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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 2 Nr. 427 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: 1) Report of Lieutenant Colonel F. v. Winkelmann to the Württemberg Minister of War; Samarang, 6 Aug. 1807, copy Maschinenschr. 16 Sheet 2) Correspondence of Lieutenant Fr. v. Winkelmann with the Dutch Governor of Java, Nikolaus Engelhard March-April 1808, copy Maschinenschrift 3) Letter of the former Karlsakademist, Captain Philipp Gaupp to his former classmate Fr. Carl von Adelsheim, Kgl. Lieutenant Oberleutnant a.D.; sd., copy machine 2 sheet with explanations for family history 4) Testament of Lieutenant Wilhelm Max Frhr. von Hügel, Samarang, 11 May 1821 with inventory of his property. Copy 5) The Württemberg Cape Regiment of Major General a.D. von Loeffler in special supplement of the State Gazette for Württemberg No. 15-18 1896 6) Franz August Trefz in Sunday supplement to the Swabian Mercury No. 587, from Dec. 1925 7) Fatherland History (of the Cape Regiment in East India) in Swabian Kronik No. 191, 14 Aug. 1887 8) The cave of Amboina by Helmut Gaupp, (2 newspaper clippings) 9) A Great Britain captain from the margraviate of O. E. Sutter in the pyramid weekly of the Karlsruher Tagblatt 23. Jg.Nr. 39, 30. Sept. 1934 10) Gaupp, life fate of my grandfather in the pyramid 23. Jg. Nr. 47-49, Nov.-Dec. 1934 11) Pedigree book of the field preacher M. Johannes Haas. Extracts print

Family history 1798 - 1872
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 32 Bd 1 · File · Material ab ca. 1840, Niederschrift ca. ab 1918, Vorwort von 1939, Nachträge ca. 1942
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Representation of the family history from about 1798 to the death of Karl Scheurlen in 1872, by Ernst von Scheurlen (handschr.) occasional poems by Karl Scheurlen, 1862 - 1867 pictures and photos - of the following persons: Johann Friedrich Flander, Benjamin Friedrich Pfizer (grandfather or great-grandfather), Friedrich Notter, Paul Pfizer MdL, Charlotte Scheurlen née Pfizer (1802-1860, mother or grandmother), Charlotte Scheurlen with Karl and Eduard Scheurlen (brother or uncle), Dean Haab and wife (friends of the mother or uncle). Grandma), Friedrich Sonntag (Senior Bailiff in Pforzheim), Karl Scheurlen, Senior Public Prosecutor Eduard Scheurlen, Erich Kaufmann (Professor in Heilbronn), Prime Minister Hermann von Mittnacht as a student, Assessor of Senior Justice and Public Prosecutor, Imperial Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, Johanna von Bismarck, Ernst von Scheurlen and his siblings Marie, Fritz, Richard, Hermann and Otto as children, ambassador in London Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath with the wife of the Counsellor Prince von Bismarck née. Tengborn, Captain Krenzler in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, Bavarian Prime Minister von Dandl and Bavarian envoy in Berlin Graf Lerchenfeld, Vice Chancellor Friedrich von Payer, Württemberg envoy in Berlin Freiherr von Varnbüler and Württemberg Minister of Foreign Affairs Freiherr von Weizsäcker, Reich President Paul von Hindenburg and unidentified persons at the 1934 Reich Foundation Ceremony - the following motifs: Tomb of Karl Scheurlens and Karl Christian Friedrich Scheurlens (father and father, respectively). grandfather) in Stuttgart, tomb of Charlotte Scheurlen née Pfizer in Tübingen, tomb on the Stuttgart cemetery, various things from the sketchbooks I and II by Karl Scheurlen (mainly Motifs from history, student life and justice), drawing (by Karl Scheurlen?) to Uhlands poem "Siegfried's Sword", 3 sketches by Karl Scheurlen about a (not real) trip to America, pictures of a picture book by Karl Scheurlen for the Häcker family, folk festival in Bad Cannstatt 1871 to celebrate the silver wedding of King Karl and Queen Olga, tomb of the mother Katharine as well as the brothers and sisters Otto, Fritz und Marie Scheurlen, coloured title design by Karl Scheurlen for "Hänsel und Gretel", Christmas picture with angels and Christmas tree by Karl Scheurlen (design), armoured cruiser "Germany", naval school Flensburg, sculpture "Sportmädel", fire of the old castle in Stuttgart 1931 Contains also: Family tree of Hermann Karl Friedrich Freiherr von Mittnacht (unfinished) Photo of Bad Mergentheim, 1928 Menu card and seating plan of the banquet for the birthday of King Karl in the Ministry of the Interior, 1871 Menu card of the banquet for the birthday of King Wilhelm II. in the Ministry of the Interior, 1909 "Imbiß-Ordnung" (probably on the occasion of the festivities for the birthday of King Wilhelm II. 1909) postcard of Stendel to Ernst von Scheurlen from D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, 1911 letter of Professor Dr. Max Schottelius to Ernst von Scheurlen concerning biological sewage treatment plants, 1912 congratulatory leaf of the Grenadier Regiment "Queen Olga" for the student fraternity Sueve-Borussia, 1912 newspaper article: "Der Berkheimer Hof bei Weilimdorf", o.D. "Dichtergräber auf den Stuttgarter Friedhöfen", o.D. "Freiherr von Mittnacht. On his 100th birthday, 17 March 1925", Schwäbischer Merkur of 14 March 1925 "Hoher Besuch beim Volksfest vor 70 Jahren", 1927 "Zum Stapellauf des Panzerschiffs 'Deutschland'", 1930

Scheurlen, Karl von