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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 193 · File · 1935 - 1936
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

208 sheets, Contains and others: - Max Lenz, A New German University. The foreign university and its tasks (draft of an essay of 20 December 1935) - Naming of a street in the administrative district of Zehlendorf after the first director of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau, 1935 - Suitability of the Reich Speaker of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l b federation, Helmuth von Wernsdorff, for teaching or research work at a state university, 1936 - Report of Prof. Prof. Dr. Eduard von Wernsdorff, 1936 - Report of Prof. Dr. Helmuth von Wernsdorff, 1936 Dr. Anton Palme on the Design and Structuring of Teaching at the Foreign University, 29 February 1936 - Dr. Gerhard von Mende commissioned to administer the extraordinary Chair of Russian National Science, 1936 - Dr. Anton Palme appointed to the Chair of Afrikaans. Marcel Romeo Breyne, 1936 - Granting of a scholarship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to Dr. Raschden Russischwili, 1936 - Commissioning of Dr. Edgar Pröbster with the administration of the extraordinary chair of Arabic national science, 1936 - Commissioning of Dr. Raschden Russischwili, 1936 - Commissioning of Dr. Edgar Pröbster with the administration of the extraordinary chair of Arabic national science, 1936 - Commissioning of Dr. Raschden Russischwili, 1936 - Commissioning of Dr. Edgar Pröbster with the administration of the extraordinary chair of Arabic national science, 1936 - Commissioning of Dr. Raschden Russischwili, 1936 Eduard Baumgarten with the administration of the extraordinary chair of North American national science, 1936 - Lectures on the history of Spain given by the professor of the University of Seville and director of the Institut Espagnol in Paris Dr. Aurelio Vinas, 1936 - Nomination of student members of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) with oriental language skills, 1936; Paper

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 15 · File · 1897 - 1904
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

275 sheets, Contains and others: - Leave of absence to participate in the meetings of the International Association of Academies in Paris, 1901 - Provision of information to the Secretary General of the XIII Congress of Orientalists in Hamburg, Dr. Friedrich Sieveking, on the form and the mediation of the invitations to be sent to German and foreign governments, 1902 - Invitation brochure of the American Museum of Natural History in New York for the International Congress of Americanists from 20 October to 25 October, 1902 - Information to the Secretary General of the XIII Congress of Orientalists in Hamburg, Dr. Friedrich Sieveking, 1902 - Invitation brochure of the American Museum of Natural History in New York for the International Congress of Americanists from 20 October to 25 October, 1901 - Invitation brochure of the American Museum of Natural History in New York for the International Congress of Americanists from 20 October to 25 October, 1902 - Invitation brochure of the American Museum of Natural History in New York for the International Congress of Americanists from 20 October to 25 October, 1902 - Invitation brochure of the American Museum of Natural History in Hamburg, 1901 October 1902 [New York] 1901 (print) - Recommendation and placement of suitable teachers with Italian or French language skills for use as teachers of Chinese and Japanese at the Oriental Institute in Naples (Istituto Orientale in Napoli), 1902 - Use for the benefit of Pastor P. Holler in Segeberg for awarding a scholarship from the Cecil Rhodes Foundation to visit the University of Oxford, 1902 - Prospectus of the Togo Trade

Promotionen honoris causa
_Phil.Fak.01 1385 · File · Jan. 1913 - Jan. 1919
Part of University Archive of the Humboldt University Berlin

Contains: Schmidt, Friedrich; Valentin, Rudolph von; Prym, Friedrich; Berendt, Theophil; Lortzing, Franz; Kny, Leopold; Remelè, Adolph; Hertling, Georg von; Schwarz, Carl; Mertens, Franz; Hermann, Johannes; Hirsch, Ferdinand; Lampe, Carl; Schneider, Gustav; Jaffeè, Benno; Solms-Laubach, Hermann; Bormann, Ludwig; Groener, Wilhelm; Bauer, Maximilian; Lindner, Theodor; Zschech, Franz; Falkenhayn, Erich von; Freytag-Loringhoven, Hugo von; Siemens, Wilhelm von; Matthiae, Otto; Blümner, Hugo; Thümen, Friedrich; Schumann, Georg; Roediger, Richard; Lehmann, Maximilian; Sachau, Eduard; Jacobi, Daniel; Warburg, Aemilio; Knorre, Victor; Mueller, Armino; Simon, Maximilian; Kantor, Georg; Bruch, Max; Hoffmann, Georg; Heerdegen, Ferdinand; Cart, Wilhelm; Roehl, Hermann; Lettow-Vorbeck, by.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 248 · File · 1896 - 1904
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

239 sheet, Contains et al: - Transmission of the Japanese-German Industrie-Anzeiger by the publishing house and printer Max Nössler in Bremen, 1896 - Examination of the article on the Seminar for Oriental Languages conceived for publication in the Konversations-Lexikon of the publishing house Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus in Leipzig (Brockhaus´ Konversations-Lexikon), 1897 - Transmission of curricula and programmes of the Seminar for Oriental Languages to the Russian Oriental Research Society in St. Petersburg. Petersburg, 1900 - Evaluation of the personality and information about the official and personal circumstances of the lieutenant in the reserve Johannes Engler, who was intended to be used at the cast steel factory Friedrich Krupp in Essen, 1901 - Participation of Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau at the National Colonial Congress planned by the German Colonial Society, 1902 - 13th International Congress of Orientalists. First report. Hamburg 1901 (print) - 13th International Congress of Orientalists. Second report. Hamburg [1902] (print) - 13th International Congress of Orientalists. Third report. Hamburg [1902] (print) - Report on the constituent meeting of the Committee of the National Colonial Congress 1902, on 25 February 1902, held at the Deutsche Kolonialheim in Berlin. Berlin [1902] (print) - National Colonial Congress on 17 and 18 October 1902 in the Reichstag building in Berlin. Program. Berlin [1902] (print) - Deutsche Kolonialzeitung. Organ of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s e l l s c h a f t , No. 11, 19th year, 13th March 1902 Berlin 1902 - Deutscher Kolonialkongress on 17th and 18th October 1902 in the Reichstag building in Berlin. Program. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the executive committee of the National Colonial Congress 1902, on Tuesday, March 4, 1902, held at the Deutsche Kolonialheim in Berlin. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the United Subcommittee of the National Colonial Congress 1902, held on Monday, March 10, 1902, at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the united men of confidence committees for the formation of the sections of the National Colonial Congress 1902, on Tuesday, March 11, 1902, held in the Deutsche Kolonialheim in Berlin. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the working committee of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress 1902, Saturday, 22 March 1902 (...), held at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the working committee of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress 1902, Saturday, April 5, 1902 (...), held at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the Working Committee of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress 1902, Friday, May 30, 1902 (...), held at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the Working Committee of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress 1902, Friday, June 14, 1902 (...), held at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the Working Committee of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress 1902, Monday, April 14, 1902 (...), held at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1902] (print) - 13th International Congress of Orientalists. Tenth report. Hamburg [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the Working Committee of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress 1902, Monday, September 1, 1902, (...), held at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the Working Committee of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress 1902, Monday, September 29, 1902 (...), held at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the Congress Committee of the German Colonial Congress 1902, October 2, 1902, (...), held at the Deutsche Kolonialheim in Berlin. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress 1902, Wednesday, October 22, 1902 (...), held at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1902] (print) - Report on the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress 1902, Saturday, November 8, 1902 (...), held at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1902] (print) - examination of the article about the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1903 - Courses of Training for Business in the University of Illinois, 1903 - 1904, conceived for publication in the Konversations-Lexikon of the publishing house Friedrich Arnold Brockhaus in Leipzig (Brockhaus´ Konversations-Lexikon). University of Illinois Publications, New Series, Vol. 2, No. 4. [Illinois] [1903] (print) - recommendation for the board member of the Munich department of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Dr. Albrecht Wirth for his visit to the University of Tlemcen (Algeria), 1903 - Advertising publication with invitation to general assistance for the foundation and maintenance of a German Protestant, non-denominational school and association building "Jesajanum" in Jerusalem, 31 October 1903 [Jerusalem] [1903] (print) - Report on the meeting of the Congress Committee of the German Colonial Congress 1905, 10 December 1904, held in the Deutsche Kolonialheim in Berlin. Berlin [1905] (print) - Report on the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress, held on December 1, 1904, at the offices of the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. Berlin [1905] (print).