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FO 367/12/346 · Objekt · 1906 June 9
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 346-350. Africa, Germany: code 418, file 19749, paper 19749. Sent by Alfred Henry Spurrier, Medical Officer, Prison Island Sanitary Station, Zanzibar on 07/06/1906. Advises that further to reports in London press of German intentions to import Chinese labourers to German East Africa via Zanzibar, German authorities should be informed they cannot leave sick at Prison Island Sanitary Station in Zanzibar owing to insufficient accommodation. Received on 09/06/1906. 5 folios.

FO 367/27/473 · Objekt · 1906 August 28
Teil von The National Archives

Folios 473-483. Africa, Germany: code 418, case 609, paper 29296. Sent by the Colonial Office on 27/08/1906. Transmits despatch, with enclosures, from Sir Walter F Hely Hutchinson, Governor, Cape of Good Hope, respecting request from German Consul General for free import of luxuries for German troops. Received on 28/08/1906. 11 folios.

FO 383/503 · Objekt · 1919
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Food parcels for German prisoners of war: British proposal to prohibit the import into Canada of food parcels for German prisoners of war. British effort to gain support of French and Italian Governments in the prohibition of food parcels imported from Germany and Austria. Note from the Italian Government concurring with British proposal to prohibit food imports. Telegram from Sir George Grahame to Earl Curzon deprecating proposed measure to prohibit food imports unless it is of genuine material interest to Allied Powers. Repatriation of German prisoners of war, including: Arrangements to transport civilians who were formerly inhabitants of German East Africa. Repatriation of interned civilians from Samoa held in New Zealand. German Government proposals for repatriation of civilians and invalid combatants from the colonies. Report recommending release of German prisoners of war of Danish origin with a view to reducing the number of prisoners of war in British custody. Request by German Commission at Spa to assign German doctors and nurses to prisoner of war camps in Allied countries. Letter to Swiss Legation regarding the transmission to Berlin of the effects of deceased German soldiers. Effects of deceased British soldiers received through the Netherlands Legation. Report by Sapper L Murphy of the Royal Engineers on the Prisoner of War Post Offices at Wahn and Limburg a/Lahn, Germany; contains request for War Office permission to publish. Delivery of parcels to prisoners of war after Armistice, including: Note from German Government stating non-availability of transport facilities for distribution of personal parcels. German Government communication stating that parcels for repatriated prisoners are consigned to Help Committee and Red Cross representatives and enquiring whether British Government will employ this system for civilian and military prisoners of war in the United Kingdom. Report of the British Help Committee regarding the receipt of parcels at Crossen prisoner of war camp. Delivery of letters and parcels to Hameln, Friedrichsfeld and Parchim prisoner of war camps. Printed copy of British Army Council instructions on agreement reached with the German Government regarding undeliverable parcels for prisoners of war. Code 1218 Files 52-116 (to paper 2123).

FO 383/46 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Repatriation of German and Austrian subjects: question of HM Government paying expenses. Luggage: arrangements for transportation and recovery and question of reciprocity for exchange arrangements, with specific individual enquiries from British subjects regarding recovery of their luggage left in Germany, and vice-versa from German subjects regarding luggage left in UK, including: Louis Levy, of Liverpool. Miss Newitt, of Harleseden, Middlesex. Thomas Cook & Son: request that representations be made to German government to allow luggage to be brought to England. Home Office, Board of Trade and Treasury views on arrangements and question of reciprocal arrangements. Mr W Niemeyer, of Orange Free State, South Africa, previously interned in Germany: communication from the Zeeland Steamship Company. J Rankine Wilson, of Riding Mill, Northumberland. Miss G L Sheppard: enquiry from B R Pitt of Clapham on her behalf. Miss F Riddel, of Polloksfields, Glasgow. Miss Constance Lett of York, former governess in Berlin. Miss Nellie Harston, of Lichfield. Anne Lucie Baehr, of Frankfurt-Oder. Pastor Wartemburg, late minister of the German Church, Cleveland Street, London, deported from UK. Margarete Gross, of Bayer oder Oberfranken. The Hon Mrs Herbert Gibbs, regarding luggage left behind in Germany at outbreak of war; also queries regarding her two sisters, the Miss Crutchleys, formerly of Hamburg. Miss Ada B Clark, of Grantown on Spey. Release of luggage and household effects of enemy consular officials: German government terms of agreement for release. Release of luggage in enemy countries: Treasury objections arising out of practical working of proposed agreement; proposal for alternative agreement. Exchange of consular and personal effects: French government views. Trial of Cyril Crawford at Hamburg, following arrest of him and his father, Rev George W Crawford, late British chaplain at Hamburg, for espionage: communications from his uncle, A E Bredin Crawford of Eastbourne; return to England of Rev and Mrs Crawford, and removal of Cyril Crawford to Ruhleben following suspension of charges. German colony at Dar-es-Salaam. German subjects in Togoland. Moravian missionaries in German East Africa. Christmas presents for prisoners in Germany: enquiries from The Church Army regarding arrangements; question of exemption from Customs and other charges; arrival of parcels for Döberitz camp. German Embassy expenses: question of payment; ground rents; sums due regarding general expenditure and rent. Religious support for prisoners of war, including: Spiritual ministrations for British prisoners in Germany. Assistance to be given by clergy to prisoners of war: decree issued by the Pope. Spiritual ministrations to German prisoners of war in UK. (dockets include lists of camps, clergy and individuals, including Bishop Hubert Bury; Rev James W Thomas; Dutch pastor Rev L H K Bleeker; Rev Scholten of Islington; Venerable William Edgar Nies, archdeacon of the American Episcopal Churches in Europe; Rev H H Williams, British chaplain in Berlin). German cruiser Leipzig : names of survivors. German subjects arrested at Basra and Bahrain, and deported to India and interned at Ahmednagar: Mr Gloye, acting German consul at Basra, and employees of the Hamburg firm of Robert Wönckhaus & Co (Mr Melsen, Mr Hofmann, Mr Danneiser and Mr Reuter), and representative of the Baghdad Railway, Mr Lange; also case of George Harling of Alfhausen, Hanover, engaged in import and export business at Bahrain, protesting against capture. Code 1218 File 1078-1842.