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Archival description

Contains: 1st incoming letter, by Th. Lieser, Berlin, 13.03.1928 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 1r 2nd outgoing letter (copy), to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 15.03.1928 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 2r 3rd letter of receipt, by Th. Lieser, Berlin, 16.03.1928 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 3r 4th "Prehistory" [by Wilhelm von Wrangel?], n/a, n/a (2 sheets, mschr., hsl.); sheet 4r-5r 5. letter of receipt, by Carl Kikath, Berlin, 31.01.1928 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 6r 6. letter of receipt (copy), to Carl Kikath, Berlin, 04.02.1928 (2 sheets, mschr.); sheet 7r-8r 7. fragment of letter of receipt, by Unknown, o. O., o. D. (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 9r 8. incoming letter, by Rudolf Rötter, Travemünde, 05.08.1925 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 10r-10v 9. incoming letter, by Rudolf Rötter, Travemünde, 06.08.1925 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 11r 10. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to A. Lamezan, Berlin, 17.08.1925 (1 sheet, hsl.), sheet 12r 11. letter of origin (carbon copy), to Zesch (Deutscher Schutzbund), Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy); sheet 13r 12. letter of origin (carbon copy), to Meissner, Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy), to Zesch (Deutscher Schutzbund), Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy); sheet 13r 12. letter of origin (carbon copy), to Meissner, Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy), sheet 14r 13th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Hans Adam, Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy); sheet 15r 14th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy), sheet 16r 15th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 28.08.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy); sheet 17r 16th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 16.10.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy); sheet 18r-18v 17th note about conversation with Baron Ro., o. O., o. D. (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 19r 18. letter of receipt, by Rudolf Rötter, Travemünde, 15.10.1925 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 20r-20v 19. letter of receipt, by Rudolf Rötter, Travemünde, 19.10.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.), hsl.); page 21r-21v 20th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 21.10.1925 (1 page, mschr.); page 22r 21st note concerning letter Dr. Schäfer, Berlin, 21.10.1925 (1 page, mschr., hsl.); page 23r 22nd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 01.10.1925 (1 page, mschr., hsl.); page 23r 22nd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 01.10.1925 (1 page, mschr., mschr.), mschr.); sheet 24r 23. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Schäfer, Berlin, 16.10.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 25r 24. incoming letter, from [illegible] to Fritz Klein, Badgastein, 15.09.1932 (3 sheets.); sheet 24r 24. outgoing letter, to Schäfer, Berlin, 16.10.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.), hsl.); sheets 26r-28v 25. letter of receipt, from Redlhammer, Scheveningen, 13.07.1928 (2 sheets, hsl.); sheets 29r-30v 26. letter of receipt, from Redlhammer, Scheveningen, 16.08.1929 (2 sheets, hsl.); sheets 31r-32v 27. letter of receipt, from Redlhammer, Schlangenbad, 22.07.1931 (2 sheets, hsl.), hsl.); p. 33r-34v 28th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Redlhammer, Berlin, 23.07.1931 (1 p., mschr.); p. 35r-35v 29th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Hans-Werner von Zengen, Berlin, 16.12.1925 (1 p.), mschr.); sheet 36r 30. cover letter, by Hans-Werner von Zengen, Berlin, 14.12.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 37r 31. carbon copy, Rudolf Rötter to Franz Evers, Travemünde, 02.11.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 38r 32. cover letter (carbon copy), to Franz Bracht, Berlin, 21.06.1930 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 39r 33. letter of issue (copy), to Franz Bracht, Berlin, 16.06.1930 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 40r 34. letter of receipt, from Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 03.04.1932 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 41r 35. letter of receipt, from Unknown, Berlin, 10.04.1933 (2 sheets, mschr.); sheet 39r 33. letter of issue (copy), to Franz Bracht, Berlin, 16.06.1930 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); pp. 42r-43r 36. letter of receipt, by Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 16.04.1930 (1 pp., hsl.); pp. 44r 37. list of associations of the border and foreign Germanism, of colonial associations etc., n/a, n/a, n/a (9 sheets, mschr.); sheets 45r-53r 38. letter of receipt, by Rudolf Rötter, Travemünde, 03.11.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.; with: copy of letter, by Unkannt [Wilhelm von Kries?], London, 18.09.1925, 2 sheets, p. 54r-56r 39. letter of exit (carbon copy), to Wilhelm von Kries, Berlin, 30.09.1925 (1 p., carbon copy); p. 57r 40. letter of entry, to Wilhelm von Kries, London, 18.09.1925 (1 p., carbon copy); p. 58r 41. letter of exit (carbon copy), to Wilhelm von Kries, Berlin, 30.01.1926 (2 p., carbon copy), mschr.); sheet 59r-60r 42nd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Carl-Christian von Loesch, Berlin, 16.12.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 61r-61v 43rd calculations and suggestions for journals (6 sheets, mschr.); sheet 62r-67r 44th incoming letter, by Walther von Simson, Berlin, 23.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 68r 45. card (entrance), by H. J. Moser, Berlin, 20.09.1931 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 69r-69v 46. letter of receipt, by Gerhardt Giese, Rostock, 27.09.1931 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 70r-70v 47. letter of receipt, by Edmund H. Stinnes (secretariat), Berlin, 28.09.1931 (1 sheet, hsl.), mschr.); sheet 71r 48. letter of receipt, of Schnee, Berlin, 15.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 72r 49. letter of receipt, of Frank Thiess, Steinhude, 27.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 73r 50. letter of receipt, of Richard Bahr, Berlin, 28.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 74r 51. letter of receipt, from the Gottfried Keller Foundation, Bern, 16.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 75r 52. letter of receipt, from Redlhammer, Schlangenbad, 06.07.1931 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 76r 53. letter of receipt, from W. F. Kalle, Frankfurt/ Main, 01.07.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 77r 54. letter of receipt, from H. Prinzhorn, Munich, 22.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 78r-78v 55. letter of receipt, from Friedrich Krupp A.G., Essen, 08.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 79r 56. letter of receipt, from Zincrav?, Überlingen, 25.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 80r 57. incoming letter, by Paul Schultze-Naumburg, Saaleck, 25.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 81r-81v 58. incoming letter, by Hans Friedrich Blunck, Hoisdorf, 19.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr., hsl.); sheet 82r 59. incoming letter, by E. Giesel, Bornstedt, 24.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 83r 60. letter of receipt, by Walther Bernhard, Berlin, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 84r 61. letter of receipt, by Hermann Röchling, Völklingen, 18.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 85r 62. letter of receipt, by Franz Bracht (secretariat), Essen, 19.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 83r 62. letter of receipt, by Franz Bracht (secretariat), Essen, 19.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 83r 62. letter of receipt, by Walther Bernhard, Berlin, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 84r 61. letter of receipt, by Hermann Röchling, Völklingen, 18.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 85r 62. letter of receipt, by Franz Bracht (secretariat), Essen, 19.09.1931 (1 sheet, m.) sheet 86r 63. letter of receipt, by Paul Silverberg, Cologne, 23.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 87r 64. letter of receipt, by Ernst Poensgen, Düsseldorf, 28.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 88r 65. letter of receipt, by Karl Haushofer, Hartschimmel-Hof, 26.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 86r 63. letter of receipt, by Paul Silverberg, Cologne, 23.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet sheet 89r 66. map (entrance), from the Stadtarchiv und Historischen Museum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, 26.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 90r-90v 67. letter of receipt, from Franz Bracht, Essen, 10.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 91r 68. letter of receipt, from Wendler, Reutlingen, 05.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), 92r 69. letter of receipt, from Hugo Stinnes (secretariat), Mülheim, 25.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); 93r 70. letter of receipt, from Schurig, Bremen, 19.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); 94r 71. letter of receipt, from Ernst Röchling, Mannheim, 18.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 95r 72. letter of receipt, from Paul Lindenberg, Berlin, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 96r 73. letter of receipt, from Schurig, Bremen, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 97r 74. letter of receipt, from the Auswärtigen Amt, Berlin, 18.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 98r-98v 75. letter of receipt, from Zincrav?, Überlingen, 20.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 99r 76. letter of receipt, from Reinerth, Berlin, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 100r 77. letter of receipt, from H. Kulenkampff, Zwickau, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 98r-98v 75. letter of receipt, from Zincrav?, Überlingen, 20.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), hsl.); sheet 101r 78. letter of receipt, from Ludwig Klages?, Munich, 22.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 102r 79. letter of receipt, from Hans Ohlerg, Krefeld, 17.06.1926 (1 sheet, mschr.; with: newspaper article); sheet 103r-106v 80. letter of receipt, from Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 30.04.1928 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.; thereby: Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 24.04.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.; Letter-copy, Wilhelm von Wrangel to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 21.04.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.; Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 20.04.1928, 1 sheet, mschr. msl. Exchange of letters Wrangel - Pechel on the reverse side; Letter-copee, Wilhelm von Wrangel on Th. Lieser, Berlin, 18.04.1928, 2 sheets, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser on Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 16.04.1928, 2 sheets, mschr.; Letter-copee, Wilhelm von Wrangel on Th. Lieser, Berlin, 12.04.1928, 2 sheets, mschr, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 10.04.1928, 1 sheet, mschr., hsl.; Envelope, Wilhelm von Wrangel to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 05.04.1928, 1 sheet, mschr., hsl, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 04.04.1928, 1 p., mschr.; Letter-copy, Wilhelm von Wrangel to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 30.03.1928, 2 p., 1 p., 1 p., mschr, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 29.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.; Letter-copy, Wilhelm von Wrangel to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 27.03.1928, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 26.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 26.03.1928, 2 sheets, 1 sheet, mschr, mschr.; memo from Rau about a telephone conversation with Rudolf Pechel on 29.01.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.; carbon copy, Wilhelm von Wrangel to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 24.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr., 2 copies; letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 23.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 23.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr., hsl.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 20.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.); Sheet 107r-134v 81. Outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 19.03.1928 (1 sheet, mschr., mschr.); Sheet 107r-134v 81, mschr.); sheet 135r 82nd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Krahmer-Möllenberg, Berlin, 22.05. (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 136r 83rd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Kastl (Reichsverband der deutschen Industrie), Berlin, 16.12.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 137r-137v 84th carbon copy, from von Lengen to Karl Bonhoeffer, o. O., 14.12.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 138r-138v 85. initial letter (copy), on/for Blank, Berlin, 30.10.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 139r 86. letter of origin (copy), to Karl Bonhoeffer, Berlin, 30.10.1925 (1 sheet, copy); sheet 140r-140v 87. letter of origin (copy), to Büren, Berlin, 30.10.1925 (1 sheet, copy), sheet 141r-141v 88. memo to an interview with Kastl on 04.01. (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 142r 89. letter of receipt, from Blank, Berlin, 29.10.1925 (2 sheets, mschr.); sheet 143r-144r 90. letter of receipt (copy), to Blank, Berlin, 26.10.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 145r

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-106 · File · 1885 – 1888
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: above all: Accompanying letters and notices on submitted papers etc., including Haardt, V. v. (Vienna): General map of the ethnographic conditions of Asia (1886); Conze: Verzeichnis der Abklatsche von Inschriften (1886); Fraya, Zeitung für Volks-Aufklärung, No. 38, 1886 with article Die Verwerflichkeit der Zehn und die Vorzüglichkeit der Vier im Teil-Verkehr der Menschheit; Hoetsch, L. (Weil) on physiological artificial tone formation (1887); Mende, A. (Frankfurt/O.): Universelle Forschungen zur Geschichte des Weltalls (1887); Borch, L. v. (Innsbruck): Ein Beitrag zum gerichtlichen Verfahren des Mittelalters (1887); Paret, K. L. (Stuttgart): Protestation against science, the theologians and the state of the art in the calculation of the world era (1888) - Reports to the Academy, including: Chief of the Army General Staff on the location of the Varus Battle (1886); Meyer, A. B. (Dresden) about the old streets in the Obergailtal (1886); Königlich Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften München about the 27th plenary assembly of the Historische Kommission (1886); Kultusministerium about the discovery of a collection of laws of Alarich II by Beer in Leon (1888) and sending the report of the Kaiserlich-Deutschen Konsulat in Tunis about the opening of the Museum Alaoui (1888) - offers, information and notices to the academy, among others: Plan of the Philological Society in Constantinople for the publication of a catalogue of Greek manuscripts (1886); 100th anniversary of the Regia Academia Litterarum Historiae Antiquitatis Holmiensis S. D. P. (1886); information sheet on the 7th anniversary of the foundation of the Society. International Congress of Orientalists (1886); Wachtel (Cospoli): sale of Turkish word essays (1886); invitation to the 500th anniversary of the Ruperto Carola University Heidelberg (1886); Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands: programme of a poetic competition (1886); Rangabe (Berlin): Programme of the 25th anniversary of the Greek Philological Society of Constantinople (1886); information about the Imperial University of Japan (1886); Royal Museums: catalogue and tickets to the exhibition of the Finsch Collection of objects from New Guinea (1886); K. u. K. Consulate General: Statutes and Regulations of the Schwestern-Fröhlich-Stiftung (1887); Verein Berliner Presse: Tickets for the Uhland celebration (1887); batistie, N. (Zara): sale of a work in the old Croatian language (1888); invitation to the inauguration ceremony of the monument to Adalbert von Chamisso (1888); accompanying letter and information on applications to the academy, including..: Freier Deutscher Hochstift (Frankfurt/M.): financial support for the reappearance of the Bibliotheca historica (1886, 1887); Blass, F. (Kiel): financial support for a research trip to Constantinople to study Greek manuscripts (1886); call for financial support for a monument to Adalbert von Chamisso in Berlin (1887); Wernicke, K. (1886): financial support for the reappearance of the Bibliotheca historica (1886, 1887). (Paris): financial support for a trip to Italy to research the depictions of Greek heroic sagas (1887); Haupt, K. (New York): printing of his treatise on the problem of causality in the Academy's reports (1888): Blass, F. (Kiel): Mediation of the permission of the Turkish government to use the manuscripts of the Serail Library (1886); Pauli, C. (Leipzig): Permission to examine the epigraphic estate of Corssen (1886); Kopecky, I. (Athens): Examination of his treatise on the rowing equipment of the Attischen Trieren (1888); Lühmann (Greifswald): Printing of his treatise The Old Languages at the Prussian Grammar Schools in the reports or journals of the Academy (1888).- Expert opinion on applications to the Academy for financial support, including: Baist, G. (Erlangen): research trip to London to study older Romanesque literature (1886); Meyer, P. (Smyrna): trip to the libraries of the Athos monasteries (1887); Herzsohn, P. (Bonn): publication of the work Der Überfall Alexandriens durch Peter I. (The Attack of Alexandria by Peter I.), King of Jerusalem and Cyprus (1888); Fügner (Nienburg): Publication of a Lexicon Livianum (1888) - Expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on applications for the same for financial support, including: Corssen, P. (Jever): Publication of the Vulgate of the New Testament (1886); Wenker, G.: Sprachatlas des deutschen Reiches (1886); Büttner, C. G. (Wormditt): Foundation of a journal for African languages (1886); Königliche Bibliothek: Acquisition of the Bibliotheca Meermanniana (1887); 38. Meeting of German philologists and teachers: publication of the Monumenta Germaniae Paedagogica (1887); Royal Museums: purchase of Faijûm-Papyri (1887); expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on a procedure of F. F. Mendonça Cortez for the production of geographical maps (1886); communication to Purgold (Gotha) on measures to protect his person on a research trip to Algeria (1886).

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-112 · File · 1906 – 1912
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: above all: Letters accompanying, notifying and responding to submissions, including Rheinbott, E. v. (Ponewiesch): Translations of Russian songs (1907, 1908); Schmidt, K. (Gleiwitz): Memorandum on parts of the Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum and Etruscan inscriptions (1907); Mac Donald, A. (Washington): A Plan for the Study of Man (1910); Thöne, J. (Wipperfürth): Article about efforts for a world language(1912) - inquiries, information and messages to the academy, among others: Jelinek, L. (Zdolbunow): Words to the participants of the third International Congress of the Friends of Philosophy in Heidelberg (1908); Institut d'Estudis Catalans (Barcelona): Announcement of a scholar to study the Fonctionnement de la ville (1909); Königliches Materialprüfungsamt (Berlin): Communication on a cellite process for the preservation of manuscripts (1909); Wirsen (Stockholm): Remembrance of proposals for the Nobel Prize for Literature (1910); Inquiry by the Royal Materials Testing Office about experimental results with the cellite process (1911); Exchange of letters on the inquiry by the B. Koenigsberger after the whereabouts of his work on the Jerusalem Talmud (1911); correspondence on the inquiry of H. Hübner (secretary of the Bibliotheca Hertziana Rome) about interest in the continuation of the work of Aldrovandi (1912); Dieterich, K. (Leipzig): Report about the behaviour of H. Jantsch on a trip to the Athos monasteries to photograph manuscripts (1912) - Accompanying letter and information about applications to the academy for financial support, including..: Geisenhof, G. (Lübeck): Publication of the Bugenhagen Editions (1906); Mayer, L. (Munich): Journey into the South Seas for research for a comparative dictionary of Polynesian main dialects (1907); Gall, A. v. (Mainz): Edition of the Hebrew Pentateuch of the Samaritans (1907); Teutonia-Verlag (Leipzig): Collection of texts by the Sette Comuni Vicentini (1907); Ruzicka (Berlin): The consonant dissimilation in Semitic languages (1907); Hallensleben, M. (Sondershausen): Publication of the contributions to the Schwarzenburg local history of T. Irmisch (1907); Patzak, B. (Klausen): villa life and construction of Italians in the 15th and 16th centuries (1908); Preuss, G. F. (Breslau): publication of the self-biography of Autoinede Lumbres (1908); Schillmann, F. (Marburg): photography of the main manuscript of the papal formula book of Marinus de Ebulo (1910); Kluge, T. (Kluge): "The life and construction of villas of the Italians in the 15th and 16th centuries" (1908); Preuss, G. F. (Breslau): publication of the self-biography of Autoinede Lumbres (1908); Schillmann, F. (Marburg): photography of the main manuscript of the papal formula book of Marinus de Ebulo (1910). (Berlin): Photography of ancient Georgian literary monuments on a trip to the Caucasus (1910); Glahn, L. (Ichendorf): Publication of the work Das doppelte Gesetz im Menschen auf der Basis der Kantischen Freiheitslehre (1910); Ruge, A. (The Double Law in Man on the Basis of the Kantian Doctrine of Liberty). (Heidelberg): International Bibliography of Philosophy (1911); Löwenthal, E. (Berlin): Publication of the results of research on naturalistic transcendentalism (1911); Stückelberg, E. A. (Basel): Die Heiligen der Lombardei, including: treatise San Lucio, the patron saint of alpine dairies (1911); Braungart, R. (Munich): Die Südgermanen (1912); Anspach, A. E. (Duisburg): Reise zur Kollationierung von Handschriften für eine Edition der Etymologien Isidors (1912).- Correspondence on applications to the academy for financial support, including..: Norddeutsche Missionsgesellschaft: Wörterbuch Ewe-Deutsch (1906); Sikora, A. (Mühlau): Forschungen zur Theater- und Kunstgeschichte (1906); Schliebitz, J. (Wittenberg): Publication of the Syrian-German edition of Išodâdh's Hiob-Kommentars (1906); Karst, T. (Strasbourg): Lexikon des Mittelarmenischen (1908); Korn (Berlin): Production of a work with reproductions of his collection of portraits of German lawyers (1908); Reichelt, H. (Gießen): New edition of Pahlavi-Vendidad (1908); Moeller, E. v. (Berlin): Biography of Hermann von Cornrings (1909); Staerk, D. A. (St. Petersburg): Monuments of the Latin Palaeography of St. Petersburg (1909); Fritz-Eckardt-Verlag (Leipzig): Complete Edition of Hegel's Works (1910); Walleser, M. (Kehl a. Rh.): Madhyamaka-Karika von Nagarjuna (1910); Reimer-Verlagsbuchhandlung (Berlin): Publication of the Formae orbis antiqui by H. Kiepert (1911); Molin, J. (Vienna): Treatise on the religious significance of Goethe and Schiller (1911); Neumann, A. (Berlin): Journey to England for research on the English interior colonization (1911); Fischel, O. (Berlin): Publication of a corpus of Raphael's drawings (1911); Horten, M. (Bonn): Publication of works on the philosophy of the Arabs (1912); Paul, E. (Bad Aussee): Work on Germanity in the Zimbernlande (1912); Verein für Reformationsgeschichte: Publication of a treatise on the origin of the Worms edict by Kalkoff (Breslau) (1912): Hesse (Brandenburg): examination of treatises on stenography (1907); Wulff, L. (Parchim): examination of the treatise Dekalog und Vaterunser (1908); Paul, H. (Wiesbaden): examination of the work Chronologische Zusammenstellung der Fabel poets verschiedener Zeiten und Sprachen (1908); Frank, F. (1908): examination of the work Chronologische Zusammenstellung der Fabeldichter verschiedener Zeiten und Sprachen (1908). (Hof): Examination of the work Die Mogastisburg, a linguistic contribution to history (1909); Tucher, M. v. (La Valette): Examination of the work Quelques particularités du dialecte arabe de Malte by B. Roudanovsky (1909); Strack, H. L. (1909). (Berlin): Subscription to the facsimile edition of the Monacensis des Talmud (1911); U. v. Wilamowitz-Moellendorff: Mediation of a photo permit for manuscripts from the monasteries Esphigmenu and Patmos (1911) - Expert opinion on applications to the Academy for financial support, including: Bergner, H. (Nischwitz): Studies on the systematic representation of German art antiquities (1908); Gesellschaft zur Beförderung der evangelischen Mission unter den Heiden (Berlin): Publication of the dictionary of Sotho by D. Endemann (Berlin) (1907); Beck, J. B. (Paris): Die Melodien der Troubadours (1909); Vandenhoff, B. (Münster): Publication of the work System des geistlichen und weltlichen Rechtes der Nestorianer (1910); Curschmann, F. (1909). (Greifswald): Plan for a historical atlas of the eastern provinces of the Prussian state and inclusion in the Academy's publications, including: Historische Vierteljahresschrift (1910); Flügel, O. (Döhlau): Gesamtausgabe der Werke Herbarts (1912) - Expert opinion on the request of v. Nordenflycht (Havanna) for examination of an alleged record of Charles V. in a Bible by C. F. Finlay (Havana) (1907) - expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on Glaser's estate of South Arabian inscriptions and geographical materials (1908) - Mayer, L. (Munich): Information about a trip to the South Seas for research for a Samoan-German dictionary and request for formal commission by the Academy (1907) - Reprint of the letters of H. V. Hilprecht (Philadelphia) to the University of Philadelphia to resign his offices and to disregard his rights (1910).

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-30 · File · 1927
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: among others: Informations Sociales.- German-French Study Committee.- Term of protection of copyright.- Pacific Congress 1927.- 70. birthday O. Redlichs.- German Eastern Federation "Ostland", Weekly.- X. DS: Dotation Carnegie pour la Paix international - International Institute for African Languages and Culture (with DS) - House of Technology in Essen - Archive for Photograms of Musical Master Manuscripts - Entry of income from cathedral monasteries for academic purposes - DS: Deutsche Bauausstellung Berlin 1930.

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-33 · File · Dez. 1929 - Dez. 1930
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: among others: Committee on Copyright - DS: Annual Report of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s e l l s c h a f t for the 1929 rally of the Academic Senate of the D e u t s c h e U n P r a g e - Biography of G. v. Neumayer - Call and Activity Report of the Technical-Scientific Center for Teaching Materials - Deutsche Bauausstellung Berlin 1931 - Prize Task of the Moses Mendelssohn Foundation 1930 - H. Lüders' Journey to New York 1930 - Protest Letter of the Sevčenko-Gesellschaft Lemberg.