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Africanische Gesellschaft (Verfasser, Herausgeber). Robert Vaugondy, Renell und Sotzmann (Verfasser der Vorläuferkarte), Robert Sayer, Lemprier, Sparrmann, Bruce, Niebuhr, Robert Dapres (Mitglieder der Africanischen Gesellschaft, Verfasser?), Ad[am] Gottl[ieb] Schneider und Weigel (Kunst- und Buchhandlung, Verlag). Druck, koloriert (Teilgebiete Afrikas transparent mehrfarbig). Ca. 1 : 16.000.000 (Azoren 1 : 7.000.000). Nürnberg. Vertikal gefaltet, 62 x 55 cm; thematisch-topographische Karten, nicht maßstabsgetreu (Topographie Afrikas z. T. unbekannt oder mit falscher Lage); Teilinselkarte mit durchbrochenem Rahmen; auf Karton aufgezogen. Bem.: ohne Maßstab; Meridiangitternetz (Pariser Meridian, Globalprojetion, mit Äquator und Wendekreisen); Legende (unterer Rand) mit farbiger Belegung (Balken, verwaschen) des europäischen Kolonialbesitzes; Einzeichnung länderkundlicher Besonderheiten. Schaden: Abspliffungen u. kleine Einrisse i. d. Karte; Schimmelflecken. Vorsignaturen: 200; A 18.

HZAN La 142 Bü 398 · File · (1904, 1905) 1906
Part of State Archive Baden-Württemberg, Hohenlohe Central Archive Neuenstein (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Correspondence of Ernst II (e.g. with Kaiser Wilhelm II); congratulatory letter and letter of sympathy; Ernst II's application for leave (approved by Reich Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow); memorandum on the planned reconstruction of the Colonial Administration (copy); newspaper clippings Darin: Reichstagdrucksachen (Results of the nominal votes on the Colonial Office budget, 29th ed.30.3. and 26.5.1906; draft budget for the Reichskolonialamt for 1906 (with memorandum), [1905]; minutes of meetings concerning the colonial budget, 1904/05).

Contains: Correspondence of Ernst II. with the members of the Committee Ministerialdirigent Prof. Dr. Kirchner and Dr. Katz as well as with the State Secretary of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t Solf concerning the use of the funds made available by the Committee to the Colonial Office; copy of the correspondence of the State Secretary with the Governor of D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a and Prof. Kirchner on the same matter; copy of the minutes of a meeting of the Committee.

Contains: Correspondence concerning planning and financing (e.g. creation of an expedition fund) as well as follow-up (e.g. operation of the order award to the patron Hugo von Gahlen, owner of factory and manor); scientific expert's opinion: drawn map of Central Africa; reports on the expedition in the "Tägliche Rundschau" (mainly parts of the travel report "Ins Innerste Afrikas", 1908, written by Adolf Friedrich himself).

Colonial enterprises.

Contains: 1st colony Dona Franziska in Brazil, 1897; 2nd liberation of Carl Neufeld, captured in Sudan, 1898; 3rd offer for sale of files from the time of the foundation of the German Colonial Society by Richard Jakob, 1898-1899; 4th promotion of the German settlement in Palestine (Prince Carl von Urach), 1899; 5th liberation of Carl Neufeld, captured in Sudan, 1898; 4th promotion of the German settlement in Palestine (Prince Carl von Urach), 1899; 5th liberation of Carl Neufeld, captured in Sudan, 1898. South West African Shepherding Society (former Minister of State v. Hofmann), 1901; 6th Railway Construction Project Porto Alegre-Pelotas (Carl Bolle), 1901; 7th Safata Samoa Society, 1903; 8th Evangelical Africa Society, 1903; 9th Fazenda do Baranco Branco in Matto Grosso, Brazil, 1908.

Contains: 1. individual correspondence on Brazilian affairs, 1884-1891; 2. information trip by Professor Keller-Lenzingen, Stuttgart, to Brazil on behalf of the Colonial Society to examine the conditions of settlement; reports by Professor Keller; letters of recommendation for the Nuncio in Brazil and the Emperor of Brazil from Cardinal Gustav zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst; requests from Keller for assistance in finding a suitable position or for use in the service of the Colonial Society, 1885-1887; 3. information trip by Professor Keller-Lenzingen, Stuttgart, to Brazil on behalf of the Colonial Society to examine the conditions of settlement; 4. letters of recommendation for the Nuncio in Brazil and the Emperor of Brazil from Cardinal Gustav zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst; requests from Keller for assistance in finding a suitable position or for use in the service of the Colonial Society, 1885-1887; 4. Reports by Jorge Jenckner on the journey undertaken in part with Keller-Lenzingen, 1886-1887; 4th exploratory journey by Dr. Hermann Soyaux to Brazil, 1885-1887; 5th exploration trip by Dr. Hermann Soyaux to Brazil, 1885-1887. Correspondence with the half-brother of the Emperor of Brazil Baron de Capanéma, director of the Brazilian Telegraph Company, about possible land assignments of the Brazilian government to the Kolonialverein, 1885-1887; 6th foundation of a company for German settlement in South America "Herman", 1886-1894.

Contains: 1. letter to Count Hatzfeld about the foundation of a South American trading company, 1883; 2. foundation of a South American colonization company by Prof. Ernst Hesse, Leipzig, 1883,1887; 3. project of the foundation of a colony New Germany by Dr. Bernhard Förster in Paraguay; suicide of Förster, 1883, 1885-1889; 4. letter of the German ambassador in Brazil, Holleben, about the conditions in Paraguay, 1884-1886.