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Order and classification: Formerly secret promotions were probably already taken from the general files by the file maker and kept separately, presumably in a so-called "iron cupboard". These procedures can now be found, if they still exist, in the rear part of the collection under the file title "Secret Doctorates". CH, 07.12.2017 Foreword: History of the registry trainer The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Berlin University was established by decree of the Reich Minister of Science, Education and Popular Education with effect from 01 April 1936. The following institutes were transferred from the Faculty of Philosophy, which previously included both the humanities and the natural sciences, to the business area of the new faculty: Mathematical Institute Institute for Applied Mathematics Seminar for the Education of Students in Scientific Computing I. Physical Institute II. Physikalisches Institut I. Institute for Theoretical Physics II. Institute for Theoretical Physics Institute for Height Radiation Research Meteorological Institute Chemical Institute Physical-Chemical Institute Technological Institute Pharmaceutical Institute Museum of Natural History Mineralogical-Petrographic Institute Geological-Paleontological Institute Zoological Institute Zoological Museum Plant Physiology Institute Botanical Museum Geographical Institute and Museum of Oceanography The faculty also provided training: University observatory in Potsdam-Babelsberg Astronomisches Recheninstitut Deutsches Institut für Perlen- und Edelsteinforschung Botanischer Garten Geodätisches Institut (Potsdam) Geophysikalisches Institut (Potsdam) 1) Nothing significant changed in this composition until 1945. It should only be mentioned that in November 1942 an "Institute for Race Biology" was founded. The separation of the natural sciences from the humanities took place at a relatively late stage in Berlin. 2) The faculty's teaching staff consisted of 37 full professors 1 reading member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences 2 full honorary professors 20 honorary professors 3 civil servants extraordinary professors 47 non-official extraordinary professors 40 lecturers 3 assistant lecturers 1 lecturer In the winter semester 1944/45 the faculty consisted of 37 full professors 1 reading member: 34 full professors 10 released full professors 3 reading members of the Prussian Academy of Sciences 3 extraordinary professors 1 released extraordinary professor 1 visiting professor 14 honorary professors 1 released ordinary honorary professor 53 extraordinary professors 5 non-official extraordinary professors 46 lecturers 12 lecturers 12 lecturers The teaching staff included such outstanding and internationally known and respected university professors and researchers as M. Planck, M. v. Laue, E. Schrödinger, E. Schmidt, W. Nernst, W. Heisenberg, P. A. Thiessen and M. v. Ardenne. From April 1, 1936 to May 8, 1945 Prof. Dr. Ludwig Bieberbach was dean of the faculty. 1) See Official Gazette of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, No. 7 of 1.4.1936, p. 149, 155 2) Negotiations had already taken place in 1923/24 because of the division of the philosophical faculty, but these were unsuccessful because of the negative attitude of the majority of the faculty members. Cf. to this: University Archive of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Faculty of Philosophy - Dean's Office - No. 12, pp. 12/13, 30-42 Registratur- und Bestandsgeschichte 1st Registraturverhältnisse: The registry was administered by the dean's office. The order within the registry was done in the simplest way according to the alphabetical keyword system (e.g. "General" = A). Access 2: The holdings have been in the custody of the University Archives since its foundation (1954). It consists of 12 file units of business files and 239 volumes of habilitation and doctoral files. Since there is no list of files, it is not possible to determine whether the files have been handed down in their entirety. It must, however, be assumed that the greater part of the business files has been lost, while the habilitation and doctoral files are completely available. 3. archival treatment: The keyword order could not be used as a basis for the order of the stock. Three main groups were therefore formed. The order of the stock took place in August 1970 by the undersigned. The recording of the file units had already been carried out at an earlier date. Berlin in August 1970 signed Dipl.-Hist. Kossack, Head of Archive References: 1st archive: Archive of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, holdings: Faculty of Philosophy - Dean's Office - No. 12 2nd publications: Official Gazette of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, No. 7 of April 1, 1936 Staff Directory of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, 127th Rectorate Year 1936/37 Course Catalogues of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, 1936-1945 Inventory Structure: 1st Faculty Matters 2nd Faculty Matters 3rd Student Matters Period until: 1958 Period from: 1924 Citation Method: HU UA, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.01, No. XXX. HU UA, MNF.01, No. XXX.