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Archival description
BArch, N 103/96 · File · 1919-1934
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Eugen Buhl, Deutschostafrika im Weltkriege Heinrich Sachers, Christmas on blasting patrol Karl Heidtmann, As outpost on an island in Lake Victoria August Hauer, As front doctor in the course of Lettows Dr. Carl Peters, The hero struggle for Deutsch-Ostafrika Captain Freiherr von Hammerstein, Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika Paul Mercier, Indigenous troops during the German East African campaign Is colonial possession useful for Germany?

Vorbeck, Paul Emil von Lettow
BArch, N 2225/29 · File · Dez. 1885 - Feb. 1891
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Correspondence with the board of directors also with Carl Peters (chairman of the board of directors of the Society), with Hörnecke (member of this Society), Arendt (Imperial General Consul, Zanzibar).- Accounts.- Statutes.- "Brief description of the development and the situation of the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a Society".- Newspaper cuttings.- Handwritten manuscript Pfeils: "Proposals for practical colonisation, in particular for the power position of the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a Society in its territories in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a""".- Balance sheets as at 31 Dec. 18883.

Pfeil, Joachim von
BArch, R 1003 · Fonds · 1893-1915
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1885 Imperial letter of protection issued for the acquisitions of the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a Gesellschaft, 1885-1890 administration by the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft under Carl Peters; 1891 assumption of direct administration by the German Reich; 1916 retreat of the Schutztruppe from the British-Belgian troops and collapse of the German administration; end of the war in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a in November 1918. Inventory description: Inventory history The original inventory Authorities of the German protectorate Deutsch-Ostafrika is located in the National Archive of Tanzania in Dar es Salaam. The Central State Archives in Potsdam had 33 supplementary films for the period 1900 to 1916 made from this stock, some of which were selected. The 5 archive units described in the online find book presumably came with other colonial traditions to the Reichsarchiv and in 1950 to the Deutsches Zentralarchiv in Potsdam. Archivische Bearbeitung (Archive processing) The remaining files recorded in the Central State Archives in Potsdam have been the subject of a search index, whose information was stored in the database of the Federal Archives in 2002. In 2003, a finding aid book (R 1003 FC) was produced for the supplementary inventory films. Content characterization: Imperial Government of Dar es Salaam; Imperial Residences of Bukoba, Gitega, Rwanda, Urundi; Imperial District Branch Office of Umbulu; Imperial Administrative Branch Office of Usumbura; Personal Files. State of development: Findbuch 2003; Online-Findbuch 2005 Citation method: BArch, R 1003/...

BArch, R 8124 · Fonds · 1885-1903
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Founded on Feb. 12, 1885 as the Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft Carl Peters und Genossen Kommanditgesellschaft; converted on Feb. 26, 1887 to the Aktiengesellschaft Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft AG (DOAG) with the purpose of exercising sovereignty in the regions of East Africa and acquiring, managing and exploiting estates; founded on Feb. 27, 1885 as the Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft Carl Peters und Genossen Kommanditgesellschaft; converted on Feb. 26, 1887 to the Aktiengesellschaft Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft AG (DOAG) with the purpose of acquiring, managing and exploiting estates in the regions of East Africa; founded on Feb. 27, 1885 as the Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft Carl Peters und Genossen Kommanditgesellschaft. March 1887 The King of Prussia grants the corporation rights, and on 4 July 1889 the Bundesrat of the German Reich grants them; on 1 January 1891 the Reich takes over the Deutsch-Ostafrika protectorate; DOAG continues to operate as a trading company. Content: German East African Society Carl Peters and Comrades Limited Partnership: Minutes of Management Meetings; German East African Society AG: Minutes of Board of Directors Meetings; Correspondence of the Board of Management; Printed Matters. State of development: Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2003 Citation method: BArch, R 8124/...

Reports Vol. 1
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 24 · File · 1921 - 1938
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: contains and others: - Prince Max von Baden (1921); - Groener's comments on Schnee's book "Weltpolitik" (1923); - Schnee on Stresemann (1924); - Snow in English on the German colonies and the League of Nations (1924); - Interparliamentary Conference in Washington (1925); - Reception by the President of the Reich, von Hindenburg (1925); - Meeting with Coudenhove-Kalergi in New York (1925); - Founding of the German National Socialist Party (Dt. Academy, Munich (1925); economic reconstruction in East Africa (1925); - Speech to the Washington Interparliamentary Conference (1925); - General Wahle on military operations in Deutch East Africa (1925); - Vice-Admiral Max Loof on the relationship between Schnee and Lettow-Vorbeck (1926); - Presidency of the Federation of Foreign Germans (1926); - Hungary and the Question of War Guilt (1926); - Carl Peters (1927); - Colonial Trade Statistics (/1927); - Mau Revolt in Samoa (1928); - Visit to Slatin Pasha in Meran (1929); - Chancellor Luther (1929); - Meeting with the Soviet ambassador couple Krestinski (1930); - Colonial Policy and Foreign Peoples (1930); - W. H. Dawson, The Future of Tanganyika. Memorandum of the English historian to the members of the lower house of parliament (1931); - Meetings with Hindenburg (1931); - Resignation from the DVP 1932); - Member of the Manchuria Commission (1932); - Meetings with General Groener (1932-1938); - Resignation of Dr. Solfs as Reich Foreign Minister (1932). As a member of the Reichstag of the German People's Party. 4 p. (31) Trip to the USA for the Interparliamentary Conference in Washington. 2 p. (32) Reception by the President of the Reich, von Hindenburg. 4 p. (33) Meeting in New York with Coudenhove-Kalergi. 3 p. (34) Some things from the Federal Foreign Office. Individual recordings. 28 S. (35) Foundation of the German Academy in Munich. - The Social Democrats and the war guilt lie. 4 p. (36) General Böhm on the Crown Prince. 1 p. (37) On economic reconstruction in East Africa. 11 S. (38) Return of Germans to the former German territory in East Africa. 7 pp. (39) Snow speech in Washington at the Interparliamentary Conference. 3 and 5 S. (40) The German Economic Situation and Foreign Trade. 8 S. (41) Report by General Wahle on military operations in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a. 9 p. (42) Vice-Admiral Max Loof's statement on the relationship between Schnee/Lettow-Vorbeck. 4 p. (43) The former Vice President of the Reichsbank on the creation of Rentenbank. 2 p. (imperfect) (44) As President of the Federation of Foreign Germans. 8 S. (45) Hungary and the question of war guilt 9 pp. (46) Creation by the Carnegie Institute of the foundations for a conference of historians. (author Schnee or Lutz) 3 p. (47) Characteristic Dr. Carl Peters. Pinned Procedure Ausw. Amt. 19 S. (48) Notes on Carl Peters. 15 S. (48) Conversation with General Hoffmann, e.g. on the danger of Bolshevism. 5 p. (50) Colonial trade statistics. 8 p. (51) Wilhelm II and Dernburg. 2 p. (52) Meeting with Count von der Goltz, Prince August Wilhelm, General von Hutier, Admiral Scheer, and Hitler - "a still young, sympathetic-looking man"- 2 p. (53)

Schnee, Heinrich
Dr. Carl Peters (inventory)

The part in the district archives from the estate of the German colonial pioneer Carl Peters, who acquired the core area of the later "D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a", was mainly compiled by his wife Thea née Herbers and enriched by copies and transcripts from the Federal Archives Koblenz and the then Central State Archives Potsdam as well as by materials from the Berninghaus family - Asta Berninghaus was a sister of Thea Peters. At the beginning of the 1950s the collection came into the possession of the archives of Altena Castle. In eight boxes, the estate contains documents, correspondence and newspaper clippings, most of which relate to the disciplinary proceedings and insults brought by the colonial politician. In addition to these documents there are photos and personal belongings. In addition, the collection was supplemented by books and essays on colonial topics, in particular by and about Carl Peters. The indexing was done in 1990 by the trainee Elke Röscher. Biography: - 27.11.1856 born as son of a pastor in Neuhaus a. d. Elbe - studies in Göttingen, Tübingen and Berlin - 1879 doctorate in history - 1880 Oberlehrerexamen in history and geography - since 1881 stay in London, occupation with the English colonial politics and administration - 1883 return to Berlin - 28.03.1884 Carl Peters founds the "Society for German Colonization" - September 1884 departure for East Africa, in the same year conclusion of colonial contracts with the chiefs of Useguna, Uguru, Usagara and Ukami - 12.02.1885 foundation of the DOAG ("Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft") - 27.02.1885 signing of the first colonial letter of protection by Wilhelm I. for the area acquired by Peters - March 1889 to August 1890 expedition to liberate Emin Pasha, conclusion of further contracts in Africa - 01.07.1890 Helgoland-Sansibar-contract - 1891 dispatch as Imperial Imperial Commissioner at the disposal of East Africa - 1992 cooperation in the German-English border regulation in East Africa - 03.05.1894 Appointment to the statutory "commissioner" - 13. to 16.03.1896 colonial debate of the Reichstag, attack Bebels against Peters, soon afterwards move to London, journalistic activity, foundation of a business enterprise - 24.04./15.11.1897 disciplinary judgements against Carl Peters for misconduct towards natives: Dismissal from the Reichsdienst (legal consequences of the verdict were reversed in 1937 by Hitler in favor of Peters' widow) - 1899-1911 Trips to South Africa: Managing Director of the Carl Peters Estates Company - 1905 pardon from Kaiser Wilhelm II.Peters gets back the title "Reichskommissar" - 1907-1909 various insult suits especially against editors of social democratic newspapers - 1909 marriage with Thea Herbers - 1914 Carl Peters is granted his pension by grace - 10.09.1918 died in Waltorf near Peine

Peters, Carl