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Explanation: When the North German Confederation was founded, the postal system was organised as a unified state transport authority with the simultaneous disappearance of the territorial postal institutions. Bremen received a federal post office. In 1871, postal sovereignty was transferred to the German Reich. In 1874, the Reichspostverwaltung appointed Bremen as the seat of an Oberpostdirektion, which became the medium Reichspostbehörde. In addition to the territory of Bremen, its area of responsibility included the part of the administrative district of Hanover on the left bank of the Weser, parts of the administrative district of Stade and the administrative district of Thedinghausen in Brunswick. Until the First World War she was also responsible for the postal services in German New Guinea, on the Caroline Islands, Mariana Islands, Palau and Marshall Islands and Samoa. From 1934-1945 the Oberpostdirektion was called Reichspostdirektion Bremen. In 1943 it also took over the district of the Oldenburg management, which had until then been independent, and which included the Weser-Ems district. The privatization of Deutsche Bundespost was initiated in 1989, and in 1990 it was separated into the postal service and telecommunications divisions at OPD. At the end of 1992, the Postal Directorate was divided into the Postal Service and Telecommunications Directorates. Since 1995 they have been part of Deutsche Post AG and Deutsche Telekom AG. Lit.: Christian Piefke, Die Entstehung der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus der Weser-Ems-Gebiet, Vol. 1, H. 1, 1955, S. 2-3; Werner Guddat, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, Leer 1974; Theodor Windmann, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Hefte Weser-Ems, Vol. 1, 1955, S. 2-3. 4, H. 4, 1973, p. 77-84; Johannes Rust, Die Postgeschichte des Bezirks der Reichspostdirektion Bremen für den Kriegsjahre 1939-1945, Bremen 1949; K. Johanns, Die ersten Schritte. Attempt to reconstruct postal conditions in the Reichspostdirektions district of Bremen after the end of the Second World War until the resumption of limited correspondence on 1 July 1945, in: Philatelie und Postgeschichte, 20, No. 89, 1986, p. 1-19; Alexis Wegener, Die Post in Bremen und Bremerhaven 1945-1964, in: Wachsende Städte an der Unterweser, 1965, p. 88-96; Der OPD-Bezirk Bremen, in: Zeitschrift für das Post- u. Fernmeldewesen, 7 (1955), p. 41-53; Oberpostdirektion Bremen (ed.), Oberpostdirektion Bremen im neuen Haus, Bremen 1985; Herbert Leclerc, Von Apia bis Yap. Former German postal institutions in the South Seas, in: Archiv für deutsche Postgeschichte 1982, pp. 7-32; Fritz Thole, Die Leiter der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus dem Weser-Emsgebiet, vol. 1, H. 1, 1955, p. 3, H. 3, 1956, p. 29-38, vol. 2, H. 6, 1961, p. 118-119. Reference: Christian Piefke, Die Entstehung der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus der Weser-Ems-Gebiet, vol. 1, H. 1, 1955, p. 2-3; Werner Guddat, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, Leer 1974; Theodor Windmann, 100 Jahre Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Hefte Weser-Ems, vol. 4, H. 4, 1973, p. 77-84; Johannes Rust, Die Postgeschichte des Bezirks der Reichspostdirektion Bremen für die Kriegsjahre 1939-1945, Bremen 1949; K. Johanns, Die ersten Schritte. Attempt to reconstruct postal conditions in the Reichspostdirektions district of Bremen after the end of the Second World War until the resumption of limited correspondence on 1 July 1945, in: Philatelie und Postgeschichte, 20, No. 89, 1986, p. 1-19; Alexis Wegener, Die Post in Bremen und Bremerhaven 1945-1964, in: Wachsende Städte an der Unterweser, 1965, p. 88-96; Der OPD-Bezirk Bremen, in: Zeitschrift für das Post- u. Fernmeldewesen, 7 (1955), p. 41-53; Oberpostdirektion Bremen (ed.), Oberpostdirektion Bremen im neuen Haus, Bremen 1985; Herbert Leclerc, Von Apia bis Yap. Former German Post Offices in the South Seas, in: Archiv für deutsche Postgeschichte 1982, pp. 7-32; Fritz Thole, Die Leiter der Oberpostdirektion Bremen, in: Postgeschichtliche Blätter aus dem Weser-Ems-Gebiet, vol. 1, h. 1, 1955, pp. 3, h. 3, 1956, pp. 29-38, vol. 2, h. 6, 1961, pp. 118-119.

RMG 2.997 · File · 1899-1924
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Reports by Doctor Frobenius, A. Hoffmann, W. Diehl, A. Wullenkord, G. Eiffert and others; Situation plan of Bogadjim, 1909; "Gründung u. Entwicklung der Station Bogadjim", 13 p., ms., by W. Diehl, 1912

Rhenish Missionary Society
R 32 · Collection · 01 Jan 1887 - 31 Dec 1984
Part of National Archives of Australia

The series consists of a variety of photographic material relating to Nauru, Ocean Island, Christmas Island and British Phosphate Commissioners (BPC) property in Australia. The British Phosphate Commissioners mined phosphate on Nauru and Ocean Island and acted as managing agent on Christmas Island, also mining there, on behalf of the Christmas Island Phosphate Commission (CIPC) [CA 6799].

The series provides an informative photographic record of the settlements and total mining operation on each island. It includes places of interest, scenery, terrain, towns, land and sea and air transport, mining plant and activity. There are photographs of workers, management, island administrators, visitors and events of particular significance. The construction of new houses, office and administrative buildings, wharves, cantilevers and the reconstruction following Japanese occupation of some islands is depicted.

Some items in the series were created by BPC staff as a direct record of the Commission's activities. Other collections were acquired from time to time from visitors to the island and, in one instance, from a journalist - Mr Thomas J. McMahon, who wrote articles about the islands. Others which date from before the formation of BPC were acquired from the previous mining companies and provide an extensive record from the time when phosphate mining on Ocean Island was first investigated.

Under the BPC the Engineer on each island was responsible for the total island's operation and would arrange for photographs of the area under his jurisdiction. These were sent to Melbourne and placed in standard albums as the 'official' photographs. These albums were green for Nauru, brown for Christmas Island and burgundy for Ocean Island, leather bound, with the island name and volume number embossed on the spine. The photographs are mostly secured inside the albums, numbered and annotated. In many cases a list of contents is held inside the cover of each volume. Other volumes of varying size have mainly brown or black cardboard covers. The run of official photographs is now held as R32/1. Negatives identified as relating to them are located in R32/10 although the collection is not complete. Copies of some prints were mounted in a separate run of albums now held as R32/12.

Other material in this series includes loose black and white and colour prints, negatives, slides and transparencies on a variety of subjects. These have been grouped by National Archives into consignments relating to particular islands or are grouped by media. Prior to the cessation of the BPC's phosphate mining in July 1981, and in anticipation of the transfer of records, the photograph collections were brought together by the BPC Librarian into the one series, the volumes being arranged by single number runs under each island, and the previously unnumbered volumes, numbered from 101. Following the initial collation of the photographs other books and individual prints have been found and added to the collection.

Originally five consignments of this series were transferred to the custody of National Archives, the first containing the albums. Once in custody, certain negatives in consignments 5 and 6 were found to be silver nitrate. Accordingly, all negatives in these consignments were removed, and those confirmed as nitrate were isolated and copies made. The original nitrate negatives were destroyed and the copies relocated in the present consignment 9. The other, non-nitrate, negatives were placed in the present consignment 6.

Further arrangement and description of this series was undertaken by National Archives which resulted in a reordering of its items. The present division of items and the allocation of consignments of this series is as follows:
R32/1 Official photograph albums
R32/2 Christmas Island photographs - loose
R32/3 Nauru photographs - loose
R32/4 Ocean Island photographs - loose
R32/5 Sundry photgraphs - loose
R32/6 Black and white negatives - general and those removed from
items in R32/3 and R32/5
R32/9 Copies of nitrate negatives removed from items in R32/3
to R32/5
R32/10 Black and white negatives of photograpns in items of R32/1
R32/11 Black and white glass negatives
R32/12 Copies of photographs in items of R32/1
R32/13 Full page negatives of photographs from albums CIPC 1-10 and CIPC NN from R32/1
R32/14 Individual negatives of photographs from albums CIPC 1-10 and CIPC NN from R32/1
R32/15 Individual negatives of photographs from albums CIPC 1-10 and CIPC NN from R32/1 (second copy, identical to R32/14)
R32/16 Copy prints of photographs from albums CIPC 1-10 and CIPC NN from R32/1
Note that there are no consignments 7 or 8. As at November 1994 there were item lists for all the consignments listed above except R32/9.

Items in R32/1 and R32/12 have retained, as much as possible, their original control symbols prior to their renumbering by the BPC Librarian. As there is not a comprehensive system of arrangement for the entire series, control symbols in the form of single numbers with alpha prefixes have been imposed on most items to form discrete sequences for each consignment. Items in consignment 2 have been allocated a C prefix for Christmas Island, those in 3 an N prefix for Nauru, in 4 an O prefix for Ocean Island, in 5 an S prefix for Sundry, and 11 a G prefix for Glass Negative. Items in consignment 6 have been allocated a prefix of NEG for Negative where the negatives could not be identified as applying to prints in other consignments. However, where negatives were removed from items in other consignments to be relocated in consignment 6 they have retained the control number of their item of origin. That is, negatives removed from item [S24] of R32/5 are similarly identified as item [S24] in R32/6. In the same way, where items in consignment /10 have been identified as pertaining to items in R32/1 they have been assigned the control symbols of those items in R32/1.

In the years 2002-2003 extensive preservation work was carried out on photographs in R32. Loose photographs in consignments 2, 3, 4 and 5 were placed into archival quality image portfolios, while photographs in consignments 1 and 12 were removed from their original albums and placed in image portfolios also.

British Phosphate Commission
RMG 3.014 · File · 1904-1936
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

39 Lectures, sermons, travelogues[Overview in file]: - The thanksgiving offering of the Rayküsten Congregation to the RM / 1928- Gifts with a mouth / - New Guinea - a land of harvest joy / - Becker / Sermon Col. 3: 16-17 / 1909- Blum, Wilhelm / Sermon on Ps. 84, 6-8 / 1905- Diehl, Wilhelm / Sermon on 1.Kor.13,13 1904- Diehl, Wilhelm / Psychology and Ghost Worship at our Papuas / 1907- Diehl, Wilhelm / How do we involve our young Christians in financial achievements / 1909- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the founding and development of our company / Report on the history of our company / 1909- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the history of our company / 1907- Diehl, Wilhelm / Report on the history of our young Christians / Report on the history of our company. Development of the station Bogadjim during the first 25 years / 1912- Diehl, Wilhelm / Discussion of the language question in view of the unification of the language area Bongu-Bogadjim / 1913- Döge, Walter / Among the inhabitants of the Adalbert Mountains / 1936- Döge, Walter / An excursion to the foothills of the Bismarcksgebirge / 1931- Eckershoff, Heinrich / The collaboration of Samoan pastors in our New Guinea mission / 1921- Eiffert, Georg / The gospel and the Papuan pagan custom / 1911- George, Heinrich / Azera Reisebericht / 1924- Glitz, Gustav / Vom Bau unserer Rheno-Westfalia / 1910- Hanke, August / Which moral and religious demands do we have to make on baptized applicants and baptized Papuans? 1903- Hanke, August / On Uniform Orthography in New Guinea / 1905 / Hanke, August / The Numeric Words in the Languages of our Field of Work / 1905- Hanke, August / Casus formation of the Nomen substantivum and its meaning in the Bongus Language / 1906- Hanke, August / Report on the Development of the RM in New Guinea / 1912- Hanke, August / Sermon on Jes. 21, 11-12 / 1914- Helmich, Heinrich / The treatment of our natives by the missionary in everyday and personal intercourse / 1905 - Helmich, Heinrich / The formation of a Christian terminology in the Siar language and in the language of Siar. the associated difficulties / 1907- Helmich, Heinrich / The uniform design of our Sunday service / 1909- Helmich, Heinrich / Sermon on the 25th anniversary of the RM in New Guinea / 1912- Helmich, Heinrich / Procurement of a municipal ordinance with special consideration of what was initially required / 1913- Hoffmann, Albert / Mission u. Colonization in their mutual relationship with special consideration of New Guinea / 1902- Hoffmann, Albert / Thoughts about our mission area and the continuation of the work in New Guinea / - Kriele, Eduard / The current situation of the New Guinea mission and the resulting tasks for its continuation due to pers. Observations instead of a general report / 1909- Schütz, Friedrich / Sermon on John 13, 34-35 / 1908- Schütz, Friedrich / The subject matter and his treatment in our elementary schools / 1909- Schütz, Friedrich / Sermon on Ps. 62, 2 / 1912- Schütz, Friedrich / The cooperation of Samoan pastors in our New Guinea mission / 1921- Viering, Alfred / New Guinea / / Viering, Alfred [?] / A significant conference for our New Guinea mission / 1929- Weber, Ernst / Recruiting and training indigenous helpers / 1908- Welsch, Jakob / How can the problem of input of youth education be solved? / - Welsch, Jakob / The missionary in relation to his church / 1935- Welsch, Jakob / Some questions answered by the paper: The missionary in relation to his church / 1936- Welsch, Jakob / The Papuans are an easy-going people[&] Magic

Rhenish Missionary Society