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Archival description
Chief farmstead in Madschame
ALMW_II._BA_A3_821 · Item · 1913-1938
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Guth?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,7 X 8,4. Description: Abdieli pussy and European, i. background wide. Person at hedge fence, dog, left house European style and right hut (see 820).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Chief Mareale of Marangu
ALMW_II._BA_A9_55(8) · Item · 1900-1914
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 4,9 X 7,0 Description: Mareale standing in front of his palace, already older, wrapped in cloth. Reference: Cf. print templates sample book, No Ve/85, Neg. A 43, Auf. 382, Diap. a.III 59(10.61) (16,6 X 12,0) "Our Marthyrer tomb at Meru", retouched.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A4_639 · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 7,6 X 7,6. Description: before trad. round. House (walls made of braided branches, roof made of plant fibres), chief sitting in the middle. (m. Fez), 7 women, m. Cloths dressed, 8 children different Age groups. Reference: See the estate of Leonhard Blumer, No. 612 (10.7 X 8.2) "July 1928. Bell of Seliau. The newly arrived bell (from Europe) is carried from the Aruscha mission station to the Seliau outpost."

Leipziger Missionswerk
Chief Selenkia in Mamba
ALMW_II._BA_DV_Ii/653,Neg.A71(1) · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,7 X 12,3. description: chief with Kanzu, jacket and hat, right beside him European, both sitting, behind them 34 men and 2 boys in semicircle, clothed with scarves (1 of them dressed europ.) sitting/standing, behind them round house of plant fibres (Chagga?, East Kilimanjaro design?) and bananas; see artwork pattern book Ii / 654: almost identical.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A3_1466 · Item · 1927-1938
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Guth?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 5,5 X 5,6 Description: Boys sitting in a row on the lawn, other listeners in the background, right round house with roof made of plant fibres.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Children playing in Moschi
ALMW_II._BA_DV_If/XIII · Item · 1900-1914
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 12,4 X 8,9. Description: Man and woman on bench before trad. Chaggahaus (from grass, East Kilimanjaro construction) sitting, she European dress, he patterned cloth, in front 2 small children (European clothes, bananas in the background.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Children's school in Mamba
ALMW_II._BA_A4_470 · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 8,6 X 5,7. Description: House with stone walls and roof made of palm fibre, children sitting on meadow, nurse(Gesine) in the middle of the children; Cf. print templates sample book, No IV/ 560 "Kindererschule in Mamba. Schw. Gesine" (almost identical motif).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Christian hotel in Same
ALMW_II._BA_A3_1190 · Item · 1927-1938
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Guth?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,9 X 8,0. Description: Sign "Native Hotel Esau Same" Small house with tiled roof, next to it small house with grass roof, some men in front of the hotel.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Christmas 1921
ALMW_II._BA_A19_385 · Item · Dezember 1921
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Blumer?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,7 X 7,5. Description: a group of Africans with partly European clothes, rectangular house with roof made of plant fibres. Remark: a little dark. Reference: Cf. album 19, no. 382. Cf. N. Bl., Number 759.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A4_656 · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 8,8 X 7,6. Description: with Chaggahaus. Reference: Cf. print templates sample book, No VII/484, Diap. 450 (9,8 X 15,1) "Campaign girl with necklace made of iron wire chains, 3 strings of glass beads and 7 shells", strongly retouched.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Collapsed mud house
ALMW_II._BA_A8_27(127) · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,6 X 7,6. Description: only parts of the wooden frame are left. Reference: Cf. print templates sample book, No Ic/578, Auf. 316, No 80 (15,8 X 11,9) "Dschaggakrieger mit Keulen und Speeren".

Leipziger Missionswerk
Cottage in Moschi
ALMW_II._BA_DV_IIi/42 · Item · 1895-1905
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,1 X 9,8. Description: Chagga, house - East Kilimanjaro style: round, pointed, made of grass, in the banana grove, in front of the entrance 3 children set up (clothed with cloths). Remark: faded.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A10_31(150) · Item · 1909-1914
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Hohlfeld?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,5 X 11,0 Description: trad. House made of grass (East Kilim type), before that 8 African men, Europeans (hollow field?) m. Dog and goats, 1 boy in background (missionary sitting). Reference: planfilmneg. and cardboard no. 195 in negative box 2 prints.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Dschagga huts
ALMW_II._BA_A7_19(319) · Item · 1901-1910
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photographer: Schanz?. Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,1 X 8,3 Description: 2 houses, 1 storage hut (Ost-Kilim.-Bauweise), behind banana grove, in front children's group.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Dschagga landscape
ALMW_II._BA_A6_14(164) · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,5 X 7,5. Description: Hilly landscape, light banana grove and trad. about tapering. House (covered with grass: East Kilim. construction method).

Leipziger Missionswerk
Equipping an ox cart
ALMW_II._BA_A8_2(102) · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,5 X 7,5. Description: at the ox cart 3 Europeans, 7 Africans (partly europ. cl.), i. background house with roof made of plant fibres.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Estland Reval, 1925
ALMW_II._BA_A20_782 · Item · 1925
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,1 X 8,4. Description: Group picture in front of a house, 14 persons, among them Mrs. Blumer and the 3 children Blumers.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Evangelism, miss. asset
ALMW_II._BA_A3_1056 · Item · 1927-1938
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 11,7 X 8,7. Description: Crowd before trad. Parehaus and rectangle. House (covered with plant fibres), including 2 Europeans (1 of which Guth) and African youths with wind instruments. Reference: Plate and cardboard No. 75 in negative box ( 2 prints).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_DV_IIh/35 · Item · 1900-1914
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 15,5 X 10,0. Description: Chagga, 2 houses (East Kilimanjaro construction: covered with grass), right. 2 open roofs of plant fibres with rectangular ground plan, hedge fence, bananas in the background, 4 persons in the homestead distributed standing (with cloths, European garments, Kanzu).

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_DV_Vf/49 · Item · 1925-1938
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 7,8 X 8,2. Description: Gutmann with african. Man, path bordered with borders, left traditional Chaggahaus (East Kilimanjaro construction: grass), left rectangular house ( stone walls, roof made of plant fibres). Remark: retouched.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Filipo (Njau) with family
ALMW_II._BA_DV_Ig/XIX · Item · ohne Datum
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 10,1 X 8,0. Description: in front of house with stone walls, the above-mentioned and his wife sitting, around them 7 children of different ages. Age.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_A4_992 · Item · 1926-1940
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 9,0 X 6,1. Description: above mentioned missionary (? or the evangelist mentioned in another photo) sitting on a chair (in front of Maasai group), in the foreground bell-house, on the right house with mud walls; almost identical with the print templates of the sample book, no. IIb/ 34.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_EF_123 · Item · 1900-1914
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Photo type: repro photo. Format: 14,0 X 9,0. Description: in front of house on stone with plant fibre roof, group of African people with European clothes, Kanzu, 1 with trousers and jacket, bananas behind. Reference: See single photo no. 117 (10.8 X 8.0).

Leipziger Missionswerk
First Mission House in Mamba
ALMW_II._BA_DV_IIi/665,Neg.A82,Auf.400 · Item · 1900-1912
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,8 X 11,9. Description: House: plastered walls, surrounding veranda, corrugated iron roof, garden, in it african. Boy standing, clothed, vegetable garden in front. Remark: Published..: Miss Bl. 1912, Number Four.

Leipziger Missionswerk
ALMW_II._BA_DV_IIb/407,Auf.280 · Item · 1900-1909
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Photo. Format: 16,5 X 10,2 Description: 3 houses, 2 of them with stone walls and roof made of plant fibres, standing in front of a house boards leaning, in front garden, in it standing 2 missionaries, 1 african. Man with mule, another mule in the background. Remark: Published..: Sheet 1909, No 5.

Leipziger Missionswerk
Furt in Moschi
ALMW_II._BA_PK_4_P2 · Item · 1900-1904
Part of Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig

Phototype: Postcard (colored). Format: 14,0 X 9,0. Description: rectangular houses with plant fiber roofs under trees, fence of sticks, 2 goats, several persons in front of and next to the front house. Remark: Bookshop of the Berlin Mission Society, Berlin N0 43, Georgenkirchstr. 70, Series 4: O/ A.

Leipziger Missionswerk