Showing 239 results

Archival description

Curriculum vitae, transcripts of testimonies, contract of service, 1896; letter of the local Christian Ibrahim Kerefu, 1900; confidential correspondence about Roehl's marriage affairs, 1903-1911; description of the rapes of the Evangelical Mission Societies for German East Africa by our enemies, list of damages for the years 1914-1916, died in addition. by Karl Roehl, 1920; "Eine Deutsche Evangelische Tat für Ostafrika, Werbedruck-schrift für das Suaheli-Neue Testament Roehls, 1930; Vertrag der Leipziger-, Berliner-, u. Bethel-Mission mit Karl Roehl wegen literarischem Sonderauftrag in Tansania, 1930; Johannes Raum "Um das Roehl´sche New Testament, Referat, 1931; Report on discussion with Mr. Tyndale-Biscoe, Director of Education in Dar-es-Salaam, 1932; Protocol of the Fourth General Lutheran Missionary Conference in Dar-es-Salaam, June 1933; Memorandum concerning the "Reichskirche u. Mission by Karl Roehl, November 1933; Report to the Church Foreign Office "On my work in Dar-es-Salaam, 1934; Memorandum on the printing of Karl Roehl's Swahili Bible, 1935; Introduction to Karl Roehl's Swahili Bible, 1937; Four issues of "Mapenzi ya Mungu, April to June 1937; Illustrations for the Swahili Bible, 1937; "Unser Prophet ist heilig u. a saint, translated by Karl Roehl from "Mapenzi ya Mungu, 1938; "The Story of Businsa from "Ufalme wa Mungu (In English: God's Kingdom) No.4, 1939; "Report on my 70th birthday of Karl Roehl, July 1940; obituary of Emmy Roehl, 1948; obituary of Karl Roehl, 1951

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

In particular, the collection includes photographic material from the regions in southern and eastern Africa, Indonesia and China in which the missionaries of the above-mentioned missions were active.

Parts of the image material are available in digital form. In order to guarantee a modern way of working with the holdings in the future, the digitisation of the entire holdings is currently underway. Further access in the form of a representative selection of images available on this page is being planned.

In: From the Baptism of the Saxons to the Church in Lower Saxony. Geschichte der Ev.-luth. Landeskirche in Braunschweig, edited by Friedrich Weber, Birgit Hoffmann and Hans-Jürgen Engelking, Braunschweig 2010, pp. 709-726, esp. pp. 714-716.secondary literature

NL 292 · Subfonds · 1902-1934
Part of Regional Church Archive Wolfenbüttel

A few documents of the missionary clergyman Karl von Schwartz (1845-1923), who was active in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a from 1893.Notes on and manuscripts of sermons and lectures, also for the Leipzig MissionConsists mainly of: handwritten and typewritten manuscripts, also prints, of lectures, mission lectures, sermons, mission sermons - broken down with the help of an attached table of contents -Darin: Abschiedsbrief an die Frauenhilfe der alten Domgemeinde, Konzept [1933]; Schriftwechsel zur Dank für ein held Missionsvortrag und über zukünftige Missionsarbeit, 1903

NL 293 · Subfonds · 1907, 1933-1938
Part of Regional Church Archive Wolfenbüttel

Publications of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission to Leipzig Includes: Evangelical Lutheran Mission Gazette, Leipzig: No. 7, July 1933; Vol. 91, No. 1, January 1936; Vol. 93, No. 2, February 1938; Vol. 93, No. 4, April 1938; Vol. 38, No. 6, June 1938 Seven hours of missionary time by Pastor Dr. phil. von Schwartz, Bodenburg, to introduce the work of the Leipzig Mission in India. Leizig, Publisher of the Evangelical Lutheran Mission, 1907; 1907; 1933-1938

Pa Hon 359 · File · 1901-1922
Part of Regional Church Archive Wolfenbüttel

Darin:Lechler, Paul: The promotion of the medical mission emanating from Germany. Special print from "Medical Mission" No. 3, 1924; The Need of Our Brothers in the East! A cry for help for the Lutheran Church in Russia. Sent by the General Evangelical Lutheran Conference. - Leipzig: Wallmann-Verlag, 1922; Stein, Samuel: How the Lutheran congregations of North America raise funds for church purposes and for Christian charity. Edited by Lutheran Bureau of the National Lutheran Council, New York. - Halle (Saale), Otto Thiele, 1922; Epiphany request from the Leipzig Mission House. Back to East Africa! Author: D. Paul, Mission Director, Leipzig, ed.: [Leipziger Mission, Leipzig], print, black and white, [Leipzig], [ca. 1920], 14.5 cm x 23 cm.

leaflets, pamphlets
Pa BLB 27 · File · 1912-[1913], [1927], [1951]
Part of Regional Church Archive Wolfenbüttel

What does the ethnological exhibition of the Basler und Leipziger Mission want? (Flyer, ed.: Der geschäftsführende Ausschuss (among others Domprediger von Schwartz, Pfarrer Eisenberg), print: Friedr. Bosse, Braunschweig, 23x 29,5 cm) 1912;How does the Christliche Preßverband Braunschweig work? (pamphlet, annual report 1913/1914, signed Pfarrer Querfurth, print: Druckerei des Rauhen Haus Hamburg, 14,5 x 22,5) [1914];The plight of social loneliness and its overcoming in a new national community. Church in the people/Volk in the church. What does the church-social alliance want? (Flyer, ed.: [Kirchlich-Sozialer Kongress], print: Montanus, Berlin, 23.5 x 32 cm) [1927]; Handbook for a report to Protestant-Lutheran congregations about the diaspora care of the Martin-Luther-Bund, Erlangen (flyer, ed.: Martin-Luther-Bund, Erlangen, print, 21.5 x 30 cm) [ca. 1951].

Parish Order Volume 2
OA Cremlingen 14 · File · 1882-1906
Part of Regional Church Archive Wolfenbüttel

Includes, among other things: New appointment to the parish post due to the appointment of the Superintendent von Schwartz as Mission Director of the Leipzig Mission, 1891

Contains also: Basic papers for the foundation of a mission in East Africa - List of the different fields of work with year numberSeperat impression Nürnberger Missionsblatt 1886, 2 3 about an evang.-luth. mission in East Africa Essay Ittameier on East Africa as a mission field 1885Darin:Copies and transcripts of the history of Seifert and others on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Hersbruck mission 1886

Money collections in schools
1-21-21872-1945/1-2/201- 8778 · File · 1899 - 1937
Part of Erfurt City Archive

Includes:Flyer "Bread for Stones!"of the Missionsverein der Siongemeinde 1899, Mitteilungen aus der evangelischen Mission in Deutsch-Ostafrika 1899, Sammelbuch des Pfennigs-Vereins 1899, information booklet "Die evangelische Gemeinde Grünthal" 1899, Sammelbuch für das Samariterhaus für Kinder in Cralau bei Magdeburg 1899, Report of the German Association of Cities on collections on the occasion of the German Children's Relief Day June 24, colour print of welfare stamps 1924, information sheet of the Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland, local group Erfurt 1934, guidelines for the implementation of the school collection of 16. until 31.03.1936

Ernst Johanssen (1864-1934)

Private letters, 1890-1893; travelogues, diary notes, correspondence with Trittelvitz, 1905-1914; manuscripts, fragments, diaries, etc.: "The first visit of German children to Queen Msinga of Rwanda, "Back to Queen Msinga, "Observations on the Characteristics of Natives, 1907-1908; General Correspondence and Monthly Reports, 1927-1929; Bugufi calls us - Bugufi needs us, 1929; Letter of Native Christians from Bukoba to the Bishop of Central Tanzania, 1929; Impressions and thoughts during a journey into the landscapes of Mischenye u. Karagwe, 1929; Questionnaires with personal data and birth dates of 14 children, 1930; "Church Mission Society u. Bethel-Bielefeld Mission in Bukoba, German and English version by E. Johanssen, 1930; Correspondence with E. Johanssen, 1930-1933; death notice and memorial certificate, 1934; correspondence with Martha Johanssen, 1934-1940; "On the 100th birthday of E. Johanssen, 1964; "On the 100th birthday of E. Johanssen, by J. Busse, with the addition of Albrecht sen.., 1971

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence with Dr. Samuel Müller and Martin Scheel; Statutes of the Association Deutsches Institut für ärztliche Mission e.V. in Tübingen, 1939; Die ärztliche Mission innerhalb der Bethel-Mission, Report, 1946; Memorandum on the establishment of a seminar for Christian medical service, by Dr. Martin Scheel, 1961

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Herbert Moebius (1906-1974)

Correspondence, 1933-1965; Instruction and personnel questionnaire, 1936; Medical report for Käte Hamann, teacher in Lwandai, 1937; Report on "Medical Missionary Council in Dar-es-Salaam, July 1938; Annual reports of the Mission Hospital in Bumbuli, 1938-1939; "Die Aussätzigen in der Bethel-Mission, 1939; Letters from the internment camps Andalusia and Salisbury, 1940-1947

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence and Reports, 1931-1968; Curriculum Vitae, 1931; Service Instruction and Vow of Delegation, 1932; Versorgungsangelegenheiten, 1937-1986; Ordnung für die äußere Stellung der Missionsarbeiter der Bethel-Mission, December 1930 version; "Neue Ordnung, November 1933 version

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence, reports and health reports about the mission members living in Africa, 1926-1938; Instructions and vows, 1928; Pictures from the medical work in Bukobalande, 10 p., ms.., 1929; "Im Auto um den Viktoriasee, 1930; "Aus der Hospitalarbeit in Kamachumu, 1931; "Reise nach Rwanda, 17 S. ms., 1931; "Einer der Reichen im Lande (A funeral celebration), 1934; "Etwas vom Alltag, 19 S., ms., 1934; "Inderpraxis in Afrika, 9 S. ms, 1934; "Ärztliche Mission u. Regierung, 9 S. ms., 1936; "Ärztliche Mission u. Volkstum, 16 S. ms., 1936; decision of the church assembly of Buhaya to give Doctor Kröber the honorary name "Mujunangoma(= saviour of the people), 1937; testimony for Doctor Kröber, 1938; report on the work of Doctor Kröber in the service of the Bethel mission, 1938; correspondence with Doctor Kröber in Kirchen an der Sieg (also in the field) and with his family, 1938-1978; obituary for Maria Kröber, née Augustin, 1978

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Memories of Missionary Johanssen von Walther Trittelvitz in the news of the Bethel Mission, 1934; "In Service as Court Preacher by Ernst Johanssen, 1935; Life Picture of Ernst Johanssen by Gerhard Jasper in "Licht u. Leben, 1937; "Der Beitrag der Bethel-Mission zur missionarischen Verkünigung (Doctor Ernst Johanssen) by Gerhard Jasper, 1936; "Die missionarische Art von Missionar Pastor Doktor Ernst Johanssen von Gerhard Jasper im Missions-Jahrbuch 1936; "Missionar Doktor Johanssen, der Witge - Ein Vortrag von Gerhard Jasper, Konzept u. Quellentexte, o.J.

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

A missionary study on "Leadership and Experience by Ernst Johanssen, conceived by his son-in-law Pastor Gerhard Jasper Sr., about 1940; documents on "Leadership and Experience by Dr. Ernst Johanssen, published after his death by his son-in-law Pastor Gerhard Jasper Sr., including source texts, remarks and correspondence on "Leadership and Experience, Sources on the Relationship of the Bethel Mission and Church Mission Society, Rwanda and the final section

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 3/36 a Bü 423 · File · 1907/1908, 1911
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: some photos from the mission station in Edea; list of addresses to pass on the report that was last in Gustav Decker's hand; information sheet "An die Sammler von Staniol für die Basler Mission", 1911, reprinted 1 page

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 3/36 a Bü 536 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Map "East Asia" from Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas page 139/40, 1 : 10.000.000, 1898, sample map; special map of the Samoa Islands together with an overview of the changes in ownership in the South Seas according to the new German-English Agreement, edited by Paul Langhans, 1900 (11 maps of various scales on one map sheet); Political-military map of East Asia to illustrate the battles in China, Korea and Japan up to the present, edited by Paul Langhans, 1900 (17 maps of various scales on one map sheet); special map of the Cameroon-Congo Agreement between the German Reich and France, edited by Paul Langhans, 1911 (3 maps of various scales on one map sheet); The Gold Coast and Togo. General map with the mission stations of the Basler- and the Norddeutsche Missonsgesellschaft, 1 : 2.500.000, after 1910; map "Middle and South Africa" from Sydow-Wagners methodischer Schulatlas Nr. 41 a, 1 : 20.000.000, before 1919