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Archival description
Oberkirch District Office
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 727/12 · Fonds · (1690 - 1808) 1809 - 1936 (1937 - 1952)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: As a result of the territorial upheavals in the Napoleonic period, a total of 66 sovereign and 53 rank sovereign offices were created in Baden on the basis of the organisational edict of 26 October 1809. The number of district offices (since 1939: administrative districts) and upper offices was reduced in the course of the time by merging and abolition, so that 1945 in the today's administrative district Freiburg only 16 administrative districts (Donaueschingen, Emmendingen, Freiburg, Kehl, Konstanz, Lahr, Lörrach, Müllheim, Neustadt, Offenburg, Säckingen, Stockach, Überlingen, Villingen, Waldshut, Wolfach) and - since 1939 - two city districts (Freiburg, Konstanz) existed. Apart from the offices of the rank and rank abolished in 1849 at the latest, the district offices were purely state authorities. Only by the administrative district order of 24.6.1939 they received - de facto however only on paper - also tasks of a self-administration body. They were primarily responsible for general state administration, but were also responsible for the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation (1857) - the judiciary, in particular the civil courts. As administrative authorities they were assigned to the Ministry of the Interior and subordinated to changing central authorities (district directorates, from 1832 district governments, from 1863 state commissioners); with regard to the judiciary, the court courts and the district directorates or district governments were superior to them. Inventory history: Before the beginning of the indexing work, the files of the Oberkirch District Office were distributed among the following holdings:a) B 727/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12;b) W 499. Initially, the holdings mentioned under a) were combined to form the holdings B 727/12 (new). All files of the provenance "Bezirksamt Oberkirch" from the provisional holdings W 499, which contains documents from the holdings 129 to 228 of the General State Archives Karlsruhe, which reached the State Archives Freiburg within the framework of the mutual equalisation of holdings, were also included in the work. The pre-signature 1 contains the last signature used in the Freiburg State Archives before the re-drawing and the pre-signature 2 the penultimate signature used in the Freiburg State Archives and the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe State Archives, respectively. after preparatory work on the B 727 series of the Erdmuthe Krieg, the present holdings of David Boomers, Joanna Genkova, Edgar Hellwig, Wolfgang Lippke, Jochen Rees and Christof Strauß were recorded. Edgar Hellwig was responsible for the final editing of the finding aid book and the undersigned for supervising the work. The stock B 727/12 now comprises 6159 fascicles and measures 41.5 lfd.m.Freiburg, February 2009 Dr. Christof Strauß

BArch, RM 112 · Fonds · 1914-1918
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: On 29.8.1914, the Commander of the Naval Aviation Departments was appointed, who in 1916 became Commander of the Naval Aviation Departments, later Chief of Naval Aviation and to whom the commanders of the aircraft were subordinated. The naval flight chief was responsible for the provision of all flight personnel and for fulfilling the military requirements for seaplanes and ground organisation. The Naval Air Force consisted of seaplane and naval land flight departments, seaplane and naval land flight stations, training and special units as well as front units of the naval pilots. The seaplane stations also included floating seaplane stations, i.e. aircraft mother ships, and the land-based flight stations also included the fortress (land) flight stations and the Wainoden indoor protection station. (Cf. Hildebrand, Hans H.: Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine sowie Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945. Volume 2, Osnabrück 2000, p. 8; Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt (Ed.): Deutsche Militärgeschichte in sechs Voländen, Volume 5, Munich 1983, p. 300f.) During the First World War, seaplane stations were built on the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. Some of the stations were located in occupied Belgian territory (e.g. sea flight stations Flanders I and II) and Russian territory (e.g. sea flight station Kerch) or on the territory of allies, e.g. the Ottoman Empire (e.g. sea flight station Chanak). Among the North Sea's seaplane stations were: Borkum Flandern I (=Seeflugstation Zeebrügge) Flandern II (=Seeflugstation Ostend) Helgoland List/Sylt Norderney (See Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, Manuskript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, S. 5. according to this, the command of the II Seaflieger-Abteilung included the front flight stations Borkum, Norderney, Helgoland and List as well as the air base Tönning. For the history of these sea flight stations see ibid. pp. 20-23 (Borkum), 24-26 (Norderney), 27-29 (Helgoland), 30f (List). For the history of the two naval flying stations in Flanders see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, pp. 5-7 (Flanders I), 8-10 (Flanders II). There is no record of the naval flying station Flanders III (naval airfield Nieuwmunster/Neumünster), see ibid., pp. 11-13. On the organisation of the air forces of the naval corps in Flanders see also Hildebrand, Hans H.: Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine sowie Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945, Volume 3, Osnabrück 2000, pp. 60-62.) The sea flight stations at the Baltic Sea included: Angernsee (near Engure, west of Riga, Latvia) Apenrade Arensburg (Kuressaare, Ösel/Saaremaa Island, Estonia) Bug on Rügen Flensburg (see RM 113) Hadersleben (moved to Apenrade in March/April 1915), see RM 112/13) (Kiel-)Holtenau Köslin-Nest (Koszalin, Poland) Liebau (Liepâja, Latvia) Papenholm/Papensholm (west of Kihelkonna, island Ösel/Saaremaa, Estonia) Putzig (Puck, Poland (since 1919)) Reval (Tallinn, Estonia) Stralsund and Wiek on Rügen Warnemünde Wiek on Rügen (see Stralsund) Windau (Ventspils, Latvia) (On the history of these naval flying stations see Köhler, Karl: Gliederungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, Manuskript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 46 (Hadersleben), 47 (Apenrade), 48-50 (Flensburg), 51-53 (Holtenau), 56 (Warnemünde), 57f (Bug on Rügen, Stralsund and Wiek on Rügen), 59f (Köslin-Nest), 61f (Putzig), - subsequent stations were built on occupied territory - 75f (Libau), 79-81 (Windau), 82f (Angernsee), 84 (Arensburg), 85 (Papensholm), 87 (Reval).) (Due to unfavourable geographical and meteorological conditions, the main operation of the station was relocated from Stralsund to Wiek on Rügen in 1916. In Stralsund, a partial operation was maintained. See also RM 112/170, Incidents 6 Nov. 1915 and Köhler, Karl: Gliederungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 57.) Among the sea flight stations on the Mediterranean were: Agha Liman and Mersina (southern coast of Anatolia, north of the eastern tip of Cyprus) Chanak (on the southern shore of the Dardanelles near Canakkale) Xanthi (northern shore of the Aegean Sea, Greece (since 1920), see RM 110/22) (On the geographical location and history of the naval flight stations, see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, p. 64f, 70f (Chanak), 76f (Mersina). Only the stock RM 110 (RM 110/22) contains a record of the Xanthi sea flight station, for the Xanthi sea flight station see also ibid. p. 79f. For the organization of the seaplanes within the framework of the Sonderkommando Turkey see Hildebrand, Hans H.: Die organisatorische Entwicklung der Marine sowie Stellenbesetzung 1848 bis 1945, Volume 3, Osnabrück 2000, p. 63f.) The seapilot stations on the Black Sea were among the most important: Babadag (Romania) Duingi (near Constanta, Romania) Kawak/Kavak (eastern bank of the Bosporus) Kertsch (Crimea, Ukraine) Konstanza/Constanza (Constanta, Romania) Odessa (Ukraine) Sebastopol/Sewastopol (Crimea, Ukraine) Varna (Varna, Bulgaria) (For the geographical location and history of the sea flight stations see Köhler, Karl: Structure and Organisation History of the Naval Air Force, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, S. 64 and 78 (general), 73 (Kawak), 81f (Varna), 83 (Constanza), 84 (Sebastopol), 85 (Duingi), 86 (Babadag).) The floating seaplane stations included: S.M.H. Answald S.M.H. Glyndwr (see RM 99) S.M.H. Oswald (see also RM 99) S.M.H. Santa Elena S.M.S. Stuttgart (see RM 110/62) (On the history of the floating naval flight stations see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftstreitkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 99f (general), 102f (S.M.H. Santa Elena), 104f (S.M.H. Answald), 106 (S.M.H. Oswald), 107 (S.M.H. Glyndwr). The S.M.S. Stuttgart was a Small Cruiser converted into an aircraft mother ship (also known as an aircraft cruiser), see ibid., p. 101.) The naval land flight stations included: Barge Großenhain Hage Kiel Nordholz-Cuxhaven Schlüterhof-Tuckum Speckenbüttel-Geestemünde Tondern Wainoden (see also RM 116/193) Wilhelmshaven-Wangerooge (On the history of the land flight stations see Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1866, p. 54f. (Fortress Land Flight Station Kiel); Köhler, Karl: Strukturungs- und Organisationsgeschichte der Marineluftkräfte, manuscript, 1969, in: MSG 2/1867, p. 98-101 (general), 102f (Nordholz), 104f (Barge), 106f (Hage), 108f (Tondern), 110 (Speckenbüttel), 138-140 (Wilhelmshaven). Processing note: The classification of the stock took place in a first step by differentiating between seaplane flight stations, aircraft mother ships (= floating seaplane flight stations) and naval land flight stations in order to show in particular the group of aircraft mother ships separately. The second - and central - classification level is represented by the individual stations or aircraft mother ships. In this way, the overdelivery for a station can be determined. In the case of the maritime stations Flanders I and Flanders II, a more detailed classification at third level was also necessary. In these cases, war diaries, reports and orders/instructions, technical documentation and, in the case of Flanders II, personnel matters, as well as various documents form subordinate classification points. The classification level 'Miscellaneous documents' had to be created because of the heterogeneity of some files. For war diaries in several volumes, corresponding volume sequences were created. The formation of series was dispensed with. In principle, the archival processing was based on the processing of the related stock RM 110 (Command Posts of the Naval Air Force). A provisional finding aid book was available for the inventory, but it did not contain any notes. In addition, titles had to be converted several times (see explanations below). The classification of the preliminary finding aid into seaplane stations and naval land stations was supplemented by the classification point of the floating seaplane stations (aircraft motherships) and deepened in the case of the stations Flanders I and Flanders II (see above). Due to the otherwise retained classification and sorting of the provisional finding aid book, the classification largely coincides with the (ascending) numbering of the files, since the files were sorted and signed on the basis of the stations in the course of the provisional recording. File titles such as "Ganz Geheim" were dissolved and archived titles were created instead. If due to the heterogeneous content only the possibility existed to form a title such as "Various affairs", more extensive content notes were written. In the title field of war diaries, additions such as "Ausfertigung für den Admiralstab der Marine" and "Entwurf" were added in brackets to make it possible to distinguish between the war diaries of the Admiral Staff and those of the respective stations. The latter were only partially identified as drafts by the file-maintaining bodies; an addition to the title of the record was only made in these cases. A further addition to the titles of the war diaries - which necessarily had to be included - was the excerpts. All war diaries were indexed uniformly, taking into account these additions in the title recording. The additions to the title also made it justifiable not to record the organizational unit in charge of the records, since the title specification makes it possible to distinguish between the war diaries of the Admiral Staff and those of the war stations. The (volume sequence) titles each contain the name of the corresponding station; the redundancy with the classification points was accepted in BASYS S for the purpose of searchability. The tape sequence numbers were created for archiving purposes, which can mean that they may differ from those on the file covers. If, for example, only volumes 3, 4 and 5 of a war diary have been preserved, these were recorded as volumes 1, 2 and 3. In the field "File number" in BASYS S only the "Lu", "Ef" and "MK I" file numbers and old signatures (see below) were noted. Other file numbers (e.g.: Ca VIII), some of which also existed, were not included, since they were only present in parts and the field file number in these cases was already assigned the MK I signature. However, the corresponding information can be reconstructed using the file covers. In the case of files in the former folder form, the lid was severed and placed on top in the folder. It is unclear to what extent the MK I numbers are actually file numbers and not rather old signatures. The following indications speak for the latter: - The MK I numbers have been applied in a different colour than the A or C file numbers, which were partly applied in the same colour - and presumably at the same time - with the title - Provided that MK I numbers were present, there was usually also a sticker "Archiv der Marine. War records." the MK I numbers could have been signatures of the Marine Archives. - MK I numbers are comparatively consistently available, as if it were a complete transmission, while large gaps can be observed in the area of A and C file numbers. The latter appears more plausible in view of the cassation decisions made during the (first) archiving in the Navy archives and due to war losses. - A deeper classification or structuring of the MK I signatures does not exist, rather more than 300 consecutive numbers are available, whereas A and C file numbers are partly more deeply structured (e.g. "Ca"). The latter seems more probable for the registry of the Commander of the Naval Corps Fliers (Kofl. M.K.) than a purely sequential numbering. The attempt to reconstruct the file plan on the basis of the preserved file covers appears very difficult, if not impossible, due to large gaps. The F numbers (for files or subject) and any existing PG numbers were entered in separate old signature fields in the Old signature field. It should be noted that an F number usually includes several files; F numbers can therefore occur several times. The old signatures of RM 112/49-56 from the RM 110 inventory were also included (formerly RM 110/612-619). An index of objects, places and persons was not compiled. Description of the holdings: After the end of the First World War, the documents of the disbanded naval stations, including the various commanders of the naval pilots, were collected in the War History Department of the Admiral Staff of the Navy, which had already been established on 15 February 1916, for the purpose of establishing a new naval archive. From 1919 the name of the naval archive was changed to "Head of the Institute for Naval History and Chairman of the Naval Archive". A second renaming took place on 22 January 1936 in "Kriegswissenschaftliche Abteilung der Marine". However, this did not belong to the Reichsarchiv, but was subject until 31 March 1934 to the Inspectorate of Naval Education, then to the Chief of Naval Management, and later as a subordinate authority to the Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine. During the Second World War, naval records were moved to Tambach Castle near Coburg on 22 November 1943. After the end of the war, the archives were confiscated by US troops and taken to London. There the files were filmed on a large scale, combined into bundles, provided with consecutive F-numbers ("Faszikel", "File" or "Fach") and partly with a seven-digit number with the prefixed letters PG ("Pinched from the Germans"). The archives were then handed over to the British Admiralty. In the 1960s, the marine files were returned to the Federal Republic of Germany as part of the file return process and were transferred to the Document Centre of the Military History Research Office (MGFA) in Freiburg. On the basis of an interministerial agreement between the Federal Minister of Defence and the Federal Minister of the Interior from 1968, the files were transferred from the Document Centre to the Federal Archives. They were finally transferred to the Federal Archives Military Archives, which had been moved from Koblenz to Freiburg. (See the inventory description for RM 110; Author: Michael Weins) The inventory comprises 234 storage units from various sea and land flight stations of the Imperial Navy. With two exceptions (RM 112/44, 137), the duration of the files does not extend beyond the period between 1914 and 1918, i.e. the First World War and the immediate post-war period. Most of the war diaries of the individual stations - both the (draft) copies kept at the stations and the copies for the admiral's staff - have survived; only war diaries of several stations are available. An exception to this is the tradition of the maritime flight stations Flanders I and Flanders II, which also contain reports and documents on personnel and technology. The tradition of the Flanders II seafaring station thus forms the largest portion in RM 112 (53 files). Of the sea flight stations (Kerch, Odessa and Sevastopol) which were not put into operation until 1918 as a result of the occupations in the Ukraine, as well as the stations in Turkey (Agha Liman/Mersina, Chanak and Kawak), Bulgaria (Varna) and Romania (Babadag, Duingi and Constanza), only one or two war diaries are available. Content characterization: War diaries, orders of the day, weekly reports and daily reports are available from various sea flight stations. In addition, collections of orders and activity reports, as well as files on weapons technology and questions of deployment and personnel matters have been handed down from the Flemish Flanders II seaport station. The naval land flight stations are represented with war diary documents. A large part of the documents may have been transferred to the Luftarchiv at that time and destroyed in 1945. The war diaries, reports and commands available from several sea flight stations in the eastern Baltic Sea region (Angernsee, Arensburg, Liebau, Papenholm, Windau and floating sea flight stations S.M.H. Answald and S.M.H. Santa Elena) offer partly illustrated information on the preparation and execution of the "Enterprise Albion". In 1916 and 1917 reconnaissance flights and partly also bombing raids took place especially from the Angernsee seaport station on Riga Bay, which were partly documented photographically. The Russian warships off Arensburg were photographed several times (RM 112/2-5), as well as the destruction of the Russian radio station on Runö (RM 112/4). Since the "Company Albion" is to be regarded as the first joint operation of the German armed forces, i.e. a combined army, navy and partly also air force operation, the relevant documents in inventory RM 112 form an important supplement for research, as they document the role of the air forces (operating under supreme command of the Navy). The files on personnel and technical matters received from the Flanders II naval flying station describe - despite the existing gaps in transmission - several aspects of the everyday operation and profile of a naval flying station and can be used as examples for other naval flying stations. However, it must be pointed out that the equipment and operational profile of the maritime flight stations in Flanders differed from those behind the front due to their proximity to the western front. State of development: Online-Findbuch Scope, Explanation: Stock without increase 5.4 lfm 234 AE Citation method: BArch, RM 112/...

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, A 96/1 · Fonds · 1816-1947
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The institution of the state commissioners was created in Baden in 1863 as part of the extensive reorganization of the administration. The four Commissioners, based in Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Freiburg and Constance, were responsible for supervising the administrative and district authorities and their civil servants. The commissioners were assigned to the Baden Ministry of the Interior and over time were given a number of independent powers where they decided instead of the Ministry of the Interior. These competencies included the supervision of the police administration of the offices and municipalities, the handling of complaints against police penal orders, the ordering of police measures in the event of serious disturbances to public order, as well as questions of war performance and war damage procedures and the controlled economy during the First World War. After the war, they acted as demobilisation and district housing commissioners. In addition, the 1921 municipal regulations entrusted them with state supervision of the cities. Although in some areas the state commissioners acted as a middle instance, they were formally not a middle authority between the Ministry of the Interior and the district offices. During the National Socialist era, the institution of the state commissioners was allowed to exist despite all efforts to unify the administration in the Reich and was not replaced by government presidents. Between 1933 and 1945, however, the state commissioners were treated by the Reich as a middle instance and given corresponding tasks. After the Second World War, the state commissariats were allowed to expire due to the vacancies not being filled. The Constance State Commissioner retired in 1946 and his office was closed. Inventory history: In 1962, the files of the present inventory were transferred from the Constance District Office to the Freiburg branch of the Karlsruhe General State Archives. The inventory was recorded 1962/63 by Paul Waldherr; after a revision a finding aid book was available from 1980. In order to make this finding aid accessible for use on the Internet, it was digitized in 2005 and 2006 by Franziska Mahler and Britta Schwenkreis. For better orientation (especially in the case of local files), the respective headings to which the individual files were assigned within the headings order at that time are shown in brackets. The undersigned was responsible for supervising the work. Freiburg, May 2006 Dr. Christof Strauß