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Best. 614, A 585 · Akt(e) · 1934 - 1941
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:among others: Invitation to Director W. Kettnis zur Besichtigung der Sonderausstellung "Die Völker der deutschen Kolonien in Afrika" (1934); Unification of exhibition and press propaganda for the colonial exhibition by the Messe- und Ausstellungs-Gesellschaft (1934); Loan of ethnographics for small exhibitions in empty shop windows in the city district as propaganda for the colonial idea, 1934; Circular of the Kölner Kolonial- und Überseeklub (KKuU): Invitation to lecture events for January and February 1935; cf. for May 1935; congratulations from W. Kettnis zum 30jährigen Bestehen des Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museums, 1936; Loss of the lecture room of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for "Schulungsmorgen für die Amtswarte des RKB und halten eines Lichtbildervorrag durch den Museumsleiter Scheller an einer der Schulungsmorgen, 1936; Museum tour for the Amtswarte des Kreises Süd, 1937; loan of ethnographics for a larger colonial exhibition, organized by the Gauverbandsleitung in cooperation with the Westdeutsche-Kaufhof AG in the rooms of the Kaufhof Köln, opening of the 1st museum in 1937.8,1940; loan for a colonial exhibition in Aachen, 1940; transfer of all ethnographic material from the Knechtsteden monastery by order of the Federal Leader, 1941Damages: Cat. B (can only be used as a digital copy) Old signatures: 585.