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Archival description
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T., Nr. 265 · File · 1835, 1869 - 1921, 1935, ohne Datum
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Lists of some of the correspondence partners, n.d. - Althoff, Friedrich Theodor, Minister of Culture, 1900, 1906 - Arlliez (?), 1900 - Baden, Friedrich Grand Duke v., 1896, 1905 - Barnay, Ludwig, actor to Charlotte Rosenstock, 1895 - Berber, Felix, Prof., violin virtuoso (?) to Heinz Braune, 1905 - Bernhardi, Friedrich v., General of the Cavalry, 1899 - Bigelow, Poultney, writer, retired. - Bethmann-Hollweg, Reich Chancellor, 1913 - Bismarck, Herbert Graf v., State Secretary of the Foreign Office, State Minister, 1894 - Bismarck, Otto Fürst v., former Reich Chancellor, 1892, 1896 - Bley, Fritz, 1917 - Bruch, M.., 1900 (?) - Bülow, Bernhard Prince v., Imperial Chancellor: picture-postcard with depiction Bülow, 1907 - Bülow, Marie Princess v., née Princess v. Camporeale, 1901, 1909 - Burmester, Willy, Privy Privy Councillor, Prof., o. D. - Busch, Moritz, writer [to Victor Hehn ? see no. 240], 1883 - Cambon, Jules, French. Ambassador, o.J. - Casement, Sir Roger David, Irish freedom fighter, 1915 - Collier, 1911, retired. - Conze, Alexander, Director of the Archaeological Institute, 1895 - Cornelius, P. v. and ? to Julius Schweitzer: Kopiererlaubnisschein, 1835 - Deines, v. an Focke, 1896 - Delbrück, Clemens v., Deputy Reich Chancellor, 1914 - Delbrück, Hans, historian, 1895 - Eichhorn, Hermann von, General Field Marshal, 1917-18 - End (?), H., Regierungsrat, 1898 - Eulenburg, 1905, 1935 - Faure, Fernand, Director of the "Revue politique

Diary 1885-1886
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/3 Bü 7 · File · 10. Nov. 1885 -13. April 1886
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Information on the state of health of King Karl (passim), Fetzer's stay in the retinue of King Karl in Nice (10 Nov. 1885 - 13 April 1886): Fetzer's relationship with Count Dillen and characterisation of the Count by Fetzer (15 and 30 Nov. 1885), Fetzer's interview with Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (27 Nov. 1885 - 13 April 1886). 1885), statements of Fetzer about rumours about a possible appointment of Dr. Kriegs as personal physician of King Karl instead of Fetzer, interview of Fetzer with Woodcock about it (2-8., 12. Dec. 1885); findings of microscopic examinations of the urine of King Karl and Queen Olga (with sketches pp. 55 and 56), relationship of King Karl to State Councillor Griesinger (1., 4., 16. Jan., 1885), and of the urine of King Karl and Queen Olga (with sketches pp. 55 and 56), 28. Febr. 1886), communication of the baron von Herman auf Wain concerning the attitude of King Charles to the Catholic denomination (7. Jan. 1886), engagement of Prince Wilhelm with Princess Charlotte von Schaumburg-Lippe (10., 11. Jan. 1886), Woodcock's disease (19. Jan.-Jan. 1886), the death of his son (10., 11. Jan. 1886). 12. Febr. 1886), completion of work on the 7th volume of the Kriegssanitätsbericht by Fetzer (30. Jan. 1886), Fetzer's report on his conversation with Queen Olga about Charles Woodcock (22. Febr. 1886), Fetzer's meeting with the Afrikareisenden and colonial politician Karl Ludwig Jühlke (3. Febr. 1886), the meeting with the Afrikareisenden and colonial politician Karl Ludwig Jühlke (3. Febr. 1886). March 1886), award of the Württemberg Crown Order to Berthold Fetzer (March 5, 1886), dinner with Edward Prince of Wales, Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen on the occasion of the birthday of King Karl (6th birthday of King Karl). March 1886), Lord Charles Hamilton's illness and its treatment by Fetzer (March 26 - April 12, 1886, with Fetzer's enclosed findings on p. 206); notes by Fetzer on his reading (passim, with index p. 239-242) Then: programme sheets on cultural events in Nice, newspaper articles on the health of King Charles (9 Jan 1886), sketches of pneumococci (p. 110); statistics on amputations carried out in the French army during the war of 1870/71 (p. 173-174).

Fetzer, Berthold von
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 23-24 Nr. 267 · File · (1914) 1927-1936
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains also: Schlachtvieh- und Fleischbeschauungsgesetz vom 3. Juni 1900 Darin: Staatsanzeiger für Württemberg vom 28. Januar 1931; newspaper supplement "Landwirtschaft und Kolonialwesen" vom 18. Juli 1914; Official Gazette of the Prussian Veterinary Chamber Committee and the Prussian Veterinary Chambers vom 15. December 1929; Official Gazette of the Ministry of the Interior of Württemberg vom 9. October 1930

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 161/15 T 1 Nr. 97 · File · 1937-1947
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Große Forstliche Staatsprüfung; W. Mühlinghaus; L. Wagner; Reichslager für Beamte in Bad Tölz; Reichsprüfungsausschuss; training regulations for the higher forestry service; maintenance subsidy; employment of forestry assessors Darin: Die Ausbildung für den Höheren Forstdienst im Kriege; Merkblatt für die Laufbahn des höheren Forstdienstes, 1940; treatise on the significance of German colonial forest ownership; examination tasks

Koop, John
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 3 Nr. 731 · File · 1886-1918
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Also includes: medical certificates; military exercises; application for support; part-time Catholic school council office with the Sigmaringen government; part-time government and school council office; chairman of the Sigmaringen Colonial Association; awarding of medals; conferment of the title of Privy Councillor of the Government

personnel matters
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 161/15 T 1 Nr. 101 · File · 1936-1940
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Maintenance of official vehicles; new appointment of civil servants; costs of cleaning and heating the business room; compensation for expenses on duty; business trips; forestry secretary John; political activity of civil servant candidates; colonial forestry training course on employment of severely disabled persons; participation in events; procurement of public gas masks; transfer of forestry civil servants to Sudeten German territory; Forstliche Hochschulwoche, Freiburg, 1938; Exclusion of the Jews from the award of public contracts; replacement for civil servants called up to the Wehrmacht; reply to requests to the Führer and Reich Chancellor; travel to Austria; employment and promotion of civil servants; donation for the Winterhilfswerk; filling of school positions; congratulatory circular of the Führer; prosecution of civil servants under criminal law for false information about former party membership; discount for civil servants' own company cars Darin: Uniform conditions for the sale of motor vehicles; Reichsministerialblatt der Forstverwaltung of 18. January 2003; Reichsministerialblatt der Forstverwaltung of 18. January 2003. July 1939 and August 6, 1937; travel expense account of the Forestry Secretary John; income and expenditure overview of the Prussian State Forestry Administration; several circulars; statement of income received for a sideline activity associated with the main office; evidence of the sideline offices and sideline occupations of the Prussian forestry officials; application for the issue of a thank you and greetings card by the Führer and Reich Chancellor

personnel matters
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Wü 161/15 T 1 Nr. 102 · File · 1939-1943
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Year-end closing; service vehicle maintenance; community appeal; examination of indispensabilities; working hours for the public service; awarding of war service crosses; collections for gifts to leading state officials and leading party comrades; simplification of administration with decree of the Führer; honorary mayors; remuneration for expenses in service; "Iron Savings"; Request for War Auxiliary Service Obligors; Collections of Heads of Authorities and Civil Servants; Preparation of a Colonial Administration; Promotional Offices for the Upmarket Forestry Service; Performance Struggle of German Companies; Authorities Discount for the Procurement of Motor Vehicles; Forestry Master Hermann Derichsweiler; Official Trips; Kurhaus Operation in Bad Hofgastein Darin: Business distribution plan of the Forstamts, 1943; list of all male followers; travel expenses; guidelines for the deployment of the Forstamtmänner, Oberförster and the office service forces of the Forstamts; logbook; leaflet for the deployment sites of the Kriegshilfsdienst of the Reicharbeitsdienst; Reichsgesetzblatt, Part 1 of 22. January 1943. July 1940; Prospectus of the Kurhaus of the Reich Forestry Administration in Bad Hofgastein