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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 692/1 · Fonds · (1658 - 1805) 1806 - 1936 (1937 - 1968)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon almost doubled the territory of the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810. In 1803 it was elevated to the status of electorate and in 1806 to that of grand duchy. This made it necessary to restructure and standardize the administrative structures of the administratively heterogeneous state. The organizational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into 66 provincial and 53 municipal offices. The offices of the rank were abolished until 1849 or converted into the offices of the sovereign. The number of district offices in Baden was significantly reduced by mergers and abolitions in the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.Originally, the district offices were purely state authorities and as such were primarily responsible for general state administration and for state supervision of the activities of municipal administrations in their respective districts, but they were also responsible for the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - the judiciary, in particular civil justice. The Bonndorf office belonged to the Donaukreis, from 1819 to the Seekreis. In 1813, several communities of the dissolved Bettmaringen office were assigned to the Bonndorf district. The administrative reform of 1832 replaced the meanwhile remaining six district directorates as central authorities by the district governments of four districts and assigned the administrative district Bonndorf to the Seekreis. In 1864 the four districts were dissolved and the district offices directly subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior. At the same time, the Grand Duchy of Bonndorf was divided into eleven district associations as local self-governing bodies without state responsibilities, with the district of Bonndorf becoming part of the Waldshut district. The district offices and district associations were combined into four state commissioner districts for the purpose of handling state administrative supervision. At their head was a state commissioner with a seat and vote in the Grand Ducal Ministry of the Interior. The district office Bonndorf was assigned to the state commissioner district Konstanz. The Bonndorf district office was abolished in 1924 in the course of simplifying the internal administration and the municipalities were assigned to the districts of Neustadt and Waldshut. Inventory history: Before the beginning of the indexing work, the files of the Meßkirch District Office were distributed among the following holdings:B 692/1, B 692/2, B 692/3, B 692/4, B 692/5, B 692/6, B 692/7, B 692/8, B 692/9, B 692/10, B 692/11 and B 764/1 (Bonndorf official audit). The above stocks were combined to form stock B 692/1 (new). In the process, foreign provenances with a term ending after 1806 and before 1936 were taken and assigned to other holdings of the Freiburg State Archives according to their provenance. Files with a term ending before 1806 were separated and handed over to the General State Archive Karlsruhe for reasons of competence. In justified exceptional cases, e.g. when the proportion of documents originating before 1806 in a file was limited to a few documents, files with a term before 1806 were also included in B 692/1 (new). Notes for use:Concordances in the printed version of the finding aid book for B 692/1 (new) show all presignatures of the individual files. The signature last used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new indexing is found under Presignature 1 and the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives under Presignature 2. The penultimate signature used in the Freiburg State Archives is found under Presignature 3. The present holdings were recorded by Edgar Hellwig, Lisa Röpke, Annika Scheumann and Sinah Waldvogel. Planning, organisation and coordination as well as final correction and final editing of the finding aid were carried out by the undersigned. The stock B 692/1 comprises 2814 fascicles and measures 25,8 lfd.m.Freiburg, September 2016Annette Riek

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 717/2 · Fonds · (1664 - 1805) 1806 - 1952 (1953 - 1969)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon almost doubled the territory of the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810. In 1803 it was elevated to the status of electorate and in 1806 to that of grand duchy. This made it necessary to restructure and standardize the administrative structures of the administratively heterogeneous state. The organizational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into 66 provincial and 53 municipal offices. The offices of the rank were abolished until 1849 or converted into the offices of the sovereign. The number of district offices in Baden was significantly reduced by mergers and abolitions in the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.Originally, the district offices were purely state authorities and as such were primarily responsible for general state administration and for state supervision of the activities of municipal administrations in their respective districts, but they were also responsible for the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - the judiciary, in particular civil justice. The district office Lahr belonged to the Kinzigkreis. The administrative reform of 1832 replaced the meanwhile remaining six district directorates as central authorities by the district governments of four districts and allocated the administrative district of Lahr to the Middle Rhine District. In 1864 these four districts were dissolved and the district offices were directly subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior. At the same time the Grand Duchy was divided into eleven district associations as local self-governing bodies without state tasks, and the district of Lahr became part of the district of Offenburg. The district offices and district associations were combined into four state commissioner districts for the purpose of handling state administrative supervision. At their head was a state commissioner with a seat and vote in the Grand Ducal Ministry of the Interior. The district office Lahr was assigned to the Landeskommissärbezirk Freiburg. 1864 established district federations were abolished 1939 and the districts were renamed starting from 1 January into districts; their leaders carried already since 1924 the title district administrator. The district administrations thus became a mixed construction of state administration and local self-administration. In the Nazi dictatorship, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration existed only on paper, since the decision-making and decision-making powers were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, who was assisted by three to six district councils only in an advisory capacity. When the administration was reorganised after the end of the war in 1945, legal supervision of the districts, which continued to perform state functions but now really also became local self-governing bodies with democratic legitimacy, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (southern) Baden Ministry of the Interior. After the formation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, it was replaced by the Regional Council of South Baden as the central authority for the administrative district of South Baden. The district area reform in Baden-Württemberg, which came into force on 1 January 1973, brought an end to the administrative district of Lahr, whose towns and municipalities were incorporated into the Ortenau district. Inventory history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the Lahr District Office were distributed among the following holdings:a) B 717/2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /7, /8, /9, /10, /12 and B 720/1 b) E 25/1 c) G 16/1, /2, /5, /6, /7, /8, /9, /11, /12 and S 40/1.Initially, the stocks mentioned under a) were combined to form stock B 717/2 (new). In the process, foreign provenances with a term ending after 1806 and before 1952 were taken and assigned to other holdings of the Freiburg State Archives according to their provenance. Thirdly, the files from the holdings mentioned under c) were incorporated into B 717/2 (new) with the provenance Bezirksamt/Landratsamt Lahr. The S 40/1 holdings were completely integrated into B 717/2 (new), and files from all three groups were separated and transferred to the General State Archive Karlsruhe or to the Ortenau District Archive for reasons of responsibility. In justified exceptional cases, e.g. when the proportion of written documents created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, files with a term beyond 1952 also found their way into B 717/2 (new).Information for use:The sale of real property and company winding-up occurring in the holdings are often coercive measures as a result of the so-called "Ordinance on the Use of Jewish Property".Concordances in the printed version of the finding aid book for B 717/2 (new) show all pre-signatures of the individual files. The pre-signature 1 contains the last signature used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new indexing and the pre-signature 2 the penultimate signature used in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives. The present holdings were recorded by Corina Giesin, Edgar Hellwig, Annika Scheumann, Anja Steeger and Christof Strauß. Christof Strauß was responsible for the planning, organisation and coordination of the work, final correction and final editing of the finding aid was carried out by the undersigned. The stock B 717/2 comprises 9259 fascicles and measures 70.60 running metres Freiburg, July 2013.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 725/1 · Fonds
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon brought the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810 almost a doubling of its territory and an enormous expansion of its population, as well as in 1803 the elevation first to electorate and in 1806 finally to grand duchy. This increase in land and people made it imperative to reorganize and standardize the administrative structures of the administratively heterogeneous state. The organisational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 as well as the further changes in the administrative structures of the Grand Duchy and the State of Baden made during the 19th and 20th centuries served to achieve these goals. In addition to the Privy Council and Deputy Minister Johann Nicolaus Friedrich Brauer (1754 - 1813), it was the Baden State and Cabinet Minister Sigismund von Reitzenstein (1766 - 1847) who played a decisive role in the administrative reorganization and modernization of the Grand Duchy at the beginning of the 19th century. The organisational rescript of 26 November 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into 66 sovereign and 53 ranked offices. While the latter were gradually abolished or converted into provincial district offices by 1849 at the latest, the state district offices and high offices were merged and abolished in the course of time to reduce their total number. Originally, the district authorities were purely state authorities and as such were primarily responsible for general state administration and for state supervision of the actions of municipal administrations in their respective districts, but they also had to carry out tasks of the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - of the judiciary, in particular civil jurisdiction. With the Peace of Pressburg (1805) the territories of Upper Austria in Breisgau were united with the Electorate and from 1806 the Grand Duchy of Baden. The district office Müllheim was established in 1809, the place of the official seat was elevated to a town in the following year. The district offices established in 1809 were assigned to ten districts, whose executive bodies were the district directorates. The district office Müllheim belonged to the Wiesenkreis with official seat in Lörrach. The administrative reform of 1832 replaced the meanwhile remaining six district directorates as central authorities by the district governments of four districts - Seekreis, Oberrheinkreis, Mittelrheinkreis, Unterrheinkreis ¿ and assigned the district of Müllheim to the Oberrheinkreis with administrative seat in Freiburg. With the Act of 5 October 1863 on the Organisation of Internal Administration, effective from 1 October 1864, these four districts were dissolved, the district governments were abolished without substitution as the central bodies of state administration and the district offices were directly subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior, with the number of offices being reduced to 59 and from 1872 to 52 (from 1898 again 53). At the same time, in 1864, the Grand Duchy was divided into eleven district associations as local self-governing bodies without state responsibilities, retaining the district offices as state administrative authorities. The district of Müllheim was assigned to the district of Lörrach. The district offices and district associations in the four newly formed state commissioner districts of Constance, Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Mannheim were combined to handle state administrative supervision. At their head was a state commissioner with a seat and vote in the Grand Ducal Ministry of the Interior. The district office Müllheim was assigned to the Landeskommissärbezirk Freiburg.1924 the number of district offices was reduced again, from 53 to 40. 1936/1938 the number of district offices was reduced again, from 40 to 27. In addition the 1864 established district associations were abolished, and the previous districts received the designation Landkreise from 1 January 1939. The district administrations thus became a mixed construction of state administration and local self-administration. In the Nazi dictatorship, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration were only on paper, since the decision-making and decision-making powers were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, who was assisted by three to six district councils only in an advisory capacity. In the reorganization of the administration after the end of the war in 1945, the legal supervision of the administrative districts, which continued to perform state tasks but now really also became local self-governing bodies with democratic legitimation, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (southern) Baden Ministry of the Interior. After the formation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, it was replaced by the Regional Council of South Baden as the central authority for the administrative district of South Baden. The district area reform in Baden-Württemberg, which came into force on 1 January 1973, brought an end to the district of Müllheim, whose towns and municipalities were for the most part incorporated into the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. In the 160 years of its existence, the district office and district administrator's office of Müllheim has undergone repeated changes which cannot be explained in detail here. The district received the largest growth through the dissolution of the Staufen District in 1936, when the municipalities in the southern part of the district were assigned to the Müllheim District Office, which included the following towns and municipalities: Auggen with Hach, Badenweiler, Ballrechten with Kastelhof, Betberg, Britzingen, Buggingen, Dattingen, Dottingen, Gallenweiler, Gittingen, Hügelheim, Laufen, Lipburg, Müllheim, Muggardt, Neuenburg, Niederweiler, Oberweiler, St. Ilgen, Schweighof with the Sirnitzer Höfe, Sehringen, Sulzburg with Sengelberger Hof, Vögisheim, Zienken and Zunzingen. When it was dissolved, the district of Müllheim included the following locations: Auggen, Badenweiler, Ballrechten (today Ballrechten-Dottingen), Bamlach (today district of Bad Bellingen, district of Lörrach), Bad Bellingen (today district of Lörrach), Bremgarten (today district of Hartheim), Britzingen (today district of Müllheim), Buggingen, Dattingen (today part of Müllheim), Dottingen (today Ballrechten-Dottingen), Eschbach, Feldberg (today part of Müllheim), Feuerbach (today part of Kandern, district of Lörrach), Gallenweiler (today part of Heitersheim), Grißheim (today district of Neuenburg), Grunern (today district of Staufen), Heitersheim, Hertingen (today district of Bad Bellingen, district of Lörrach), Hügelheim (today district of Müllheim), Kandern (today district of Lörrach), Bad Krozingen, Laufen (today part of Sulzburg), Liel (today part of Schliengen, district of Lörrach), Lipburg (today part of Badenweiler), Malsburg (today Malsburg-Marzell, district of Lörrach), Marzell (today Malsburg-Marzell, district of Lörrach), Mauchen (today district of Schliengen, district of Lörrach), Müllheim, Neuenburg, Niedereggenen (today district of Schliengen, district of Lörrach), Niederweiler (today district of Müllheim), Obereggenen (today district of Schliengen, district of Lörrach), Obermünstertal (today Münstertal), Rheinweiler (today district of Bad Bellingen, district of Lörrach), Riedlingen (today district of Kandern, district of Lörrach), Schlatt (today district of Bad Krozingen), Schliengen (today district of Lörrach), Schweighof (today part of Badenweiler), Seefelden (today part of Buggingen), Sitzenkirch (today part of Kandern, district of Lörrach), Staufen, Steinenstadt (today part of Neuenburg), Sulzburg, Tannenkirch (today part of Kandern), County Lörrach), Tunsel (today district of Bad Krozingen), Untermünstertal (today Münstertal), Vögisheim (today district of Müllheim), Wettelbrunn (today district of Staufen), Zienken (today district of Neuenburg), Zunzingen (today district of Müllheim). Inventory history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the district office / district office Müllheim were distributed to the following inventories:a) B 725/1, /2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /7, /8, /9, /10, /11, /12, /13, /14, /16; B 793/1; B 793/2b) E 27/1, /3 c) G 18/1, /2, /4, /6, /7, /8, /9, /13, /14, /15, /16, /17, /18, /19The stocks mentioned under a) were first combined to form stock B 725/1 (new). In the process, foreign provenances with a term ending after 1806 and before 1953 were taken and assigned to other holdings of the Freiburg State Archives according to their provenance. In a second step, the holdings listed under b), which had been formed from documents delivered by the District Office Müllheim, were integrated into the holdings B 725/1 (new). Thirdly, the files from the holdings mentioned under c) with the provenance Bezirksamt/Landratsamt Müllheim were incorporated into B 725/1 (new). From all three groups of holdings, files with the end of their term before 1806 and after 1952 were separated and transferred to the General State Archive Karlsruhe or to the District Archive Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. In justified exceptional cases, e.g. when the proportion of written material created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, files with a duration beyond 1952 were also included in B 725/1 (new).Notes for use:Concordances in the printed version of the finding aid book for B 725/1 (new) show all presignatures of the individual files. The pre-signature 1 contains the last signature used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new indexing and the pre-signature 2 the penultimate signature used in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives. The present holdings were recorded by Corina Giesin, Edgar Hellwig, Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl, Annika Scheumann, Bernhard Schüly, Anja Steeger and Dr. Christof Strauß. Dr. Christof Strauß was responsible for the planning, organisation and coordination of the work, final correction and final editing of the finding aid was carried out by the undersigned with the assistance of Anja Steeger. The stock B 725/1 now comprises 13018 fascicles and measures 102.40 lfd.m.Freiburg, December 2012Edgar Hellwig

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 747/1 · Fonds · (1702 - 1805) 1806 - 1952 (1953 - 1980)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon almost doubled the territory of the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810. In 1803 it was elevated to the status of electorate and in 1806 to that of grand duchy. This made it necessary to restructure and standardize the administrative structures of the administratively heterogeneous state. The organizational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 divided the Grand Duchy of Baden into 66 provincial and 53 municipal offices. The offices of the rank were abolished until 1849 or converted into the offices of the sovereign. The number of district offices in Baden was significantly reduced by mergers and abolitions in the course of the 19th and 20th centuries.Originally, the district offices were purely state authorities and as such were primarily responsible for general state administration and for state supervision of the activities of municipal administrations in their respective districts, but they were also responsible for the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - the judiciary, in particular civil justice. The district office Überlingen belonged to the Seekreis. The administrative reform of 1832 replaced the meanwhile remaining six district directorates as central authorities by the district governments of four districts and assigned the district Überlingen to the Seekreis. In 1864 these four districts were dissolved and the district offices were directly subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior. At the same time, the Grand Duchy was divided into eleven district associations as municipal self-governing bodies without state responsibilities, and the district of Überlingen became part of the Constance District. The district offices and district associations were combined into four state commissioner districts for the purpose of handling state administrative supervision. At their head was a state commissioner with a seat and vote in the Grand Ducal Ministry of the Interior. The district office Überlingen was added to the Landeskommissärbezirk Konstanz. 1864 established district federations were abolished in 1939 and the districts were renamed in districts starting from 1 January; their leaders carried already since 1924 the title district administrator. The district administrations thus became a mixed construction of state administration and local self-administration. During the National Socialist era, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration existed only on paper, since the decision-making powers and powers of decision were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, to whom three to six district councillors merely advised. When the administration was reorganised after the end of the war in 1945, legal supervision of the districts, which continued to perform state functions but now really also became local self-governing bodies with democratic legitimacy, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (southern) Baden Ministry of the Interior. After the formation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, it was replaced by the Regional Council of South Baden as the central authority for the administrative district of South Baden. During the district reform in 1973, the district of Überlingen was dissolved and most of the municipalities were assigned to the Lake Constance district, the municipalities of the northern district came to the district of Sigmaringen. The Überlingen district underwent various changes over time, the largest being in 1936 when the Pfullendorf district office was abolished and merged with the Überlingen district. Inventory history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the Überlingen District Office were distributed among the following holdings:a) B 747/1, /2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /8, /9, and /10 b) S 24/1 and /2 c) G 27/2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /9, /10, /11, /12, /13, /14, /16, /17, /18, /19, /21, /22, and /25The holdings listed under a) were first combined to form holdings B 747/1 (new). In the process, foreign provenances with a term ending after 1806 and before 1952 were taken and assigned to other holdings of the Freiburg State Archives according to their provenance. The stock B 747/9 was completely integrated into the stock B 729/9 district office Pfullendorf. The holdings B 747/4 and /10 were completely merged into B 747/1 (new).the files from the holdings mentioned under c) with the provenance Bezirksamt/Landratsamt Überlingen were incorporated into B 747/1 (new). From all three groups of holdings, files with a term ending before 1806 and after 1952 were separated and handed over to the General State Archive Karlsruhe or to the Archive of the Lake Constance District. The holdings G 27/17, /18, /19 and /25 went completely to the archives of the Lake Constance district. In well-founded exceptional cases, such as when the proportion of documents created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, files with a term beyond 1952 were also included in B 747/1 (new). Notes on use:Concordances in the printed version of the finding aid book for B 747/1 (new) show all presignatures of the individual files. The signature last used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new recording is found under Presignature 1 and the signature second to last in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives under Presignature 2. The present holdings were recorded by Edgar Hellwig, Annette Riek, Christina Röhrenbeck, Annika Scheumann and Anja Steeger. Planning, organisation and coordination as well as final correction and final editing of the finding aid were carried out by the undersigned. The stock B 747/1 comprises 10886 fascicles and measures 94 lfd.m.Freiburg, November 2014Annette Riek