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Archival description
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VIII. HA, Slg. Schulz, E., Nr. 37 · File · o.D.
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Born, geometer in Sonnenburg, deputy of the country Sternberg to the Prussian National Assembly, 1848 - Carl Herrlich (1822 - 1901), rendant of the Ballei Brandenburg of the Johanniterorden - Peter Joseph Lenné (1789 - 1866), designer of the garden at the Johanniterordenskrankenhaus in Sonnenburg 1856 - Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781 - 1841), was involved in the new building of the tower of the Johanniterordenskirche in Sonnenburg 1816 - 1818 - Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Solf (1862 - 1936), Governor of Deutsch-Samoa since 1900 - Wilhelm Voigt (1849 - 1922), alias "The Captain of Köpenick", convict in the Sonnenburg penitentiary - Heinrich Zille (1858 - 1929), draughtsman - Wilhelm Kube (1887 - 1943), Gauleiter and Commissioner General for White Ruthenia - Erich Schulz: Samoa - Governor with school years in Sonnenburg. In: Die neue Oder-Zeitung, Vol. 8, No. 2, May 1988 (printed) - Erich Schulz: Hauptmann von Köpenick 1867/79 in Sonnenburg. At that time he was young and not famous - Wilhelm Voigt "did many things" and died in 1922. In: Die neue Oder-Zeitung, Vol. 6, No. 4, November 1986 (printed) - Erich Schulz: Dr. Wilhelm Solf, last Imperial State Secretary of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t and first State Secretary of the Foreign Office of the Weimar Republic. April 1988 (manuscript, 3 p.) - Erich Schulz: Wilhelm Voigt, the "Captain of Köpenick" was also a "guest" at the Sonnenburg penitentiary. October 1986 (manuscript, 5 p.).

BArch, R 19 · Fonds · 1917-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: Established in June 1936 by Heinrich Himmler's decree as Reichsführer SS and Chief of the German Police; the Main Office was responsible for the administrative and protective police (including traffic and water police), the gendarmerie, the municipal and Feuerschutzpoli‧zei police, and the Technical Emergency Aid Long text: Overview of the internal official organization of the Main Office Ordnungspolizei The Law on the Reconstruction of the Reich of 30 June 1936 provides for a comprehensive overview of the internal administrative organization of the Main Office. Jan. 1934 (RGBl. I,75) the police sovereignty rights of the countries were transferred to the Reich. As a result, a police department (III) was established in the Reich Ministry of the Interior on May 1, 1934, which, after the merger of the Reich Ministry of the Interior with the Prussian Ministry of the Interior in November 1934, was united with the police department (II) of the latter. Organizationally, this development came to an end on 17 June 1936 with the appointment of Heinrich Himmler as "Reichsführer SS and Chief of the German Police in the Reich Ministry of the Interior" (RGBl. I,487). By decree of 26 June 1936 (MBliV, 946), the Reichsführer SS and Chief of the German Police divided his authority into the main offices of Ordnungspolizei and Sicherheitspolizei and subordinated them to their own bosses. The head of the Ordnungspolizei was Kurt Daluege, the former head of the police department of the Reich and Prussian Ministry of the Interior, who became ministerial director and SS-Obergruppenführer (most recently general colonel of the police and SS-Oberstgruppenführer). On 31 August 1943 he was replaced by the General of Police and Waffen-SS Alfred Wünnenberg (m.d.F.b.) until the end of the war. The administrative police, the protective police (including traffic and water police), the gendarmerie, the municipal police, the fire police and the technical emergency aid belonged to the department of the order police. The Main Office of the Ordnungspolizei was divided into "offices", of which there were initially only two: the Office of Administration and Law (VuR) and the Command Office (Kdo). The Administration and Law Office was responsible for handling all administrative police, legal and economic tasks of the entire Ordnungspolizei. Until the end of 1938, it was divided into departments, then into official groups, groups, sub-groups and subject areas. In the course of the organisational changes in the main office of the Ordnungspolizei it was dissolved in September 1943 (see below) and was headed by Ministerialdirektor Bracht until 1943. The command office dealt with all management and other general service matters of the order police. It was initially divided into offices and, since the end of 1940, into groups of offices according to the military model, etc. such as the Office of Administration and Law. From September 1943 there were special inspections at the Command Office for the technical fields of work (communication and motor vehicle systems, weapons and equipment) as well as for veterinary, air-raid protection and fire-fighting matters. The heads of the office were Lieutenant General von Bomhard (until October 1942), Lieutenant General Winkelmann (until March 1944), Major General Diermann (until July 1944) and Major General Flade (until May 1945). These two core offices of the Ordnungspolizei main office were joined by two other offices in the course of 1941. By circular decree of the Reichsführer SS and Chief of the German Police of 14 January 1941, the Colonial Police Office was established in preparation for the colonial deployment of the Ordnungspolizei. However, it lost its importance with the deterioration of the military situation in 1943 and was dissolved in March 1943 by order of the Führer. On 9 May 1941, the Fire Brigades Office was formed as the fourth office and on 30 December 1941, the Technical Emergency Assistance Office was formed as the fifth office in the Ordnungs- Polizei main office. Fundamental changes in the organization of the Ordnungspolizei main office occurred after Himmler's appointment as Reich Interior Minister (August 1943). With effect from 15 September 1943, the offices of Administration and Law, Fire Brigades and Technical Emergency Aid were dissolved. The tasks of the Office of Administration and Law were mainly transferred to the two new bodies, the Economic Administration Office and the Legal Office. However, the legal office was dissolved at the beginning of December 1943. The majority of his areas of work came to the Office of Economic Administration. By the end of the war, this office had essentially taken over the tasks and position of the old administration and law office again. Its chief became the SS-Obergruppenführer and general of the Waffen-SS and police August Frank from the SS-Wirtschaftsverwaltungshauptamt. Most of the areas previously dealt with by the Fire Brigades and Technical Emergency Aid Offices fell to the Command Office, parts also to the newly formed "Reichsämter" Volunteer Fire Brigades and Technical Emergency Aid. The designation "Reichsamt" expressed the special character of these organizations as public corporations. As an office directly subordinated to the head of the Ordnungspolizei, the Sanitäts-Amt, which was detached from the Kommando-Amt (Amtsgruppe III) on 1 Oct. 1944, is to be mentioned. Relocation measures during the war (For this and the following section compare: Jürgen Huck; alternative places and file fate of the main office Ordnungspolizei in the 2nd World War in: Neufeldt, Huck, Tessin: Zur Geschichte der Ordnungspolizei 1936 - 1945; Koblenz 1957) Until 1942, most of the Ordnungspolizei main office was housed in the old office building of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior in Berlin NW 7, Unter den Linden 72/74. In the course of the year 1942, the office administration and law was transferred to Berlin-Halensee, Kurfürstendamm 106/107. His successor, the Wirtschaftsverwaltungsamt, had to leave the building as a result of bombing and in February 1944 moved into an office building in Berlin-Lichterfelde, Unter den Eichen 126, together with the official groups I (Economy) and III (Accommodation) and the group "Personnel". The official group II (administration) sat in the barracks camp in Berlin-Zehlendorf, Potsdamer Chaussee, and the official group IV (supply and law) in the building Unter den Linden 72/74 until its dissolution in February 1944. At the end of March 1944, after parts of the group "Personal" and the official group II had already gone to Biesenthal, the entire economic administration office was transferred to the alternative camp "Heidenberg" near Biesenthal/Mark in the district of Oberbarnim. After the air raid of 23/24 November 1943 had severely damaged the building Unter den Linden 72/74, the Kommando Office was transferred to the barracks of the alternative camp "Paula" near Biesenthal in December 1943. Only the inspection L (Luftschutz) remained in the service building in Berlin, Schadowstraße 2, until April 20, 1945. The inspection Feuerschutzpolizei (in the Offiziersschule der Ordnungspolizei in Eberswalde), parts of the inspection Veterinärwesen (in Cottbus) and parts of the personnel groups (in the Offiziersschule der Ordnungspolizei in Berlin-Köpenick) were accommodated elsewhere. The group "War History" was transferred to the Waffenschule der Ordnungspolizei in Dresden-Hellerau in August 1943 and one year later to the castle of Prince Carl von Trauttmannsdorff in Bischofteinitz near Taus (Bohemia). On the other hand, the parts of the motor vehicle inspection initially transferred to Dresden were moved to Biesenthal in November 1944, so that this inspection was closed in the "Paula" camp until April 1945. In March 1945, the relocation to Potsdam-Babelsberg was ordered for the offices of the Chief of Ordnungspolizei in and around Berlin. As a result of the rushing war events, this and other projects (Suhl and Weimar) could not be carried out. At the end of March/beginning of April 1945 it was therefore decided to divide the main office of the Ordnungspolizei into a south and a north staff. The division of services between the two staffs is opaque. The mass, however, has been assigned to the south staff. In the 2nd half of April, the "Süd" task force moved to the officers' school of the Ordnungspolizei in Fürstenfeldbruck. A large part of his staff was dismissed here. On April 28, 1945, the miniaturized working staff drove to Eben/Achensee (Tyrol) and was captured by the Americans in mid-May 1945 in Rottach-Egern (Tegernsee). The "North" task force left Biesenthal on 18 April 1945, reached Flensburg via Lübeck at the beginning of May and was captured there by the English at the Harriesleefeld fire brigade school. Inventory description: Inventory history Reference: Koblenz Inventory Fate of the files of the Main Office Ordnungspolizei The mass of files of the Chief of Ordnungspolizei must be considered lost. The processes that led to this loss are still largely in the dark. We are relatively well informed about the fate of larger parts of the old registries of the Chief of the Ordnungspolizei, which mainly contained files of the former police departments of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior and the Reich Ministry of the Interior as well as those of the Prussian State Police dissolved in 1935/36, and about the files of the group "War History". The old registries of the Chief of the Ordnungspolizei were located in the so-called "Archive of the Main Office of the Ordnungspolizei", which was renamed "Aktenverwaltung des Hauptamtes Ordnungspolizei" from October 1941 on the objection of the General Director of the State Archives. During the war, the holdings of this file administration can be found in the service buildings Unter den Linden, Kurfürstendamm and Breitestraße. From 1941 to 1944, about 8,500 volumes of files from the police department registries of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior, taken over by the head of the Ordnungspolizei, were handed over to the Prussian Secret State Archives in Berlin-Dahlem. The Secret State Archives had for the most part outsourced these files to Central German mines. From there, together with the other outsourced holdings, they probably came to the Central State Archives II of the GDR in Merseburg. Files of unknown size of the police department of the Reich Ministry of the Interior, mainly through the Schutz- und Kriminalpolizei-, which had been taken over by the head of the Ordnungspolizei in 1936, arrived in 1941/42 from the Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei to the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam, where they were most probably destroyed by the air raid of 14./15. 4. 1945. The files of the Prussian State Police from 1933 to 1935, which were transferred to the Wehrmacht in 1935, appear to have been transferred to the Army Archives in Potsdam during the war. Here they were probably burned as a result of the air raid of April 1945. Far more incomplete than the old registries are our knowledge about the fate of the current registries at the Main Office Ordnungspolizei. At the end of the war the following registrations have to be proved: O - Adjutantur O - HB Head Office O - Jurist O - Kdo Adjutantur O - Kdo WF Weltanschauliche Führung O - Kdo Org/Ia Organisation, Einsatz, Führung O - Kdo I - Ib Nachschuf O - Kdo I Ausb Ausbildung O - Kdo I Sp. Sport O - Kdo I KrG War History O - Kdo II P O - Kdo II P Allg) Personal Data O - Kdo II P R 1) O - Kdo II P Disciplinary Matters 2) O - Kdo II P KrO War Orders and Decorations of Honor 3) O - Kdo In K Inspection Motor Vehicles 4) O - Kdo In N Inspection Communications 5) O - Kdo In WG Inspection Weapons and Appliances 6) O - Kdo In L inspection air raid protection 7) O - Kdo In F inspection fire police 8) O - Kdo In Vet inspection veterinary 9) O - W personal data 10) O - W verse supply 11) O - W I economy 12) O - W II administration and law 13) O - W III accommodation 14) O - medical 15) O - I. - S Inspector General of the Schutzpolizei O - I. - G Inspector General of the Gendarmerie and Schutzpolizei der Gemeinden 16) O - I. - Sch Inspector General of the Schools O - I. - FSchP Inspector General for Fire-fighting 17) (Fire Police and Fire Brigades) O - I. - FwSch Inspector General for Firefighting 18) extinguishing system (fire schools, factory fire brigades and fire show) 19) O - RTN Reichsamt Technische Nothilfe 20) O - RFw Reichsamt Freiwillige Feuerwehren 21) Secret registry Most of these 35 running registries seem to have been completely lost. Only the following incomplete news about their whereabouts have become known to the Federal Archives so far. A part of the personnel files of the command office (registries O-Kdo II P) seems to have been moved in 1943/44 in agreement with the Reichsamt Technische Nothilfe to the castle Eisenhardt in Belzig/Mark (TN school). His fate is unknown. Another part came in spring 1945 first to the police administration Gera, then to Weimar or Gschenda, Kr. Arnstadt, was temporarily brought back to Biesenthal and went in April 1945 with the south staff to Fürstenfeldbruck. Already in Biesenthal the mass of files about the law for civil servants burned, and further losses entered on the march from there to Fürstenfeldbruck by low-flying fire. In Fürstenfeldbruck and at the beginning of May 1945 in Eben, the mass of the files carried along by members of the South Staff was burned. The personnel files of the Economic Administration Office (registry O-W Pers.) were moved to Thuringian towns together with those of the Commando Office in the spring of 1945. They arrived via the police administration in Gera at the Linda police supply camp near Neustadt a. d. Orla - according to other news also to Gschwenda - and returned to Biesenthal for a short time when the Americans arrived, after considerable parts had been burned in Thuringia due to a misunderstood radio message. From there, they were taken to Fürstenfeldbruck by the hourly staff in April 1945, losing their lives in air raids. Here and in Eben, most of the files were destroyed at the end of April/beginning of May 1945. According to other sources, however, it was burned in Maurach/Achensee at the beginning of May 1945 according to further files. A special fate had the files of the group "War History" of the command office (registry O-Kdo I KrG). In the course of the war, a "special archive" had been created for the group through the release of material from the area of the Ordnungspolizei that was important for the history of the war. Among its best sands, the diaries of the SS Police Division established in 1939, the 35th SS (Police) Grenadier Division established in 1945, the SS Police Regiments, the Police Shooting Regiments, the police battalions and other police troop units, as well as a collection of the most important decrees of the Main Office of the Ordnungspolizei (Ordnungspolizei - Ordnungspolizei - Order Police Department) are to be emphasized. These valuable documents were completely destroyed at the end of April/beginning of May 1945 by members of the group "War History" in Bischofteinitz/Bohemia. It is still unclear to what extent the records of the chief of the Ordnungspolizei are kept today by GDR offices. It is only certain that the holdings "Reichsministerium des Innern" of the Central State Archives I in Potsdam under Dept. III contain 46 volumes about the police from the period 1934 to 1937 and personnel files from the main office of the Ordnungspolizei. The remains of the personnel group registries not destroyed in Fürstenfeldbruck and Eben, and apparently also parts of other registries of the Main Office Ordnungspolizei, were confiscated by the Americans. After the occupation of the Offiziersschule der Ordnungspolizei in Fürstenfeldbruck, the police inspected the files they had found, took them to a warehouse, transported them away in the autumn of 1945, leaving behind the person of no interest to them. The material remaining there from the personnel registry of the Economic Administration Office was transferred directly to the Federal Archives in November 1954 via the Bavarian Main State Archives, Dept. I, that of the Command Office in January 1955 and in July 1957 from the Bavarian Police School Fürstenfeldbruck. As early as December 1956, about 550 personnel notebooks of the Kommando-Amtes with the initial letters M - Z had arrived here, which, initially confiscated, had been handed over by the American military government to the Command of the Schutzpolizei in Wiesbaden in 1949 and there - with a stock of originally about 900 notebooks - had been reduced by the handing over of documents about reused police personnel to their office. The main mass of the removed files, however, was first transferred to the file depot of the U.S. Army (Departmental Records Branch) in Alexandria/Virginia and filmed within the Records Group 1010/EAP 170 - 175 (Microfilm Guide 39). The transfer from there to the Federal Archives took place in April 1962. Further file takeovers took place from documents that had initially been brought together in the Document Center in Berlin - first in 1957 personal files on gendarmerie officials via the Hessian Ministry of the Interior, then in 1962 on a larger scale and directly in connection with the so-called Schumacher Collection of documents from various organizational units and at about the same time Daluege's reconstructed files from biographical materials of the Adjutantur of the Chief of Ordnungspolizei. Other provenances that have been grouped according to biographical criteria can still be found in the Berlin Document Center. In the summer of 1957, the former chief of the command office, Lieutenant General of the Ordnungspolizei a. D. Adolf v. Bomhard, two volumes of files personally secured by him (R 19/282 and 283) and, in addition, the documents listed under C in the Annex. 1958 followed tax, salary and wage documents of former employees of the main witness office of the Ordnungspolizei of the Versorgungsanstalt des Bundes und der Länder in Karlsruhe. Finally, files of the Reich Office Voluntary Fire Brigades were handed over by the Oberfinanzdirektion Hamburg in 1957 and 1964. Archival evaluation and processing Reference: Koblenz stock In view of the insignificance or absence of other records handed down by the police and the need under pension law for proof of service time for members of the police force, a thorough cassation was dispensed with. On the other hand, in order to fill at least some of the gaps in the status quo, not only the official printed matter of the Main Office Ordnungspolizei was listed, but also important matters concerning the Ordnungspolizei from the holdings of the Federal Archives R 43 (Reich Chancellery), R 18 (Reich Ministry of the Interior), R 2 (Reich Ministry of Finance), R 22 (Reich Ministry of Justice), NS 19 (Personal Staff Reichsführer SS), NS 7 (SS and Police Jurisdiction) and R 36 (Deutscher Gemeindetag (German Community Day) were incorporated, without the aim of completeness. On the other hand, the stocks R 20 (chief of the gang combat units; schools of the order police) and R 70 (police services of integrated, affiliated and occupied areas of the 2nd world war), which must be consulted anyway with appropriate investigations, were completely omitted. When classifying the stock, it was not possible to structure the stock in accordance with the registry principle, given the incomplete nature of the preserved files, any more than it was possible to do a close analogy to the administrative structure of the main office. Therefore, an ideal structure of the competence area of the Main Office Ordnungspolizei was developed which was adapted to the importance of the subject areas actually handed down in the inventory. Dr. Neufeldt, Mr. Huck, Mr. Schatz, Dr. Boberach, Dr. Werner and Mr. Marschall were particularly involved in the chronological order in which the inventory was developed. Koblenz, October 1974 Content characterization: Adjutant of the Chief of Ordnungspolizei 1933-1945 (24), Dienststellenverwaltung 1933-1945 (50), Nachrichten- und Befehlsblätter, Erlasses, Besprechungungen 1933-1945 (41), Orga‧nisation and Zuständigkeit 1933-1945 (58), Haushalt 1933-1944 (9), General service law and police service law 1931-1945 (37), courses and schools 1930-1945 (89), assessment, promotion, secondment and transfer of members of the police 1931-1945 (38), remuneration and pensions 1933-1945 (19), Criminal and disciplinary matters 1937-1945 (8), uniforms and orders 1933-1945 (8), Comradeship Association of German Police Officers 1933-1945 (6), personnel statistics 1938-1945 (7), accommodation, equipment and armament 1933-1945 (8), Sanitäts- und Vete‧rinärwesen, Polizeisport 1933-1945 (12), Polizeiverwaltungs- und Vollzugsdienst 1935-1945 (93), Einsatz von Polizeiverbände und -einheiten 1933-1945 (108), Personalakte 1917-1945 (1.067), State Hospital of Police in Berlin. Medical records (ZX) of patients 1940-1945 (1946) (3,149), file of the State Hospital of Police in Berlin (n.a.) State of development: Findbuch (1974) Citation method: BArch, R 19/...

news clippings
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/3 Bü 770 · File · November 1906
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The Captain of Köpenick, p. 1; Bismarck's Dismissal, p. 5; Inactive Officers, p. 7; Reform of Military Jurisdiction in France, p. 25; Colonial Pessimism, p. 27/28; Self-loading Rifles, p. 1; Bismarck's Dismissal, p. 5; Colonial Pessimism, p. 27/28; Self-loading Rifles, p. 1 37; Prince Philipp zu Eulenburg, p. 41; Ludwig Ganghofer, p. 49; Refusal to obey from a religious point of view, p. 59; English Army Reform, p. 61/62; Cheap Labour, p. 77; Warrior Association Parties, p. 83

BArch, R 19/382 · File · 1940-1943
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Graveyard speech for SS-Obergruppenführer F. Weitzel, Düsseldorf 21.6.1940; official meeting of the commanders of the gendarmerie in the main office of the Ordnungspolizei (review and new guidelines) 15.1.1941 Conference of the inspectors of the Ordnungspolizei; Allgemeine Lage der Polizei, Richtlinien der Arbeit) 21.1.1941; Before the Officers' School in Köpenick 30.1.1941; The Power Sources of the German Police in the People (Before the Foreign Press) 3.2.1941 Radio Address on the Day of the German Police 15.3.1941; Workshop of the Section Inspectors of the Voluntary Fire Brigades in the Main Office of the Ordnungspolizei (Current Questions of Operation) 20.3.1941 Speech at the funeral of Ministerialrat Liebermann von Sonnenberg (documents) 26.3.1941; awards and promotion certificates for the Führer's birthday in the main office of the Ordnungspolizei 19.4.1941 Opening of the Colonial Police School in Oranienburg 28.4.1941; Obituary for Lieutenant General of the Mülverstedt Police 21.8.1941; Opening of the Police Dental Clinic in Berlin 1942 Conference of Section Inspectors and District Leaders of the Voluntary Fire Brigade (air war, future tasks) 23.4.1942; Speech at the reception of the members of the protectorate government in Prague 29.5.1942; Memorial speech for Heydrich in Prague 7.6.1942 Adoption of the Oberlandräte and new assignment of the inspectors to the protectorate 15.6.1942; Meeting of the general inspectors and commanders of the Ordnungspolizei (draft) 14.5.1942; To the commanders of the Ordnungspolizei 13.1.1943 Government reception for the one-year existence of the current protectorate government 19.1.1943; The Winter Fight of the Ordnungspolizei im Osten (SS-Führertagung des RFSS; not held) 1943 Stadt- und Landwacht (Press Conference of the Reich Government) 8.2.1943; Address to the President on the occasion of the four-year anniversary of the Protectorate 15.3.1943; 160. Anniversary of the Estates Theatre in Prague (mentions Werner Kraus, Käthe Dorsch) 22.4.1943 Memorial speech for the one-year return of the anniversary of the death of Heydrich 4.6.1943; Farewell speech to the German employees in the Protectorate 1.9.1943; Farewell speech to the Ministers of the Protectorate Government 2.9.1943

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, PL 5 · Fonds · 1828-1980 (Vorakten ab 1819)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

The history of the Franck company ranges from the foundation of the chicory factory in Vaihingen in 1828 to the transition to Nestlé Deutschland AG, Frankfurt in 1987. A description of the company history was omitted in favour of a chronicle in tabular form. The files recorded in this finding aid book originate from a file delivery from 1978, which took place on the occasion of the firmation with Nestlé Gruppe Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt (since 1987 Nestlé Gruppe Deutschland AG) and the transfer of the management of Unifranck Lebensmittelwerke GmbH to Munich. The printed company chronicles were taken from the previously unrecorded library records in the Ludwigsburg State Archives, which were also handed over in 1978, to complete the unprinted company chronicles of inventory PL 5. The structure of the records was based on the organisational plan of the Heinrich Franck Sons Central Administration of 1919 (PL 5 Bü. 145) and the existing old signatures. The registry order to be derived from the organizational plan and the old signatures, which was arranged according to the type of products manufactured, the central connection to Ludwigsburg or Berlin and the location of the branch, was reduced to the location and departmental responsibility according to the organizational plan of 1919 due to the incomplete nature of the archive records (some registry signatures were missing completely) and easier access. The products manufactured were not taken into account as distinguishing features. Little can be said about the history of the company archive. The central offices in Ludwigsburg and Berlin had the main significance. In 1935 the trademarks were transferred "for security reasons" from the registries in Ludwigsburg and Linz to Berlin (StAL PL 5 Bü. 145). From 1943 to 1947, a large-scale transfer of files and advertising material to Ludwigsburg took place (StAL PL 5 Bü. 1). To what extent and according to which criteria cassations were carried out until the files were delivered to the Ludwigsburg State Archives in 1978/1981 must remain open. The fact that they took place can be concluded from the incomplete registry signatures. Dr. Ruth Kappel was responsible for organising and indexing the finds as part of her practical training as a business archivist from October to December 1991. Dr. Günter Cordes took over the indexing and completion of the finding aid in 1992. The inventory was packaged by Bruno Wagner. The data acquisition was done by Hildegard Aufderklamm.Ludwigsburg, January 1992Ruth Kappel Company chronicle: 1827First attempts at chicory coffee production by Johann Franck, owner of a confectionery and speciality shop in Vaihingen/Enz1828Establishment of the chicory factory in Vaihingen/Enz by Johann Heinrich FranckEstablishment of chain stores for the production of intermediate products:- 1832 Darre in Steinbach (today Wernau, district of Esslingen)- 1844 Darre in Großgartach (today Leingarten, district of Heilbronn)- 1851 Darre with roasting plant and mill in the Rieter valley near Enzweihingen (today Vaihingen, district of Ludwigsburg)- 1855 Darre in Meimsheim (today Brackenheim, district of Heilbronn)Later foundations with freight railway connection:- 1855 Darre in Bretten (Baden)- 1880 Darre in Eppingen (Baden)- 1880 Darre in Marbach/Neckar1867 Death of company founder Johann Heinrich Franck1868 Relocation from Vaihingen to Ludwigsburg (direct railway connection)1871 Firmation to Heinrich Franck Söhne OHG, LudwigsburgFoundation of branches:- 1879 Linz/Donau- 1883 Komotau (today CR)- 1883 Milan 1883 Basel- 1887 Bucharest H. F. S. OHG, since 1924 AG- 1888 Kaschau (today CR)- 1892 Agram (today Zagreb)- 1895 Flushing (near New York)- 1896 Pardubitz (today CR)- 1909 Nagykanizsa (Hungary)- 1910 Skawina near Krakow (today Poland)- 1911 Mosonszentjanos (Hungary)Acquisition of the factories and market shares of competing German coffee producers until 1928:- 1883 Daniel Voelcker in Lahr/Baden (founded in 1883) 1806)- 1897 Gebrüder Wickert in Durlach- 1899 Ch. Kuntze und Söhne GmbH in Halle a.d. Saale- 1899 Krause und Co. in Nordhausen/Harz- 1900 C. Trampler in Lahr/Baden (founded in 1793)- 1908 Emil Seelig AG in Heilbronn- 1910 Bethge and Jordan in Magdeburg- 1911 F.F. Resag AG in Köpenick- 1911/12 Spartana-Nährsalz GmbH in Dresden- 1914 G.G. Weiss in Stettin (founded in 1793) 1866)- 1916 Pfeiffer and Diller in Horchheim- 1916 August Schmidt in Hamburg- 1917 Hillmann and Kischner in Breslau- 1917 Richard Porath GmbH in Pyritz- 1920 A.F.W. Röpe (descendant) in Hamburg- 1926 J.G. Hauswaldt in Magdeburg- 1928 Georg Josef Scheuer in Fürth (founded in 1928) 1812)1911 Participation of Heinrich Franck Söhne OHG and Kathreiner-Malzkaffee-Fabriken, Munich, in Resag AG Berlin-Köpenick1913 Founding of Kornfranck GmbH in NeussAffiliation of Heinrich Franck Söhne to Internationale Nahrungs- und Genußmittel AG (INGA) in Schaffhausen1914 Establishment of the northern sales management in BerlinTransfer of the registered office of the newly founded Heinrich Franck Söhne GmbH from Halle to BerlinConversion of Heinrich Franck Söhne OHG Ludwigsburg into a GmbH 1918 At the end of the first quarter of 1918, Heinrich Franck Söhne OHG Ludwigsburg was converted into a GmbH 1918. World War IIIn the successor states of the Danube Monarchy, independent Franck companies are formed in the form of national stock corporations. foundation of the Central European Agricultural and Operating Company in Berlin, Großwerther since 1928, for improved raw material supply. 1920 foundation of the FUNDUS Handelsgesellschaft mbH in Linz with significant participation of Heinrich Franck and sons. In 1922, Heinrich Franck Söhne firms in Germany join Allgemeine Nahrungsmittel GmbH (ANGES) in Berlin (after 1930 renamed ZIMA Verwaltungs-GmbH, Berlin). ANGES' task: Coordination of procurement, technology, sales and finances1928 Centenary celebrations in Ludwigsburg and Halle1933 After the seizure of power, the international interdependence of the economy is increasingly restricted.1939 Outbreak of the Second World WarIncreasing shortage of raw materials leads to rapprochement between Heinrich Franck and sons as well as the competing company Kathreiner.1943 Beginning outsourcing of the Berlin administration to Ludwigsburg1944 Merger of Franck and Kathreiner to form Franck und Kathreiner GmbH, Vienna1945 After the end of the war, reconstruction began in the western zones in:- Karlsruhe (founded by Kathreiner)- Ludwigsburg (founded by Franck) - Neuss (founded by Franck)- Regensburg (founded by Kathreiner)- Uerdingen (founded by Kathreiner)Headquarters of the company management becomes Ludwigsburg.1964 The Austrian plants in Linz and Vienna become independent.1964 The Austrian plants in Linz and Vienna become independent. By entering the delicatessen ("Thomy's") business, the company name was changed to Unifranck Lebensmittelwerke GmbH1965 Franck is now the leading supplier of over 70
n of the INGA.1970 Transformation of INGA into Interfranck Holding AG, Zurich1971 Merger of Interfranck-Holding AG with Ursina AG to form Ursina-Franck AG, Bern1973 Takeover of the corporate assets of Ursina-Franck AG by Nestlé Alimentana AG, Vevey (Switzerland)1976 formation of Allgäuer Alpenmilch-Unifranck-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH (Allfa), Munich1978 Allgäuer Alpenmilch AG takes over the majority of Unifranck's share capital, Munich1978 relocation of Unifranck's head office to Munich and merger with Allgäuer Alpenmilch AG. In Ludwigsburg, the only factory that can still continue the tradition of the company's founding as a producer of coffee products remained to this day. In 1987, Nestlé Maggi GmbH and Allgäuer Alpenmilch AG merged to form Nestlé Deutschland AG. Unifranck Lebensmittelwerke GmbH became a minority shareholder of Nestle Deutschland AG, Frankfurt. The group comprises 23 factories in Germany. Organisation of the Heinrich Franck Söhne headquarters from 1919 onwards: 010 Management - Regional Committees and Advisory Boards014 Executive Person020 Central Department for Organisation024 Organisation, Central Office030 Central Department for General Administration:031 Business Accounting032 Money and Financial Accounting034 Delivery Accounting036 Legal Department037 Tax Department040 Central Department for Commercial Factory Management:041 Good Purchasing045 Permanent Witness Purchasing047 Warehouse Witness Purchasing049 Goods Directorate050 Central Department for Technical Factory Management:051 Processing of goods and production054 Printing office055 Central technical office060 Central sales department:061 Central sales office070 Central social administration department:071 Employees075 Social security and financial services employees076 General workers080 Central control department:081 Farm accounting082 Calculation of costs088 Variety statistics089 Freight and tariff officePost office of the central branches Literature: 100 years Franck 1828-1928, Ludwigsburg/Berlin, 1928.Wolfgang Schneider: The Unifranck Advertising Media Archive in Ludwigsburg, in: Ludwigsburger Geschichtsblätter, 31/1979, pp. 79-83 The capital of Cichoria, Ludwigsburg and the coffee media company Franck, catalogue for the exhibition of the Ludwigsburg Municipal Museum, 1 Dec. 1989 to 1 Dec. 1990, Ludwigsburg 1979.