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Archival description
Assistant seminar in Gaub
RMG 2.647 · File · 1908-1919
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station s. RMG 2.529 a; Die Seminarfrage, Referat, Kurt Nowack, 21 p., hektograph, 1908; Korrespondenz zur Seminargründung, Bewilligung d. Mittel, Schulbetrieb, 1910-1913; Quarterly, Annual and Conference Reports, 1911-1914; Hausordnung d. Gewilfenschule, ca. 1911; Sonderinstruktion für Ludwig Christian Cosmus, 1912; "Spruchweisheit d. Herero", by Heinrich Vedder? 15 p., ms., 1912; Visitation Questionnaire, 1912; Excerpt from the accounts book of the municipality of Gaub, 1919;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.613 a-d · File · 1871-1920
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1874-1919 in Otjimbingue, Otjikango, Omburo, Omaruru; Letters, travel and war reports, 1871-1920; Fieldpost letters from the time of the French campaign, 1871; Reports from the sea voyage to Capstadt and Walfishbay, 1873; A visit in d. Grootkloof, contribution for "Kleinen Missionsfreund", 1874; copy of e. Briefwechselels with Captain Abraham Zwartbooi, 1880; J. P. Reinhard (former blacksmith in Otjimbingue) to Peter Friedrich Bernsmann because of foster daughter Johanne Bernsmann (born 1880), 1888; Map d. "Hererolandes", M. 1: 1.250000 with marked routes and driving times for oxen, c. 1888; station reports of Otjimbingue, 1886-1888; station reports of Otjikango, 1888-1890; station reports of Omburo, 1890-1895; report of e. Journey to Ondjiva in Oukuanjama (Amboland), 1891; station report on Omburo by Traugott Kauapirura, 1891-1892; report by Asher Mutjinde on behalf of the chief Manasse Tjiseseta about his conversion, 1893; Manasse Tjiseseta to Dr. August Schreiber, contains proclamation about corn trade, 1895; Two bundles of letters from missionary Eduard Dannert and family from Omaruru, Otjimbingue and Stellenbosch, 1895-1899; private letters by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann to inspectors d. RMG, 1890-1900; Teacher Gustav Kamatoto to RMG, 1899; Speech by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann: "How can it be explained that our evangelists and school teachers have so far met little of the cherished expectations", 4 p. ms. hectographed, 1902; private action by the merchant E. Langenberg, Ombuiro against Peter Friedrich Bernsmann for insulting him, 1904; report about the black miner in the gold mines of Pretoria u. near Johannesburg, 1905; description of Herero dances with music examples, 1907; contribution by Peter Friedrich Bernsmann for e. Schullesebuch: Die natives Deutsch-Südwestafrikas u. d. Beginnings ihrer Geschichte, with the chapters:; Die Bastards; Die Herero; Die Naman; Die Bergdamara; Die Ambo, 23 S. ms.., 1914; in 1,613 c also: Eduard Heinrich Gustav Dannert, (1849-1924), see RMG 1,615;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.594 a-c · File · 1862-1881, 1882-1887, 1888-1904
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1863-1889 in Otjimbingue, Otjikango, from 1880 Augustineum, from 1889 Stellenbosch; Letters and diary reports, 1862-1904; Short news about the Augustinstift in Africa, Missionary Peter Heinrich Brincker, 10 p., Dr., 1880; Essay: "Proof that our Herero mission has not yet reached a dead end", ms, 1882; Essay: "Thoughts at the baptism of adults and their children in Otjimbingue", ms., 1882; Memorandum, concerning the Herero mission, 1886; Memorandum, concerning the housing of our brothers and sisters from Ovamboland and possibly emeritus missionaries, 1899; Verzeichnis d. Writings of Peter Heinrich Brincker, 1894

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.569 · File · 1902-1934
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missionary Sister, 2nd wife of Missionary Gottlieb Viehe, 1902-1911 music teacher and catechist in Okahandja, Otjikango and De Doorns, see also RMG 1.603-1.604; correspondence, among others about her experiences during the Herero Uprising (1904), 1902-1913 1925-1931; death announcement and data from her life, 1934;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.603 a-f · File · 1866-1902
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1866-1901 in Otjimbingue, Omaruru (Okozondke), Okahandja (Augustineum), Clara Viehe, née Rothe was a missionary sister; letters and reports, from 1890 half-yearly, cash and annual reports of the Augustineum; contributions to the "Little Missionary Friend"; copies of correspondence with representatives of the. German colonial government; copies of correspondence with Catholic missionaries, 1879; copy e. Treaty with Samuel Maharero on grazing rights and property of the RMG, 1894; manuscripts:; Customs of the Ovaherero after the birth e. Child, 1879; The Mountain Damra in Hereroland as object of the RMG. Mission, 1883; The indigenous Christians, after their spiritual life and moral behaviour, 1884; Die Herero, 1886; Gemeinde-, Kirchen- u. Synodalordnung für d. Evangelische Missionskirche im Hereroland, 1887; Die Missionstätigkeit Pauli und ihre Anwendung im Gebiete unserer Hereromission, 1891; Reiseberichte:; Bericht über e. Journey to Kaoko, with individual reports about Omaruru, Franzfontein, Okombahe, Otjombuina, 1893; report about e. Journey to Otavi, 1894; letters of Clara Viehe, née Rothe about her husband's death, 1901; The latest fights of Hendrik Witbooi against Herero, 1891

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.615 a-d · File · 1871-1915, 1927
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1875-1911 in Omburo, Omaruru, re-emigration 1914-1915 to Tenerife, after months of imprisonment back to Germany, home service, cf. also RMG 1.613 c; letters, annual reports, station reports, travel reports, 1871-1915; essays:; Eine Totenfeier bei d. Ovaherero, 1876; Kirche u. Gottesdienst auf Omburo, 1877; Allerlei von allerlei Kindern in d. Heidenwelt, 1879; Report on a preaching trip to the north of Hereroland, 1879. North of Hereroland, 1880; Reports from Omburo by Mrs. Emilie Bernsmann, née Westkott, 1891; Letter from Cornelius Zwartbooi, 1891; Letter from Chief Juda Mungunda, 1893; Private letters, also from female family members, to Insp. Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker, 1886-1902; essay: The Bergdamra Mission, 1892; reports on the Herero uprising, 1904; obituary for Mrs. Auguste Dannert, née Dahl, 1927;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Diehl, Philipp (1837-1920)
RMG 1.606 a-c · File · 1868-1918
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1868-1920 in Okahandja, Usakos; Reports & Letters, 1868-1918; Notes about the first baptism on Okahandja, Jan. 1873; Short history of: Jonker Afrikaner, as he met Damras, March 1873; station reports by Okahandja, 1888-1893; letters to and from missionary Peter Heinrich Brincker, 1888 1890; copy of correspondence with commissioner Nels u. Maharero Tjamuaha, 1890; Report of the Evangelist Elia Kandirikirira, 1891; Presentation: "Is it appropriate that Christians won by evangelists gather in parishes or return to their relatives", 6 pages, hs., 1891; Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Viehe: Opinion on Herero land sales, 1887; Report on the increase in Herero's impoverishment through robbery, request for ideas from the German government, 1902; Reports on the Herero Uprising, 1904; Contract on the sale of land in Windhoek to the German tax authorities, 1904; Loss of property of the Mission and others, 1904; Contract for the purchase of the so-called "Borchard House" in Otjimbingue to Philipp Diehl, 1908; deed of donation of 5,000 marks from Philipp Diehl to Mission, 1912; congratulatory letter and laudatory speech for Philipp Diehl on his 50th ordination anniversary, 1918

Rhenish Missionary Society
Diehl, Philipp (1837-1920)
RMG 1.607 · File · 1857-1904
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Estate of Hermine Diehl, née Schmidt (1841-1879):; Curriculum vitae and obituary of her mother Regine Barbara Schmidt, née Krönlein, died 1857; diary of Hermine Diehl, née Schmidt, 1857-1868; correspondence of and. with relatives, 1857-1868; Letters from Philipp Diehl to his bride Hermine Schmidt, 1869-1871; Letter from Inspectors Ludwig von Rohden, Dr. Friedrich Fabri and Dr. August Schreiber, 1869-1887; Condolences on the death of his wife Hermine Diehl, née Schmidt von Verwandten u. Amtsbrüdern, et al. also by Johanna Muneze (in Herero), 1879; correspondence from and with siblings and relatives, among others with Johann Georg Krönlein, uncle of Hermine Diehl, née Schmidt, 1879-1904; letter to his second wife, Amalia Diehl, née Skoglund, 1882; Dr. Hoepfner because of copper mines, confidential letter u. Answer, 1883; Business correspondence with Bernhard Pilgram and Friedrich Kämpfer, 1880-1884; Missionary Peter Heinrich Brincker and Missionary Eich an Diehl, 1886-1887; Diary of Philipp Diehl, 1880-1884; Letter copy book of Philipp Diehl, 1877-1888

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.645 a-b · File · 1906-1926
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Plans for e. Industrial School in Bethanien by Tobias Fenchel, 1906; School regulations for mission schools in the area of the Herero Conference; a) by Johannes Olpp, pag. 263, 1908; b) Manuscript by Karl Friedrich Wandres, Heinrich Vedder, Kurt Nowack, 1910; c) Dr., 54 p.., 1910; Proposals for boy handicraft lessons in mission schools, by August Elger, 1910; Establishment and operation of a secondary school in Windhoek, by Kurt Nowack, 1911; Das Windhoeker Missionsschulwesen, Abtlg. Volksschulen, by Kurt Nowack, 1912; Verhandlungen wegen staatlicher Unterstützung d. Missionsschulen, 1913-1914; Schulgesetz betr. d. Schulen für Nicht-Europäer, 1921; "Das Schulwesen d. Südafrikanischen Union u. d. Missionsschulen in Südwestafrika", by Heinrich Vedder, 24 p.., ms. 1921; Schulgesetz für Südwestafrika (Dr. in Amtsblatt No. 207), 1926; 120 weekly sentences for use in schools (in Herero), by Heinrich Vedder?, issue, 30 p., ms., not published

Rhenish Missionary Society
Eich, Frederick (1843-1919)
RMG 1.540 a · File · 1870-1883
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1872-1884 Otjizewa, 1888-1891 Bogadjim, 1893-1919 in Cape Town, Praeses of Cape Mission 1895-1907; South West Africa:; Contains: Letters and reports mainly from Otjizewa, 1870-1883; Note: in it also letters (copies) of the captain: Jan Jonker Afrikaner, David Christian and Moses Witbooi; Report: "defeat and victory of Ovaherero on Otjikango", 1880

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.660 · File · 1901-1907
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Shepherd's letter to Herero Christian communities, 1902; Letter (copy) by Samuel Maharero to Major Leutwein, 1904; Call for Entry and Statutes of the "German Society for the Protection of Natives", Dr., c. 1913; Report by Joh. Neitz, Berliner Mission, von e. Reise zu Samuel Maharero in Groenfontein/Transvaal, 11 p., hs., 1907;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.501 a · File · 1908-1935
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Amraal's tribe, abandoned from 1880-1907, Farm Gobabis s. RMG 2.547; annual and conference reports, by missionary Jakob Friedrich Johann Irle and others, 1908-1935; Chronology of Gobabis 1855-1910, pag. 1, ca. 1910; Reports of mission colonist Oskar Emil August Gerlach, 1908-1909; visitation report, picture postcard, 1911; report to OKR in Berlin about work on d. Gobabis district, 1911; Gobabis, report, Jakob Friedrich Johann Irle about his 25 years there, 1931; About Amral Lambert's life, the mission station Wesley Vale and Gobabis and the Mbanderu until about 1896, Jakob Friedrich Johann Irle, 10 p. ms, o. J.

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.759 b · File · 1938-1970
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Korrespondenz u. Berichte,  1938-1957; Der große Einsame in d. Wüste, Aquarell, von Luise (Liesel) Hohl, 1938; Linolschnitte von Rosa Johannette Römer, geb. Huppert , 1938; Spruchkarten in Nama u. Herero, 1938; Entwurf für Deckel e. Dankopferbüchse, farbig, 1938; Missionsvorträge über Südwestafrika, gehalten in Detmold u. Lemgo, je 5 S. ms., 1949; Korrespondenz, Aquarelle, 1961-1970; [Zeichnungen im Historischen Bildarchiv];

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.605 a-e · File · 1869-1960
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1868-1903 in Otjikango, Okahandja, Otjosazu, from 1903 home service, from 1915 parish office; letters and reports from work with the Hereros, 1869-1903; annual reports, cash reports of the Otjosazu station, 1872-1903; manuscript: "Die Oupanga d. Ovaherero", 1891; reports by the evangelists Paul, Gottlieb and Manasse, 1893; private letters, also from Mrs. Hedwig Irle, née von Rohden, to the inspectors at the mission house, 1893. Inspectors in the mission house, 1890-1902; reports from the work in the home service, 1905-1922; correspondence of the RMG with members of the Irle family, 1922-1960; letter from Gottlieb Murangi, Windhoek, to Mrs. Hedwig Irle, née von Rohden, 1930;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.644 a-c · File · 1892-1965
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1898-1945 in Okazewa, Otjimbingue, Omburo, Omaruru, see RMG 1.482 estate; letters and reports, private letters, 1898-1945; curriculum vitae, application, certificates, recommendations, 1892; seven weeks under d. Insurgent Hereros, report, March 1904; marginal notes on the Herero War, critical statement, May 1904; Our Herero Christians in the War Camps, May 1904; The Lie in the Herero War, June 1904; August Kuhlmann's request for pardon from the Hereros, reply by Trothas to this, Febr. 1905; Report about peace mediation attempts in Otjimbingue, Febr. 1905; Supplements to "Windhoeker Nachrichten" with attacks against mission, June 1905; Report about the prisoner on the shark island near Lüderitzbucht, Aug. 1905; Report about the work in Karibib and at the prisoners of war at the Otavi Railway, Aug. 1905; Reports from the collection camps for Hereros in Omburo, 1906; leaflet "Three Christmas in German Southwest Africa", Dr., 1904-1906; Lecture: "What can and must happen to follow the scattered heathens and Christians", 11 p., hectographed, 1909; Lecture: "Zur Psychologie d. Glaubenslebens unserer afrikanischen Christen", 14 p., ms., 1913; Lecture: "Das Problem d. christlichen Ehe unter d. afrikanischen Heidenchristen", n. J.; Correspondence with Mrs. Elisabeth Kuhlmann, née Dannert u. Familie, 1946-1965

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.635 a · File · 1841-1967
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Oldest travel reports of the RMG about Southwest Africa (transcript from the Monatsblatt d. Norddeutscher Missionsgesellschaft, 2. Jg., p. 146-155), 8 p., ms., double available, 1841; extracts from letters of Friedr. Simon Eggert, Scheppmansdorf, ms.., 1859-1868; Request of Jonas and Jacobus Boois to Franz Heinrich Kleinschmidt for e. Missionary (2 original letters, afrikaans), 1861; Peter Heinrich Brincker: I. Die Ovaherero, II. Die Missionsarbeit unter d. Herero, 90 p., hs, 1876; Defense of the defamation of Dr. Theophil Hahn against the Damra missionaries, deputation of the RMG, Dr., 1884; Hendrik Witbooi's request to Inspector Dr. August Schreiber for e. Missionary (Original, afrikaans), 1895; Hendrik Witbooi's request to Francois for ammunition and rifles, (copy), 1893; P. Kunze, Sülldorf, about Hendrik Witbooi, 1906; Die Geschichte d. "Kowese volk" written down by e. members of the people themselves in Afrikaans, 8 p., hs. u. Kopie, N. N., no year; suggestions for missionary work in South West Africa, by Heinrich Vedder, 19 p., ms., c. 1910; excerpt from "Beitrag zur Geschichte d. Kowesi-Stammes, 1897", Johannes Olpp, 7 p., 1906; overview of the work of the RMG in "Deutsch-Südwestafrika", 1903; "Die Religion d. Herero", August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, with remarks by Jakob Friedrich Johann Irle, 20 p., ms, 1912; The situation of the indigenous people of South Africa in social and political relations, (S.-Abdr. from "Mitteilungen aus d. deutschen Schutzgebieten", 34th vol., H. 1), Prof. Dr. G. Knothe, 1926

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.635 b · File · 1841-1967
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

The missionary work in Southwest Africa according to the annual reports of 1949; Der künstliche Abortus bei d. Herero u. Ovambo, N. N., o. J.; Arigene Religion u. Christentum, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, o. J.; Foreign - and yet at the heights of Christianity, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, o. J.; As under d. Church of the Urafrikans, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n.d.; The "Old Holy Book" in Africa, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n.d.; Visiting d. Hei-//om (Buschschläfern), Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1936; Unter d. Buschmännern in Südwestafrika, Alfred Unterkötter, 1936; Ein Dankopfer, Friedrich Hermann Rust, no year; Der heute Stand d. Missionsarbeit im Waterberg-Reservat, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1936; Death Sunday in Swakopmund, Heinrich Johann Brockmann, 1937; Abendmahl u. Orunjara bei d. Herero, Friedrich Pönnighaus, n. J.; Comfort in the African earth sorrow, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n. J.; The natives of Southwest Africa, Heinrich Vedder? o. J.; Unterwegs (im Ochsenwagen), by Friedrich Pönnighaus, o. J.; Zur Frage d. finanz Selbstständmachung unserer Gemeinden oder wie erziehehehe ich meine Gemeinde zum finanz Selbstständigkeit, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1937; Ist finanzielle Selbstständmachung unserer Gemeinden in Südwestafrika möglich, u. wie?, Karl Schmitz, 1937; Zu d. Bericht d. Bruder's Karl Sckär über Ehescheidung, Johannes Georg Heinrich Heinrich Olpp, 1929; Ist d. Ausbau unserer Missionskonferenz zu e. Synod required and possible, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1937; Annunciation in the Mix of Nations of Southwest Africa, Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; The Battle with the Holy Fire, Friedrich Pönnighaus 1935; The Holy Fire (The Sacrificial Altar of Herero = okuruuo), Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; Hurus, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1932; "On African Travelling Routes", N.N..., Windhoek, 1934; World and world view of Bergdama in Southwest Africa, Heinrich Vedder, without year; Unter d. Betschuanen, Friedrich Pönnighaus, without year; Remarks to the Lecture by Pg Reinbeck on the activities of the Pagan Mission in South West Africa, Mission Director J. Warneck, 1935; Die Akazien unseres Landes, Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; The trees and shrubs of the District of Windhoek (excluding the Akazien), Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; Which duties does the Protestant Germany in South West Africa have? ca. 1910; The Jackal and the Leopard, e. Märchen aus Südwestafrika, Heinrich Vedder, without year; Das Volk hinter d. Berge, Wilhelm Loeber, 1937; A strange Christmas message, Wilhelm Loeber, o. J.; And new life blooms from the ruins, Wilhelm Loeber, no year; house building in the Heidenland (Ovamboland), N. N.?, no year; The Chief's Hunt (Mandume), N. N.., n. J.; Rasse u. Mission in Südwestafrika, N. N., ca. 1935; Between War and Crisis: On the 125th Anniversary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in South-West Africa (Rheinische Missionskirche), press release by RMG, Werner Andreas Wienecke, 1967; Südwestafrika - e. zweites Kongo?, newspaper article, General-Anzeiger Wuppertal, 08.04.1967;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Long, Ferdinand (1862-1918)
RMG 1.631 a-b · File · 1891-1919, 1942
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1892-1918 in Otjihaena, Gaub, Tsumeb; Letters, quarterly and station reports, 1891-1918; private letters to inspectors of the RMG, 1892-1900; letter from and contract with chief Kahimemua, 1892; printed municipal journal "Omahunge" in Herero language by Ferdinand Lang, 1900; application to d. Imperial Gouvernement in Windhoek for establishing 4 locations, 1902; medical testimony for Mrs. Maria Lang, née Müller, 1904; justification of Ferdinand Lang against accusations by missionary Friedrich Hermann Rust, 1906; legal dispute with the Otavi Mine and Railway Company, 1913; report by daughter Lydia Lang about the death of her parents, 1918; correspondence with the children Lang, 1942;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.634 a-c · File · 1931-1939, 1947-1956, 1957-1963, 1964-1967
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Draft e. Agreement between the NGK (Ring Gibeon), the Finnish Mission and the RMG on the mission under the contractovambos in the police zone, 1947; curriculum vitae (copy) of Hildegard Redecker, 1951; minutes of the extraordinary meeting with the Herero foremen and church elders of the Herero community in Omaruru, 1955;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.657 · File · 1901-1965
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1901-1928 in Okahandja, Windhoek; Letters and Reports, 1901-1928; Curriculum Vitae (copy) of Emma Meier, née Ermshaus, 1904; Die Schreckenstage in Okahandja, Jan, Febr. 1904; inquiry about the semi-white children in Windhoek, 1904; report about e. trip to Gobabis, 1907; report about Windhoek police measures, 1909; ray of hope in the work e. Herero missionaries, Okahandja, n. J.; communication of the "Woermann-Linie" about the death of Friedrich A. Meier on board the steamer "Muansa" and burial in Monrovia, 1928; obituary for Friedrich A. Meier, 1928; letter (copy) of Hereros Gustav Kamatoto to Emma Meier, mourning for her father Friedrich A. Meier, 1929; correspondence with family Meier, 1928-1965;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.619 · File · 1922-1928
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Reply of the Deputation; circular letter as "Shepherd's Letter" of the Conference to their parishes, 1926; Conference of the Rhenish Missionary Sisters, Protocol, 1927; Church Elders of Rehoboth to the Conference Members, 1927; "Mother Barmen to her children" in Herero and Namaland, Letter for the 100th birthday of the RMG, 1928

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.621 · File · 1910-1934
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

A visit to the Finnish missionaries in Ondonga and in our former field of work Oukuanjama, Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, c. 1930; International Unifying Force of the Gospel (Hereros in Betschuanaland), H. Pfitzinger in Ramoutsa, South Africa, c. 1932; The problem of Christian marriage among the Southwest African heathen Christians, 1922; About d. Insufficiency of the religious education of our inborn helpers and the demands arising therefrom, Heinrich Vedder, 1911; Zur Psychologie d. Glaubenslebens unserer afrikanischen Christen, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, 1913; Was d. Südwestafrikanische Aufstand d. RMG nahm und gab, Johannes Spiecker, o. J. 1911/12]; Die geistliche Bedienung d. Christen u. d. Unterweisung d. Heiden auf d. Farmen u. Eisenbahn-stationen, Friedrich A. Meier, 1922; Die Bedeutung d. RMG für d. Kolonisation Deutsch-Südwestafrikas, o. J.; Cooperation of indigenous Christian women, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann with Note von Schw. Lina Stahlhut, 1913; How must our and the evangelists preaching be in today's time? August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, 1912; What can we do to prevent the increase of great sins in our churches? Nikodemus Kido, 1912; Die Seelsorge in unseren Gemeinden, Friedrich Peter Bernsmann, 1911; Gründen d. gegen d. Einrichtung e. Zentralkasse sprechen, Friedrich A. Meier, Adolf Blecher, 1912; Die Zentralkasse, ihr für u. wieder, ist sie zeitgegemäß und wie könnte d. Einrichtung getroffen werden? Wilhelm Eich, 1911; Das Lehrverfahren im Muttersprachunterricht auf d. Unterstufe (Hereroland), Kurt Nowack, 1910; Leitsätze zur Reform unseres Missions-Schulwesens (Schulreform Hereroland), Karl Friedrich Wandres, Heinrich Vedder, Kurt Nowack, 1910; Our position and our behaviour towards our indigenous staff, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, Note by Johannes Warneck, 1934; Which methods and which goal must we pursue in the education of our indigenous assistants? Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1928; Practical proposals for the establishment and operation of the seminar to be established, Heinrich Vedder, 1910; How do we have to deal with the Roman mission and its work, Karl Friedrich Wandres, 1910; The necessity of the education of our natives to work illuminated from the Christian and social standpoint, Heinrich Johann Brockmann, 1910; (The file is enclosed);

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.611 · File · 1851-1877
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station, annual and travel reports; joint letters, among others by Carl Hugo Hahn, Johannes Rath, Franz Heinrich Kleinschmidt and others; reply by the deputation; report on peace negotiations on Schmelens Verwachting (Okahandja), 1870; detailed information on the peace negotiations in the region. Explanatory notes on the Mission Trade Society, 1871; Communication by Carl Hugo Hahn on his resignation from the RMG, 1872; Decisions on the Church Constitution and on the German Constitution for the Church Forms, 1873; Carl Hugo Hahn's statements on this and linguistic changes 1874 1875; Reports, by Daniel Cloete from 1873; Statistics, Status: May 1876; Über d. Gottes- u. Opferbegriff d. Herero, Referat, C. Heinrich Beiderbecke, 43 p., hs., 1877; Schulordnung für d. Schulen im Bereich d. sog. Herero-Konferenz, 1877; Instruction for teachers trained in the Augustinum, 1877

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.613 · File · 1885-1892
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station reports; concepts of replies d. Deputation; Presentations:; The marriage gift and child rearing of our Christian Herero, Freerk Meyer, 12 p., hs., 1885; Is it tunlich in our Hereromission d. previous strict practice in relation to polygamy to let go and d. by Inspector Dr. Schreiber proposed milder practice to introduce, after the process on Sumatra, Nias

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.622 · File · 1846, 1854-1875
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station and annual reports, from 1873; Deputation's reply, from 1874; Protocols of the Nama and Herero Conferences, 1856 and 1858; List of materials, commodities and goods urgently needed from Europe, 1846; Peace Agreement between David Christian, Paul Goliath, Kido Witbooi and Barnabas, deputation to Christian chiefs for rubbish d. Barnabas, 1867; Letter of thanks from Zachäus Isaak, 1868; Lectures on lectures given at the conference, 1869; School and church visitation report from Gibeon, 1871; School and church visitation report from Warmbad, 1871; Request um e. Laden (Winkel) auf Berseba by David Christian, 1871; Johann Georg Krönlein on Missions-Handelsgesellschaft, 12 p. h. hs, 1871; Johannes Olpp on the Missionary Trading Society, 16 p. hs., 1871

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.627 · File · 1914, 1920-1938
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Supplements to d. Minutes; Deputation reply; Emil Karl Laaf's presentation on the furnishing of mission stations by the mission leadership, 1914; What can happen to revitalize our churches? Lecture, Karl Sckär, 1926; Estimate of the General Treasury for the Herero and Nama Mission, 1928; "To Our Children", thank-you letter of the deputation to Nama-Christen churches (Nama and German), 1928; Lecture on behaviour towards indigenous employees, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1934; Lecture on the future of Steinthal, Wilhelm Holzapfel, 1938;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.519 · File · 1898-1906
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

from 1906 unoccupied, farm s. RMG 2.559; Conference and Station Reports, by Ferdinand Lang, 1898-1903; Reports of local teachers and evangelists: Manasse Pujatura, Willibald Kerijaa, Urbanus Kerija, Julius Kauraisa and Ephraim Kaatutuka, 1901; Visitation Report, 1906; Reports by Wilhelm Emil Jakob Diehl about the Herero collection point Otjihaenena and its transfer to Okomitombe near Gobabis, 1906;

Rhenish Missionary Society