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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, A 47/1 · Fonds · 1940-1945
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: By decree of the Reich government of 21 March 1933, a special court was formed for each district of the Higher Regional Court. The special court responsible for the Karlsruhe Higher Regional Court district was installed at the Mannheim Regional Court. These special courts were given criminal jurisdiction for offences under the "Ordinance of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State", which had been issued in reaction to the Reichstag fire of 27 February 1933 and which formed the legal background to the wave of arrests, particularly against Communists. In addition, the special courts were responsible for the offences according to the so-called "Heimtückeverordnung", which was cast into legal form in December 1934 under aggravation of the threat of punishment. Originally limited to purely "political" offences, special jurisdiction was extended in 1938 to include areas of "normal" crime. With a decree issued at the beginning of the war in 1939, any offence could be brought before a special court if "public order and security were particularly seriously endangered by the offence". New penal regulations also followed with the beginning of the war. The most important are briefly mentioned here:1. the "Kriegssonderstrafrechtsverordnung" of 17 August 1938 concerned the offences "Wehrkraftzetzung", "Wehrdiensttziehung" and "Selbstverstümmelung", which - depending on the severity of the offence - were placed under death penalty.2The "Ordinance on Extraordinary Broadcasting Measures" of 1 September 1939 punished the listening of foreign broadcasters with imprisonment, in severe cases with the death penalty.3 The "War Economics Ordinance" of 4 September 1939 punished black slaughter, food card fraud and similar offences.4The "Verordnung gegen Volksschädlinge" of 5 September tightened the penal provisions for property offences if the offence was committed "by exploiting the state of war" or "the healthy feeling of the people" "required" this.5 The "Verordnung zum Schutz gegen jugendliche Schwerverbrecher" of 4 October 1939 also made it possible to pronounce the death penalty against criminals who were only 16 years old.6The "Ordinance against Violent Criminals" issued on 5 December 1939 made it possible to impose death sentences for any type of capital crime.All these ordinances led to a tremendous increase in the workload in the Special Courts.Further Special Courts were therefore established, including the Special Court Freiburg im Breisgau from 1 November 1940, which was responsible for the Regional Court districts of Freiburg, Constance, Offenburg and Waldshut. The specially established public prosecutor's office at the Freiburg Special Court initiated more than 1,000 proceedings in the four and a half years up to April 1945. Of these, the records of 727 cases have been preserved. Most of the proceedings, about 30 of which were opened on the basis of the "Heimtückegesetz", were followed by "Kriegswirtschaftsverbrechen" with 23 The proceedings on the basis of the "Volksschädlingsverordnung" comprised 12 the so-called "Rundfunkverbrechen" 14
ller cases.literature:Hans Wüllenweber: Special courts in the Third Reich. Forgotten crimes of justice. Frankfurt a.M. 1990.Michael P. Hensle: The death sentences of the Special Court Freiburg 1940-1945. Munich 1996.Michael P. Hensle: Radio crime. Listening to 'enemy stations' in National Socialism. Berlin 2003: Inventory history: The present inventory was delivered in 1975 (receipt 1975/10-II) by the public prosecutor's office in Freiburg. At the beginning of the 90's the documents were indexed with the help of the archiving program MIDOSA by ABM forces in terms of content and with a place and person index, and in 1996 made available to the users as finding aid of the state archives Freiburg the MIDOSA data of the existence were converted in the year 2005 into the MIDOSA95 format; the existence were revised even by the undersigned in the years 2006 and 2007 and provided with a subject index on the basis of the regulations quoted above. The data was then transferred to the archive management program SCOPE-Archiv of the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg. The stock was organized according to the crime scene, the alphabet of names, and the duration of the investigation. 2,427 order numbers in 20.4 m were now included in the stock. The following order numbers are not assigned: 17, 1000, 1195, 1773-1778. The indices refer to the order number Freiburg, in August 2007 Kurt Hochstuhl.

BArch, RL 40 · Fonds · 1921-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: With the "Ordinance for the Reich Weather Service" of 6 April 1934, the responsibility for the weather service, which until then had mainly been the responsibility of the Länder, was transferred to the Reich Minister of Aviation. The weather service comprised the flight, economic, sea, high altitude and climate weather service. The research and teaching tasks performed by the universities remained unaffected by this. The Reichsamt für Flugsicherung was given the designation Reichsamt für Wetterdienst (RfW) by ordinance of 28 November 1934. He was responsible for the operational, technical and scientific management of the Reich Weather Service. The RfW was subordinate to Division LB 3 (Reichswetterdienst) of the General Air Office in the Reich Aviation Ministry (RLM). With the beginning of the war, the "Chef Wetterdienst" (Chief Weather Service) was created at the Luftwaffe General Staff. Most of the tasks of the LB 3 department in the Reich Aviation Ministry were transferred to the Chief Weather Service, among others: - Organisation, operational and technical management of the weather service, - management of weather intelligence in cooperation with the chief of the intelligence unit, - deployment of personnel according to operational needs, - cooperation with weather services of other parts of the Wehrmacht and other states. Division LB 3 of the General Air Office retained the following tasks: - personnel administration including training, - development and supply of weather service equipment, - operating regulations. The Reichsamt für Wetterdienst with its observatories and research centres and the Deutsche Seewarte remained subordinated to the LB 3 department. The Institute for Long-term Weather Forecasts has been assigned to the Chief Weather Service. In order to enable the Chief Weather Service to manage the weather service responsibly despite the division of responsibilities, he received the authority to issue directives to the General Air Office, Department LB 3. As part of the general cost-cutting measures, in 1944 the operational management and training were also transferred to the Chief Weather Service, and in January 1945 the personnel administration. Only the Reichsamt für Wetterdienst and the Deutsche Seewarte remained with the LB 3 department. In urgent cases, however, the Chief Weather Service was entitled, with the approval of Division LB 3, to give immediate instructions to these services. The weather school of the Reich Weather Service was founded in 1935. It was housed in the building complex of the Reichsamt für Wetterdienst. Your duties were: - training of meteorological staff, - refresher courses for meteorologists, - training courses for technical staff, - training courses for supplementary meteorologists, obtained from physicists and geographers of universities and schools. As a secondary purpose, a uniform mode of operation of all weather stations with regard to meteorological-synoptic term formation as well as entry and processing of weather charts should be achieved. In November 1944 the Reichswetterdienstschule was also subordinated to the chief weather service. Tasks of the departments of the Reichsamt für Wetterdienst Presidential Department: It dealt with all personnel and financial matters. Department I: She was responsible for the operational and scientific management of the climate service. The climate network was divided into five climate districts: Königsberg, Berlin, Münster, Dresden and Munich as well as air conditioning branch offices in Breslau and Stuttgart. All the observation material was collected, tested and processed at the services of the climate districts. This resulted in the monthly "Weather Report Services", monthly reports on precipitation and precipitation maps. The department also carried out research tasks on observation methodology, among other things. Division I was subordinate: - Meteorological observatories in Potsdam, Aachen and Wahnsdorf; - Agricultural meteorological research centres in Geisenheim, Gießen, Müncheberg and Trier; - Bioclimatic research centres in Bad Elster, Braunlage, Friedrichroda and Wyk/Föhr; - Mountain observatories on the Brocken, Feldberg, Fichtelberg, Kahler Asten, Kalmit as well as the Schneekoppe and Zugspitze; - 20 health resort climate circle sites. Department II: The tasks included the processing and evaluation of aerological and synoptic observational material from radiosonde, aircraft and captive balloon ascents as well as pilot soundings to supplement the Hollerith archive; the processing of flight climatologies and other reports for local weather characteristics; development of methods for the recording of spatial fields such as air masses, pressure, temperature, wind and water vapour. Division II was in charge: - Aeronautical Observatory in Lindenberg; - Aerological Observatory in Friedrichshafen; - From 1940: Cloud Research Centre Prague (emerged from the cloud physics department of the Aerological Observatory Friedrichshafen). Division III: It was responsible for the central control of the entire development of meteorological measuring instruments and new instrumental research methods, the procurement of the entire instrument requirements of the aeronautical meteorological service, the testing and calibration of the delivered equipment and its supply to the individual requirement points. In addition, the department was responsible for testing equipment and methods as well as training and retraining personnel in these equipment and methods. For development and testing as well as training and retraining she was directly assigned a radiosonde test platoon (mot.) and a Würzburgstellung with balloon troop. For the acceptance, testing and calibration of equipment, it had at its disposal, in addition to its own calibration group, the radiosonde test centre of the Reichsamt für Wetterdienst and the Aeroprüfstelle e.V. (Aeroprüfstelle). The meteorological state institutes in the occupied territories were incorporated into the Reichsamt für Wetterdienst as new branch offices, e.g. the Klimainstitut Minsk. Until 1945, the following branch offices were dissolved: - the Meteorological Observatories Aachen and Wahnsdorf, - the Aerological Observatory Friedrichshafen, - the Agricultural Meteorological Research Centres Geisenheim, Müncheberg and Trier, - the Bioclimatic Research Centres, - the majority of the spa climate district offices. The mountain observatories were reduced to purely synoptic reporting points and subordinated to the ground organisation of the military weather service in the individual air meadows. Inventory description: The existing archival material originates from two file returns from the USA. The first submission was made in 1968 to the Document Centre of the Military History Research Office, from where it subsequently reached the Federal Archives Military Archives. The return of files in 2004 was directly transferred to the Federal Archives Military Archives. The files previously held in the official printed matter (inventory: RLD 28) were transferred to the inventory. Characterisation of content: The holdings contain only splinter-like documents about the service in the Reichsamt für Wetterdienst and the subordinated observatories and research centres. The preserved documents on the construction and operation of precipitation measuring stations and meteorological stations in the area of the Air Force Command III/IV as well as in Alsace, Lorraine and Luxembourg should be emphasised. In addition, studies and elaborations on climatological and meteorological topics are available. Citation style: BArch, RL 40/...