Retro Conversion, Body Spring 2019
Contains: Protocol extracts concerning, among others, the warehouse for the consumer cooperative "Eintracht" in the port of Niehl, Kölner Renn-Verein concerning the reduction of the property tax surcharge, repair of the restaurants in the Volksgarten and Südpark, leasing of the airport restaurant, naming of the Beethovenpark, sports shops concerning the "Eintracht" consumer cooperative in the port of Niehl. Trade of tennis court administrators, French tropical fruit wholesalers in Cologne, visit of representatives of the city of Birmingham, bronze plaque in the Gürzenich for the 100th anniversary of the concert company, sports hall in Cologne-Sülz, hall in the knife extension area, evacuation of the Mülheimer Freiheit 24-30 houses, protocol questions concerning song songs at the U.C.J.-Congress, naming of a rowing boat of the youth department of the Marine-Verein after the Kreuzer Cologne, accommodation of the standard of the hunter regiment on foot no. 7, sports event in the stadium to the 80th birthday of the Reich President, transfer of the Gürzenich to a lecture of Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld concerning "The sexual crisis", purchase of the house Brandenburger Str. 14 for the purpose of the establishment of a youth home, transfer of the Gürzenich to the proletarian culture committee concerning the "Gürzenich". Reichsschulgesetz, redesign of the Gürzenich and reduction of street noise, racecourse for motor vehicles in Cologne, administration of the youth hostel, visitor accommodation at the German Gymnastics Festival, construction of a trotter racecourse, construction of riding paths in the city forest, permanent gardens on the Merheimer Heide, provision of municipal plants to decorate the casino hall for the Frauenbund of the German Colonial Society, Department Cologne, pollution of the streets, accidents in the street cleaning service, reduction of road construction costs for new residential buildings, advertising on the cycle track in the stadium, provision of the large exhibition hall for companies, wishes of the Bürgerverein Köln-Merheim, expropriation law for the Mülheimer bridge construction, Kölner Renn-Verein concerning the construction of the Mülheimer bridge. The race day coincides with sporting events, fees for the use of the stadium by schools, the erection of a monument, a riding path on Junkersdorfer Weg, the use of the Gürzenich for a lecture by Magnus Hirschfeld on "Die Geschlechtsnot der Jugend" ("The Gender Distress of Youth"), the purchase of the Schlösser'schen Gärten in Cologne-Subbelrath, the application of the Zeltlagerwerk europäischer Jugend ("Tent Camp Factory of European Youth") concerning the purchase of the Schlösser'schen Gärten in Cologne-Subbelrath. Tent camp in Cologne, reduction of the tax rate for events in the sports hall in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, leasing of the sports hall in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, participation in the exhibition "Young Germany" in Dortmund, construction of cycle paths along the arterial roads, Hänneschen theatre on the Pressa, Negotiations concerning the purchase of the Mauserhof in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, takeover of the German Sängerbund Festival in Cologne, use of the youth hostel, construction of a new Grossmarkthalle, admission of the school youth and youth clubs to the dress rehearsals of the Gürzenich concerts. Conversion of the church in Weiler into a youth home, illuminated advertising on the Stollwerck house, construction of playgrounds and sports fields below the Mülheimer Bridge, Reichsbund der Wohnungslosen (Reich Association of the Homeless) concerning the construction of cheap wooden houses, swastika windows on the Hohenzollernring 81 house, ugly advertising signs on the Neumarkt 27/29 house, affairs of the housing department, replacement of apartments for the east-west road breakthrough. Spielvereinigung 07 Sülz concerning timber-framed building on the Zwischenwerk VIb, tennis court on the area between Volksgarten and railway, complaint of Josef Büser, city councillor, concerning too narrow development of the Riehl housing estate by the GAG, subsidy for the Institute for Retail Research at the University of Cologne, ball festival in the Opera House, IG Farbenindustrie AG concerning the construction of the new building. Complaint about hesitant concession of a steam boiler, housing construction program 1929, housing construction in the district of Cologne, removal of the cathedral terrace, union Mannebach II regarding guarantee assumption for housing construction projects at the corner of Zülpicher Straße and Kanalstraße, wages for workers regarding ornamentation of the city on the 14th anniversary of the foundation of the city. German gymnastics festival, transfer of the Gürzenichsaal to an event with Erich Ludendorff, police cost issue, milk control, tax reduction in the Rheinlandhalle, takeover of the Tattersaal area on Venloer Straße, new construction at the stadium, new sports hall on Junkersdorfer Weg, cessation of operations at Halpaus, telephone system in the Ehape-Haus, incorporation negotiations with the Schlebusch office, New construction of a secondary school on Neusser Strasse, advantages for the city of Frankfurt due to the concentration of the paint industry, advice centre for sports medicine in the stadium, danger of ice and flooding in 1929, installation of a public swimming pool in the new school buildings in Kalkerfeld, invitation of an English football club, membership of the departments in honorary committees, relocation of the van der Zypen factory.
copy; German; 4 sheets; 16 printed lacquer seals of the authorised representatives [unleserl.], D. von Knyphausen, Heinrich von Wersabe, J. von Rehden, Dr. D. Andree, Otto Schinckel, Remel Wiardt, Jacques de Pottere, Cornelius D. Holstein, C. Payne, H. von Senden, I. A. Grousveldt, Samuel [unleserl.], Peter Tonius Schop, Dr. H. Beeckmann, Berent Jansen Horß; Riss; Paper; Emden; 16 Unterschr., inter alia of the power of attorney. [illegible], D. v. Knyphausen, Heinrich v. Wersabe, J. v. Rehden, Dr. D. Andree, Otto Schinckel, Remel Wiardt, Jacques de Pottere, Cornelius D. Holstein, C. Payne, H. v. Senden, I. A. Grousveldt
Contains among other things: Agricultural Academy Bonn-Poppelsdorf Agricultural University Berlin Gärtnerlehranstalt Berlin-Dahlem Chamber of Agriculture of the Province Brandenburg University Halle
Annual Reports of the German East Africa Society
Material on aspects of the various mission societies. Among the prominent figures of this missionary movement was Reinhold Grundemann, who was a pastor in Mörz near Belzig.
Supplement to [1555] not published in 1555 May 9, not published in 1555. List of cavalry chiefs who have resigned or are still in the process of being appointed: A. Termination of service: Heinrich von Bortfelt; Achim Holstein; Bartel vonMandels; Burchart von Mandels; Georg Schylling; Jacob Rothusen; B. Remained in appointment: Marx Ramel - 100 Gulden; Moritz Frise - 200 Gulden; Georg Putkamer - 100 Taler, 20 Groschen; Christoff zu Warburgk - 100 Taler; Werner Hann - 200 Gulden; he has already received his service money; Ramel, Frise, Putkamerund Warburg are to be paid by Duke Johann Albrecht and transferred to him. copy1 sheet 21 x 30 cm, p. 1 described.HBA D no. 1745/1. - old signature:;
Korrespondenz; Prof. Haussleiter, Halle: Entwicklungsfragen d. Mission in unseren Schutzgebieten nach 25 Jahren dt. Kolonialarbeit, 1909; Jahrbuch d. vereinigten nordostdeutschen Missionskonferenzen, 124 S., Brandenburg 1910
Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft- o.D., Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, I. HA Rep. 400 Realien Contains: - 24 x 52 cm description: Contains: - 24 x 52 cm
10 sheets
6 sheets
2 copies; English; 15 sheets; paper; The Hague
Correspondence with church collections and church ministry of missionaries
Rheinische MissionsgesellschaftContains: budget drafts and accounts, minutes of meetings and agendas of the cathedral monastery
Knorr, Eduard vonContains among other things: - Regulation of the License and Convoy Money in the General States, 1687 - General States ./. Electorate of Brandenburg: brandenburgische Afrikanische Kompanie, 1687 - "Vertalinge vande Harangue aen de Hoogh Mogende Heeren Staten Generael Der Vereenighde Nederlanden, gedaen by syn Excellentie den Heere Holzhalb, Extraordinaris Envoyé van de Hoogh-loffelijcke Evangelische Cantons van de Ligue van Switserland", 1687 (private print) - Accommodation of cross troops in Cologne, 1687 - Regulations for the Militia of Cologne, 1687.
Contains: Residential building of the Reich Minister Seyß-Inquart, Am großen Wannsee 32-34, 1939-1940 Reichsstelle für Milcherzeugnisse, Öle und Fette, 1940 film premiere theatre at the splendid boulevard Deutsche Reichslotterie, 1940-1942 Marstallgebäude (accommodation of the colonial ministry), 1940-1943 Inspector General for the German road system, 1941 Betriebskrankenkasse des Reiches, Zweigstelle Brandenburg, 1941-1942
8 sheets