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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 1039 · File · 1885 - 1912, ohne Datum
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Bismarck, Fürst Otto v., Reichskanzler, Berlin: Letter (copy) to His Majesty the Emperor about the scholarly proletariat 16.3.1890 - Berchem, Count v., (Federal Foreign Office), Berlin: Conference with Director A. Hellwig and Prof. Foerster 23.7.1886 - Conrad, Geheimer Legationsrat, (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Englers Memorandum on the German-Catholic Question in Posen 9.8.1903 - Cramm-Burgdorf, v., (Braunschweigische Gesandtschaft), Berlin: Acknowledgements for the publication "Die Reform des höheren Schulwesens" 5.1.1903, Professor Lexis 1.2.1903 - Dernburg, Excellence, (Colonial Office), Berlin: Oilfruits from Cameroon 10.5.1907 - Eichhorn, v., Really Secret Legation Council, Berlin: Letter from Althoff concerning appeals and cooperation of the Foreign Office and corresponding reply of G. L. R. v. Eichhorn 1.3.1897 - Goudriaan, Jungheer van, Minister of the Netherlands, Berlin: planned conference 20.6.1902 - Gude, v., Swedish-Norwegian Embassy, Berlin: Lymphatic discharge for Swedish hospitals 4.12.1890 - Günther, v., Reichskanzlei, Berlin: Acknowledgement for the brochure by Savigny "Die Reichstagsauflösung" 18.1.1907 - Goering, Heinrich Ernst, Konsul,: Request of the Devant des Ponts for transfer to colonial service 6.3.1885, Cape Town, trip to Damaraland 7.10.1886 - Holstein, Friedrich v., Excellency, Reich Chancellery, Berlin: Visit of A. 14.7.1895, thanks for the news about Hirschberg 23.7.1895, request to A. for a visit 22.12.1901, reports of Prince Eulenburg on the occasion of the Poland excesses o.D., Request for visit to his friend A. in his private apartment 30.6.1906 - Hutten-Czapski, Count, Strasbourg: wish of acquaintance with A. 9.2.1885, Hanover, because of an honorary pension for Freifrau von Manteuffel or a statue for the field marshal of M. 26.7.1885, entry for the teacher Dalkowski in Wilda in Posen because of threatening dismissal 17.11.1885 - Hansemann, v., Minister, Berlin: Thanks to Dr. Triebke for the donation 15.5.1897 - Hohenthal, Count v., Saxon Minister, Berlin: Realabiturienten und das juristische Studium 23.4.1901 - Holleben, v., Excellency, Berlin: Visit in Charlottenburg 29.10.1892, Oberlehrer Grunewald of the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium 23.9.1901 - Humbert, Really Secret Legation Council, (Foreign Office), Berlin: Letter from A. to him because of missed visit 9.12.1890, Answer to A. because of missed visit 3.11.1897, Conference with A. and Conze 11.4.1892 - Jagemann, v., Badische Gesandtschaft, Berlin: Invitation to the Souper o. D. - Kayser, Dr., Geheimer Legationsrat, (Foreign Office), Berlin: Prof. Baron, Bonn July 1888, Berlin, entry of the Referendar Tübben into colonial service 7.1.1891, letter from Schweinfurth 14.4.1891 - Keudell, Baron v., Berlin: Acknowledgment for the report about Prof. Michel 13.2.1900 - Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred v., envoy, Hamburg: Request to Dr. Landerer from Stuttgart for reception 21.9.1895 - Klehmet, R., Geheimer Legationsrat, Berlin: Draft of an answer to the petition of the cathedral provost Dittrich 18.12.1903 (missing) - Klewitz, Geheimer Regierungsrat, Berlin: Congratulations on the award 16.10.1904 - Knorr v. Rosenroth, Exzellenz, Darmstadt: Transmission of the commemorative publication of the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt 9.12.1897 - Koeller, v., Exzellenz, Berlin: Acknowledgement for congratulations 19.2.1888, 20.2.1903 - König, v., (Auswärtiges Amt), Berlin: Thanks for information about the Geographical Institute in Weimar 27.1.1892 - Krauel, R., Real Geheimer Regierungsrat und Gesandter, Berlin: Request for a Conversation 27.9.1903 - Krug, Leopold, Prof. und Konsul, Groß-Lichterfelde: Donation of his Herbarium to Dahlem 14.12.1890, Letter of 6.4.1898 - Kusserow, v., Berlin: Appointment of Goering as Commissioner for Angra Pegrena 10.4.1885 - Lanza de Busca, Ch., Graf, Italienischer Gesandter, Berlin: Information about the request of Prof. Volterra to get to know the Polytechnikum Charlottenburg better 23.2.1904, Request for audience for Professor Marigliano 5.1.1901 - Lehmann, Privy Legation Council, Berlin: Invitation to dinner 20.3.1899 - Lewald, Reichskommissar für die Weltausstellung St. Louis: Information about the Villa d 'Este 4.8.1905 - Loebell, Friedrich Wilhelm v., Reich Chancellery, Berlin. Zorn's expert opinion on the Coburg-Gotha domain question 1.12.1904, sending a copy of an article in the Allgemeine Zeitung 22.6.1906 - Marschall von Bieberstein, Freiherr Adolf Hermann, Berlin: Mitteilung über die Gewährung einer Audienz beim Großherzog von Baden 13.4.1888 - Mongenast, envoy, Luxembourg: sending of a work about the Luxembourg Athenaeum 20.7.1904 - Mosler, Privy Councillor, Berlin: Information about the death of his father-in-law, Excellency v. Friedberg 3.6. o. J. - Mühlberg, Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin: Press conference and orthography regulation 13.1.1901 - Mutius, Legationsrat von, Berlin: Acknowledgment for the congratulations on the transfer to Beijing 14.1.1908 - Ochsenius, Dr. (C.) Karl, Consul a. D.., Marburg: Promotion of Dr. Kohl to Professor 23.1.1887 - Pourtalès, Count v. F., Federal Foreign Office, Berlin: Request for a conference 14.11.1893, Acknowledgment for dealing with his question 20.2.1894 - Ratibor, (Prince) Herzog v., Rauden: Agreement to use his name as co-founder of the Academy for German Literature in Weimar 21.5.1901, letter of 26.2.1900 - Richthofen, v., Excellency, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin: Award of the large gold medal to Ambassador White 19.11.1902, Lexis meets with the Prime Minister of Holland Knyper 3.5.1902 - Rangabé, Kleon, Greek envoy, Berlin: Dr. Macke's handwriting about Erasmus and Reuchlin 30.4.1900 - Rotenhan, v., Minister of, Rome: Audience with Cardinal Merry del Val o. D., Return in October to Berlin 13.9.1905 - Roth, A. Oberst, Swiss Legation, Berlin: Lectures at the Berlin University 19.1.1887 - Senden, Baron v., (Military Attaché Madrid): Madrid Chapel 23.3.1908 - Speck v. Sternburg, Ambassador, Washington: Professor Keutgen's recommendation from Jena 4.4.1905 - Speßhardt, Consul v., Lemberg: Registration for a meeting 28.7.1902 - Schwarzkoppen, Hauptmann v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Inquiry about the possibility of a visit to the Botanical Garden by Princess Bülow on 17.6.1907 15.6.1907, agreement on the visit of Princess Bülow to the Botanical Garden on 29.6.1912 - Schlözer, Kurd v., German Legation, Rome: Employment of Dr. Schellhass at the historical institution in Rome 23.2.1891 - Tiedemann, Freiherr v., Berlin: Loss of files 18.5.1886 - Tower, Charlemagne, American envoy, Berlin: Introduction of Mr. Alb. A. Showden as representative of the Carnegie Foundation 29.5.1907, Acknowledgement for Lexis' Louis-Werk and the pictures of Mommsen 10.2.1905 - Usedom, v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Appointment of Fassbender as Professor 18.12.1900 - Varnbüler, v., Excellency, Württemberg Envoy, Berlin: Immediatgesuch des Dr. Brönnle 4.9.1906 - Wilmowski, v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Confession of the officials of the Chancellor 29.4.1895 - Zahn, Legationsrat, Berlin: Visit of the Dutch Prime Minister Knyper to the Reich Chancellery 30.3.1902 - Zimmermann, Legationsrat, Berlin: Request for a visit date (no D.), congratulations on the award (no D.)

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 404 · File · 1891 - 1903
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

261 sheet, Contains and others: - Memorandum by Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau on the training of aspirants for colonial service in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, 1 March 1891 - Note concerning the career of interpreters. Berlin 1888 (print) - Excerpt from the report of the Imperial Governor of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a Hermann von Wissmann in Dar-es-Salam (Dar es Salaam) to the Imperial Chancellor Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst on the training of colonial civil servants, 30th ed. January 1896 (copy) - Excerpt from the report of the Imperial Governor of Togo August Köhler in Sebbe to the Imperial Chancellor Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst on the training of colonial officials, January 22, 1896 (copy) - Report of the Imperial Government of Cameroon to the Imperial Chancellor Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst on the training of colonial officials, January 19, 1896 (copy) - Report of the Imperial Government of Cameroon to the Imperial Chancellor Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst on the training of colonial officials, January 22, 1896 (copy) - Report of the Imperial Government of Cameroon to the Imperial Chancellor Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst on the training of colonial officials, January 22, 1896 (copy) - Report of the Imperial Government of Cameroon on the training of colonial officials, January 19, 1896 (copy) February 1896 (copy) - Report of the Imperial Governor of Southwest Africa Theodor Leutwein to the Imperial Chancellor Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst on the training of colonial civil servants, April 1, 1896 (copy) - Excerpts from the Journal officiel de la République Française of April 4, 1896 (in German). The French Colonial Minister's Decree of 14 April 1896 and 14 April 1896 on the training of colonial officials - note concerning the persons to be transferred to the higher administrative service of the protectorates. Berlin 1894 (print) - Note, concerning the persons to be taken over into the subalterndienst of the protectorates. Berlin 1894 (print) - Excerpt from the report of the Imperial Government of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a to the Imperial Chancellor Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst on the linguistic training of colonial officials, 30th ed. December 1896 (copy) - Invitation to drawing by the Vereinigung zur Errichtung einer deutschen Kolonialschule für Landwirtschaft, Handel und Gewerbe of 7 September 1897 (print) - Conditions for the acceptance of customs officers for service in the protectorates (as at 3 July 1900) - Programme of conditions d´admission a l´Ecole Coloniale. Paris [1897] (print) - Zitting 1901 - 1902. Aanvulling und verhooging der begrooting van uitgaven van Nederlandsch-Indie vor den dienstjaar 1902. Memorie van toelichting, Nr. 3. o. O. 1902] (print) - Zitting 1901 - 1902. Aanvulling und verhooging der begrooting van uitgaven van Nederlandsch-Indie vor het dienstjaar 1902. Bijlage der memorie van toelichting, Nr. 4. o. O. 1902] (print) - Zitting 1901 - 1902. Aanvulling und verhooging der begrooting van uitgaven van Nederlandsch-Indie vor den dienstjaar 1902. Voorloopig verslag, Nr. 5. o. o. 1902] (print) - Zitting 1901 - 1902. Aanvulling und verhooging der begrooting van uitgaven van Nederlandsch-Indie vor den dienstjaar 1902. Memorie van antwoord. Ingezonden bij letter of 11 February 1902, No. 6. o. O. 1902] (print) - Zitting 1901 - 1902. Aanvulling und verhooging der begrooting van uitgaven van Nederlandsch-Indie vor den dienstjaar 1902. Verlag, Nr. 7. o. O. [1902] (print) - Seminar for Oriental Languages. Weekly timetable for the aspirants of the Imperial Colonial Service. Summer semester 1903 [Berlin] [1903] (print) - Regulation for the officers called in at Reich expense by the High Command of the Schutztruppen to take part in the lectures in the Oriental Seminary (according to the status of 29. semester 1903 [Berlin] [1903] (print) - Regulation for the officers called in at Reich expense by the High Command of the Schutztruppen to take part in the lectures in the Oriental Seminary). June 1903) - Instructions for officers visiting the Oriental Seminar at their own expense with the agreement of the High Command of the Schutztruppen (as of 29 June 1903) - Regulations for officers called in at Reich expense by the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t , Colonial Department to teach Oriental Languages at the Seminar for Oriental Languages pp. (as at 3 November 1903) - Instructions for officials visiting the Seminar for Oriental Languages at their own expense with the agreement of the Colonial Department of the Federal Foreign Office pp. (as of 3 November 1903).