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Civil service law: Vol. 6
BArch, R 2301/8258 · File · 1874-1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Colonial Civil Servants Act, 1909-1910 Liability of the Reich for its Civil Servants, 1910-1937 Legal Relationships of Former Alsace-Lorraine Civil Servants, 1921-1922 Leave of the Reich Civil Servants, 1874-1944 Civil Servant Representations, 1930, 1937 Civil Servant Associations, 1930, 1937 Qualification Regulations, 1936-1944 Training and Examination of Civil Servants, 1936-1944 Female Civil Servants, 1930-1934

Stadtarchiv Worms, 186 · Fonds
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Abt. 186 Familienarchiv Leonhard von Heyl/Nonnenhof (Dep.) Scope: 307 archive boxes; one box with oversized formats; 2.5 linear metres with flat and rolled oversized formats (= 2165 units of registration = 33 linear metres, incl. film rolls, photo negatives, etc.) Duration: 1760 - 1985 Take-over and distortion According to a note from Dr. At the end of June 2002, Mathilde Grünewald (Museum der Stadt Worms) became known to the municipal archives that the owner of the Heylschen Gutes Nonnenhof (Bobenheim), Dr. Ludwig von Heyl, was interested in handing over the family archive of his uncle Leonhard von Heyl (1924-1983) to the municipal archives. Dr. Grünewald presented the archive with an overview of the material stored in the Forsthaus Nonnenhof, which she had prepared during a visit to the storage rooms. The archive then contacted Dr. von Heyl and agreed to conclude a deposit agreement with the usual provisions (retention of title, etc.). In the first half of August 2002, the City Archives, headed by Dr. Gerold Bönnen and Mrs. Margit Rinker-Olbrisch, Dipl.-Archivarin (FH), sifted through the documents stored in two rooms of the forester's lodge that was to be renovated, signed and recorded the first part directly on site (input as a Word list, title entry/term determination of approx. 800 units of registration) and prepared it for transport. All the materials, a large part of which were stored in files, the rest either loose (in boxes) or as folders, were taken to the city archives on August 9, 2002, the listed part was placed directly in the cellar of the Ernst-Ludwig-Schule, the unlisted documents were sent to the Raschi-Haus for further processing, including approx. 15 35mm film rolls, photographs (negatives and prints), maps and plans. Margit Rinker-Olbrisch recorded the remaining documents including a classification and an index (see below) in the period from August 2002 to April 2003. The total volume of the documents amounts to approx. 40 linear metres (1806 units of distortion). With a few exceptions (account statements, statements of account, printed circulars), no cassations were made. In spring/summer 2010, the existing documents, which had only been included in the Word list in August 2002 with a file title and running time (approx. 800 numbers), were subsequently indexed. They have now been recorded in greater depth, in order to be included in the work on Heyl's anthology "Die Wormser Industriellenfamilie von Heyl. Public and private activities between bourgeoisie and nobility" as sources for further evaluation. At the same time, the blocking periods were changed or lifted in accordance with the requirements of the State Archives Act for Rhineland-Palatinate, which was amended in September 2010. Classification Since the documents did not show any internal order when they were accepted, a classification was developed in the course of the processing of the material which endeavours to reflect the essential content focal points and different personal connections and provenances on the part of the family members involved. It was not always possible to separate family and private affairs from the closely interwoven business affairs of the company or companies and their financial implications. The boundaries in the classification are therefore often less sharp than the outline might suggest. In addition, some of the documents were recorded relatively quickly on site before the takeover at a lesser depth than others; in particular, the documents on Leonhard von Heyl and the history of the Nonnenhof were generally less intensively catalogued than the actual older records on the company and family. Contents, value and significance The 186 Department is divided into three main parts of approximately equal size: 1. the personal estate of Leonhard von Heyl (personal and study documents, correspondence, activities in associations and committees, including the Wormser Altertumsverein (chair 1966-1983), agricultural organisations and the Palatine Landeskirche). The period of this part of the documents lies between about 1940 and the death in 1983 with few pieces of the time shortly after. 2. documents on the development of the Nonnenhof near Bobenheim, which has been family-owned since the 19th century, and its management, with a focus on the period from around 1920 to 1960. 3. documents on the history of the von Heyl family, including Cornelius Wilhelm von Heyl (1843-1923), including part of his estate, which had previously been believed to be lost, with a high value for questions of politics, patronage, public activity and economic activity. Of particular value are various archival indexes of the time after the death of 1923 (no. 582, typewritten, approx. 80 p., apparently incompletely preserved), compiled after the successful indexing and arrangement of the files found in the private archives of Freiherr Dr. von Heyl zu Herrnsheim, November 1928, thus available in the archive 2827 folders in 14 groups; no. 820; no. 821; no. 1272 hs. lineup). Cornelius Wilhelm's wife Sophie née Stein (1847-1915) is the subject of numerous documents, including further archival records on the history of the Stein family of bankers in Cologne. Of particular value are documents on Cornelius Wilhelm's brother General Maximilian von Heyl (1844-1925) and his wife Doris (1848-1930), including numerous files on the Heylshof Darmstadt and their patronage activities in Worms and Darmstadt, as well as correspondence. For the aforementioned personalities, the collection contains extremely valuable archival material that places our knowledge of the history of the family and its manifold effects and activities in the fields of politics and art, public and economic life - especially in the field of art conservation - on a much broader footing. Extensive material provides information about the family's internal disputes and conflicts; a great deal of correspondence provides deep insights into the personal interdependencies and contacts of the widely ramified family. The distinctive self-stylisation and self-portrayal of the family and its relatives occupies a special position, for which the collection contains extensive material. The original photographs (mainly glass plates with private photos of the family of Ludwig Freiherrn von Heyl, 1886-1962) were partly taken over by the photo department and remain there (cf. Dept. 186 No. 1707). The 35mm films belonging to Heyl-Liebenau's 1944 film project are currently in the Federal Archive in Berlin, where they are to be digitized. The oldest documents in the collection date back to about 1720. The main focus of the tradition lies in the period from approx. 1880 to approx. 1930. Conservation status and usability To a small extent, the documents are affected by the effects of moisture; some are very fragile and endangered copy paper, some (K) of which has been replaced by legible photocopies (No. 53, 960, 962, 963, 967, 968, 979, 980, 984 -986, 993, 1027, 1060 (K), 1079 (K), 1080 (K), 1094 (K), 1102-1104 (K), 1115, 1198). For reasons of data protection, part of the documents relating to Leonhard Freiherr von Heyl (tax matters, personal documents) is blocked from use; the same applies to the private interests of some other family members. In case of doubt, the archive is obliged to contact the owner. Related and complementary archive departments in the City Archives First and foremost are to be mentioned here: - 170/26 Family von Heyl - 180/1 Heylsche Lederwerke Liebenau - 185 Family and Company Archives Ludwig Cornelius Freiherr von Heyl (Depositum) With the latter stock the Dept. 186 shows very close interdependencies; the extensive documents located here are pleasingly supplemented. (for further information see the stock overview of the city archives) Literature The Worms industrial family of Heyl. Public and private work between bourgeoisie and nobility, edited by Gerold BÖNNEN and Ferdinand WERNER, Worms 2010 (538 p., approx. 600 illustrations, basic anthology on various aspects, including contribution on the estates and their indexing by Margit Rinker-Olbrisch) BÖNNEN, Gerold (Bearb.), Das Stadtarchiv Worms und seine Bestände, Koblenz 1998 (Publications of the Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz 79) (p. 39f) (p. 39f), pp. 173-178 with further lit.) KRIEGBAUM, Günther, Die parlamentarische Tätigkeit des Freiherrrn C. W. Heyl zu Herrnsheim, Meisenheim 1962 (Mainzer Abhandlungen zur mittlere und Neueren Geschichte 9) KÜHN, Hans, Politischer, wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Wandel in Worms 1798-1866 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Veränderungen in der Bestellung, den Funktionen und der Zusammensetzung der Gemeindevertretung, Worms 1975 (Der Wormsgau, supplement 26) Stiftung Kunsthaus Heylshof. Critical catalogue of the collection of paintings, edited by Wolfgang SCHENKLUHN, Worms 1992 (including: Klaus HANSEMANN, Der Heylshof: Unternehmerschloß und Privatmuseum, p. 1950; Judith BÜRGEL, "Da wir beide Liebhaberei an Antiquitäten besitzt". On the Collection of Paintings by Cornelius Wilhelm and Sophie von Heyl, pp. 51-71) Dr. Gerold Bönnen/Margit Rinker-Olbrisch Worms, June 2003 / October 2010 Supplement In February 2014, Dr. Ludwig v. Heyl (Nonnenhof) drew attention to newly found documents which were still stored in the so-called Försterbau from the property of his uncle Leonhard. The pieces were sighted on 27 February by Mrs. Margit Rinker-Olbrisch and archive director Dr. Gerold Bönnen and taken over for the most part to supplement the collection of Dept. 186. Mrs. Rinker-Olbrisch completed the indexing by the end of March. 129 new VE (of which 17 sub-numbers) were added to the inventory of Dept. 186. The material, partly large format, includes written material, numerous photographs (also albums) and graphics. Four pieces clearly belonging to Ludwig C. von Heyl or his son of the same name were incorporated into the collection of Dept. 185 (family and company archive Ludwig C. Freiherr von Heyl). However, individual archival records concerning Ludwig C. von Heyl, which Leonhard von Heyl had integrated into his holdings, were also left in this context and added to the classification group for Ludwig C. von Heyl and his wife Eva-Marie von Heyl née von der Marwitz in Dept. 186. Among the new additions were newspaper editions (several times) of the decease, the funeral ceremonies and the funeral of Cornelius Wilhelm Freiherr von Heyl zu Herrnsheim ( 1923) as well as a Bible and a hymnal from the possession of Alice von Heyl (1881-1969), the latter having a leather binding designed by Otto Hupp (Dept. 186 No. 1805). It is pleasing to note that with the takeover of the company and visiting books (beginning in 1894-1899, followed by Lücke until 1909, ending in 1914; Abt. 186 Nr. 1806-1809), information about the social life at Heylshof Worms, Schloss Herrnsheim and hunting societies could be added to the collection. Important for the reconstruction of the former archive of C. W. von Heyl is the extensive almost complete archive directory (Dept. 186 No. 1813), which together with the already existing few parts (Dept. 186 No. 582) is now complete. Furthermore an album is to be emphasized in the character of a family book, which Cornelius Wilhelm von Heyl had been given by his parents and contains entries of relatives, friends etc. in particular from the time of his stay in the Institut der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine in Neuwied (Dept. 186 No. 1829; running time 1856-1859). Individual pieces of the archival documents taken over wear decorative leather covers, here two are to be emphasized. On the one hand there is a "Photographisches Album von Sehensüwrdigkeiten der Stadt Worms" (1881; Dept. 186 No. 1880), which was probably published in connection with the consecration of the museum in the Paulusstift at that time, and on the other hand a photo album "Zur Erinnerung an den Fackelzug 8. April 1886" on the occasion of the elevation to the nobility (Dept. 186 No. 1881) with numerous group photographs (different groups of persons from the leather factory), made by the Worms photographer Fritz Winguth. Besides there are photo albums of Sophie von Heyl (1918-1980) from her stay in the women's school Metgethen (near Königsberg) and in the deaconess institution in Halle, vacation among other things and albums of Leonhard von Heyl. He also took over series of correspondence with letters to his parents. They begin in his childhood (from 1932), cover his war and study years and end in 1959. Of the large-format pieces (photographs, graphics), a large-format photograph of the Heylshof in Darmstadt stands out, some of which is covered with a drawing for a planned, generous but not executed extension (Dept. 186 No. 1894). This sketch could have been made by the architect Gabriel von Seidl. C. Battenfeld drew in detail various sculptures and building elements which can presumably be assigned to the Heylshof Darmstadt (a large-format sheet, Dept. 186 No. 1894). Margit Rinker-Olbrisch Worms, April 2014

BArch, RH 12-9 · Fonds · 1935-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: On 1 May 1936, under Lieutenant General Theisen, the inspector of the Nebeltruppe und Gasabwehr was set up. Thus the existing Group IV of Artillery Inspection was transferred to the newly created inspection, which was at the same time assigned to the Army Gas Protection School. According to the regulations of 17 March 1936 (see the General Military Notices in inventory RHD 2), several tasks were stipulated for the inspection of the smoke troops and for gas defence: 1. training in gas defence (including detoxification), its theoretical and practical promotion in all weapon categories, preparation of training regulations, 2. training in the use of artificial smoke, 3. special training of the smoke troop and its tactical use, 4. equipping the army with gas protection and smoke means. For three years Lieutenant General Edgar Theißen was responsible for the fog troops and gas defence, followed by Major General Friedrich von Tempelhoff from 1939-1941, Lieutenant General Erwin Leister from 1942-1944 and Major General Johann-Albrecht von Blücher from 1944-1945. At the beginning of 1943, the office was divided into five groups (see RH 15/137): 1st group I: Organization Ia: Organization: New formations, mobilization, tactical questions, war experiences, war diary, foreign deputies, tropical and colonial deployment, letter book for chief matters Ib: Strengths, equipment records, main belt keys, regulations, loading plans, outside and house distributors, buildings and accommodation, destruction of g. K.-Sachen Ic: Staffing of officers: personnel matters of officers of officer candidates and non-commissioned officers and crews (except technical personnel), replacement of personnel, non-commissioned positions, internal service, leave of officers and officials Id: Budget, Administration (at this time split due to staff savings) 2nd Group II: Training IIa: Gas defence of all weapons: Training, courses at Heeresgasschutzschulen 1 and 2 (Celle and Bromberg), training regulations, instruction boards, leaflets (except equipment and ammunition), training films, troop trials IIb: Fog troop: the same as IIa, related to fog troop IIc: air-raid service of all weapons: Air protection in army installations, training courses at the Heeresluftschutzschule Potsdam, training regulations, leaflets, instruction boards, training films, troop trials, liaison officer of the O.K.H. to the special representative for the fire-fighting equipment system, literature and press Air protection, foreign news, air protection 3. Group III: Development and literature IIIa: Development, trials and introduction of troops, weapons, equipment and ammunition of the smoke troops and smoke agents of all kinds, fire boards and leaflets for weapons, equipment and ammunition, instruction boards, equipment films, special incidents involving weapons, equipment and ammunition, literature and press (except air defence), defence matters, examination of publications and information to foreign states IIIb: Development, troop trials and introduction: gas protection equipment for all weapons, regulations and leaflets for all weapons and for gas protection equipment, teaching boards, equipment films, special occurrences at the gas protection equipment IIIc: Literature propaganda (also unoccupied/divided) 4. Group IV: Weapons, ammunition and equipment of the Nebula Force and Ch.Specialist personnel IVa: General affairs of imported weapons, equipment, ammunition and vehicles, personnel affairs of Ch. specialist personnel and other technical personnel, Army gas protection schools, Army troop school and Army air protection school: Affairs of the Higher Technical College of the Army Gas Protection School in Cellle, as well as courses for civil servants and harness masters, training and staffing of Ch.IVb: Motor vehicles of the smoke troop (including development and troop trials, throwers on sfl...), Winter equipment of the fog troops, procurements, inventory records, equipment management regulations IVc: Weapons, equipment and ammunition of the fog troop: All types of atomizers, training equipment, procurements, inventory records, equipment management regulations 5. group V: Gas protection and air-raid protection equipment Va: Fabrication preparations (including filling stations): Production planners (army), mobile stockpiling, cash requirements for households, chemical commission literature and press: Gas protection (with IIIa), foreign news (gas protection), questions of international law Vb: Gas protection and air-raid protection equipment: training means, procurement, inventory certificates, equipment management regulations, A. N. Exercise. (with Ib), Military training area Robbery chamber Registry: Open and secret letterbooks and files, administration of regulations, periodicals, telephone directory. Content characterization: The tradition of the inspector of the smoke troops and gas defense is altogether extremely small. Of the existing 71 archive units, 12 also contain almost exclusively written communication material on general army matters, which had also reached In 9 via the distribution channel within the OKH. Sometimes, however, these documents also contain endorsements and orders which directly or indirectly concerned the inspector's field of work. The stock was classified according to content during processing. The bulk of the archival material refers to the immediate pre-war period and the first year of the war. In detail, the following files are available: General and Army Structure with 12 files (from the General Army Office): Of which 6 files with implementing regulations for the Army Structure, 3 files for the reorganization of the Army, 2 files with lists of the units of the Army, 1 file on experiences of the year of construction 1937 Organization and Service Administration with 9 files: Of which 2 files for the reorganisation of the inspection, 2 files with lectures to the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, 1 (or 2) file(s) with business distribution plans, 1 file with information on competence and organisation of gas warfare agents, gas defence and gas protection with 16 files: Thereof 4 files with various matters (e.g. equipment), 4 files on explosive ordnance, 7 files on gas protection and air-raid protection measures, 1 file "Preparation for war with chemical weapons", 1 file "Preparation for war with chemical weapons", 1 file "Preparation for war with chemical weapons", 1 file "Preparation for war with chemical weapons". Weapons" nebula with 3 acts: Of which 1 file for use in fog, 1 file for tactics and technology, 1 file for general affairs, training with 9 files: Of which 7 files contain training regulations (official printed matter), 1 file with training plans for gas protection, 1 file with information on the troop detoxification service exercises with 9 files: Of which 5 files with tasks, war games, exercises, lectures, 3 files for planning exercises, 1 file for Wehrmacht manoeuvres, air-raid protection with only 1 file for experiences and orders, "foreign armies and states" with 12 files for construction, armament, equipment: Of which 2 files France, 1 file Czech Republic, 8 files USA, 1 file Soviet Russia State of development: Findbuch (also as Word file) Citation method: BArch, RH 12-9/...

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 302 · Fonds · 1807-1936
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

I. On the history of the Württ. Ministry of Justice and its registry relations: The manifesto of organisation of 18 March 1806 determined the business circle of the Minister of Justice and defined the structure of the Department of Justice (Regierungsblatt 1806 p. 6 f., bes. §§ 2, 5, 34-53; cf. F. Wintterlin "Geschichte der Behördenorganisation in Württemberg" 1, 5. 280 f., II p. 140 f.; A. Dehlinger "Württembergs Staatswesen in seiner historlichen Entwicklung bis heute" 1, p. 124 f., 388 f.). The Ministry of Justice experienced a reorganization of its business area, which remained almost unchanged for several decades, through the Royal Decree of 8 November 1816 (Government Gazette 1816 p. 347, especially §§ 5 and 9) and the 5th Organizational Edict of 18 November 1817 (Reyscher III, p. 470). On the day after Mauclers was appointed Minister of Justice, 9 March 1818, a Royal Decree was issued on the "state of affairs at the Chancellery of the Minister of Justice" (E 31 Bü. 204). The head of the chancellery remained the head of the Schwab Tribunal. On 29 February 1818, the Secret Registrar of the Second Section of the Privy Council Amandus Heinrich Günzler was charged with the revision and organisation of the Justice Ministerial Registration Office (Regierungsblatt 1816 S. 396; E 7 Bü. 60: II. Dept. 1818; E 31 Bü. 167; cf. E 1-13 Diarium 1818 Diary No. 2673). The fact that Günzler was occupied with this task at least until March 1819 can be inferred from a letter of thanks of 29 March 1818 addressed by him to the king concerning a gratuity for his activity in the Ministry of Justice (E 5 3d. 61). Hit of the order of the ministerial registration carried out by him one seems to have been generally satisfied. Thus the Minister of Justice expressed himself very appreciatively in the 1820 annual report of the Department of Justice for the year 1818: "For more than ten years this ministry lacked its own registrar; and in spite of all the efforts of the few workers, the number of occupations of the offices of this ministry, which had been identified as highly inadequate for a long time, in the earlier period, neither significant business backlogs nor, in particular, order in the registry system could be prevented. Now this order is perfectly established from the very beginning (1806)" (Annual Report 1818 in 3 33 Ed. 126 and E 302 Ed. 969). File plans, repertories or diaries of the Ministry of Justice have not been preserved, with the exception of a diary kept from 1840 (December) to 1364, which refers exclusively to high treason concerns such as the action against the "Bund der Geächteten" and the "Junge Deutschland" (E 301 Bü. 55 Nr. LV). Nevertheless, the registration scheme introduced in 1813 can be reconstructed on the basis of the subjects and signatures as well as the references to the file covers. The registry was divided into two sections: The first section consisted of the Generalia, later also called General Acts. These have been sorted alphabetically by subject. The individual subjects received up to the letter R including Roman identification numbers, subsequently inserted subjects, but also the subjects from letter 3 remained without such numbers. In the Generalia, the main type of documents is those relating to legislation and individual offences. The second department initially had no name. In order to distinguish it from the Generalia, which used blue file covers, the registry material was deposited in red file covers. Around 1850 this department was given the name "A. o. G." "("General organic articles"). In particular, it was assigned the files on personnel matters of the Department of Justice, the supervision of the judicial authorities as well as the treasury and auditing systems. Over time, the two departments have overlapped (e.g. Gen. Budgeting - A. o. G. Budget; Gen. Holiday Bü. 14 Holiday chamber A. o. G. Holiday chamber). Since November 1921, the A. o. G. files were no longer maintained. Classified items that had been removed were marked "closed" on the file covers, all others were transferred to categories of the general files (e.g. A. o. G. Minister ~: "From Nov. 1921 cf. G. Staatsministerium or A. o. G. Gerichtsvollzieher 3: "1922 all items in the files were transferred to G. Gerichtsvollzieher 9 and continued there"). Work on the reorganisation continued until 1923. Since the duration of the files of both departments almost exclusively ends in 1922/23 (exceptions): E 302 Bü. 1: 1922-1936, Bü. 912: 1904-1924, Bü. 1216-1218: 1919-1924, Bü. 1319: 1894-1925), they may have been retired on the occasion of this reorganisation of the registry. In addition to the documents of the two departments just described, the Registry of the Ministry of Justice also kept the files of some abolished authorities and commissions. Although these holdings were preserved as closed registry bodies, they were brought into organic connection with the written records of the Ministry of Justice itself: with the exception of the College of Penitentiaries, which only dissolved in 1921, they were incorporated as special sections of the Generalia Department. In contrast to the Ministry of Justice, most of the diaries and repertories are preserved for these stocks. Altogether, there are six authorities or commissions whose documents were wholly or partially incorporated into the registry of the Ministry of Justice: the Ministerial Commission for the Investigation of the Revolutionary Activities of 1833 in Württemberg, the Mortgage Commission, the Organizational Execution Commission, the Supreme Judicial Review Board, the Commission for the State and Government Gazette, and the College of Prison Officers. The Ministerial Commission established by the Most High Decree of 29 May 1833, to which the President of the Privy Council as well as the Heads of the Departments of Foreign Affairs, Warfare and Justice belonged, was to ensure "coherence, unity and acceleration" of the investigations already initiated into the revolutionary activities discovered in Württemberg in 1833. The Commission existed until 1839. about the files resulting from its activity informs the directory located in inventory E 301 Bü. 18 Unterfaszikel 1 /_ 33. The Mortgage Commission, which had been formed by Royal Resolution of 30 May 1825 ~ 8. 383), was responsible for advising on and implementing the deposit laws and for clearing up the deposits in the municipalities. The board of the commission headed by the Minister of Justice was the director of Schwab. Members were appointed to the Supreme Tribunal Council of Bolley, the Supreme Pupil Council of Steudel and the Reutlingen Chief Official Judge Schickardt. The Commission was empowered to issue instructions to the Higher and Local Courts. It was dissolved by decree of 12 January 1832 (Government Gazette 8.20). The new "Mortgage Commission", which had been set down at the same time, had to deal with the issue of the deposit system for specimens. A first organizing and executive commission entrusted with the implementation of the organizing edicts of 1817 existed from 18 November 1817 to 15 January 1818 (Government Gazette 1817 p. 542 and Government Gazette 1818 p. 21), a second from 27 August 1821 Government Gazette 1821 p. 671) to 15 August 1828 (Government Gazette p. 675). The members of the second commission were the Minister of Justice as head (conductor), the Minister of Finance, the 'head' of the Department of the Interior, as well as the senior tribunal councils of Schwab and von Bolley and the senior government council Waldbauer. A diarium and repertory (E 301 Bü. 140) have been preserved for the period from 27 August 1821 to 10 September 1828. The Commission's registry had classified the documents it had received into two series. In the registry of the Ministry, the files included in the Generalia Department received new signatures, partially disrupting the old order. The Supreme Judicial Review Office, created on 2 November 1807 (Government Gazette 8.537), was headed by the Ministry of Justice and was in charge of reviewing criminal cases. With his dissolution ordered by Royal Decree of 23 September 1817, his portfolio was transferred to the Criminal Senate of the Upper Tribunal (Reyscher Vol. VII 8. 542). Only the minutes for the years 1807 to 1817 of the documents produced during the Oberjustizrevisorium were transferred to the registry of the Ministry of Justice. The Commission for the State and Government Gazette was established with the publication of a State and Government Gazette ordered by King Frederick on 22 January 1807 (Government Gazette p. 1). In addition to the Privy Council Freiherr von Spittler, which acted as President, seven councils of Stuttgart's central authorities were members of it. Hofrat Werthes was employed as editor of the government journal and secretary of the commission; he died on 5 December 1817. After the death of King Frederick, the commission was dissolved, the supreme supervision and leadership of the government journal "united with the attributions of the Department of Justice" (Reyscher Vol. III 5. 478). The relevant files, which had grown up at both the Commission and the Ministry of Justice, received the signature CLXXIV in the Generalia Department of the Ministerial Registry. They were handed over to the State Archives Ludwigsburg as a separate delivery (Delivery II) in 1939 and recorded by Dr. Max Miller from inventory E 303a in 1948. The Prison Commission formed on 21 December 1824 (Regierungsblatt 1825 3. 1) was given the name Prison College in 1832 (Regierungsblatt 1832 5. 243). This college was responsible for the economic and police administration of all higher prisons as well as the establishment and maintenance of the district court prisons in Württemberg. After it had been repealed with effect from December 1, 1921 (Government Gazette 5. 521), his. functions to the Ministry of Justice. The files of the College of Prisons have been incorporated into the Registry of the Ministry of Justice as an annex to the two departments of Generalia and General Organic Objects. TWO. The documentation of the Württ. Ministry of Justice in the Main State Archive Stuttgart: The documents of the Ministry of Justice, initially kept in the State Archive Ludwigsburg and since 1969 in the Main State Archive Stuttgart, cover a period of about 115 years, i.e. it documents the business activity of the Ministry from its foundation in 1806 until the time after the end of the First World War. The files that grew up after that until the administration of justice was "handed over" at the beginning of 1935 did not reach the State Archives, they perished in the Second World War. Apart from this painful documentation gap, however, for more than a century the written material of the Ministry of Justice, which is to be rated very highly as source material for the modern history of Württemberg, has essentially been preserved and is accessible to scientific research. In accordance with the three stages in which the State Archives Administration has taken over the registry of the Ministry, these documents are divided into three archival holdings: E 301 Ministry of Justice 1 (= 1st delivery 1910), E 303a State and Government Gazette (= 2nd delivery 1939) and E 302 Ministry of Justice II (= 3rd delivery 1962). As a result of this gradual transfer of the documents to the archives administration, which was carried out from the point of view of the files dispensable for the Ministry's operations, the original registry order was torn apart. However, as already mentioned, it could be reconstructed on the basis of the notes on the file covers. This reconstruction of the old registry order and the interlocking of the three deliveries is shown in the following table. III. the order and scientific development of the stock E 302 Ministry of Justice II: While the first two deliveries by the Ministry of Justice in 1910 and 1939 were carried out by way of file separation and the recording of these orderly transferred archival records in the State Archives Ludwigsburg caused no difficulties, the situation was fundamentally different with the so-called third delivery. This stock, which had long been considered lost, was found in 1962 during clearing work at the storage facility of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court (Urbanstr. 18). How he had got there could no longer be determined. With the permission of the Ministry of Justice of Baden-Württemberg, the files were transferred to the Ludwigsburg State Archives on 4 October 1962, from where they were transferred to the Stuttgart State Archives in the spring of 1969 as part of the redistribution of the holdings held in the Stuttgart State Archives and the Ludwigsburg State Archives. In the years 1969 to 1972, under the direction of Dr. Sauer, the ladies and gentlemen Dr. Eitel, Beutter, Fruhtrunk, Pfeifle, Rupp, Dr. Schöntag and Steimle recorded a total of 36 ongoing holdings. Since the tufts of files were completely confused and also a part of the tufts was torn open, whereby the contents were confused, the original order of filing had to be reconstructed on the basis of the notes on the file covers, the subjects and the quadrangles. This succeeded surprisingly completely. In the few cases where no signatures could be established, the tufts concerned were classified according to their category. At the end of the inventory, the files of the Prison College and the personnel files of Prussian members of the judiciary who had been transferred from Hohenzollern and the province of Alsace-Lorraine to the Württemberg Judicial Service after 1918 were placed. It would have been obvious to combine the E 302 holdings with the E 301 and E 303a holdings in accordance with the old 'Registraturordnung' to form a complete Württ. Ministry of Justice collection. Since, however, the stocks E 301 and E 303a have already been quoted very frequently in the scientific literature, a "general revision" was omitted and only carried out on paper (cf. the tabular overview in Section II. of the introduction). However, files which, like the "Repertorium über die Akten der vormaligen Criminal-Revisionsbehörde von 1819" or the Büschel "Gerichtliche Verfolgung von an den revolutionären Bewegungen 1849 Beteiligten durch die Untersuchungskommission Hohenasperg", clearly belonged to inventory E 301 were classified there. Archival records and printed matter that were not provenance of the Ministry of Justice or could not be organically included in the holdings E 301 or E 302 were removed and assigned to other archive holdings or to the library (usually the department of official printed matter) according to their provenance: A larger collection of general rescripts from the years 1770-1822 was included in the relevant rescript collections of the HStA. Files from the Stuttgart Regional Court, the Waiblingen Local Court, the district courts, the Ulm prison and the Schwäbisch Hall prison were handed over to the Ludwigsburg State Archives. Issues 3 and 6 of the Atlas zu den Berichte der Cholera-Kommission für das Deutsche Reich (1877 and 1879) as well as the Kriminalpolizeiblatt (Kriminalpolizeiblatt), volume 1938, were added to the library of the HStA. Stuttgart, February 12, 1973 (Dr. Paul Sauer) Supplement (2006): The find book of the present holdings, which had previously only been typewritten, was entered by Silvia Ebinger in Midosa95 in spring 2005 and converted by the undersigned into the new ScopeArchive indexing software. In the course of the revision of inventory E 301 in the same year, the commissions located at the Ministry of Justice were dissolved and the new inventories E 305/1 - E 305/6 were created. In this context, the mixed inventory E 303a (Ministry of Justice: Staats- und Regierungsblatt), which had been catalogued by Max Miller in 1948 and contained files of the Commission for the Staats- und Regierungsblatt (now: E 305/5) as well as of the Ministry of Justice itself, was also dissolved. The latter documents now form the new category "Staats- und Regierungsblatt" (State and Government Gazette) in the existing holdings of the General Files and were given the signatures E 302 Bü 1373a - 1401. In return, the documents of the Prison Commission previously held in holdings E 302 now form holdings E 305/6. The removed files continue to be listed in the finding aid book; the signatures concerned are marked with curly braces. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, preserved records of the Württemberg Ministry of Justice until 1934/36 and the Württemberg Administration of Justice until 1945, completely indexed according to modern criteria and all finding aids available on the Internet.Stuttgart, January 2006Johannes Renz Registraturplan des Justizministeriums: Registraturordnung des Justizministeriums A. Abteilung Generalia BetreffMinisterialregistraturAblieferung IIIIII E 301E 303aE 302 BüschelBüschel IAblösungsgesetze1-71 8-12,15,17,20-232 243 25,29,32,33,40,444 IV.Administrativjustiz1-45 VI.Advocates1-76 Asylum17 XXXIIIBettler1-37 XXXIVCollection testimonies17 Salaries26 XXXVIIBigamia17 XXXVIIIBittschriften1-37 XXXIXaBlutschande18 Arson18 Fire insurance38 Book censorship18 Civil code7,2. Subsidiary327 XLIBureausystem18 XLIIBurgfrieden18 XLVCassation1,28 LVCorporation1,28 LVIIICriminal-Cornmission110 Criminal detention and penal institutions, improved facilities19 LIXCriminal jurisdiction1-410 LXCriminal legislation1,3-7,9,1010 2259 13,14,1911 1712 1713 LXIIIDeutscher Bund1,3-7,9,11,1214 13-18,22,2415 Service examination, second higher-2 LXIIIDiscipline, penal authority2,316 LXXMarital matters1,319, 10, 11 I,31a13 II,1,2,4-1314-25 II,16-22,26-3026-37 II,3138-42 II,39,4043,44 III,1-2345 III, 24-26, 28, 29, 31,46-63 32-39,42,46,49, 51 LXXIEid1-4, 6, 9, 14, 18, 22, 2465-74 Railways,10,1275, 76 telegraphs Alsace-Lorraine-77 LXXIIIEngland2-4, 778-81 LXXVErbschaften1-3, 6, 7, 11, 12, 18,2182-88 LXXVIErkenntnisse1,1189, 90 LXXVIIEtatswesen1-1392, 93 LXXVIIIExemte1-8,.13,14,17-1994-106 24,26122, 123 LXXXFamily concern-1 '2,7,20,27,40,124-131 kgliche (u.42-44, 46, 50, 51132-137 Court celebrations1ichkeiten) LXXXIFamily laws, foundations, fideikommisse2,II,6,15139-143 LXXXIIFalsification1,4144, 145 LXXXIIIFiskus1-2, 4-9, 18, 19, 22146-156 LXXXIVFleischesvergehehen1-3,5,6157-161 LXXXVForstgesetzgebung1-11'13-15162-175 21176 Forstschutzpersonal1177 Frankfurt1178 LXXXVIFranreich1-19179,183 St.7 Fasz.1184 St.V185 LXXXVIIFrohndienste1,216 XXXVIIIGantsachen1,3-12,18,24,25186-200 26-28,31201-204 Prison Service1205-207 LXXXIXPrisoners and Prisons1,3-5,7,8208-214 14,15,21,25215-218 26,32,36-38219-223 CX (i)Ministers1,2,6224-226 XC aFunds1,2227,228 XCIGeldstrafe1,2,5-7,10229-234 Municipalities1,2,4-16,16235-252 20,26,31-37253-262 40, 42, 44,47263-266 50267 Cooperatives1268,269 XCIII jurisdiction, voluntary1-8273-284 12-18,20285-292 22,23a-i294-303 28-30,32-40304-315 42,46,51,54,57316-321 Courts of Justice1-3, 5-24, 26-30336-366 32-57, 59, 61367-370 66-68, 70, 72371-375 73, 75-81, 87-98376-397 100, 103-105398-401 109, 110402,403 Court costs1-3, 7-10407-447 Jurisdiction1, 3-12, 16, 17, 21451-466 22, 24, 26, 29, 30467-471 33, 35, 38, 41, 43472-476 46477 Bailiffs1 a, b478-484 Missions1-3486-488 Acceptance of gifts1, 2, 4489-491 Courts of jury1; 4; 6; 7; 8, 1-24;492-517 9; 12; 16; 23; 28; 35518-523 38; 45; 48; 50; 51524-526 54; 55; 58; 63; 65529-533 68; 75-80; 82; 85; High treason"; their file plan: "Files of the Ministerial Commission be tr. ..." Aa I-X b I-XII c 1-10 Files of the Ministry of Justice concerning..." BI-LV (files of B also originated at the Commission) Files of the Ministerial Commission I-III18 IV-VIII,X19 XI20 I21 IIa22 IIb23 IIc24 IVa26 IVb27 V30 VI29 VII28 (VIII)28 IX28 Xa31 Xb32 Xc33 XI34 XII35 Ministry of Justice files I-III36 IVa37 IVb40 IVc41 V42 VI-X43 XIa44 XIb45 XII, XIII46 XIV47 XV-XVII48 XVIII-XXI49 XXII50 XXIII51 XXIV-XXXII52 XXXIII53 XXXV-XLI54 XLII-LV55 Flight, Time 56 Writings Mortgage Commission157-67 Commission File Plan a) Books b) Files GeneraliaA,B,C,D SpezialiaI -VI CXXXILehengüter1-9,l0a,b68 1169 16,17,2070 CXXXII Characteristic1,271 CXXXIVLosungsrecht172 Münzwesen1-5, 7,873 Notare57a579, 580 Novalzehnten1, 374 Patrimonial-Verhaltennisse1-374 Polizeibehörden1-8, 11 Organisation-, Voll- Ziehungs-Kommission, in the Ministerial registry structured according to the following plan 1,I75 1,II77 1' III78 1' IV79 1,V83 1,VI85 2,I88 2,II90 392 495 598 6,I100 6,II101 6,III104 7106 8,I107 8,II110 8,III113 8,IV116 9119 10121 The original signatures of the Commission's registry were: 1-1175 1276 13-2077 21-3078 32a79 32b80 32d81 32e82 33,3583 36,3784 38a85 38b,c86 40-4587 1107 2110 3113 4116 5106 6a,b119 6b120 797 8a,b .98 8b99 996 l0a88 l0a89 l0a91,120 l0b,c90 20121,122 22138 24123 25132 27a133 27b134 27c,e135 28a-f136 28c119 33a-f137 34139 36a95 Protocols128-130 Diarium, Repertorium140 Revision of the Supreme Court1, I141 1, II143 Proceedings of the Supreme Judicial Review154 CLXXIRechtspflege1-5155 CLXXVRegierungsblatt116 217 821 1330 1425 CLXXVReichsgericht und Reichsgerichtliche Akten1,2,10157 Reichsversammlung1, 6, 7-13, 15156 Staatsorganisation1-4, 6, 7158 8-10159 State treaties England1, 2581'582 France1, 2583,584 Professional RegisterI589,590 I, VII591,592 I, VIII593,594 I,IX595 (I,X)596,597 I,XI598-600 Profile3,4601,602 Stamping and Taxation2-9,11-18603-620 Taxes1-8,11,18, 621-630 19,20631-634 22,26635,636 Prisons and prisoners, older files1-17,19,20,638-656 23-30657-664 Prisons, newer filesl a-y,2-8,665-694 12-14,20-23,26,695-702 27,34;34,1;703-709 34,c;41,44,710-712 48 a,b713,714 Prisoners1,1-15; 2, 7a, b;715-719 8,10,12b I,720-722 12b II,723 16,18-25724-732 30,44,51 733-735 Criminal Code, design160 I161 II163 III164 IV166 V168 VI170 VII172 IX176 X177 XI178 XII179 XIII-XV180 XVI181 XVII184 XVIII186 XIX187 XXI-XXII191 PrejudiceIV-VIII188 IX-XIII189 XIV, XVI-XXIV190 Criminal CodeVII736 XVI737, 738 XXIV739, 740 Code of Criminal Procedure192 VII, 1-33202 VIII203 IX, 1-16742 Criminal offence, Criminal Dicts1-8, 11-17, 19, 20,746-743 23, 25-29765-771 Articles 57772 wills1, 2, 4-8774-780 Thuringia and Anhalt1781 Death sentences and death penalties1, 2, 4, 7, 190, 15782-788 Tortur1203 University(s)1-4, 6, 8-15789-801 17, 19-22, 25, 27802-808 Untergänger und Ugangsgerichte1-4, 6809-813 Documents2814 Vacation1,2,4,5,7,9,11815-821 14822 Vagantes and vagantes Jauner1, 2, 4, 6204 3205 Miscellaneous7, 10, 11, 12a, b823-827 13-16, 18, 20, 21828-834 Lost1, 3, 4838-840 Powers of attorney1841, 842 Weapons (weapons of the people)2843 Orphan dishes1, 2844,845 Waldeck1847 Forests1, 2848,849 Resistance1850 Restoration of851 Civil Honor Poaching, Wildschaden1-7852-858 Wilhelmsdorf1, 2861, 862 Württemberg1-3,5,7,8,10863-869 11, 12, 14870-872 Wucher1-4, 7873-875 Zehenden1-4206 Testimonies, Witnesses, and Testimonies5, 6, 11, 20876-880 Interest1, 2881-882 Customs, Customs1-6, 8-19883-901 Punishment, body-1-6207 B. Department General Organic Items SubjectMinisterial RegistryDelivery III TuftsTufts Official Judge suitable for collegiate serviceI902 II903 III904 Requests for employment905-907 Certifications908-911 Fires912 Books913-915 Firewood916 Concept-Decrees917 Dispositionsfonds918 Recommendations919, 920 Budget921-946 Holiday Chambers947-950 Salary cutsI951, 952 II953, 954 III955 Expeditors' salary advance956-958 Jurisdiction, voluntary1969 2960 Courts961 '962 Bailiffs1963-965 2966 3967 Annual reports968-1058 Property book mattersI1059, 1060 II1061-1125 Main overview (sports overviews)1126-1129 Marriage permits1130-1132 Depositing1133 Treasurers1134 Cash reports, Regiegefängnisse1135 Lifelong employment1136-1138 Military pensions11139 21140 Minister11141 21442 Secondary business11143 Notarial matters1144-1169 Personal circumstancesIV1170-1175 VII1176-1180 X1181 Pension time overviewsI1183 II1184 Postporto1196-1198 Council clerk1199-1204 Statements of account1205 Reichslimes, Travel Recommendations1206 Travel Expenses11207, 1208 Stationery Invoice1209 State Manual, Official CalendarI1210 II1211 III1212 State Budget(splan)1213-1220 DeathsI1221 II1222 Criminal MattersI,1-251224-1237 II,1-311238-1261 III,1-341262-1295 IV, 1-131296-1308 V1309, 1310 VI1311 VII1312 Surpluses1313-1316 Translations1317 Transfer1318, 1319 Description1320, 1321 Deposit sacbenIII1322, 1323 IV, V1324-1339 Dedications1340-1342 Württembergische Justizverwaltung1343 Delivery officials1344-1346 "Acten des königlichen Strafanstalten-Collegiums" II 131347 II 231348-1349 Personal files from Hohenzollern and Alsace-Lorraine of taken over members of the judiciary1350-1372

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, G 220/1 Nr. 21 · File · 1938-1939
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Recruitment; swearing-in; salary and salary bonuses; removals; transfers; leave and exemption from duty; participation in NSLB training events; donations and fundraising campaigns; service obligations and wartime deployment; use of retired civil servants; secondment to occupied eastern territories; colonial school service; incorporation of Alsatian teachers into German civil service law; official duties; conduct in police matters Darin: 1. Requests for mercy for so-called "popular pests"; 2. lists of participants in Corpus Christi processions and the like.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, G 220/1 Nr. 20 · File · 1920-1937
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains, among other things: Recruitment; swearing in; salary and salary allowances; relocations; transfers; holidays and leave of absence; participation in NSLB training events; donations and collection campaigns; service obligation and war deployment; use of retired civil servants; secondment to the occupied eastern territories; colonial school service; transfer of Alsatian teachers to German civil service law; official duties; behaviour in service police matters Included: 1. petitions for clemency for so-called. 'Volksschädlinge'; 2. lists of participants in Corpus Christi processions and the like

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, G 220/1 Nr. 22 · File · 1939-1944
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains, among other things: Recruitment; swearing in; salary and salary allowances; relocations; transfers; holidays and leave of absence; participation in NSLB training events; donations and collection campaigns; compulsory service and war deployment; use of retired civil servants; secondment to the occupied eastern territories; colonial school service; transfer of Alsatian teachers to German civil service law; official duties; behaviour in service police matters Included: 1. petitions for clemency for so-called 'Volksschädlinge'; 2. lists of participants in Corpus Christi processions and the like

Item · Verwendung von bis: 26.10.1977 Herstellungszeitraum: 1977
Part of Post and Telecommunications Museum Foundation

Picture postcard;nSenderIn Corazza [photographer] VEB Bild und Heimat Reichenbach (founded 1951) [publisher];nPrinted: III/26/13 A1/69/77-280169 01 03 0046; reverse labelled: Bild und Heimat. Reichenbach (Vogtl); back caption: Colour photo: Corazza, Berlin GDR 0,20 M; back

Propaganda Reports: Vol. 6
BArch, RM 8/1531 · File · 15. Mai - 16. Juni 1941
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "English Flyers Get a Rejection", 15 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 6th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Eberhard Moes, "Flowers from Arcachon", n. d.; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Kompanie War Reporter Dr. Horst-Gotthard Ost, "Night work of our clearance boats in the canal", 8 Apr. 1941; 3rd Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter von Reuber-Paschwitz, "Wunschkonzert auf hoher See", 20 March 1941; 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: Kriegsberichter Dr. Siegwalt Benatzky, "Der täglichen Dienst", o. Dat.; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Männer der See - Kameraden, Soldaten", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Vorpostenboote auf Position", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Der Zeit Dienst", o. Dat. Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Heinz Beckmann, "The Four Hours of the Sailor", 21 Apr. 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Setting up a Mine Search Flotilla", o. Date; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Dr. Fritz List, "Hilfskreuzer gibt 170 Gefangene von Bord", 10 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "Volksstimme gegen Müßiggänger! 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Heribert Augst, "German soldiers save English sailors at night at their own peril", 24 Apr. 1941; Naval Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "'Nußschale' vernichtet Britenbomber" (evaluation of a war diary), 10th century, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department North: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "'Nußschale' vernichtet Britenbomber" (evaluation of a war diary), 10th century, 1941. Apr. 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Kompanie Südost: War Reporter Dr. Egon Figlhuber, "Unternehmen Petz" (Blue Boys Save Wounded Mountain Fighters' Lives) , 24. Apr. 1941; 10. Semi-Companie Südost: War Reporter Artillery-Maat Hans Järisch, "Liebe Kameraden", 4. May 1941; 10th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hans Järisch, "Silent Ports", 4 May 1941; 7th Marine War Reporter Half Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "The Kriegsmarine will know how to prevent this too" (English aviators bombard French fishermen), 26 Apr. 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: Kriegsberichter Dr. Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Fliegergriffen auf kleine Kriegsschiffe", 14. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: War correspondent Hans Arenz, "Schatten geistern durch die Nacht", May 8, 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War correspondent Hellmuth Baumann, "Minensucher stehen am Feind", o. Date; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Navy Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Lock Breaker on Enemy Drive", o. Date.Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter W. I. Rempel, "Three Tommy's plunged into the sea", May 7, 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Cod", n.d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Dorsche", n.d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Walter Melms, "A Submarine Flotilla Fishes Cod", n.d. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Submarine in the 'Laundry Room'" (Untiring Exercises for the Fight against England), n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division North: 2. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Seamen travel as passengers", n. d.; Naval War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A. (S)) Bernhard Müllmann, "Bei der italienischen Marine Artillerie", n. d.; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 6. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Bordeaux: Kriegsberichter Marine-Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Zwiesprache mit einem Koffer", n. d.; naval propaganda department West: 6. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Bordeaux: war correspondent Marine-Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Zwiesprache mit einem Koffer", n. d.5th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Cherbourg: War Reporter Dr. C. Coler, "The L I.", May 8, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 7th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Marine Artillerist WB. August Heinrich Esser, "Rees-Stunde im Nebel" (From the History of a Mine Search Boat), May 9, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division North: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Werner Franck, "Auf Vorposten in der Nordsee", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Die Geschichte vom harten Brot", 6. May 1941; Marine-Kriegsberichter-Trupp Süd (Italy): War correspondent Fritz Böltz, "An Bord eines italienischen Kreuzers, im Mai 1941", n. d.; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung Nord: War correspondent Jochen Brennecke, "Ein Englischer Admiral fährt in den Tod", 25. Apr. 1941; Marine Propaganda Company South East 10th Marine War Reporter Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Auf Fahrt in der Ägäis", 24th Apr. 1941; 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company Ostend: War correspondent Paul Engels, "The narrowest point in the canal", n. d.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Reuber-Paschwitz, "The Logbook of the Naval Cadet X.", May 6, 1941; Marine War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter Kurt von Steinitz, "Escort in the Mediterranean Sea", n. d.; 3rd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Reuber-Paschwitz, "The Logbook of the Naval Cadet X.", May 6, 1941; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter Kurt von Steinitz, "Escort in the Mediterranean Sea", n. d. Date; Navy Propaganda Department North: War Reporter Carl von Bremen, "Birthday Party on Board", May 15, 1941; 3rd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter P. P. Möbius, "Minenräumen in der Nordsee", o. Date; Naval Propaganda Abbey North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Takeover of the Sick on the High Seas", n. d.; 1st Navy War Reporter Half Company Kiel: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "Soldiers Should Feel at Home", 17th Century; Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "Sick Acceptance on the High Seas", n. d.; 1st Navy War Reporter Half Company Kiel: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "Soldiers Should Feel at Home", 17th Century May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Herbert Sprang, "Der Rudergänger", 17 Apr. 1941; 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company Ostend: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Hugo Bürger, "Expelled by Navy Artillery", 17 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Steamship in Convoy", 17 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Walter Melms, "Once a sailor on duty with the Führer - today submariners against England", n. d.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Peter-Paul Möbius, "Speedboats", n. d.; 5th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Cherbourg: War Reporter W. Brink, "A Maritime Officer as a Flak Gunner", 16th Century; 3rd Century War Reporter Peter-Paul Möbius, "Speedboats", n. d.; 5th Century War Reporter Cherbourg: War Reporter W. Brink, "A Maritime Officer as a Flak Gunner", 16th Century. May 1941; Naval War Reporter Trupp Süd: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Kurt von Steinitz, "Italian Naval Reconnaissance Soldiers on the Mediterranean", n. d.; 5th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Brest: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "This Is Him Commander", 22. May 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung Nord, Wilhelmshaven: Kriegsberichter (Gefreiter) Langemann, "Auf allen deutschen Werften Hochdruckarbeit!", n. d.; 7. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter W. I. Rempel, "Monsieur Pierre geht in den Hafen" (Marine-Küstenpolizei überwacht Hafenanlagen und Fischfang), 17. May 1941; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen: War Reporter Otto Bohm, "Geleitfahrt", May 20, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department Southeast Sofia: War Reporter Theo Janssen, "Berlin Chamber Musician in Sofia," May 22, 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Trupp Cherbourg: War Reporter Eberhard Hübner, "Räumboote machen Sonntag," May 16, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department Southeast Sofia: War Reporter Theo Janssen, "Berlin Chamber Musician in Sofia," May 22, 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Trupp Cherbourg: War Reporter Eberhard Hübner, "Räumboote machen Sonntag," May 16, 1941. May 1941; Air Force War Reporter Company (mot) 7: War Reporter Wilhelm Reinartz, "Mit einem Minensucher ins Mittelmeer", 15 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Department Southeast: 10. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hans Järisch, "Munitionsdampfer in Fliegeralarm", May 22, 1941; 7th Marine War Reporter Half Company Troop Le Havre: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "Germany's Fight under the Midnight Sun", May 15, 1941 Naval Propaganda Division North: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Otto Pautz, "They Build Our Fleet", April 24, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Naval Propaganda Division Aarhus: 2nd Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Special Leader (Lieutenant M. A.) Otto Pautz, "They Build Our Fleet", April 24, 1941; Naval Propaganda Division West: 5th Naval Propaganda Division Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Dr. Fritz Nonnenbruch, "Vacation and Return on Board", May 13, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Cherbourg Troop: War Reporter W. Brink, "Mine Search Boat on the Home March", May 12, 1941; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "The Commander has Birthday", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division West: 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Hanskarl Kanigs, "Before the Engine and the Boilers", n. d.; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: "The Commander has Birthday", n. d.; 8th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Navy Artillerist Hanskarl Kanigs, "Before the Engine and the Boilers", n. d.; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: "The Commander has Birthday", n. d. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Schieck, "Devil's Eggs around Greece", 5 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", o. D.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War correspondent J. Hans Eichen, "Hauruck! Throw that thing outboard", May 15, 1941; Naval War Reporter Trupp Süd: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Bernhard Müllmann, "As War Reporter on an Italian Torpedo Boat," n. d.; 5. Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Troop Cherbourg: War Reporter Dr. C. Coler, "Transformation of a Fishing Steamer", May 10, 1941; Marine Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Jakob Maria Wallacher, "Commanders", 14. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Aarhus: War Reporter Werner Franck, "A Ship's Crew Celebrates Farewell", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Leo de Laforgue, "An Invention of the Devil" (The Development of the Sea Mine and Its Impact on England), 24. Apr. 1941; Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Dr. Harald Busch, "Lauter neue Kumpels" (First Evening on a U-boat), n. d.; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2. Naval War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) Curt Eugen Schreiber, "Waving flag sunk in battle with enemy superiority", o. Date; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Kurt von Steinitz, "Eight Minutes of Attack and Five Hours of Nerve Test", May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Drift Mines Before the Bow! Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Arnold Prokop, "Walking at Sea", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 2nd Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "New heaviest batteries are being installed", n. d.; Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Sailor Dr. Harald Busch, "Underwater ...", n. d. Date; Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Sailor Dr. Harald Busch, "Northern Lights", n. d.; Marine War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Herbert Nolte, "Das sind Italiens Torpedomänner", n. d.; 5. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Cherbourg: Kriegsberichter Dr. C. Coler, "Zerstörer und Torpedoboot", May 12, 1941; 5. Marine War Reporter Half Company Cherbourg Troop: War Reporter Dr. C. Voler, "Battery Brommy Shoots Block", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8. War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Naval Artillery Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "You Must Be Back", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West, 5. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West, n. d. Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Our Comrade - The Red Cross Sister", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Division West, 8th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Naval Artillerist Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Die 'Alten' wieder in vorderster Front", without date; 7. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Le Havre: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer (Leutnant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "Reconstruction in the Service of the Navy", May 20, 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Eberhard Moes, "Feldpostbrief an mein Töchterchen", no date.Marine Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Otto Bohm, "Torpedoboote auf großer Fahrt", 21 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division West: 6th Marine War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Eberhard Moes, "Rivierakurs", o. Date; Navy Propaganda Division North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "From D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a to Kiel", n. d.; War Reporter Dr. Fritz Olbert, "8.000 ton tanker burned in the night", 26 May 1941; 6th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Hans Fischnaller, "Il nostro camerata Prien" (The Italian U-boat Weapon Mourns Prien), 24 May 1941; 6th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Bordeaux: War Reporter Hans Fischnaller, "Il nostro camerata Prien" (The Italian U-boat Weapon Mourns Prien), 24 May 1941. May 1941; 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Herbert Sprang, "... and don't forget your toothbrush", May 26, 1941; Navy War Reporter Half Company Kernevel: War Reporter Dr. Wolfgang Frank, "Günter Prien zum Gedächtnis", May 25, 1941; N. N. "Abschied von der Bügelfalte" (from the "bathing guest" of a long-distance submarine trip), n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department North: 2nd World War, 1941. Marine War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Division North: 1st Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "The Steering Wheel on the Sleeve", 22nd Century, Navy War Reporters Half Company: Navy War Reporter Herbert Wendt, "The Steering Wheel on the Sleeve", 22nd Century, Navy War Reporters Richard Kaufmann, "Dental Treatment on the Bridge Deck", n. d. May 1941; 10th Marine War Reporter Half Company Southeast: War Reporter Marine Artillerist Maat Hans Järisch, "On the Day of Crete on Tatoi", 23 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter Heinz von Rebeuer-Paschwitz, "Nocturnal Return from Convoy", May 30, 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Egon Figlhuber, "Gefallen vor Kreta", n. d.; 12th War Reporter Figlhuber, n. d. Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Herbert Kühn, "Musterung" ("in memoriam"), n.d.; 10th Naval War Reporter Half Company Southeast: War Reporter Marine Artillerist (Maat) Hans Järisch, "His Last Journey", 18th Century; Navy War Reporter Half Company, "Naval Artillerist" (Maat) Hans Järisch, "His Last Journey", 18th Century. May 1941; Naval Propaganda Division North: War Reporter Matthias Hanf, "Letzte Vorbereitung zum Einsatz auf Bord eines Schlachtschiffes", May 14, 1941; 9. Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Egon Figlhuber, "We're Drifting the Cliffs", n.d.; 8th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Special Leader (LieutenantM. A.) Hugo Bürger, "From the Lazarett Bound on Board", n.d.; N. N. Kriegsberichter (Uffz.) Wolf, "Immer im Einsatz", May 12, 1941; 5th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Brest: War Reporter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Im harten Dienst", May 29, 1941; 7th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Trupp Le Havre: Kriegsberichter Sonderführer (Leutnant M. A.) WB. Leisegang, "At the Lone Pier Post", May 24, 1941; N. N. War Reporter Herbert Nolte: "Speedboats Attacked Cruisers", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Department North: 2nd Navy War Reporter Half Company Aarhus: War Reporter Walter Melms, "In Night and Fog Behind the Convoy", n. d.; "In Night and Fog Behind the Convoy", n. d.; n. Date; 4th Marine War Reporter Parade in Bergen: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Gerhard Ludwig Milau, "Eight Hundred Norwegians Return Home", 7 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Wie wir Deutschland wiedersehen", 28 May 1941; Marine Propaganda Division West: 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Bratkartoffeln zwischen Dover und Calais", o. Dat.; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: War correspondent Otto Bohm, "Fourteen Three Shot Down", 30 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Navy Artillery Dr. Hanskarl Kanigs, "Axel, the 'Eye of the Fleet'", n. d.; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Wounded Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "The Eye of the Fleet", n. d.; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Wounded Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds Transport by Sea", 19th Century, "Wounds. May 1941; Navy Propaganda Division West: 8th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "New Ships in Foremost Front", n. d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", 22nd Navy War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "New Ships in Foremost Front", n. d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Sem-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", 22nd Navy War Reporter Josef Vidua, "With Mountain Fighters in Two Sea Battles", n. d. May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Jetzt war ma amol auf See!", May 24, 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "Hemmungslose Mordgier des Tommys im Kretischen Meer", May 26, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter Georg Ronge, "Addi, der Koch", May 30, 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "Hemmungslose Mordgier des Tommys im Kretischen Meer", May 26, 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Halbkompany Brest: War Reporter Georg Ronge, "Addi, der Koch", May 30, 1941. May 1941; War correspondent Heribert Augst, "Gefangene gehen von Bord" (English prisoners leave ship), o. Dat.; 1st Marine War correspondent Half Company Kiel: War correspondent Herbert Wendt, "Skagerrak - Tradition und Verpflichtung", 31 May 1941; 3rd Marine War correspondent Half Company Scheveningen: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Die entzauberte englische Mine", 31 May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company Volos: War Reporter Helmut Schieck, "... Weg ist minenfrei", o. Dat.; 10th Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Südost: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, Southeast: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, Southeast: War Reporter Horst Scharfenberg, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941; 7th Marine-War Reporter, "Drei fröhliche Stunden am Schwarzen Meer", May 14, 1941. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Boulogne: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Hans Biallas, "Five English Torpedoes Went Away", 30 May 1941; 3rd Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen/Den Haag: War Reporter J. G. Bachmann, "Mit Englischer Mine durch Schwpf und Morast", 29 May 1941; Marine-Propaganda-Abteilung West: 5. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie: Kriegsberichter Dr. Ulrich Blindow, "Das hat sitzt" (Alarm on a harbour protection boat of the Kriegsmarine./Hit in the belly of a British bomber), 20 Apr. 1941; 3. Marine-Kriegsberichter-Halbkompanie Scheveningen: War Reporter J. Hans Eichen, "Mine Search Boats of a Convoy Destroy Two English Bombers", 31 May 1941; 5th Marine War Reporter Half Company Brest: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.) (S) Hans Arenz, "Our Flotilla Doctor", 26 May 1941; 3rd Marine War Reporter Half Company Scheveningen: Kriegsberichter J. Hans Eichen, "A mighty blow hits our ship ...", May 31, 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Walter Hoffmann, "One against eight" (Italian torpedo boat sinking an English cruiser out of a strong enemy unit), 24. May 1941; 9th Naval War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter Josef Vidua, "4 men from the Navy and 132 Tommies" (The armoured motor schooner 'Trinity' is applied to the island of Milos), 17th century. May 1941; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Adolf Ried, "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Bravura Attack of Italian Torpedo Boats", 24 May 1941; Naval Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Bravura Attack of Italian Torpedo Boats", 24 May 1941; Navy Propaganda Department West: 8th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Piraeus (The Last Hours Before Leaving for Crete)", n.d.; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: "In the Port of Pirae", n. Marine War Reporter Semi-Company: War Reporter (Schreibermaat) Paul Engels, "Kriegsmarine macht einen Tanker flott", n. d.; Marine Propaganda Department West: 5. Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Once upset by the French and now back under German flag", n. d.; 6th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Hanns H. Reinhardt, "The Brown Sails of La Rochelle", n. d. Date; Navy Propaganda Department West: 5th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Mine Seeker" (Always on Enemy - Always Ready), no date; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Helmut Haring, "Mine Seeker" (Always on Enemy - Always Ready), no date; 9th Navy War Reporter Half Company Navy War Reporter Half Company Athens: War Reporter Bernd Richter, "Flakferien zwischen Sonne und Kakteen", n. d.; 12th Navy War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter M. A. Gefreiter Heinz Werseck, "Lamor Plage ... in Sunshine and Rain", n. d.; 9th Marine War Reporter Half Company: War Reporter Adolf Ried, "Italian Torpedo Boat Sunk from Sixfold Superiority English Destroyer", n. d.; 12th Marine War Reporter Half Company Trupp La Baule: War Reporter (Lieutenant M. A.)) Hans Kreis, "Five torpedoes - four tankers flew into the air", May 23, 1941; 7th Navy War Reporter Semi-Company Boulogne: War Reporter Werner Denckler, "18 bombs fell into the water" (clearance boats in battle with English bombers), June 5, 1941; Navy War Reporter Troop South: War Reporter (Lieutenant) (S) Karl Judmaier, "In bocca al lupo! (Italian destroyers at the enemy - English submarine sunk) o. Dat.