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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 422 · File · 1931 - 1939
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

360 Sheets, Contains and others: - Use for the benefit of Siegfried Holzapfel at the employment office in Berlin, 1939 - Notification to the police president in Berlin or to the police office in Schöneberg of the suspension of Siegfried Seefeld from military service, 1939 - Provision of information to the district court president in Dortmund via the language teacher William Fleischhauer or about his possible activity at the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1939 - organization and direction of the Oriental evenings initiated by the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1935 - negotiations with various forwarding companies about the delivery of several book boxes from Nagoya (Japan) intended for the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1933 - forwarding of the lecture catalogues about the "Colonial Science and Related Lectures" to the Prussian State Library, 1933 - admission of J. H. Shamsi in Surat (India) on the lectures and exercises of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1933 - Examination of a complaint of Prof. Dr. Franz Babinger about the seminar listener Kurt Wegener, 1932 - Publication of a grammar of the Nahuatl language compiled by Juan Luna Cárdenas in Mexico City, 1933 - Admission of students of the Seminar for Oriental Languages to the lectures and exercises of the Seminar for Oriental Languages under the direction of Prof. Dr. Franz Babinger, 1933 - Admission of students of the Seminar for Oriental Languages to the lectures and exercises of the Seminar for Oriental Languages under the direction of Prof. Dr. Franz Babinger, 1933 - Admission of students of the Seminar for Oriental Languages to the lectures and exercises of the Seminar for Oriental Languages under the direction of Prof. Dr. Franz Babinger, 1933 Otto Hoetzsch, Department of Eastern European History and Regional Studies at the University of Berlin, 1933/1934 - sending free copies of the "Illustrated Observer" to the Department of Oriental Languages, 1934 - sending suitable material on the intellectual attitude and attitude of the Catholic Copts living in Egypt to the legal department of the National Socialist League for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (NSAF) or the legal department of the National Socialist League for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (NSAF). of the National Socialist Trade, Commerce and Industry Organisations (NS-HAGO), 1933 - Thanks to Dr. Erich Lange in Berlin for the foundation or provision of books and magazines from the estate of Prof. Dr. Lange. Rudolf Lange to the reference library of the Japanese department of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1934 - examination of the article on the Seminar for Oriental Languages conceived for publication in the "Führer durch das wissenschaftliche Berlin", 1934 - translation of foreign personal names for the postal director P. Schallop in Wandsbeck, 1933 - claim for debt to the [...] Ahuma in Budapest, respectively London because of a loan granted and outstanding from the funds of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1934 - debt claim against Helmut Schwenn in Berlin because of outstanding lecture fees, 1934 - provision of premises to the foreign policy working groups of the "Studentenschaft der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin", 1934 - support of Willy Beyer in Dresden for a research and study trip to Borneo, 1934 - provision of information to Prof. Dr. Dr. H. H. Beyer in Berlin, 1934 - provision of information to Prof. Dr. H. H. Beyer in Berlin, 1934 - provision of information to Prof. Dr. H. Beyer in Berlin, 1934 - provision of information to Prof. Dr. H. Beyer in Berlin, 1934 - provision of information to Prof. Dr. Beyer in Berlin, 1934 - provision of information to Prof. Dr. Beyer in Berlin, 1934 [...] Weyl in Kiel about Prof. Dr. Georg Adler respectively about his activity and employment at the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1933 - sending special prints of the Palau grammar produced by Bishop Salvator Walleser to the missionary Wilhelm Siemer in Nanyo (Japan), 1934 - admission of Dr. phil. Wolfgang Küpffer in Berlin on the lectures and exercises of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1933 - Annual report and overview of the activities of the Executive Board of the German Chamber of Commerce Shanghai for the business year 1933 - 1934 [Shanghai] [1934] (print) - Establishment of foreign language courses at the Seminar for Oriental Languages for members of the Hitler Youth (HJ), 1935 - 1936 - Provision of information to the Amtsgerichtsrat Dr. Wolfgang Küpffer in Berlin Ernst Guradze in Wiesbaden on the origin and ancestry of the Guradze noble family originating from Georgia, 1935 - Provision of information to the former police chief Eugen Hüskes in Wiesbaden on his daughter Anni Hüskes or on their attendance at lectures and exercises of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1936 - Information given to the Prussian Forester [...] Lentzner in Retzowsfelde on Prof. Dr. Karl August Lentzner and on his activities and employment at the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1936 - Certificate for Ottilie Wang, née. Fränkel about their attendance of the Chinese lectures, 1936 - Giving information to the chief correspondent for Germany of the news agency Reuters in London G. Gordon Young about Dr. Heinrich Putzner and Dr. Heinrich Putzner, respectively on his possible activity at the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1936 - support of Othmar Krainz in Berlin for the drafting of a publication on the "Greater Near East", 1936 - certificate for Luise Schroeder (Schröder), employed as an office assistant, in Berlin for submission to the employment office, 1936 - submission of a systematic list or Dictionary of the Pangwe language by the anthropologist and ethnologist Günter Tessmann in Berlin, 1936 - examination of the article about the foreign university conceived for the publication in "Schröders Allgemeiner Deutscher Hochschul-Führer" as well as transmission of a name-listing of the teaching staff, 1936 - distribution of information to Dr. Otto Johannsen in Völklingen about the history of iron production and iron smelting in China by Prof. Dr. Otto Johannsen in Völklingen, Germany. Dr. Max Gerhard Pernitzsch, 1936 - Cooperation with the Main Office for Science of the German Student Body, 1936 - Provision of premises to the Department of Thanksgiving (Colonial Department) of the Gauwaltung Groß-Berlin of the German Labor Front (DAF) for the holding of colonial training evenings, 1936 - Sending of the course catalogue for the winter semester 1936/1937 as well as provision of information on the admission conditions, Lectures and exercises of the Seminar for Oriental Languages to the Kreisleitung Saarlautern of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), 1936 - Admission of Hans Heumeier in Klein-Machnow to take the English language examination, 1937 - Application of Freiherr Rudolf von Engelhardt for a position as librarian at the Ausland-Hochschule, 1936 - Recommendation and placement of persons with Turkish language skills for use at the Foreign Trade Office for the Rhineland in Cologne, 1937 - Application of the Turkish stud. Rifat Esenbel for a position as assistant teacher at the Ausland-Hochschule, 1937 - recommendation and placement of suitable teachers for language education (Russian, Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian) for the Gauleitung Thüringen of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) in Jena, 1938 - The university calendar for the summer semester of 1937 is sent to the director of the Landesstelle für akademische Berufsberatung Regierungsrat [....] Köhler in Leipzig, 1937 - Admission of the lower primordial of the Lichterfelder Realgymnasium Jörg Juergens (Jürgens) to take the Latvian preliminary examination, 1937 - Admission of the Irene Puppel in Berlin to the lectures and exercises of the Ausland-Hochschule, 1937 - Reporting of a false report to the Commission for the Preservation of Time Documents about the records or sound recordings of important time events, speeches of high political personalities or the like existing in the field of work of the Ausland-Hochschule, 1937 - Advertising letter and publication of the Spielgemeinschaft für französische und englische Schülerv Vorstellungen in Berlin, 1937 - Theo Shall, Das Theater im Dienste der Völkerverständigung. Berlin] [1937] (print) - admission of Boris Ohde in Berlin to use the library of the Russian Institute of the Ausland-Hochschule for the purpose of passing the German-Russian Interpreter Examination, 1938 - use for the benefit of Dr. Gustav Neuhaus for the purpose of issuing a foreign exchange certificate, 1938 - certificate for Paul Hacker on his attendance of the Russian exercises and lectures of Dr. Gerhard Roman von Mende at the Ausland-Hochschule for the purpose of granting a study grant, 1938 - admission of Dr. phil. Willy Ebers on the English language courses at the Ausland-Hochschule, 1938 - Information given to the district mayor of the administrative district Tiergarten of the Reich's capital Berlin, respectively to the Welfare and Youth Welfare Office there about Christel Hamann and about her attendance of lectures and exercises at the Ausland-Hochschule, 1938 - information given to Karl Heimann in Frankfurt (Main) about a tropical disease known as "Kiharusi" or "Baridi ya bisi", 1938 - recommendation and placement of suitable persons for the Academy for scientific research and care of the German population (German Academy) in Munich for the purpose of taking over a job at the magazine "Deutschunterricht im Ausland", 1938 - German lessons abroad. Mitteilungen der Vereinigung deutscher Lektoren und Sprachlehrer im Ausland, born 1937/1938, issue 8. München 1938 (print) - German lessons abroad. Mitteilungen der Vereinigung deutscher Lektoren und Sprachlehrer im Ausland, Volume 1938/1939, Issue 1. Munich 1938 (print) - sending of lecture lists as well as information on the admission requirements, lectures and exercises of the foreign university to the Reichsfachschaft für das Dolmetscherwesen in der Deutschen Rechtsfront in Berlin, 1939 - certificate for Kurt Lange in Halle (Saale) on his studies of national sciences at the foreign university, 1939 - admission of Erwin Bothien in Berlin to take the Serbo-Croat language examination, 1939.