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Archival description
1.7.3 BBA 89 · Fonds · 1860-2006
Part of Montanhistoric Documentation Centre

Content:Altherrenverband:Minutes of board meetings / conventions / general meetings 1950-1982 (20)Correspondence on the statutes / rules of honour / organization of association life / association 1928-1978 (24)Correspondence with the members, alphabetically 1928-1987 (75) and chronologically 1980-1989 finances:Finance Commission 1948-1975 (9)Mehner Foundation 1933-1968 (8)Vereinshaus GmbH / Other Houses 1905-1984 (23)History Commission 1860-1986 (12)Songbook Commission 1883-1965 (20)Activities:Aachen 1946-1987 (26)Berlin 1934-1943, 1954-1975 (5)Clausthal 1949-1975 (3)Merger 1909-1976 (10)University questions 1952-1988 (16)Scientific work (197)Communications to members / Common memories:Mitteilungen 1904-1994 (49)Membership directories 1911-1936, 1952-1988 (12)Memorials / Publications / Writings of various members 1878-1879, 1924-1982 (24)Foundation celebrations 1861-1987 (21)Photo collection Literature:History of the Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Verein zu Berlin von der Gründung, Winter semester 1860/1861 bis Winter semester 1926/1927, Berlin 1927.The history of the Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Verein e. V. Academic connections to Aachen, Berlin, Clausthal, Lemgo [1961] The history of the Berg- und Hüttenmännischer Verein e. V. 1961 to 1986 Academic connections to Aachen, Berlin, Clausthal, Herford 1986.

1.1.130 BBA 19 · Fonds · 1813-1927, 1951, 1955
Part of Montanhistoric Documentation Centre

Content: Family assets of the house Daniel Stein senior 1813-1900, 1917-1927 (17)Eifelgruben aus der Erbschaft Poensgen 1815-1900 (8)Shareholdings of the family Stein 1813-1925, 1951, 1955 (76)Mining interests of the family Rauschenbusch:Ore mines 1900-1917 (10)Hard coal mines 1856-1916 (9)Potash and rock salt mines 1894-1916 (11)Other mining interests 1905-1913 (4)Maps / plans / cracksreference-BBA: Ernst Giebeler oHG, Siegen (fonds 1)Literature references: Heinrich Neu: Home chronicle of the Altenkirchen district, Cologne 1956.

Ernst Giebeler oHG, Siegen
1.2.7 BBA 1 · Fonds · 1718, 1805-1955
Part of Montanhistoric Documentation Centre

Content:General questions of ore mining 1833-1856, 1908-1954 (9)Slate deposits 1718, 1805-1951 (7)Stones and soils 1848-1863, 1896-1947 (7)Barite deposits 1845-1948 (11)Coal deposits 1843, 1859-1954 (26)Ore deposits in the area Saarburg - Trier - Eifel 1838-1955 (9)Ore deposits in the area Bavaria - Thuringia 1855-1954 (10)Ore deposits at Mosel - Ahr - Nahe 1866, 1910-1923 (2)Ore deposits in Waldeck, Sauerland and Wittgenstein 1835-1951 (10)Ore deposits in the Rhineland and the Bergisches Land 1853-1948 (14)Ore deposits in the Lahn-Dill region 1838-1947 (20)Ore deposits in the Altenkirchen district 1827, 1834, 1855-1940 (21)Ore deposits in the Westerwald and Hesse 1848-1925, 1938, 1947 (12)Ore deposits in the Siegen district 1834-1953 (27)Maps / Plans / Cracks

1.3.19 BBA 55 · Fonds · 1850 - 1992
Part of Montanhistoric Documentation Centre

Content:GBAG from its foundation to the formation of Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG 1926:Foundation / Company Bodies:Foundation / Constitution 1872-1955 (4)Board of Directors / Supervisory Board 1873-1929 (22)General Meetings 1874-1926 (23)Annual Reports 1874-1925 (13)Group Administration / Group Expansion:Mine Directorate / Board of Directors 1875-1926 (75)Board of Directors of GBAG 1907-1921 (19)GBAG Group of Interests / Deutsch-Lux / Bochumer Verein / Montangruppe Siemens-Rheinelbe-Schuckert-Union 1922-1926 (6)Aachener Hütten-Aktien-Verein 1864-1920 (65)Düsseldorf Department (Röhrenwerke Hüsten) 1899-1924 (11)Schalker Verein 1889-1926 (3)Deutsch-Luxemburgische Bergwerks- und Hütten AG 1901-1933 (28) Siemens-Rheinelbe-Schuckert-Union 1920-1961 (8)Group expansion Hard coal 1873-1933 (16)Group expansion Ore 1906-1935 (28)Group expansion Trading 1874-1932 (16)First World War / Ruhr occupation 1873-1926 (18)GBAG (monopoly) from 1926 to 1933:Annual Reports 1925-1933 (8)Annual General Meetings / Supervisory Board 1919-1940 (9)Executive Board 1926-1940 (7)Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG from 1926 to 1933:Foundation 1925-1932 (8)Annual Reports 1926-1931 (6)Annual Reports of the Head Office Statistics 1926-1933 (17)Administrative Committee / Metallurgical Committee 1926-1944 (3)Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG from 1933 to 1954:Reorganisation 1933 1930-1938 (5)Annual Reports 1933-1947 (34)Liquidation 1947-1957 (9)Mining Department of Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG from 1926 to 1933:Annual Reports 1926-1933 (9)Mining Committee / Board of Management 1926-1933 (7)GBAG from 1933 to 1953:Reorganization / Organization 1933, 1936 (2)Annual Reports 1933-1952 (15)Annual General Meetings / Supervisory Board 1934-1955 (6)Mining Committee 1926-1953 (32)Military Government 1945-1956 (11)GBAG from 1953 to 1968 and Gelsenberg AG:Reorganization of Mining (Dr. Hans Korsch / Law 75 / Law 27) 1947-1965 (86)Reorganization of the GBAG / Group Transformation 1933-1970 (72)Group Administration:Annual Reports 1953-1975 (24)Annual General Meetings 1955-1974 (24)Supervisory Board 1953-1969 (30)Board of Management 1951-1969 (38)Formation of Ruhrkohle AG:Constitution of the Company as a Whole (Dr. Friedrich Funke on the Supervisory Board) 1967-1969 (10)Siebener Committee for the Settlement of Open Questions (Chairman Dr. Friedrich Funke on the Supervisory Board) 1967-1969 (10)Siebener Committee for the Settlement of Open Questions) Hans Korsch) 1969-1970 (9)Supervisory Board / Executive Bodies 1968-1970 (11)Superordinate Administration / Management of GBAG and its Companies:Authorized 1937-1968 (3)Litigation / Law 1904-1969 (16)Mining damage 1913-1970 (65)Real estate / land 1902-1970 (36)Finances 1873-1973 (52)Taxes 1875-1968 (17)Organization / rules of procedure 1881-1968 (15)Planning 1928-1953 (6)Operational development / reports 1873-1968 (133)Staff 1874-1973 (50)Closures 1890-1968 (5)Publications / history 1873-1961, 1991, 1997 (32)Subsidiaries:Bochumer Bergbau AG 1953-1968 (8)Carolinenglück / Graf Moltke Bergbau AG 1953-1968 (2)Gewerkschaft Donar 1944-1964 (4)Dortmunder Bergbau AG 1953-1969 (8)Erin Bergbau AG 1953-1967 (24)Hansa Bergbau AG 1953-1968 (4)Rheinelbe Bergbau AG 1953-1970 (28)Raab Karcher GmbH 1943-1998 (13)Ver. Holzgesellschaften mbH 1927-1969 (36)Gelsenberg Benzin AG 1936-1953 (5)Westdeutsche Haushaltsversorgung (WEHAG) 1926-1969 (10)Housing companies 1885-1904, 1933-1968 (7)Coking plants / gas industry / chemicals:Allgemeine Gaswirtschaft 1924-1968 (21)Ruhrgas AG 1926-1970 (91)Thyssensche Gas- und Wasserwerke GmbH 1952-1969 (30)Ruhrchemie AG 1928-1958, 1972-1977 (45)Kokerei Alma 1949-1965 (20)Wasserwirtschaft 1876-1968 (70)Stromwirtschaft 1905-1970 (69)Verschiedene Beteiligungen 1918-1970 (41)Mitwirkung der GBAG in Vereinen / Verbänden / Gemeinschaftsorganisationen:Sales organisations 1876-1970 (73)Social organisations 1856-1974 (9)Mining organisations 1877-1974 (119)Participation in museums / exhibitions / congresses 1873-1968 (17)Travel reports for information on other mining areas 1922-1965 (56)Personalities 1873-1975 (273)Emil Kirdorf:Economic and Political Correspondence / Speeches 1873-1941 (25)Anniversaries of Service 1898, 1912-1930 (9)Birthdays 1922-1938 (14)Special Honours / Foundations 1893, 1911-1962 (10)Death / Funeral Ceremony 1938-1943 (13)Personal Circumstances 1873-1938 (10)Publications about Emil Kirdorf 1898-1964 (9)PhotosEisensteingruben / Eisensteinfelder der GBAG:Eisensteinzechen 1850-1992 (125)Stollenwassermutungen 1850-1957 (2)Tongruben 1966-1977 (1)Maps / Plans / RisseNachtrag VEBA Öl AG Reference BBA:Hamborner Bergbau AG, Duisburg-Hamborn (Bestand 18)Karl Oberste-Brink, Essen - Professor Dr. phil, Mine director (holdings 36)Essener Steinkohlenbergwerke AG, Essen (holdings 39)Bochumer Bergbau AG, Bochum (holdings 40)Rheinelbe Bergbau AG, Gelsenkirchen (holdings 41)Schachtanlage Minister Stein, Dortmund-Eving (holdings 43)Dortmunder Bergbau AG, Dortmund (holdings 47)Schachtanlage Erin, Castrop-Rauxel (holdings 63)Schachtanlagen Adolf von Hansemann/Hansa, Dortmund (holdings 108)References:GBAG 1873-1898. Festschrift commemorating the 25th anniversary of GBAG, o. O. 1898].Bruno Simmersbach: The economic development of the GBAG from 1873-1904, Freiberg 1906.F. A. Freundt: Capital and labour. GBAG 1873-1927, not specified. GBAG (ed.): 25 Jahre Bergbau der VSt bzw. der GBAG 1926-1951 sowie Bericht über die Geschäftsjahr 1951, o. O. (25 years of VSt mining and GBAG 1926-1951 respectively). [1952].Gerhard Gebhardt: Ruhr mining. History, structure and interdependence of its societies and organizations, Essen 1957, pp. 255-285.Ralf Stremmel: Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Staat und Wirtschaft, in: Der Archivar 50, 1997, Sp. 311-326.Ralf Stremmel / Manfred Rasch: Findbuch zu den Bestände Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG und Bergbau- und Industriewerte GmbH, 2 Vol., Duisburg 1996.Alfred Reckendrees: Das "Stahltrust-Projekt". The founding of Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG and its corporate development 1926-1933/34, Munich 2000 (= Series of publications on the "Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte". 5) References:Supplementary information in the ThyssenKrupp Konzernarchiv, Duisburg:Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG (holdings VSt)Bergbau- und Industriewerte GmbH (holdings BIW)

1.3.7 BBA 32 · Fonds · 1846-1983
Part of Montanhistoric Documentation Centre

Content:Authorities:Authorities of the Hibernia until 1935 1846-1936 (72)Authorities of the Bergwerks-AG Recklinghausen until 1935 1870-1936 (42)Authorities of the Hibernia after 1935 1935 1935-1969 (7)Purchase of the pit fields and pits of the Hibernia 1855-1935, 1960, 1970 (47)Purchase of the pits by the Bergfiskus 1872-1925 (12)Development of the Hibernia 1873 to 1935:Trade Union Hibernia 1847-1873 (3)Trade Union Shamrock 1849-1873 (4)Foundation of the Hibernia and Shamrock Mining Company 1872-1873 (3)Nationalization 1872-1873, 1904-1950 (30)Development of Bergwerks-AG Recklinghausen 1902 to 1935:Bergfiskus 1885-1932 (9)Statutory regulations 1902-1935 (7)Bergwerksdirektion 1851-1929 (41)Transformation into a joint stock company 1902-1929 (11)Management Board / Supervisory Board / General Meetings 1925-1936 (10)Development of Hibernia 1935 to 1970:Merger of Hibernia and Bergwerks-AG Recklinghausen 1933-1936 (5)Reorganization by the military government 1945-1951 (14)Laws 27 and 75 1948-1952 (8)Reestablishment of Hibernia 1933-1957 (2)Development of VEBA and Ruhrkohle AG:Foundation of VEBA 1928-1971 (8)Reorganization of the entire company 1966-1969 (9)Reorganization of the mining industry 1966-1968 (22)Foundation of Ruhrkohle AG 1968-1969 (10)Reorganization of VEBA / Conversion of Hibernia to VEBA 1923-1940, 1955-1971 (12)Corporate bodies:Articles of Association / Commercial Register Entries 1873-1965 (5)Annual General Meetings 1873-1968 (86)Supervisory Board 1873-1969 (97)Executive Board 1873-1969 (86)General Administration:Internal Organization of Hibernia 1855-1969 (39)Circulars of the Executive Board and the Administration 1935-1970 (33)Directors' Meetings 1918-1959 (12)Personal Data (and other information) a. William Thomas Mulvany) 1855-1974 (19)Administration by departments:Technical Department 1919, 1933-1966 (6)Training 1910-1927, 1952-1969 (10)Accident Prevention 1877-1968 (27)Staff / Works Representation 1868-1972 (70)Mine Surveying / Mining Damage 1861-1932 (22)Traffic Issues 1879-1944, 1957 (55)Housing industry / construction of worker colonies 1888-1967 (98)Mine access railways / ports 1859-1935 (78)Correspondence with the mining authority and other authorities 1863-1928 (10)Telephone systems 1881-1947 (7)Public relations / statistics:Public Relations / Advertising 1933-1970 (24)Press clipping collection 1857-1892, 1937-1972 (322)Hibernia in numbers 1926-1969 (29)Finances:Share capital 1878-1935, 1951-1952 (22)Bonds 1892-1945, 1958-1964 (49)Balance sheets 1903-1925, 1935-1948 (17)Audits / revisions 1927-1965 (25)Taxes / levies 1874-1934 (43)Financial reports 1911-1925, 1945-1965 (5)Property matters:General Property Matters 1904-1973 (112)Hibernia Mine 1854-1939 (66)Shamrock Mine 1/2 1856-1944 (160)Shamrock Mine 3/4 1889-1942 (266)Wilhelmine Victoria Mine 1887-1940 (108)Schlägel Mine 1887-1940 (108)Schlägel Mine

1.3.30 BBA 41 · Fonds · 1836 - 1975
Part of Montanhistoric Documentation Centre

Content:Phoenix AG for Mining and Metallurgical Operations:Acquired Companies / Mining:Ver. Hörder Kohlenwerk 1853-1925 (8)Helene and Nightingale 1888-1922 (4)Westende 1906-1920 (7)Steinkohlenbergwerk Nordstern AG / Mergers 1859-1923 (13)Gewerkschaft Graf Moltke 1882-1898 (2)Holland Bergbau-AG 1855-1908 (21)Gewerkschaft Zollverein 1882-1949 (25)Allgemeines Verwaltung / Organisation 1877-1929 (122)Field ownership / shareholdings 1879-1959 (10)Mining authority 1870-1926 (23)Mine access railways 1886-1930 (8)Personnel and social services 1897-1926 (38)Mining worker apartments 1872-1926 (26)Administration of the Rheinelbe mines by the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG (1873 to 1926):Acquired companies / Mines:Ver. Bonifacius AG 1872-1916 (14)Pluto Bergbau-AG 1856-1899 (6)Elsässische Bergwerke GmbH 1899-1905 (15)General Administration 1862-1926 (24)Bergbehörde 1873-1926 (12)Grubenanschlusssbahnen / Kanäle 1866-1927 (19)Ziegeleien 1888-1926 (5)Kokereien 1876-1925 (10)Personal- and Social Services 1869-1930 (48)Miners' housing 1855-1926 (68)Freight and transport issues / Export 1868-1920 (22)Processes 1869-1922 (21)Mining damage 1898-1925 (4)Administration of the mines by the Gelsenkirchen Group of the Mining Department of Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG or der Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG (1926 to 1966):Allgemeine Verwaltung 1923-1959 (25)Statistik 1917-1966 (20)Grubenbetrieb 1933-1963 (2)Bergschäden 1928-1932, 1939 (2)Personalwesen 1905-1960 (9)Werksfürsorge / Werkszeitschrift 1915-1950 (25)Administration of the mines by Rheinelbe Bergbau AG until the transfer to Ruhrkohle AG (1946 to 1969):Graf Moltke Bergbau AG 1952-1955 (15)Carolinenglück / Graf Moltke Bergbau AG 1953-1975 (21)Management and administration by Rheinelbe Bergbau AG 1945-1970 (61)Personnel and social affairs 1922-1972 (33)Special correspondence on labour and social law with the following topics:Abkehr / piecework / employee / investment / wage / unemployment benefit / work regulations / labour law / incapacity for work / working time / vocational training / miner's bonus / miner's supply certificate / Works Constitution Act / double pay clause / travel allowance / Celebration shifts / Things / House work day / House fire / Annual remuneration / Protection of young people at work / Child benefit / Sickness benefit / Termination of employment / Apprentices / Overtime / Maternity protection law / Severely disabled / Social benefits / Collective agreements / Accident prevention / Vacation / Advertising / Housing allowance 1931-1972 (93)Operation monitoring / statistics 1926-1967 (30)Mine operation 1934-1970 (12)Coking plant 1947, 1964-1969 (3)Factory magazine 1952-1959, 1969 (13)Travelogues 1937, 1955-1966 (14)Formation of Ruhrkohle AG:Uniform design of employee support 1951-1972 (32)Executive Board Office for Legal Affairs and Real Estate 1969-1972 (16)Operating records of the mines, cross-company: Nordstern 1/2 colliery / Nordstern 3/4 colliery 1886-1967 (31)Graf Moltke colliery 1867-1965 (11)Holland colliery:Authorized mine survey 1854-1926 (9)Mining operation 1858-1961 (16)Shaft extraction 1855-1926, 1959 (17)Energy systems 1872-1929 (34)Day systems 1890-1926, 1960 (17)Coking plant 1896-1925 (17)Mine connection 1866-1889, 1903-1923 (3)Accidents 1910-1925, 1937-1968 (5)Chemical plants Holland 1897-1916, 1950-1971 (8)Zeche Zollverein:Authorized 1840-1900 (6)Mining 1884-1968 (21)Coking plant 1904-1967 (8)Connecting railway 1891-1927 (4)Bonifacius colliery:Authorized mine survey 1840-1926 (8)Mine operation 1891-1963 (50)Energy systems 1877-1925 (23)Day systems 1900-1927, 1947-1965 (39)Coking plant / by-product extraction 1901-1925 (36)Connecting railway to mine 1892-1928 (18)Pluto mine 1862-1967 (29)Rheinelbe mine:Authorized 1854-1897 (3)Mine operation 1869-1926, 1955-1962 (67)Day operation 1874-1927 (30)Day facilities 1872-1926 (56)Energy industry 1878-1926 (48)Coking plant / by-product extraction 1879-1927 (43)Connecting railway 1877-1925 (14)Mine fire brigade 1877-1965 (119)Alma colliery:Mines 1869-1926 (33)Energy 1862-1925 (16)Day facilities 1869-1926 (34)Coking plant 1893-1965 (22)Connecting railway 1871-1920 (8)Chemical works / Coking plant Carolinenglück 1933-1969 (9)Land:Properties of GBAG 1872-1930, 1963-1969 (72)Properties of Phoenix AG 1899-1928 (22)Properties of Zollverein 1836-1934 (62)Properties of Nordstern 1895-1926 (17)Properties of Holland 1855-1926 (42)Properties of Graf Moltke 1887-1929 (17)Properties of Bonifacius 1870-1931 (9)Properties in the area of Pluto-Thies 1883-1931 (13)Properties in the area of Rheinelbe-Alma 1851-1927 (95)Properties in the area of railways and ports 1867-1931 (28)Property sales 1882-1929 (18)Company history / descriptions:Thematically comprehensive 1875-1969 (10)Pits, alphabetical 1855-1967 (15)Photo collection: UndergroundOvergroundCoke plantsChemical plantsTechnical auxiliariesPits and minesWeirsWorks railwaysTraining above and below groundJubilee celebrationsSocial facilities / health careHousing construction:Mountain Apprentice HomesMiner's HomesCampsPestalozzidörferSettlements / Apartments / FarmsteadsCasinosPeopleGuestsMaps / Plans / Cracks:Bonifacius collieryCarolinenglück collieryCount Moltke collieryHolland collieryNordstern collieryPluto-Wilhelm collieryRheinelbe collieryCustoms Union collieryVertical colliery Hörder Coal WorksCoal Mine LucasVerweis-BBA:Karl Oberste-Brink, Essen - Professor Dr. phil.., Mine director (fonds 36)Bochumer Bergbau AG, Bochum (fonds 40)Dortmunder Bergbau AG, Dortmund (fonds 47)Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-AG, Essen (fonds 55)Schachtanlage Zollverein, Essen-Katernberg (fonds 115)References to literature:Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktiengesellschaft und die Betriebsverhältnisse der Rheinelbe-Schächten bei Gelsenkirchen, o. O. o. J. Ludwig Achepohl: The Lower Rhine-Westphalian Mine Industrial Area, Berlin 1894.Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktiengesellschaft 1873-1898, o. O. Historical development and current status of Phoenix Aktiengesellschaft für Bergbau und Hüttenbetrieb in Hoerde. Memorandum on the 60th anniversary of the company in 1912, Dortmund 1912.F. A. Freundt: Capital and labour. Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktiengesellschaft 1873-1927, no. O. [1927].GBAG. 10 years of Stahlwerke AG 1926-1936, no. O. 1936].25 years Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG or Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks-Aktiengesellschaft 1926-1951, no. O. [1951].Gerhard Gebhardt: Ruhr mining. History, structure and interdependence of its societies and organisations, Essen 1957, p. 194-199, p. 278 f.Cäcilie Schmitz: Bergbau und Verstädterung im Ruhrgebiet. The role of the mining companies in industrialisation, using the example of Gelsenkirchen, Bochum 1987 (= Der Anschnitt. Supplement 5). References:Supplementary information in the Mannesmann Archive, Mülheim:Phoenix AG für Bergbau und Hüttenbetrieb (Bestand P)