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Catholic Church: Vol. 4
BArch, R 43-I/2200 · File · Jan. 1928 - Jan. 1931
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Visit of Cardinal Hlond from Polish Upper Silesia, travel program 1928 Ownership conditions at the former cadet institute Schloss Bensberg 1928 Claims for equipment of the parishes from the secularization against the Prussian state, legal actions 1928 Insufficient support for the borderland diocese Meissen by the borderland fund 1927, 1928 Missions-Verkehrs- Arbeitsgemeinschaft, expedition to southwest Africa 1930, activity report March - Dec. 1928, visit to the former cadet institute Schloß Bensberg 1928. 1927 1928, 1930 Reichstagung of the Friedensbund German Peace Association Katholiken, Munich; Report of the Representation of the Reich Government, Munich 1928 Nuntius Pacelli, denigration by the magazine "Die Front"; Initiation of a press release 1928 Spiritual care of Polish seasonal workers, Applications of the German Caritas Association for subsidies 1928 - 1930 Visit of Cardinal Faulhaber in Poznan, Report of the German Caritas Association, Report of the German Caritas Association, 1928 - 1930 Visit of Cardinal Faulhaber in Poznan, Report of the German Caritas Association, 1928 Consulate General in Posen 1929 Use of aircraft hangars to be demolished in French occupied territory as emergency churches; project 1930 Establishment of two tax offices on the grounds of the St. Pantaleons Abbey in Cologne 1930 Establishment of the Poor School Sisters in Bielitz/Polish Upper Silesia; intended polonization 1930 Church buildings, requests for subsidies: Châteauneuf-du-Rhône, Inden, Frankfurt/M., Heraclion, Kappelrodeck/Baden, Liebenthal/Lower Silesia, Maria Laach, Landau, Mainz, Marienburg, Kassel, Reinsbach/Saar, Zobten-Gorkau/Breslau 1928 - 1931

Economic policy.

Contains: 1. W. Lexis, Eröterungen über die Währungsfrage, Separatabdruck, Leipzig o. D. 2. A contribution to the question of the gold currency in the German Empire, Berlin 1880. 3. Schneegans, Kauffmann und Leiber, Die gesetzliche Stellung der Französischen Actien-Gesellschaften, Strasbourg 1881. 4. C. Prince zu Isenburg-Birstein, What saves society? Mainz 1881. 5. J. Rosenthal, Beer and Brandy and their Significance for Public Health, Berlin 1881. 6. H. V. von Unruh, Die volkswirtschaftliche Reaction, Berlin 1875. 7. S. Dana Horton, Das Geld und das Gesetz, Cologne 1881. 8. G. Tuch, Sonderstellung und Zollanschluss Hamburg, Leipzig 1881. 9. E. von Weber, Die Erweiterung des deutschen Wirthschaftsgebiets, Leipzig 1879. 10. E. Heymann, Vor dem neuen Krach! Berlin 1878. 11th place. Arendt, The German Coin Reform, Berlin 1881. 12th ed. Arendt, The Restitution of Silver, Berlin 1881. 13th The Samoa Template in the Reichstag, Berlin 1880. 14th A. G. Moske, Der Unterscheidungszoll, Bremen 1880. 15th F. Goldschmidt, Die Erhöhung der indirekten Steuern, Berlin 1879. 16th C. F. Bever, The question of gold and silver and their currencies, Magdeburg 1880.

BArch, R 8024/29 · File · (1844) 1909 - 1914
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Procurement of cotton and maize seed for German colonial enterprises Association for the Protection of German Immigrants in Texas, Mainz, Mannheim, 1844 (Statutes and List of Members)

Kolonialwirtschaftliches Komitee
PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-112 · File · 1906 – 1912
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: above all: Letters accompanying, notifying and responding to submissions, including Rheinbott, E. v. (Ponewiesch): Translations of Russian songs (1907, 1908); Schmidt, K. (Gleiwitz): Memorandum on parts of the Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum and Etruscan inscriptions (1907); Mac Donald, A. (Washington): A Plan for the Study of Man (1910); Thöne, J. (Wipperfürth): Article about efforts for a world language(1912) - inquiries, information and messages to the academy, among others: Jelinek, L. (Zdolbunow): Words to the participants of the third International Congress of the Friends of Philosophy in Heidelberg (1908); Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Barcelona): Announcement of a scholar to study the Fonctionnement de la ville (1909); Königliches Materialprüfungsamt (Berlin): Communication on a cellite process for the preservation of manuscripts (1909); Wirsen (Stockholm): Remembrance of proposals for the Nobel Prize for Literature (1910); Inquiry by the Royal Materials Testing Office about experimental results with the cellite process (1911); Exchange of letters on the inquiry by the B. Koenigsberger after the whereabouts of his work on the Jerusalem Talmud (1911); correspondence on the inquiry of H. Hübner (secretary of the Bibliotheca Hertziana Rome) about interest in the continuation of the work of Aldrovandi (1912); Dieterich, K. (Leipzig): Report about the behaviour of H. Jantsch on a trip to the Athos monasteries to photograph manuscripts (1912) - Accompanying letter and information about applications to the academy for financial support, including..: Geisenhof, G. (Lübeck): Publication of the Bugenhagen Editions (1906); Mayer, L. (Munich): Journey into the South Seas for research for a comparative dictionary of Polynesian main dialects (1907); Gall, A. v. (Mainz): Edition of the Hebrew Pentateuch of the Samaritans (1907); Teutonia-Verlag (Leipzig): Collection of texts by the Sette Comuni Vicentini (1907); Ruzicka (Berlin): The consonant dissimilation in Semitic languages (1907); Hallensleben, M. (Sondershausen): Publication of the contributions to the Schwarzenburg local history of T. Irmisch (1907); Patzak, B. (Klausen): villa life and construction of Italians in the 15th and 16th centuries (1908); Preuss, G. F. (Breslau): publication of the self-biography of Autoinede Lumbres (1908); Schillmann, F. (Marburg): photography of the main manuscript of the papal formula book of Marinus de Ebulo (1910); Kluge, T. (Kluge): "The life and construction of villas of the Italians in the 15th and 16th centuries" (1908); Preuss, G. F. (Breslau): publication of the self-biography of Autoinede Lumbres (1908); Schillmann, F. (Marburg): photography of the main manuscript of the papal formula book of Marinus de Ebulo (1910). (Berlin): Photography of ancient Georgian literary monuments on a trip to the Caucasus (1910); Glahn, L. (Ichendorf): Publication of the work Das doppelte Gesetz im Menschen auf der Basis der Kantischen Freiheitslehre (1910); Ruge, A. (The Double Law in Man on the Basis of the Kantian Doctrine of Liberty). (Heidelberg): International Bibliography of Philosophy (1911); Löwenthal, E. (Berlin): Publication of the results of research on naturalistic transcendentalism (1911); Stückelberg, E. A. (Basel): Die Heiligen der Lombardei, including: treatise San Lucio, the patron saint of alpine dairies (1911); Braungart, R. (Munich): Die Südgermanen (1912); Anspach, A. E. (Duisburg): Reise zur Kollationierung von Handschriften für eine Edition der Etymologien Isidors (1912).- Correspondence on applications to the academy for financial support, including..: Norddeutsche Missionsgesellschaft: Wörterbuch Ewe-Deutsch (1906); Sikora, A. (Mühlau): Forschungen zur Theater- und Kunstgeschichte (1906); Schliebitz, J. (Wittenberg): Publication of the Syrian-German edition of Išodâdh's Hiob-Kommentars (1906); Karst, T. (Strasbourg): Lexikon des Mittelarmenischen (1908); Korn (Berlin): Production of a work with reproductions of his collection of portraits of German lawyers (1908); Reichelt, H. (Gießen): New edition of Pahlavi-Vendidad (1908); Moeller, E. v. (Berlin): Biography of Hermann von Cornrings (1909); Staerk, D. A. (St. Petersburg): Monuments of the Latin Palaeography of St. Petersburg (1909); Fritz-Eckardt-Verlag (Leipzig): Complete Edition of Hegel's Works (1910); Walleser, M. (Kehl a. Rh.): Madhyamaka-Karika von Nagarjuna (1910); Reimer-Verlagsbuchhandlung (Berlin): Publication of the Formae orbis antiqui by H. Kiepert (1911); Molin, J. (Vienna): Treatise on the religious significance of Goethe and Schiller (1911); Neumann, A. (Berlin): Journey to England for research on the English interior colonization (1911); Fischel, O. (Berlin): Publication of a corpus of Raphael's drawings (1911); Horten, M. (Bonn): Publication of works on the philosophy of the Arabs (1912); Paul, E. (Bad Aussee): Work on Germanity in the Zimbernlande (1912); Verein für Reformationsgeschichte: Publication of a treatise on the origin of the Worms edict by Kalkoff (Breslau) (1912): Hesse (Brandenburg): examination of treatises on stenography (1907); Wulff, L. (Parchim): examination of the treatise Dekalog und Vaterunser (1908); Paul, H. (Wiesbaden): examination of the work Chronologische Zusammenstellung der Fabel poets verschiedener Zeiten und Sprachen (1908); Frank, F. (1908): examination of the work Chronologische Zusammenstellung der Fabeldichter verschiedener Zeiten und Sprachen (1908). (Hof): Examination of the work Die Mogastisburg, a linguistic contribution to history (1909); Tucher, M. v. (La Valette): Examination of the work Quelques particularités du dialecte arabe de Malte by B. Roudanovsky (1909); Strack, H. L. (1909). (Berlin): Subscription to the facsimile edition of the Monacensis des Talmud (1911); U. v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff: Mediation of a photo permit for manuscripts from the monasteries Esphigmenu and Patmos (1911) - Expert opinion on applications to the Academy for financial support, including: Bergner, H. (Nischwitz): Studies on the systematic representation of German art antiquities (1908); Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der evangelischen Mission unter den Heiden (Berlin): Publication of the dictionary of Sotho by D. Endemann (Berlin) (1907); Beck, J. B. (Paris): Die Melodien der Troubadours (1909); Vandenhoff, B. (Münster): Publication of the work System des geistlichen und weltlichen Rechtes der Nestorianer (1910); Curschmann, F. (1909). (Greifswald): Plan for a historical atlas of the eastern provinces of the Prussian state and inclusion in the Academy's publications, including: Historische Vierteljahresschrift (1910); Flügel, O. (Döhlau): Gesamtausgabe der Werke Herbarts (1912) - Expert opinion on the request of v. Nordenflycht (Havanna) for examination of an alleged record of Charles V. in a Bible by C. F. Finlay (Havana) (1907) - expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on Glaser's estate of South Arabian inscriptions and geographical materials (1908) - Mayer, L. (Munich): Information about a trip to the South Seas for research for a Samoan-German dictionary and request for formal commission by the Academy (1907) - Reprint of the letters of H. V. Hilprecht (Philadelphia) to the University of Philadelphia to resign his offices and to disregard his rights (1910).