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Archival description
Institut für Stadtgeschichte Frankfurt am Main, Magistratsakten (1868-1930), S 2340, Bd. 1 · File · 1907 - 1913
Part of Institute for City History Frankfurt am Main (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Articles of Association; rules of procedure for the Supervisory Board, 1907; balance sheets; newspaper reports; construction documents; cost estimates; exposé on the founding of a roller skating rink establishment in the Festhalle (page 19); catalogue on the International Exhibition for Travel and Tourism, Berlin 1911; holding an aircraft show 1911 in the Festhalle Frankfurt Contracts with tenants, associations, etc..: C.P. Crawford and F.A. Wilkins in Liverpool, 1909 (pp. 20) Bockenheimer Gymnastics Community, 1909 (pp. 21) International Exhibition of Sports and Games Association, 1909 (pp. 22) Frankfurter Schützenverein, 1910 (pp. 22a) Nassauischer Landesobst- und Gartenbauverein in Geisenheim, 1910, with brochure (pp. 22a) 23-23a) International Chefs' Association, 1909 (pp. 24) Arena Frankfurt a.M. GmbH / Arena Gesellschaft mbH, 1910 (pp. 26), 1912 (pp. 85) Verein der Hundefreunde in Frankfurt, 1910 (pp. 29) Emil Goll, 1910 (pp. 30), 1911 (pp. 55), 1911 (pp. 61), 1912 (pp. 61), 1912 (pp. 24) Arena Frankfurt a.M. GmbH / Arena Gesellschaft mbH, 1910 (pp. 26), 1912 (pp. 85) 82-83), 1913 (pp. 106, 108) Artillerie-Verein Frankfurt, 1910 (pp. 31) Gewerkschaftskartell Frankfurt, 1910 (pp. 32), 1911 (pp. 47), 1911 (pp. 58), 1912 (pp. 86), 1913 (pp. 93) Brieftaubenverein Union Frankfurt, 1911 (pp. 46) Vereiniger ehemaliger China- und Afrikakrieger und Angehöriger Deutscher Schutztruppen Frankfurt, 1911 (pp. 106, 108) Artillerie-Verein Frankfurt, 1910 (pp. 31) 45) Executive Committee of the 28th Bundestag of the German Cyclists' Federation in Frankfurt, 1911 (p. 48) Innkeeper and restaurateur Gustav Thieme, 1911 (p. 51) Allgemeiner Staatseisenbahnverein in Frankfurt, 1911 (p. 52), 1912 (p. 52). 84) Club of German and Austrian-Hungarian Poultry Breeders in Braunschweig, 1911 (p. 53) Frankfurter Frauenclub, 1911 (p. 54) Kaufmann Emanuel Tausinger, owner of the concert agency Emanuel Tausinger, Berlin, 1911 (p. 56) Vereinigte Kriegervereine Frankfurt, 1911 (p. 56) 57) Arbeiter-Sängerbund Frankfurt, 1912 (p. 59) Director Georg Hölscher in Berlin and Paull Schwarz in Zehlendorf-Berlin, 1911 (p. 60) Rudolf Schäfer in Frankfurt, 1911 (p. 62), 1913 (p. 92) Committee for the organisation of the Kunst- und Kunstgewerbeausstellung Frankfurter Künstlerinnen, represented by Ms. L.v. Schauroth, 1911 (p. 66) Professor Arthur Volkmann in Frankfurt, 1911 (p. 67) Association of Dog Enthusiasts in Frankfurt, 1911 (p. 69), 1913 (p. 91) Association of Frankfurt Sports Clubs, 1912 (p. 70) Main Committee of the Spiritual Music Festival Charwoche 1912 Frankfurt, 1912 (p. 70) 72) Kaufmann Max Birkenmayer in Berlin, 1912 (p. 75) Verein der Blumengeschäftsinhaber und der Handelsgärtnerverbindung Frankfurt, 1912 (p. 76), 1913 (p. 100) Komitée zur Veranstaltung einer Portrait-Ausstellung, 1912 (p. 77) Hartmann

Exhibitions abroad
BArch, R 1001/6370 · File · Sept. 1912 - März 1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Prospectus of the Auckland Industrial, Agricultural and Mining Exhibition 1913 - 1914 Panama-Pacific International Exposition, Popular Information, San Francisco, 1915 Universal Exposition San Francisco, 1915 General Exhibition of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing, Trade and Industry from Dutch India to Soerabaya (Java), 1915 Comité National de la Semaine Coloniale, Paris, 1928

BArch, R 1001/6813 · File · Nov. 1885 - Juni 1890
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Description of the trade exhibition (exhibition of overseas raw materials and semi-finished products) following the Hamburg Trade and Industry Exhibition 1889, Hamburg 1889 Lands and plantations of the Deutsche Handels- und Plantagen-Gesellschaft der Südsee-Inseln zu Hamburg in Samoa, 1888 Official catalogue of the Trade Exhibition Bremen, June 1890

Medicinal plants: vol. 1
BArch, R 86/1631 · File · 1888-1896
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Report of the Imperial Consulate General in Shanghai on the procurement of samples of Chinese drugs and remedies, Feb. 5, 1889; description of Chinese drugs by the Imperial Consulate in Canton, 1890; list of drugs used for the production of Chinese cholera remedies, 1891; Imperial German Consulate in Bombay, medical drugs of India, 1894; drugs and folk remedies from Paraguay, 1896; records of the helper in the KGA Dr.. Buses about the Dutch colonial exhibition of medicinal and useful plants in The Hague, 1896; list of the gardener Thienemann of plants from Mauritius and Bourbon which are used medically, 1896

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, Kreis Bochum, Landratsamt, Nr. 98 Bd. 2 · File · 1852 - 1866
Part of Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)

Contains: a.o.: Cabinet order of Friedrich Wilhelm IV. of 29.04.1852 concerning mobilization; correspondence about equipment of the servants Wilhelm Küper and Skabovius; use of Prussian subjects for military service and tax in the canton of Schaffhausen; military punitive measures against naval soldiers; proceedings concerning the mobilization of the German army; the use of Prussian subjects for military service and tax in the canton of Schaffhausen; and the death of the German army. Unteroffiziersschulen Jülich und Potsdam 1858-1866; use of prisoners of war in agriculture and in state railway construction; cancellation of an execution sentence against the servant Wiesemann; use of Prussians abroad for military service, in particular in St. Petersburg. Petersburg; issuance of hiking passes for craftsmen not yet engaged in military service; termination of lease contracts for drill grounds in Wiedenbrück and Minden and termination of a contract for a shooting range at Spellen (community of Voerde); deployment of the Order of St John in military medicine in 1857; measures against Dutch advertising for colonial troops in India; dealing with foreigners called up for military service in their home countries and living in Prussia

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-106 · File · 1885 – 1888
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: above all: Accompanying letters and notices on submitted papers etc., including Haardt, V. v. (Vienna): General map of the ethnographic conditions of Asia (1886); Conze: Verzeichnis der Abklatsche von Inschriften (1886); Fraya, Zeitung für Volks-Aufklärung, No. 38, 1886 with article Die Verwerflichkeit der Zehn und die Vorzüglichkeit der Vier im Teil-Verkehr der Menschheit; Hoetsch, L. (Weil) on physiological artificial tone formation (1887); Mende, A. (Frankfurt/O.): Universelle Forschungen zur Geschichte des Weltalls (1887); Borch, L. v. (Innsbruck): Ein Beitrag zum gerichtlichen Verfahren des Mittelalters (1887); Paret, K. L. (Stuttgart): Protestation against science, the theologians and the state of the art in the calculation of the world era (1888) - Reports to the Academy, including: Chief of the Army General Staff on the location of the Varus Battle (1886); Meyer, A. B. (Dresden) about the old streets in the Obergailtal (1886); Königlich Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften München about the 27th plenary assembly of the Historische Kommission (1886); Kultusministerium about the discovery of a collection of laws of Alarich II by Beer in Leon (1888) and sending the report of the Kaiserlich-Deutschen Konsulat in Tunis about the opening of the Museum Alaoui (1888) - offers, information and notices to the academy, among others: Plan of the Philological Society in Constantinople for the publication of a catalogue of Greek manuscripts (1886); 100th anniversary of the Regia Academia Litterarum Historiae Antiquitatis Holmiensis S. D. P. (1886); information sheet on the 7th anniversary of the foundation of the Society. International Congress of Orientalists (1886); Wachtel (Cospoli): sale of Turkish word essays (1886); invitation to the 500th anniversary of the Ruperto Carola University Heidelberg (1886); Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands: programme of a poetic competition (1886); Rangabe (Berlin): Programme of the 25th anniversary of the Greek Philological Society of Constantinople (1886); information about the Imperial University of Japan (1886); Royal Museums: catalogue and tickets to the exhibition of the Finsch Collection of objects from New Guinea (1886); K. u. K. Consulate General: Statutes and Regulations of the Schwestern-Fröhlich-Stiftung (1887); Verein Berliner Presse: Tickets for the Uhland celebration (1887); batistie, N. (Zara): sale of a work in the old Croatian language (1888); invitation to the inauguration ceremony of the monument to Adalbert von Chamisso (1888); accompanying letter and information on applications to the academy, including..: Freier Deutscher Hochstift (Frankfurt/M.): financial support for the reappearance of the Bibliotheca historica (1886, 1887); Blass, F. (Kiel): financial support for a research trip to Constantinople to study Greek manuscripts (1886); call for financial support for a monument to Adalbert von Chamisso in Berlin (1887); Wernicke, K. (1886): financial support for the reappearance of the Bibliotheca historica (1886, 1887). (Paris): financial support for a trip to Italy to research the depictions of Greek heroic sagas (1887); Haupt, K. (New York): printing of his treatise on the problem of causality in the Academy's reports (1888): Blass, F. (Kiel): Mediation of the permission of the Turkish government to use the manuscripts of the Serail Library (1886); Pauli, C. (Leipzig): Permission to examine the epigraphic estate of Corssen (1886); Kopecky, I. (Athens): Examination of his treatise on the rowing equipment of the Attischen Trieren (1888); Lühmann (Greifswald): Printing of his treatise The Old Languages at the Prussian Grammar Schools in the reports or journals of the Academy (1888).- Expert opinion on applications to the Academy for financial support, including: Baist, G. (Erlangen): research trip to London to study older Romanesque literature (1886); Meyer, P. (Smyrna): trip to the libraries of the Athos monasteries (1887); Herzsohn, P. (Bonn): publication of the work Der Überfall Alexandriens durch Peter I. (The Attack of Alexandria by Peter I.), King of Jerusalem and Cyprus (1888); Fügner (Nienburg): Publication of a Lexicon Livianum (1888) - Expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on applications for the same for financial support, including: Corssen, P. (Jever): Publication of the Vulgate of the New Testament (1886); Wenker, G.: Sprachatlas des deutschen Reiches (1886); Büttner, C. G. (Wormditt): Foundation of a journal for African languages (1886); Königliche Bibliothek: Acquisition of the Bibliotheca Meermanniana (1887); 38. Meeting of German philologists and teachers: publication of the Monumenta Germaniae Paedagogica (1887); Royal Museums: purchase of Faijûm-Papyri (1887); expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on a procedure of F. F. Mendonça Cortez for the production of geographical maps (1886); communication to Purgold (Gotha) on measures to protect his person on a research trip to Algeria (1886).

RMG 1.212 · File · 1912-1962
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Plans, cost estimates, considerations on new concept, 1960-1962; correspondence to the Museum Schönebecker Str., 1912; procurement and description of objects, 1912; brochure e. Völkerkundl. Exhibition i. d. Stadthalle, 1913; Inquiry e. Collectors about acquisition e. Neu-Guinea-Götzen, incl. 2 photos, 1952-1954; Inquiry d. Museums Recklinghausen, 1957

Rhenish Missionary Society
BArch, R 1001/2365 · File · Febr. 1909 - Juni 1914
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The Results of the Sepik Expedition and the Future Exploration of Kaiser Wilhelmsland, 1914 The Surveying Airship Expedition to New Guinea, 1914 Estimate for the Economic Plan of the German Surveying Airship Exhibition in San Francisco, 1915