decree, a central office was founded for the collection and recovery of cultural assets in the occupied Eastern territories. A special department for the collection and recovery of cultural assets was set up at the Reichskommissariaten (Imperial Commissionariats), whose leadership was entrusted to the head of the responsible main working group. For the two Reichskommissariate the main working group Ostland (Riga) with the working groups existed at first: Estonia (Reval), Lithuania (Vilnius), Latvia (Riga), White Ruthenia (Minsk) and the main working group Ukraine (Kiev, later Bialystok). With effect from 1.5.1943 the AG Weißruthenien was elevated to the main working group Mitte. In all HAG areas, in addition to the working groups, mobile staffs, known as "Sonderkommandos" or "Außenstellen", whose activities extended as far as the Crimea and the Caucasus region, worked directly under their command or under the command of the staff. The special staffs included, among others "Sonderstab Bildende Kunst", "Sonderstab Vorgeschichte", "Sonderstab Archive", "Sonderstab Sippenkunde", "Sonderstab Wissenschaft", "Sonderstab Volkskunde", "Sonderstab Presse" (founded 1944), "Sonderstab Dr. Abb", "Sonderstab Musik", "Sonderstab Zentralbibliothek" of the "Hohen Schule" (ZBHS), "Sonderstab weltanschauliche Information in Berlin". Structure of the staff leadership 1942 Staff leader: Utikal deputy: Ebeling 1st Division Organisation: Langkopf Group Indoor Service Group Human Resources Group Procurement Group Readiness to drive 2nd Division West and Southeast: by Ingram Group Planning Group Report 3rd Division East: Dr. Will Group Planning Group Report 4th Division Evaluation: Dr. Brethauer; Deputy: Dr. Wunder; from 1.11.1942: Lommatzsch Group General Group Library Group Inventory Group Photograph 5 Dept. Special Tasks: Rehbock Structure of the staff leadership 1944 Staff leader: Utikal representative: The senior head of department department I (head of department I: SEF Rehbock; head of department z.b.V.: SEF Brethauer) group I/1 personal adviser of the chief of staff: Rehbock group I/2 mob- and locksmith matters: Rehbock Group I/3 Personal Representative of the Chief of Staff for the Art Recording Action and Head of the Louvre Working Group: Rehbock Group I/4 Defense Representative of the Operational Staff: HEF Braune Group I/5 Procurement, Courier Service, Supply: OEF Jach Group I/6 Publications: HEF Tenschert Group I/7 Special Reports: EF Tost Division II (Head of Division: OSEF Dr. Will; Deputy: SEF Dr. Zeiß) Division IIa: Western Division, covering France, Belgium, Holland, Italy and Southeast: SEF Dr. Zeiß Division IIb: Division East, covering the occupied territories of the Soviet Union: OSEF Dr. Will Division III (Head of Division: SEF Zölffel) Division IIIa: SEF Zölffel Group III/1 Legal Affairs, Orders and Communications: SEF Zölffel Gruppe III/2 Wehrmachttfragen, Marschpapiere, Veranstaltungen, Marketenderei: HEF Gummert Abteilung IIIb: HEF Webendoerfer Gruppe III/3 Personal: HEF Sklaschus Gruppe III/4 Business Distribution: HEF Webendoerfer Gruppe III/5 Registratur: OEF Hechler Hauptabteilung IV (Head of Department: OSEF Dr. Wunder; Deputy: SEF Lommatzsch) Translation Office: OEF Dr. Benrath Gruppe IV/1 Archiv: HEF Dr. Mücke Group IV/3 Material preparation: HEF Reichardt Group IV/4 Evaluation by scientists: HEF Rudolph Group IV/5 Book control centre: HEF Ruhbaum Group IV/6 East Library: HEF Dr. Müller Abbreviations DBFU The commander's representative for the supervision of the entire intellectual and ideological training and education of the NSDAP EF Einsatzführer ERR Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg HAG Hauptarbeitsgruppe HEF Haupteinsatzführer IMT Internationales Militärtribunal MTS Maschinen-Traktoren-Station NKWD Volkskommissariat für Innere Angelegenheiten NSDAP National Socialist German Workers' Party NSPO National Socialist Party Organization OEF Upper Operations Leader OKH Army High Command OKW Wehrmacht High Command OSEF Wehrmacht Upper Staff Operations Leader RKO Reichskommissar für das Ostland RKU Reichskommissar für die Ukraine RMbO Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete SEF Stabseinsatzführer WKP (b) Communistische Partei der Sovietunion ZbV zur besonderen Verwendung Inventory description: Inventory history In the 1960s, scattered files of the ERR were brought into the Federal Archives, with various returns of written material from the USA and predominantly in association with other provenances from the Rosenberg business area as well as with individual levies from the Rehse Collection, which were formed into an inventory there. Most of these files are written documents which were last found in the alternative office of the ERR in Ratibor. A part of the staff and the management of the Ostbücherei with large stocks of books were evacuated from Berlin to there. The remains of documents rescued by the members of the HAG Ostland, Ukraine and White Ruthenia were also recorded in Ratibor. The preserved files should come from holdings that were moved from Ratibor to the west. Subsequent additions to the holdings were mainly made by levies from the military archives, by re-enlargements of microfilms from the YIVO Institute, New York, by late recorded files from American repatriation, by three volumes from the dissolved holdings of the Rosenberg offices of the Central State Archives of the GDR (62 Tue 1) and by personal documents from the so-called "NS Archive of the Ministry for State Security of the GDR". The documents preserved at the end of the war and accessible to the Western Allies were used as evidence for the IMT process. The essential components were then left to the Centre de Documentation Juive Contemporaine (CDJC), Paris. ERR documents can also be found today in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Washington, in the YIVO Institute for Jewish Reserch, Washington, and in the Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD), Amsterdam. Documents from Rosenberg offices also reached archives of the former Soviet Union. An extensive collection (especially the provenance ERR) is kept in the Tsentral`nyi derzhavnyi arhiv vyshchykh orhaniv vlady ta upravlinnia Ukraïny (TsDAVO Ukraïny) in Kiev, further files in the Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi voennyi arkhiv (RGVA) in Moscow and in the Lithuanian Central State Archives, Vilnius. The Federal Archives, Bildarchiv, holds an extensive collection of photographs from the ERR (holdings Fig. 131). Inventories, directories and transport lists by the ERR of "seized objects" are contained in the holdings of B 323 Treuhandverwaltung von Kulturgut. Archive processing The NS 30 collection is a conglomerate of scattered files and individual documents. In the interest of rapid utilisation, the documents were recorded provisionally without costly evaluation and administrative work. Mrs. Elisabeth Kinder produced the preliminary finding aid book in 1968, from which essential elements of this introduction are taken. The "new entries" were recorded by the undersigned in 2003/2004. Citation method BArch NS 30/ .... State of development: Findbuch (1968/2005), Online-Findbuch (2004). Citation style: BArch, NS 30/...

Dessau Breweries (inventory)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, I 437 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Fonds · 1885-1996
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Note: The holdings contain archival material that is subject to personal protection periods in accordance with § 10 Para. 3 Sentence 2 ArchG LSA and until their expiration is only accessible by shortening the protection period in accordance with § 10 Para. 4 Sentence 2 ArchG LSA or by accessing information in accordance with § 10 Para. 4a ArchG LSA. Find aids: Findbuch 2011 (online searchable) Registraturbilddner: The beginning of the brewing industry in Dessau goes back to the 1548th Brewing Law Award. 1832 August Schade entered the brewing business and founded the "Brauerei Schade".

BArch, R 8129 · Fonds · 1918-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Deutsche Länderbank AG in Berlin emerged in 1922 from Kolonialbank AG, Berlin, which was founded on 30 December 1909 and 14 January 1910 respectively. In the Articles of Association of Deutsche Länderbank AG of 1933, § 2 describes the object of the company as follows: " the conduct of banking and commercial business of any kind and the direct or indirect participation in companies of the same or a related kind and their acquisition".1 Deutsche Länderbank AG belongs to the bank type "house bank" or "group and administrative bank". These are those banking institutions that restrict all or most of their business operations to a specific group, a specific large enterprise or the members of a specific group. Unless they are newly established for financing purposes, they develop from existing banks and often serve simultaneously as holding banks for the management of group holdings and for the control of affiliated companies. The principal or group banks do not represent a uniform type of specialist bank. Various companies of this type are merely banking departments which have become independent and whose main task is to make rational use of the available operating resources and to procure short-term and long-term loans for the companies they serve. Until 1945, Deutsche Länderbank AG acted as the in-house and group bank of the IG Farben Group. Inventory description: Inventory history The Deutsche Länderbank AG inventory, together with other bank and group holdings, was transferred from the former USSR to the former Deutsche Zentralarchiv Potsdam in 1957-1961. The total circumference is 54 running metres. Archival processing Immediately after the transfer of the holdings from the former USSR, processing began. All files were provisionally recorded on index cards. At a later date (approx. 1969/70), the holdings were evaluated and documents were sorted out for cassation. These were materials from the fields of general administration and accounting which have no historical value. The classification of the stock was essentially established on the basis of the already existing order. The order of the documents within the file volumes was maintained. All series and tape sequences were created as archives. Characterisation of the contents: The following documents have been handed down: - Management, 1922-1943 - Supervisory Board, 1924-1939 - Secretariat, 1925-1945 - Director Dr. Brückner, 1918-1944 - R. Lederer, 1922-1937 - Director Pfeiffer, 1924-1941 - Director Schmidt, 1928-1941 - Personnel Affairs, 1929-1945 - Departments, General, 1936-1944 - Foreign Exchange Department, 1931-1945 - Stock Exchange Department, 1924-1941 - Emmissions Department, 1941-1945 - Archive, 1924-1944 - Subjects, General, 1929-1941 - Press, 1935-1945 - General Banking, 1925-1945 - State of Development: Findbuch 2005 citation method: BArch, R 8129/...

BArch, R 8135 · Fonds · 1922-1969
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Deutsche Revisions- und Treuhand AG was established in Berlin in January 1925 and belonged to the Reich-owned holding company Vereinigte Industrieunternehmungen AG, Berlin (VIAG), which raised 70 of its founding capital. The main purpose was to audit the annual financial statements and balance sheets and to prepare expert opinions on the economic management of private, municipal and state enterprises. She was involved in the organisation, restructuring or liquidation of associations and public corporations and also carried out asset management and executions of wills. In the annexed and occupied territories, subsidiaries, branch offices and branch offices were established during the Second World War, which in many cases were also entrusted with state tasks, e.g. the collection and realisation of assets. Description of the holdings: Inventory history: In 1990, the holdings 80 Re 1 and 84 of the Central State Archives of the GDR and the Federal Archives of Koblenz, respectively, were merged under the new inventory signature R 8135. A number of documents of smaller auditing and trust companies and of the branches of Reichstreuhand AG, which had previously been kept in Potsdam as separate holdings, were added to the holdings. Characterisation of content: In addition to a few general files and records for the examination of Reich and state authorities, cities and municipalities, Reich, economic and specialist groups, and Reich committees, the records essentially consist of examination reports on individual firms in Germany and abroad A-Z. Citation style: BArch, R 8135/...

BArch, R 4902 · Fonds · 1918-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: Foundation of the Institute of the Reich Ministry of Science, Education and People's Education unter‧stellten (DAWI) in January 1940 by merging the International University of Applied Sciences of Uni‧versität Berlin with the University of Politics with a close structural and personnel structure Verflech‧tung with the Faculty of International Studies of the University of Berlin; task: scientific justification of the German claim to hegemony, mediation of Infor‧mationen to civil and military offices, training of interpreters; function as documentation, research and publication office under the direction of its president, SS-Standartenführer Alfred Six - at the same time dean of the Faculty of International Studies, from 1943 also head of the Cultural Policy Department of the Federal Foreign Office. Portfolio description: Founding of the Institute (DAWI) under the auspices of the Reich Ministry of Science, Education and Popular Education in January 1940 by merging the University of Berlin's School of Higher Education Abroad with the University of Berlin's School of Politics, with close structural and personnel ties to the Faculty of International Studies at the University of Berlin; tasks: scientific justification of the German claim to hegemony, provision of information to civilian and military departments, training of interpreters; function as documentation, research and publication centre under the direction of its president, SS-Standartenführer Alfred Six (also dean of the Faculty of International Studies, from 1943 also head of the Cultural Policy Department of the Federal Foreign Office). State of development: 6 finding aids (1992) Citation method: BArch, R 4902/...

BArch, R 10-V · Fonds · 1879-1945 (-1960)
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Since the middle of the 19th century, the findings of agricultural chemistry have increasingly led to the use of potash salts as an agricultural fertilizer. In 1859, the potash camps near Staßfurt were determined, and just two years later the first German potash factory was built there. Other very important deposits were mined in the rest of Central Germany and in the Upper Rhine area (Baden and Alsace). From 1871-1919, the German Reich almost had the world monopoly for potash. The voluntary association of the German potash industry in the potash syndicate has guaranteed the assertion of this outstanding position since 1888. It was seriously threatened from the inside when the syndicate broke up in 1909. It was only through the intervention of the Reich that orderly conditions could be restored. In accordance with the economic importance of the German potash industry, its organisation in a forced syndicate was given a completely new basis by the law on the sale of potash salts of 25 May 1910 (RGBl. I, p. 775 ff.), which at the same time represents the practical beginning of forced cartelisation in German economic history. Although the new 1910 Kalisyndikat (Kalisyndikat GmbH) was still organised as a private enterprise, its position as a compulsory cartel and sales monopoly organisation was much stronger than before as a result of the Imperial Law and was interspersed with elements of public law. It was subject to the supervision of the Reich, which was exercised by the Reich Chancellor in the absence of a Reich Office for Economic Affairs. The legal position of the potash syndicate was not explicitly determined, but it had a public character "by virtue of its nature". The most visible expression of these innovations was the distribution office for the potash industry in Berlin, which commenced operations at the end of 1910 on the basis of §§ 30 - 34 of the aforementioned Potash Act of 1910 at the expense of the Reich (§ 44). The distribution agency was responsible for the entire sales regulation in the long term. Preventive measures were to be taken to avert the dangers that had finally led to the end of the old potash syndicate in 1909, with sales stagnating and price wars resulting from overproduction. Appeals against the determinations and decisions of the distribution office were admissible, for which a special Appeals Commission for the Potash Industry was formed at the same time (loc. cit., Sections 31 - 33). The main work of the new organisation fell to the distribution office. Its modest name revealed only one side of its activity, the sales system. In order to fulfil this task, the agency needed precise knowledge of the entire German potash industry. The other side of the distribution agency's activity was therefore to obtain this knowledge of each individual potash mine and potash plant by means of the obligation to provide information imposed by law on the owners. In addition, the distribution agency had the right to inspect potash industry facilities and to access mines. Details of the Act of 25 May 1910 were amended or regulated in other amending acts and notices up to 1918. In the course of the First World War, economic problems intervened to an unprecedented extent in politics and warfare. Above all in Germany, which was almost completely closed off from the rest of the world, they led to the fact that more and more parts of the economy had to be seized and controlled by force. It spoke for the solid construction of the potash syndicate and the distribution office, which had already been created in peace, that their organization could be maintained until the end of the war. Even the efforts to socialise and democratise economic life in the republican empire since the end of 1918 did not change the core of the institutions established in 1910 (see, for example, the Ordinance of 27 December 1918 on the Participation of Plant Employees in Decisions of the Distribution Office for the Potash Industry - RGBl. I/1919, p. 20 et seq. The guiding principles of a new regulation of the German potash industry were laid down before the completion of the Weimar Constitution by the Law on the Regulation of the Potash Industry of 24 April 1919 (RGBl. I, p. 413 et seq., see also loc. cit., p. 661 et seq.). The basic provisions of this law were comprehensively expanded by the regulations issued by the Reich Ministry (= Reich Government) on its implementation of 18 July 1919 (RGBl. I, p. 663 ff.). Finally, these provisions were decisive in the version of the ordinance of 22 October 1921 (RGBl. I, p. 1312 ff.), which could now be based on Article 156 of the Weimar Reichsverfassung. The law of 19 July 1919 (RGBl. I, p. 661 f.) repealed the old potash law of 1910 and replaced it with the new regulations of 18 July 1919. The organisation of the potash industry was thus extended beyond the potash syndicate to become a single association regulating the market. Although the German Reich had lost considerable deposits of potash in Alsace through the Treaty of Versailles, thereby losing its world monopoly, it was still at the forefront of world potash production and left all other producing countries far behind. The potash industry continued to occupy an outstanding position in the German economy. After the loss of large agricultural surplus areas in eastern Germany, the regulated supply of potash to German agriculture was now almost a vital issue. The new organisation of 1919 was based on this knowledge. The potash industry remained united in the German Kalisyndikat GmbH. The Reichskalirat was established as a self-governing body of the potash industry (regulations on implementation, etc. of 18 July 1919, §§ 2 - 15); it was subject to the supreme supervision of the Reich, which was exercised by the Reich Economic Ministry. In addition to or under the Reichskalirat there were a number of so-called potash offices for individual tasks of the potash industry: 1. potash testing office (loc.cit.) §§ 17 - 25) 2nd Caliber Appellate Body (§§ 26 - 29) Continuation of the former Appeals Commission, responsible for appeals against measures of the Potash Examination Body) 3rd Potash Wages Examination Body of the First Instance (§ 30) 4th Potash Wages Examination Body of the Second Instance (§§ 31 - 34) Responsible for appeals against decisions of the Kalilohnprüfungsstelle erster Instanz) 5. Landwirtschaftlich-technische Kalistelle (§§ 35 - 37. Stelle zur Förderung des Domestic Kaliabsabsatz, Beratungsstelle für Kalidüngung etc.). The seat of the Kalisyndikat, the Reichskalirat and its five Kalistellen was Berlin. Of the potash sites, the most important is the potash testing site, whose activities began on 1 January 1920. It was the legitimate straightforward continuation of the distribution centre for the potash industry that was dissolved on 31 December 1919. Its tasks and powers vis-à-vis the potash industry were greatly expanded and it embodied the executive organ of the Reichskalirat. As the potash testing body also acted as a potash wage testing body of the first instance, it was also closely associated with socio-political issues of the potash industry. The economic depressions of the first post-war years and the competition of France on the world potash market resulting from the loss of the Alsatian potash plants forced the potash testing body to take drastic mining measures for the first time in the early 1920s and to close down a number of potash mines, special factories and sinking shafts by 1933 and to suspend the development of new deposits. Only in this way was it possible to regulate the production and sale of potash over the long term and to overcome the crisis years. The National Socialist state, which also promised to raise agriculture in the sense of its efforts to become self-sufficient, immediately turned to the potash industry in 1933. In their organization he eliminated in his first measures by the law about change of the potash economic regulations from 21 April 1933 (RGBl. I, S. 205) everything which contradicted his leadership terms and which looked to him all too much like Weimar democracy. As a result, all potash inspection posts were largely redeployed and the two potash wage inspection posts were dissolved. This transitional regulation was already abolished on 18 December 1933 by the new Potash Economy Act (RGBl. II, p. 1027 ff.) with effect from 1 January 1934; details of implementation were determined by the Ordinance of 29 June 1934 (RGBl. II, p. 363). These regulations finally eliminated all elements of potash legislation since 1919 that were regarded as democratic and therefore became unpopular and, under the closest ties to the Reich Ministry of Economics, only allowed the following institutions to exist: 1. potash syndicate (as a distribution association) (Potash Economic Act §§ 3 - 15) 2. potash testing body (loc. cit, §§ 16 - 36) and the corresponding Appeals Commission (§§ 37 - 38) 3. Landwirtschaftlich-technische Kalistelle (§§ 39 - 43. With the participation of the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the Reichsnährstand). The Reichskalirat thus completely disappeared as of 1 January 1934, following the two wage audit offices. The responsibilities of the three institutions mentioned, which were retained, remained unchanged. The apparatus of the forced potash economic cartel and the Potash Examination Office, which had been working well together since 1910 and was active in production and sales planning, certainly appealed to the National Socialist rulers, since it was largely compatible with their views of state economic control, which, by the way, had grown out of a different view and in many cases went even further, and which they were just now (1934) beginning to put into practice on a large scale. As in 1919, the Reich's supreme supervision was exercised by the Reich Ministry of Economics, but its powers extended considerably further than before; for in all cases where the Reichskalirat was involved as mediator between the Reich and the economy in accordance with the regulations of 1919, the Reich Minister of Economics could now make his own immediate decision. The establishment of the Reichsstelle für Kali und Salz in Berlin by decree of the Reich Minister of Economics of 9 September 1939 (Reichsanzeiger No. 211 of 11 Sept. 1939, p. 2, as well as the simultaneous announcement of the competence of this Reichsstelle) did not affect the existing institutions. For the activities of the Reich Office only covered the monitoring of the trade in potash and salt on the basis of the regulations on the trade in goods in the version of 18 August 1939 (RGBl. I, p. 1430 et seq.). In particular, foreign trade in potash (control of foreign sales) required monitoring by the Reich Office because of the foreign exchange regulations. The German military collapse on almost all fronts since August 1944 made the activities of this Reich office appear superfluous, so that in February 1945 its dissolution in the Reich Ministry of Economics was considered. On the other hand, the continued existence of the Potash Testing Body was also approved at that time; its tasks were determined by the Potash Economic Act and the dissolution of the body would have been associated with considerable difficulties. The surrender of 8 May 1945 brought about the end of all potash facilities. From 1943 onwards, the Potash Testing Centre and the Reich Agency for Potash and Salt had been relocated from Berlin to Eisleben. There the settlement office of the Reich Office was already dissolved in June 1945, that of the Kaliprüfungsstelle in April 1946 by the Soviet occupying power. Inventory description: Inventory history The inventory R 10 V Kalisyndikat belongs to the holdings of the Federal Archives which were handed down separately as a result of the Second World War. Due to the separate tradition in East and West Germany, two partial collections were created: 80 Ka 1 in the Zentralarchiv Potsdam and R 10 V in the Bundesarchiv Koblenz. As finding aids, a card index was produced in the Zentralarchiv Potsdam and a finding aid book in the Bundesarchiv Koblenz. The files of the Deutsche Kalisyndikat GmbH were moved to Eisleben and Bad Salzungen at the end of the 2nd World War, if not destroyed. In April 1945, the files that had been moved to Bad Salzungen fell into the hands of American troops and, together with other files, were brought to the American collection center of captured German files (Ministerial Collecting Center) in Hessisch-Lichtenau and Fürstenhagen. In 1952, they were transferred to the Federal Archives via the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. These files formed the basis of the partial stock R 10 V in the Federal Archives. There Archivrat Dr. F. Facius initially edited the R 10 V holdings, which comprised 13 volumes until 1954 and 15 volumes after arranging and indexing. Further documents (in particular those of the potash testing agency and the Deutsche Kalisyndikat GmbH) were purchased by the Berlin company I. Velten in 1969 in the course of the "land consolidation" with the Secret State Archive Berlin-Dahlem. After this addition of 1.5 subjects of printed and written material, the partial stock comprised 115 volumes of files according to order, evaluation and cassation. Those files that were relocated to Eisleben (later GDR) were first kept in the United Archive of the Potash Industry of the GDR in Sondershausen and were transferred to the Central State Archive Potsdam in 1985 when this archive was dissolved, where they formed the holdings 80 Ka 1. As a result of reunification and the merging of the holdings of the Federal Archive and the Central State Archive of the GDR, the total holdings received the tectonic number R 10 V, the files of the partial holdings 80 Ka 1 were accordingly re-signed (new: R 10 V/ 201-556). Characterisation of content: In addition to general administrative matters, documents on the activities of the Syndicate as a whole and on potash legislation, there are also documents on issues of trade, sales and consumption of potash and potash products, in particular on the Paris (Potash) Agreement of 1926 and on financial issues. A further part of the documents relates to individual syndicate plants, syndicate accessions and participation quotas as well as other facilities of the potash industry such as the potash industry distribution office, the potash testing body and the potash industry appeals commission. In addition, processing documents up to 1960 are assigned to the inventory. State of development: Online-Findbuch (2006) Citation method: BArch, R 10-V/...

Diels estate (title)

Direktionskorrespondenz und weitere Unterlagen 1937-1941: 1 portfolio, loose-leaf collection; copies or handwritten, authors: Diels, Dr. Friedrich Bolle, R. Pilger; Prof. Dr. Hoppe (all Botanischer Garten Berlin), Milos Deyl (botanist, Prague); Wilhelm Engelmann (publishing bookshop Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig), Wimmer (priest, editor of the Lobeliaceae for the plant kingdom). contents: air-raid protection measures in the Botanical Museum (removal of alcohol collection etc.)); financial means of the Englerstiftung; whereabouts of lost herbarium loans (Spanish Civil War); reminder to return herbarium loans; printing of various volumes of the Pflanzenreich (Richtlinien zur Korrektur, Korrespondenz mit der Verlagsbuchhandlung Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig), editing of the Lobeliaceae für Pflanzenreich scientific manuscripts on the flora of SW Africa, individual letters [see FA1/1] diaries 1943-1945 (copy, p.p. in copy); incl. transcript; diaries 1943-1945 (copy, p.p. in copy); incl. transcript

Wolfgang Zielke, Consul 1967-1969 and Head of the Consulate General of the German Democratic Republic in Tanzania 1977-1979, bequeathed his collection of books on Africa's contemporary history to the ZMO in 2012. From 1952 to 1955, Wolfgang Zielke had studied foreign policy at the Academy of Political and Legal Sciences in Potsdam-Babelsberg. He then worked in the GDR Foreign Ministry as an attaché at the embassy in North Korea, as embassy secretary in the People's Republic of China, Uganda, Ghana, as a legation counsellor and head of the trade mission in Gambia. After the fall of communism, he finally worked as an education officer for African affairs in the social sector until 2003. Wolfgang Zielke is a member of the Association for International Law and Politics (Author: Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient, Bibliothek, Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin e.V.).

Dr. Carl Peters (inventory)

The part in the district archives from the estate of the German colonial pioneer Carl Peters, who acquired the core area of the later "D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a", was mainly compiled by his wife Thea née Herbers and enriched by copies and transcripts from the Federal Archives Koblenz and the then Central State Archives Potsdam as well as by materials from the Berninghaus family - Asta Berninghaus was a sister of Thea Peters. At the beginning of the 1950s the collection came into the possession of the archives of Altena Castle. In eight boxes, the estate contains documents, correspondence and newspaper clippings, most of which relate to the disciplinary proceedings and insults brought by the colonial politician. In addition to these documents there are photos and personal belongings. In addition, the collection was supplemented by books and essays on colonial topics, in particular by and about Carl Peters. The indexing was done in 1990 by the trainee Elke Röscher. Biography: - 27.11.1856 born as son of a pastor in Neuhaus a. d. Elbe - studies in Göttingen, Tübingen and Berlin - 1879 doctorate in history - 1880 Oberlehrerexamen in history and geography - since 1881 stay in London, occupation with the English colonial politics and administration - 1883 return to Berlin - 28.03.1884 Carl Peters founds the "Society for German Colonization" - September 1884 departure for East Africa, in the same year conclusion of colonial contracts with the chiefs of Useguna, Uguru, Usagara and Ukami - 12.02.1885 foundation of the DOAG ("Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft") - 27.02.1885 signing of the first colonial letter of protection by Wilhelm I. for the area acquired by Peters - March 1889 to August 1890 expedition to liberate Emin Pasha, conclusion of further contracts in Africa - 01.07.1890 Helgoland-Sansibar-contract - 1891 dispatch as Imperial Imperial Commissioner at the disposal of East Africa - 1992 cooperation in the German-English border regulation in East Africa - 03.05.1894 Appointment to the statutory "commissioner" - 13. to 16.03.1896 colonial debate of the Reichstag, attack Bebels against Peters, soon afterwards move to London, journalistic activity, foundation of a business enterprise - 24.04./15.11.1897 disciplinary judgements against Carl Peters for misconduct towards natives: Dismissal from the Reichsdienst (legal consequences of the verdict were reversed in 1937 by Hitler in favor of Peters' widow) - 1899-1911 Trips to South Africa: Managing Director of the Carl Peters Estates Company - 1905 pardon from Kaiser Wilhelm II.Peters gets back the title "Reichskommissar" - 1907-1909 various insult suits especially against editors of social democratic newspapers - 1909 marriage with Thea Herbers - 1914 Carl Peters is granted his pension by grace - 10.09.1918 died in Waltorf near Peine

Peters, Carl
Estate Mattfeld (Title)

Personal documents [FA3/1] Various documents: 1 folder with a) curriculum vitae, 01.09.1945, copy, typewritten, two pages; b) report from the Botanical Congress 1950 in Stockholm (incl. documentation on contacts to the reconstruction of the BGBM herbarium and library); c) various correspondence from him 1945-49 (copies or Copies to the Dean's Office of the University of Natural Sciences, 11.04.1945 Kisten mit Ms. [FA5] Abies: handwritten preliminary work, materials, SW photographs of Abies (especially Abies nebrodensis in S-Italy), three reprints of Abies von Mattfeld in Notizblatt des Bot. Gart. u. Mus. Berlin-Dahlem vol. 9/1925, vol. 10/no. 95/1928, vol. 10/no. 96/1929 Preliminary work for: Cyperaceae of German-Sw-Africa (20 double-sided handwritten loose leaves) and the Cyperaceae of New-Guinea (34 double-sided handwritten loose leaves) Plant photographs: album of loose paper pages held together by herbarium cardboard (with SW photographs, inserted into the pages at the corners), various plants, various places (and the like).a. ex Hort. Bot. Berlin), on the back of the photos pencil lettering on the object and location materials for floristic mapping, etc., 2 booklets [FA..]* diaries from the years of study and war (1913-1918), travel diary (1921, From the Baltic Sea to Friaul) and SW photos (landscape, probably Germany) (all in one briefcase) [P37

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, A 511 · Fonds · 1887-1940
Part of Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)

About the person: Adolf ten Hompel *15.6.1874 in Recklinghausen, 5.12.1943; brother of the centre politician Rudolf ten Hompel; parents: August ten Hompel and Henriette Wicking (Wicking-Zementwerke!). Education at the Humanistische Gymnasium Recklinghausen, Universities of Freiburg, Würzburg, Berlin, Göttingen; Dr. jur.; lawyer and notary in Münster; married to Maria Strunk, children: Adolf, Maria, Elisabeth, Carl-Gregor. Writer and journalist activity, also under the pseudonyms Wahroder ten Hompel, Hermann Wahroder, Dr. Alpha, Athanasius, Wicking ten Hompel. Cf. Kürschners German Literature Calendar.1925. Degener "Wer ist's" VII Edition (1914). The collection: Most of the written material dates from the years 1900-1940, in addition to correspondence and manuscripts, these are mostly collections of magazines and newspapers (Deutsche Bergwerks-Zeitung, Kölnische Volkszeitung, Der Tag, Germania, Münstersche Zeitung, Westfälische Landeszeitung, Münsterischer Anzeiger and others). Existing file formations were retained, some boxes of loose sheets were either re-formed or reassigned. Loose adjacent posters are now in the poster collection under the signatures SP 962-968. The collection comprises the numbers 1-493 (No. 179 is not documented). Zgg. 32/1942 vom 22.6.1942 Münster, in October 1981 Kiessling The finding aid book was transferred to VERA in 2006.

In today's colonial historiography, as far as the colonial rule in Togo is concerned, two names are certainly to be emphasized: Dr. habil. Peter Sebald († 2018) and Prof. Dr. Trutz von Trotha († 2013). The research results of these two scientists offer a detailed study of German rule in Togo 1884-1914. Numerous archive sources, monographs, anthologies, courses, journal articles, lectures from their estates now serve as valuable sources of information for current research. Peter Sebald and Prof. Trutz von Trotha on the history of German colonialism and Togo in particular. The family of Peter Sebald roughly sorted out 40 metres of running files and books in around 50 cartons in order to forward them to the ZMO. The estate consists of three parts: Materials ordered by Sebald himself, disordered documents and books. In addition to these three parts, there are 11 cartons of the estate of Trutz of Trotha, which still have to be sorted, the first and most important part being the documents sorted out by Sebald himself. These were accommodated by Sebald in 149 folders and placed in a rotating shelf. These documents can be classified according to chronological, geographical-regional, thematic, authorial and archive signatures, the second part being an unsorted stack of documents devoted to a wide range of topics, from personal political views to scholarly works by other authors and final theses by students. These documents were sorted and arranged from November 2017 to April 2018. During the processing of the second part of the estate, various materials came to light: flyers, brochures and copies of published Togo literature, archival files, numerous manuscripts of his own works, newspaper articles, invitations to events related to the region, a large number of photographs from the period of colonialism to the present day, correspondence on various topics related to Togo. (Author: Leibniz Centre for Modern Oriental Studies, Library, Humanities Centres Berlin e.V.)

Estate of Dr. Jürgen Herzog

In 1994 the library received 546 volumes from the estate of Dr. Jürgen Herzog (deceased 1993), who worked as an African historian at the Institute for General History of the Academy of Sciences of the GDR (AdW). He worked at the Leibniz Centre for Modern Oriental Studies from 1992-1993. The signatures of the Duke's estate begin with the letter H (e.g. H 280). (Author: Leibniz Centre for Modern Oriental Studies, Library, Humanities Centres Berlin e.V.)