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Archival description
Stadtarchiv Mainz, VOA 11 · Fonds · 1815 - 1975
Part of City Archive Mainz (Archivtektonik)

In 1970 (access number 1970/16) - i.e. after the incorporation of 1969 - the archive of the municipality of Ebersheim, which covers an area of approx. 13 metres, was transferred to the Mainz City Archives. The files, official books and some plans were in a completely disordered state. According to a note dated 09.12.1949 in No. 638 "Brände in Ebersheim" (Fires in Ebersheim), a large part of the municipal records was destroyed by the effects of war in the Second World War. There is no list of the missing file material in the stock. For example, these can be municipal council minutes, association files, files on Reichstag, Landtag and municipal council elections, which are missing in the Ebersheim inventory. The documents of the municipality of Ebersheim mainly document the period 1815-1863, but also contain - albeit only a few - documents from the 18th century. Within this range, however, there are numerous gaps. The order work of the collection was considerably complicated by many loose-leaf collections in addition to individual case files within a bundle. The individual case files had to be partially closed and new file units had to be created. Because of the long duration of individual files and because of the new format of the files, the titles of the registered files were deliberately formulated in detail. They were supplemented by detailed subtitles (Contains, Contains, etc.); records within a file unit that were not related to the subject were marked "therein". A larger cassation was omitted for the distortion, because there was no possibility of comparison with the traditions in other suburban archives. In order to avoid double overdeliveries within the stock, a single sheet cassation was occasionally carried out, e.g. with forms. During the classification of the recorded files, an attempt was made to establish an affiliation with the Hessian registry plan of 1908. Due to the large number and diversity of file subjects and the long duration within individual files, the surtitles of the registry plan in particular have undergone major changes. The birth, marriage and death registers of the years 1798-1802 were taken from the inventory and attached to the civil status registers of Ebersheim in the inventory 50 "Register of civil status and files of civil status" under the current no. 272. In 1985 the local administration of Mainz-Ebersheim (access number 1985/25) delivered another file with a circumference of approx. 4 metres. The files, which run until 1975, focus on elections and budgetary, cash and accounting matters. They were arranged analogously to the classification points and added to the end of the finding aid book. Local history Ebersheim: 2nd half of the 8th century: First documentary mention (document book of the monastery Fulda I Nr. 191 and 217); until 1420: Changing circumstances of rule; 1420: Transfer to the Archbishopric of Mainz, belonging to the electoral office of Nieder-Olm, since 1782 to the vice-chamber office of Mainz, office bailiwick of Nieder-Olm; 1798: Conquest by the French; 1801: With the transition to France (Peace of Lunéville), assignment to the canton Nieder-Olm in the department Donnersberg, affiliation to Mairie Nieder-Olm, since 1807 Mairie Ebersheim; 1814: withdrawal of the French; 1816: Affiliation to the Grand Duchy of Hesse, belonging to the canton Nieder-Olm in the newly formed province Rheinhessen; 1835: division of the province Rheinhessen into districts, allocation of Ebersheim to the district Mainz; 1909/1911: construction of the fort Muhl of the fortress Mainz; 1945: allocation to the administrative district Mainz with its seat in Oppenheim, formation of the administrative district Rheinhessen; 1946: formation of the state Rheinland-Pfalz; 1969: in the course of the administrative reform incorporation to Mainz, district Mainz, district Mainz; 1969: in the course of the administrative reform incorporation to Mainz, district Mainz, district Mainz. Mayor of Ebersheim since 1808: Friedrich Schäfer, Maire in Ebersheim, from 18.01.1814 Mayor (1808-1818); Michael Sieben (1818-1819); Johann Becker (1819-1831); Johann Bär (1831-1833); Michael Knußmann II. (1833-1849); Johann Kimpling (1849-1853); Philipp Glaser (1853-1859); Jakob Becker VI (1859-1875); Lorenz Eckert III (1859-1875). (1875-1891); Nikolaus Becker (1891-1896); Matthäus Sieben (1896-1916); Peter Vollmer (1916-1922); Peter Fuchs (1923-1927); Balthasar Becker III. (1929-1936); Heinrich Herdt (1936-1944); Balthasar Becker III. (1945-1956); Johann Baptist Eckert II. (1956-1964); Johann Ambros Becker (since 1964, from 1969: local leader) Residents of Ebersheim: 1780: 540 (in 124 houses); 1850: 1073 Catholics, 1 Protestant, 47 Jews; 1871: 1083 Catholics, 17 Protestants, 56 Jews; 1882: 1043 Catholics, 12 Protestants, 52 Jews; 1905: 1069 Catholics, 7 Protestants, 38 Jews; 1927: 1057 Catholics, 9 Protestants, 33 Jews; 1941: 1150 Catholics, approx. 10 Protestants; 1983/total: approx. 4000 inhabitants Brilmayer, Karl Johann: Rheinhessen in the past and present, Gießen 1905; Hoffmann, Klaus Dietrich: Die Geschichte der Provinzial- und Bezirksregierung für Rheinhessen. 12.07.1816-01.10.1968. Mainz 1977; 1500 years Ebersheim, commemorative publication for the anniversary celebration of the community Ebersheim in 1964, Oppenheim 1964; 120 years Sängervereinigung 1862/63 Mainz-Ebersheim e.V., Festschrift zum 120jährigen Jubiläum, 1983; 800 Jahre Kirche im Dorf 1184-1984, Festschrift zum 800-Jahrfeier der 1. documental mention of a church in Ebersheim and for the 75th anniversary of the extension of today's church, Klein-Winternheim 1984.