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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/01 · Fonds · 1816-1866
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Foreword: The German Confederation, a confederation of states created by the Federal Act of 8 June 1815 at the Congress of Vienna, initially comprised 34 sovereign princes and four free cities, the last 28 of which were sovereign princes. It also included Denmark for Holstein and Lauenburg, England for Hanover (until 1837) and the Netherlands for Luxembourg and Limburg (from 1839). The only federal body was the Federal Assembly (also known as the Bundestag) in Frankfurt a. M., which met for the first time on 5 November 1816 after lengthy preliminary negotiations and was chaired by Austria as the presidential power. It was responsible for various commissions and other institutions such as the Federal Chancellery Directorate, the Military Commission, the Central Investigation Commission and the Federal Central Authority. The development of the German Confederation into a nation state remained impossible due to the guaranteed sovereignty of the member states and due to the dualism of the two great powers Austria and Prussia as well as the close connection of Austria to its non-German territories. The expansion of the Federal Constitution in the reactionary sense became disastrous. The resulting revolution of 1848/49 sought to transform the German Confederation into a national federal state. The Federal Assembly delegated its powers to the Imperial Administrator and ceased its activities on 28 June 1848. After the failure of the revolution, Austria restored the Bundestag in the summer of 1850, initially against Prussia. Prussia and its allies also returned to the Bundestag after the failure of the Union plans of Olomouc and the Dresden Conferences on the Reform of the Confederation, which resumed its activities on 14 May 1851. Further attempts at reform failed in the aftermath. The German Confederation finally broke up in the Austrian-Prussian conflict. In the Prague Peace of August 1866, Austria recognised the dissolution of the Confederation. The Württemberg legation to the Bundestag or the provisional central power for Germany 1848/49 existed from 1815 to 1866. It had to report all political matters negotiated in the Federal Assembly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry then decided on the further course of action and arranged for the Frankfurt resolutions to be enforced within Württemberg. Like the department so also the files about the Bundestag affairs had a prominent position in the ministry. Own diaries kept separately from the diaries of the main registry can be traced from November 1816 to December 1849 (E 59 Vol. 181-231). In order to distinguish between the general documents of the Ministry kept in blue envelopes, these files were filed in reddish fascicles, as laid down in paragraph 14a of the Rules of Business Procedure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of January 1824 (E 40/31 Bü 32). The allocation of the file numbers seems to have taken place initially according to an alphabetical structure (as described in the preface of the finding aid book to fonds E 65). But this scheme must soon have proved to be useless. In any case, in the twenties the registry was reorganized, whereby a new system was introduced with light fact file approaches according to chronological order. Only in the series of envoy reports was the old order maintained until about 1845. Between 1872 and 1904, the files must have been transferred from the secret registry of the Ministry to the Directorate of Archives. After temporary storage in the Staatsfilialarchiv Ludwigsburg, they were forwarded to the Staatsarchiv Stuttgart for safekeeping. The Staatsfilialarchiv also drew up lists of items for sale ("Bundesakten" Verz. ad 57 and "Zoll- und Handelssachen" Lit. F). At the time of the transfer, cassations also appear to have been provided for after entries on various envelopes, but these were then omitted for reasons no longer known. The present directory unites the files of the Foreign Ministry concerning the Württemberg Bundestag legation in Frankfurt a. M. from various holdings. The main part consists of archival documents from E 65 Verz. 24, 40 and 57 and E 36 Lit. F. Furthermore, some legation files, which had already been recorded in the eighties, were moved here. The archival records summarised under the keyword "complaints" were dissolved and structured according to the principle of fact files in the same way as the entire holdings. Files that did not come into existence until after the dissolution of the German Confederation in 1866 were assigned to the corresponding holdings of E 40, as were documents originating from other ministries that were returned there according to the principle of provenance. Only empty envelopes of some of the files rearranged in the ministry were left; these were collected. Minutes of the Federal Assembly from October 1816 to 1863 and of the Military Commission from 1837 to 1861 are available in the printed matter room of the Main State Archives. Other Military Commission protocols are also held in E 40/72 Bü 250-262. These logs were therefore not recorded in the record. Old pagination is obsolete. The collection paints a very vivid picture of the time of the German Confederation and the provisional central power in 1848/49 throughout Germany. It contains documents about the resolutions of the Bundestag and their implementation in Württemberg and thus also material about events in Württemberg. The countertradition - albeit to a much lesser extent - is in stock E 65. The indexing took place from 1980 to 1983 and from 1997 within the framework of training by the archive trainees Ronald Asch, Irmtraud Betz, Ernst Otto Bräunche, Elke Koch, Carl-Jochen Müller, Andreas Schmauder, Wolfgang Stetter and Volker Trugenberger as well as by the archive inspector candidates André Kayser, Thomas Krause, Sandra Krischel, Alexander Rantasa, Caroline Schach and Nicole Schütz. Wilfried Braunn then recorded the rest. The online-capable classification of the stock as well as the further editorial work were taken over by the undersigned. The transfer of the title recordings in MIDOSA 95 datasets, which were made on the index forms, was carried out by Ms. Tanja Bürger, Ms. Anna-Maria Diener and Ms. Gisela Filipitsch; Wilhelm Gieb and Doris Köhler took care of the packaging of the archive boxes. The present collection now contains 1737 numbers (the serial number 1433 is not documented) in the range of 43.1 linear metres with a running time from 1815 to 1866, including pre-files from 1771 and post-files up to 1875. Individual documents on economic history up to 1833 can be found in printed form: Prehistory and justification of the German Customs Association 1815-1834. Files of the states of the German Confederation and the European powers. Arranged by W. v. Eisenhart Rothe and A. Ritthaler, Volume I-III, Berlin 1934 Stuttgart, June 2001 Wilfried Braunn Sabine Schnell

PrAdK 0735 · File · 1914 - 1917
Part of Archive of the Academy of Arts

Minutes of the following sessions:<br />Section for the Fine Arts, Senate and Cooperative (Participants in varying composition: Alexander Amersdorffer, German Bestelmeyer, Wilhelm v. Bode, Peter Breuer, Adolf Brütt, Otto H. Engel, Reinhold Felderhoff, Philipp Franck, Richard Friese, August Gaul, Hans Herrmann, Ernst Herter, Hildebrand, Ludwig Hoffmann, Hermann Hosaeus, Oskar Hossfeld, Ulrich Hübner, Julius Jacob, Louis Jacoby, Gerhard Janensch, Ludwig Justi, Friedrich Kallmorgen, Arthur Kampf, Heinrich Kayser, Conrad Kiesel, Fritz Klimsch, Georg Koch, Karl Koepping, Max Kruse, Hugo Lederer, Max Liebermann, Hans Looschen, Ludwig Manzel, Meyer, Paul Meyerheim, Ernst Pfannschmidt, Bruno Paul, Fritz Schaper, Schmidt, Franz Schmitz, Walter Schott, Rudolf Schulte at Court, Raffael Schuster-Woldan, Franz Schwechten, Heinrich Seeling, Paul Seidel, Max Slevogt, Constantin Starck, Louis Tuaillon, August Vogel, Hugo Vogel, Anton v. Werner):<br />7 Jan. 1914 (Senate): Introduction of Ulrich Hübner into the Senate; changed award conditions for the Grand State Prize, copy of the ministerial decree of Dec. 9, 1914. 1913; confiscation of postcards with illustrations of sculptural works of art; approval of the elections of the Senate for the Landeskunstkommission; allocation of the surplus of the Great Berlin Art Exhibition to the Kunstausstellungsgelderfonds; award of the title of professor to Ulrich Hübner, Max Uth, Adolf Meyer and Hugo Ungewitter (Bl. 1).<br />30 Jan. 1914 (Senate): Bericht über den Aquarellmaler Max Fritz (Bl. 4).<br />18. Febr. 1914 (Senate): Approval of the proposal list for invitations to the next member exhibition, the proposed collective exhibitions and the inclusion of a small collection of works by the late sculptor Ignatius Taschner; draft regulations for academy exhibitions; Advice on the approval of a Martersteig memorial exhibition and an international exhibition by the Association of Artists and Art Friends; application for the title of professor to the painters Mattschaß, Grotemeyer, Maß and Baurat Seeling; scholarships from the Schmidt-Michelsen-Stiftung for Roloff, Hänsch and Korn (Bl. 5).<br />17 Apr. 1914: Review of the applications for the Grand State Prize; decision on the winners of the State Prize competitions: Painter Paul Plontke, sculptor Otto Placzek, (pp. 8, 10).<br />17 Apr. 1914 (Senate): Assessment of the painter Gustav Richter; award of the title of professor to the sculptors Dammann and Breitkopf-Cosel; election of Heinrich Seeling to the advisory board of experts for the protection of the city of Berlin against defacement; scholarship of the Schmidt-Michelsen-Stiftung for the sculptor Willy Kluck; quarterly award of the studios in Rome (pp. 8, 10). 12).<br />19 May 1914 (Senate): Assessment of the painters Alfred Stöcke, Grotemeyer, and Bielefeld (p. 15).<br />30 June 1914: Decision on the winner of the Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize for Sculptor 1914: Joseph Sommer (p. 18).<br />30 June 1914 (Senate): Decision on Scholarships from the Louisa-E.-Wentzelschen Stiftung: painter Erich Feyerabend, sculptor Friedrich Heuler, graphic artist Friedrich Maron, architect Hellmuth Korth (p. 19).<br />13 July 1914 (Senate): Application for the title of professor to sculptor Joseph Limburg, painter Hans am Ende, painter Otto Modersohn; prize assignment for the Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize 1915; Amersdorffer's expert opinion on the painter and architect Dreßler (page 22).<br />27 Oct. 1914: Decision to transfer the surplus from former Great Berlin Art Exhibitions to the Academic War Aid Fund; Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1915 (page 27).<br />27 Oct. 1914: Decision to transfer the surplus from former Great Berlin Art Exhibitions to the Academic War Aid Fund; Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1915 (page 27).<br />27 Oct. 1914: Decision to transfer the surplus from former Great Berlin Art Exhibitions to the Academic War Aid Fund. 1914 (Senate): Re-election of the vice-president of the Senate Schwechten; reappointment of the head of a master studio for architecture, vacant due to the death of Otzen; consultation on the proposed Friedrich Ostendorf; expert opinion by Engel on the painter Gotthilf Schnee; significance of the Prussian Art Association; Election of Liebermann as deputy of Looschen at the Permanent Deputation for Advertising at the Elders' College of the Berlin Merchants' Association; re-election of Kampf and Meyerheim to the Board of Trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation, of Hildebrandt to the Board of Trustees of the Adolf Ginsberg Foundation, of Liebermann to the Board of Trustees of the Dr.-Hermann Günther Foundation; question of an invitation to the Academy competitions for 1915; announcement of decrees of the Ministry of Culture (p. 29).<br />27 Nov. 1914: decision on the prize winner of the Dr.-Ing.Hugo-Raussendorff Prize in 1914, the painter Kurd Albrecht, and the winner of the v. -Rohr Prize 1914, the architect Pohle (p. 29).<br />Dec. 21, 1914: Remembrance of Giovanni Sgambati; spring exhibition 1915; composition of the exhibition commission for the Great Berlin Art Exhibition; Menzel Monument; acceptance of the Fischer and Wentzel-Heckmann Foundations; Schwechtens is elected to the expert advisory board of the city of Berlin; Dagnan-Bouveret and Saint-Saëns leave the academy (p. 29). 31f.).<br />15th Jan. 1915 (cooperative): Commemoration of Rudolf Weyr and Anton v. Werner; deficit of the Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1914; election lists for the elections of members (p. 50).<br />22nd Jan. 1915 (cooperative): election of Ernst Pfannschmidt and Friedrich Oskar Hossfeld as new members (p. 55).<br />12th Febr. 1915 (Genossenschaft): Composition of the admission and arrangement commission for the Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1915; demand for greater competence for the cooperative in the preparation of academic exhibitions (pp. 56-58).<br />17 Febr. 1915 (Senate): Proposals for the succession of the deceased v. Werner as director of the Hochschule für die bildenden Künste: Kampf, Dettmann, Manzel, Kallmorgen; establishment of a commission for reforms of academic teaching (pp. 35, 61).<br />17 Febr. 1915: laureate of the I. Michael-Beer-Prize: painter Berthold Ehrenwerth; no award of the Prize of the II. Michael-Beerschen Stiftung für Kupferstecher (pp. 36, 59).<br />15. March 1915 (Senate): Resolution to award support from the Schmidt-Michelsen-Stiftung to Korn, Brandes, Petrich und Miehe and from the Stadt-Charlottenburg-Stiftung to König und Dahmen (pp. 36, 59). 39, 64).<br />19 March 1915 (cooperative): Introduction of the new members Hossfeld and Pfannschmidt; election of Engel, Meyerheim, Liebermann, Brütt, Seeling and Hoffmann as senate members; discussion and vote on Hoffmann's motion to elect the members of the committee for exhibitions by the cooperative and rejection of 'co-optation' by the senate; motion against the propaganda of the 'Preußischer Kunstverein' (Bl. 65-67).<br />30 Apr. 1915 (Senate): Acceptance of the legacy of Koepping; refusal of the purchase of the v. -Werner portraits of Koner; extension of the register of the master student P. Joseph (Master School Humperdinck); notification of the appointment of Kampf as director of the Hochschule für die bildenden Künste (bl. 41, 73).<br />30 Apr. 1915: adjournment due to lack of quorum (bl. 72).<br />18. May 1915 (cooperative): commemoration of Oskar Frenzel; election of Friedrich Kallmorgen as chairman, of Hans Meyer as deputy chairman (p. 76).<br />4 June 1915 (Senate): entrusting of the committee for academic exhibitions with the submission of proposals for the purchase of works of art; Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize 1916; election of Franck to the Commission for the Guidance of Questions on the New Regulation of Academic Teaching (pp. 45, 78).<br />11 June 1915: Division of the Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize 1915: Herbert Garbe and Willy Kluck (pp. 46, 79).<br />16 June 1915: Splitting of the Sheet Metal Prize for Landscape Painters 1915: Erich Feyerabend and Erich Müller; Helfft Prize 1915 for Adolf Harten (pp. 47f., 80f.).<br />23 June 1915 (Senate): Acceptance of the S. -Fischer-Stiftung; list of suggestions for the purchase of works of art (p. 84).<br />28 Oct. 1915 (Senate): Election of Manzel as deputy chairman of the Senate; resolution of an exhibition of war pictures in the Academy; proposals for the purchase of works of art; appointment of Liebermann to the board of trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation and the Dr.-Ing.Hermann-Günther-Stiftung, von Hildebrand on the board of trustees of the Adolf-Ginsberg-Stiftung; travel report of the scholarship holder Adolf Harten (p. 93).<br />Dec. 21, 1915: Schmidt-Michelsen prizewinner: Walter Miehe (p. 96).<br />Dec. 11, 1916 (Senate): Introduction of Hans Herrmann; proposal for reoccupation of the v. Werner's master studios: Slevogt, Hugo Vogel, Dettmann; election of Hübner to the board of trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation (p. 98). <br /> Feb. 23, 1916 (Senate): support from the Schmidt-Michelsen Foundation for Korn, Douzette, and Brandis; protest against the plan to tax 'living art' through the war profits tax (p. 102).<br />12 May 1916 (Senate): Application to Georg Schmitt, Bennewitz v. Loefen, Max Schlichting, L. Corinth and Felderhoff for the title of professor; submission of Lederer's draft for the university ballot box (page 105).<br />5. July 1916 (Senate): Confirmation of the election of Schwechten as president, of Gernsheim as deputy, re-election of the senators Kallmorgen, Breuer, Kayser and Rüfer; re-election of Kallmorgen and H. Meyer as chairmen and deputies respectively in the Fine Arts Section and of Gernsheim and Rüfer in the Music Section; application for the title of professor to Rudolf Schäfer and Em. Grosser; amendments to the Maeder Foundation's draft statutes; letters of thanks from the Singakademie and Herter (p. 110).<br />Oct. 2 1916 (Senate): Election of Manzel as deputy chairman of the Senate; takeover of the composition of a cantata by Kahn for the emperor's birthday celebration in 1917, speech by Krebs; Max Bernhardt rejects the leadership of the Lippe-Detmoldschen professor title; re-election of Hübner and Liebermann to the board of trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation, of Hildebrand to the board of trustees of the Adolf Ginsberg Foundation and of Liebermann to the board of trustees of the Dr.-Ginsberg Foundation.Hermann Günther Foundation; examination of a medal of Eue (Bl. 113).<br />27 Nov. 1916 (Senate): confirmation of the election of Schumann as deputy president; rejection of a Bruno Schmitz exhibition; Boese's request for further use of a state studio; election of Kampf instead of Anton v. Werner to the board of trustees of the Emil Wentzel Foundation (Bl. 120).<br />8 Jan. 1917 (Senate): Remembrance of Dücker, Scholz and Rudorff; exhibition rooms for the Federal Foreign Office for the collection 'Deutsches Bauwesen im Kriege'; planning of an Alfred-Rethel exhibition and a second exhibition of war paintings; proposal for the award of a prize to teachers of the teaching institute of the Verein der Künstlerinnen zu Berlin: Siegert, Seeck and Schottmüller; dedication of Richard Müller's war drawings to the Emperor; re-election of Liebermann and Looschen to the Municipal Deputation for Advertising; election of Schwechten to the Advisory Board of Experts of the City of Berlin; acceptance of the Roeder Foundation; amendments to the statutes of the Wentzel-Heckmann Foundation; rejection of the extension of the matricel of the master student Salingré (Bl. 121).<br />Section for Music, Senate and Co-operative (participants in varying composition: Heinrich Barth, Friedrich Gernsheim, Engelbert Humperdinck, Hugo Kaun, Friedrich E. Koch, Carl Krebs, Hermann Kretzschmar, Philipp Rüfer, Philipp Scharwenka, Xaver Scharwenka, Felix Schmidt, Georg Schumann, Max Seiffert, Ernst Eduard Taubert):<br />17 Jan. 1914 (Senate): Application for the title of professor to Schattschneider and Franz Nekes, for the title of music director to Max Kaden, Krantz, Traugott Heinrich, Fritz Panzer and Schneider; Schumann's delegation to the police headquarters for consultations on regulations for the business operations of concert agents; amendments to the statutes of the cooperative of German composers; assessment of the new 'Euphonion' sound system by August Ludwig, composition by Wilhelm Grimm, ballad by Robert Linarz (Bl. 2).<br />21 Febr. 1914 (Senate): Minister's Notices: Instruction to John to shorten his composition, award of the title of Music Director to Kühn, Krelle, Traugott Heinrich, Adolf Göttmann und Ernst Potthof, of the title of Professor to Leo Zellner; Application for the title of Professor to Moritz Bauer, Heidingsfeld, Binder und Max Krause; Complaint to the Ministry about Breitkopf