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Archival description
BArch, RM 3/7102 · File · 1898-1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Rules of Procedure Marine Ordinance Sheets: including accounting and cash management, crew organisation, service regulations for administration, compulsory military service, port regulations for Tsingtau, legal relations, personnel matters, budget matters (revenue/expenditure) "Review of the development of the Kiautschou protectorate and its relations with the hinterland", article for "Deutschlandbuch für Chinesen" (German Book for Chinese)

German Imperial Naval Office
BArch, N 523/7 · File · 1914-1919
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Superintendent Vosberg from Tsingtau about Japan; Sch. Gaev. about the general situation; Sch. Gaev. about Central Europe; Reichstag deputy bollert about naval battle at the Skagerrak; Secretary of State Posadowsky about the relationship with Russia; Professor von Liszt about arbitration agreement with America; Interview by Mc. Clure with Privy Councillor Dr. Breger; von Lossow, states at outbreak of war; v. Sch. Gaev. Interview with Ahmed Nessimi Bey, Constantinople, on trade and price relations; envoy Wolff Metternich on the causes of war; Geheimrat Deutsch on peace issues; Baron. E. von der Heydt on the outbreak of war; Privy Councillor Gneist, German Gesandschaft in The Hague on the Dutch-English treaty; Secretary of State Zimmermann on peace issues; parliamentary group meeting of the Progressive People's Party on the general situation; Professor Jäckh and Privy Councillor Meinecke on submarine warfare; Baron von der Ropp on United States; Graf Bernstorff, former ambassador to Washington on American sentiment; Graf Posadowsky on Russian folklore; Professor Jäckh on Turkey; Hecht, Noske, Zimmermann, Ricklin on the food issue; Naumann on Poland; Gothein, Deutsch, Haußmann on the general situation; State Secretary Zimmermann on peace issues; Dr. Stresemann on Reichstag resolution; parliamentary group meeting of the Progressive People's Party on general situation; Erzberger, Naumann, Rechenberg, Solf in the "German Society" on general situation in Central Europe; Reichstag delegate Marquard on rapprochement of the liberal parties; Gothein and Dernburg in the Central Committee of the Progressive People's Party on the general situation; communications of the American Odell and Dr. Altschul about Russia and the United States; Naumann inner and outer, war situation; Zimmermann about outbreak of war and submarine war; faction meeting: Naumann üner Austria, Haas, Gothein, Fischbeck, Wendorf; von der Heydt about pre-war situation; Graf Posadowsky about Poland; Professor Somary about Central Europe, Guttman about Austria, literature about Central Europe; Professor Jäckh about Turkey; Regierungspräsident Schwander about peace; K.E. Haenisch about social democracy