1868-1903 in Otjikango, Okahandja, Otjosazu, from 1903 home service, from 1915 parish office; letters and reports from work with the Hereros, 1869-1903; annual reports, cash reports of the Otjosazu station, 1872-1903; manuscript: "Die Oupanga d. Ovaherero", 1891; reports by the evangelists Paul, Gottlieb and Manasse, 1893; private letters, also from Mrs. Hedwig Irle, née von Rohden, to the inspectors at the mission house, 1893. Inspectors in the mission house, 1890-1902; reports from the work in the home service, 1905-1922; correspondence of the RMG with members of the Irle family, 1922-1960; letter from Gottlieb Murangi, Windhoek, to Mrs. Hedwig Irle, née von Rohden, 1930;
Rhenish Missionary SocietyContains:
Imperial Colonial OfficeContains:
Phototype: Photo. Format: 5,2 X 7,2. Description: Maasaikrieger, LKW. Reference: Cf. album 15, no. 9 (8,6 X 5,7). See individual pictures, no. 22 (8.5 X 5.5) "Consecration of the church in Lyamungo, E. Stoß" postcard box, no. P23 (14.1 X 9.0) "Consecration of the church in Lyamungo (East Africa)", published by the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Leipzig.
Leipziger Missionswerkfrom left to right: Missionaries Müller, Room, Gutmann, Fuchs, Fritze, ?, Ittameier, Winkler. Phototype: Photo. Format: 8,9 X 6,7. Description: in front of European buildings, Africans behind the missionaries.
Leipziger MissionswerkPhototype: Photo. Format: 11,3 X 8,4 Description: Group picture: Miss. Fritze with 39 african. Adolescents (dressed in European clothes) in front of house with roof made of plant fibres (all with uniform belt).
Leipziger Missionswerkin front of the entrance of a house (pictures from Mamba). Phototype: Photo. Format: 8,5 X 5,5.
Leipziger MissionswerkContains: (spec.) German Colonial Society
Neben Schriftwechseln zwischen der Familie Krupp und Afrikaforschern bzw. in der Kolonialpolitik aktiven Personen (z.B. Carl Peters, Gustav Nachtigal) liegen u.a. Unterlagen und Fotografien zur Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft, zum Deutschen Kolonialverein und zur Deutschen Kolonial-Eisenbahn-Bau-und Betriebsgesellschaft vor.
Contains, among other things: Sale of wall maps and calendars for 'National People's Enlightenment' Contains, among other things: Brochure 'Deutsche Kolonien/Die Forderung des Dritten Reichs'
especially on the situation in East Africa
Execution: Photography Persons and institutions involved in the creation: Gollas
Execution: Handdruck von wasserarellierter Federzeichnung Persons and institutions involved in the creation: gez. Scott, Georges Bildträger: Halbkarton, 5 drawings in folder II Image and sheet size: 34.6 x 22 cm; 59 x 42 cm Remarks: Folder title: Le soldat francais pendant la guerre, Picture title: 4e Zouaves (Douaumont), Picture foxing, French provenance
Correspondences about Kumasai and Arusha region 1904-1971, manuscript Maasai-English by Julius Augustiny, contains also: table of contents enclosed, 1 wooden box, 1 box.
History of the Inventor: Founder of the Gesellschadt für deutsche Kolonisation (the later Deutsch-Ostafrikanischen Gesellschaft), Reichskommissar in the German protectorate of East Africa Citation method: BArch, N 2223/...
Peters, CarlVarious formats / S-W / trigger
Soprano Marie von Ernst with orchestral accompaniment.language: German.
In the middle portrait of Wilhelm II in a laurel wreath (head picture), above the German imperial crown, left and right soldiers with rifle (Imperial Army and Schutztruppe), below Imperial Eagle, Iron Cross, Imperial Flag and Imperial War Flag Undescribed
Includes:Ozaphan Narrow Film Monthly Show 1/19381. Prime Minister Göring opens the International Hunting Exhibition in Berlin2. Lord Halifax in Berlin3. Roller Skate Clocks in America4. Gerhard Hauptmann 75 years old5. Ramsay McDonald 6th State Visit of Hungarian Ministers to Berlin7. Chinese Marshal Chiang Kai-Shek8. The King of Belgium visits the King of England9. Heroic Memories in London and at LangemarckOzaphan Schmalfilm-Monatsschau 2/19381. The Führer at the Order Castle Sonthofen2. American parachutists3. Everything collects for the W.H.W.4. The Führer honors the deceased General Ludendorff5. Cilly Feindt rides high school6. Ski heil!Ozaphan Narrow Film Monthly Show 3/19381. Wedding of the Crown Prince of Greece2. The new viceroy of Abyssinia Duke of Aosta3. Snow on Vesuvius4. Railroad accident in America5. Icebreakers recover the ferry "Prussia" (stranded in front of the stump chamber)6. Arrival of the Yugoslavian Prime Minister Stojadinowitsch in Berlin7. Fight against snowdrifts8. Figure skating in St. Moritz9. Wedding of the King of Egypt-Ozaphan Narrow Film Monthly Show 4/19381. The Reichstag Meeting on 20 February2. The Japanese move into Tsingtau, the capital of the former German protectorate3. Bernd Rosemeyer fatally injured in an accident4. Holland celebrates the birth of a heir to the throne5. Departure of the Mecca pilgrims6. Schmeling beats FoordOzaphan Schmalfilm-Monatsschau 5/19381. The Austrian Wehrmacht is sworn in on the Führer2. Berlin greets the Führer3. Göring in Vienna4. Viennese troops in Berlin5. French parachute record6. England's biggest obstacle raceOzaphan narrow film monthly show 5/19381. The guide starts the construction of the Reichsautobahn Salzburg-Wien2. New bridges over the Rhine3. Arms race everywhere4. England's oldest rowing regatta5. The Work of the Spanish Bolshevists6. Bolshevists flee across the French border7. The Confession of the Nation on 10 April 1938
1900-1903, State Archives Hamburg, 371-8 II Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce II
Contains among other things: Securing the possessions acquired by Germans on the coast of West Africa (1884), claims for damages by German companies on the occasion of the Franco-Madagascan conflict (1886-1896), damage to German trade through the expansion of French colonial possessions in Hinterindien (1888), consequences of the Franco-Italian customs war for German industry and its exploitation by Germany and other states (1888), protection of German interests in colon due to possible labour unrest (Panama Canal Construction) (1889), Protection of German property on Portorico (1898), dispatch of a warship to the Pacific coast of Guatemala (1897), increase of the German war fleet (1897), detrimental effects in the port of Noyo (California) (1896), Sending of a warship to the Philippines (1896), prosecution of German legal claims before Italian bankruptcy courts (1895), German fleet station in South America (1895), closure of the factories in Weidah and Groß-Popo of the local company Wölber.