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3 / 231 · Teil · 26. März 1913
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Finances] German East African Society (Berlin) makes 3000 Rupees per month available to the missionary Peter Jessen in Kigoma as expenses.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
6 / 266 · Teil · 1. Oktober 1912
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

B) Africa 1) Proposal of the name 'Irelu' for the new mission station of the Breklumer 2) The salary of the missionaries is fixed after consultation with friendly mission houses at 2200 Marks. 3) Bracker and Pohl will set up the furniture necessary for the African mission stations. 4) Please send a cost estimate 5) Another 3000 Marks will be transferred to Africa. 6) Acquisition of land in Kigoma 7) Rejection of the mission of a second construction missionary. Andersen is to set up the new station with Jessen. If another person is sent to Africa, then a theologian. 8) When the second station is built, the African brides will be shipped. 9) Due to the shortage of money of the missionaries the Deutsch-Ostafrikanische-Gesellschaft is asked for an open credit of 3000 Marks. 10) For the African missionaries, the 'Correspondenzblatt' and the Swahili sheet 'Pwani na Bara' are ordered from the Berlin Mission. C) Home 5) Try to win a theologian for Kigoma. 6) The Afrikabräuten are to be given 140 Marks for the Tübinger journey.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
6 / 264 · Teil · 6. August 1912
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

5) For the African missionaries 3000 Marks aid shall be applied for at the German East African Society. 7) Concerning Nicolai Andersen's application for two lightning conductors, please contact the Brethren Church and the Berlin Mission. 8) The Africamines are to receive 200 Marks each. 12) Further donations to the African missionaries in the amount of 89-60 rupees.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
6 / 263 · Teil · 2. Juli 1912
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Protocols] 1000 Marks sent to Nicolai Andersen in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft in Udjidji, planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft in Udjidji, planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a S c h e l s c h a f i n g e s e m e n t a n e s e l l s c h a f t a f t h e e s e s e s e n , planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h e S c h a f e s c h a n g e s e s e s e s in Tübingen; the brides of the African missionaries are sent to a midwife course in Tübingen. Two years later, they're to follow their fiancé.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum
319 / 567 · Teil · 27. April 1912
Teil von Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

[Personalakte Peter Jessen] Jessen (Urambo-Kilimani) to Bracker(?) with the message that all brothers were very upset by the trip, Bock even lay seriously ill down there. On departure from Tabora many loads had to be left behind. Money worries. Plans to take out a loan with the German East African Society. Fear that the Catholics will settle in Uha before the Breklumers. Report on letters from Andersen to the local authority announcing the arrival of the Breklumers.

Schleswig-holsteinische lutherischen Mission zu Breklum