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Missionshaus Berlin-Lichterfelde: Building, Purchase

Correspondence on the construction of the mission house; invoices for crafts; mortgage contract with v. Tiele-Winckler; construction drawings, plans, building permit, statistics, etc.; colored design for the mission house in Bethel

In: Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik) >> Archive of the Bethel Mission/Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1885-1970 >> homeland work >> Finances and assets


1st German East African Missionary Conference in Dar es Salaam (1911); minutes, correspondence (1933-1940); church regulations (1929).

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 50 1 - o.J. "Voices on the Conference" (ed.; 4 p.) - o.J. Klamroth: "Theses" (concerning Islam; ed.; 1 p.) - o.J. Gleiss: "Summary of Proposals concerning Religious Literature" (ed.; 1...

In: Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle >> Archiv des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Missionswerkes Leipzig e.V. >> Ev.-Luth. Mission zu Leipzig/ Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig >> Afrika

Leipziger Missionswerk

Mission Societies. Correspondence (1930-1950). Minutes of meetings (1930-1937). Education, mission conferences, memorandum (1932-1936). Travelogue Brennecke (1950-1951).

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE No. 52 1 - Marangu 1928. "Resolutions passed by the Conference of Evangelical Missions" - Leipzig 1930. Ihmels to "Friends" - o.O. 1930. ? (Ihmels?) to the mission societies working in East Africa (...

In: Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle >> Archiv des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Missionswerkes Leipzig e.V. >> Ev.-Luth. Mission zu Leipzig/ Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig >> Afrika

Leipziger Missionswerk

Correspondence. Education, incorporation, real estate, newsletters, war damage.

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 54 1 - Nairobi 1934. German Consulate to Foreign Office - Machame 1934. Room to German Consulate (2 letters) - Nairobi 1934. German Consulate to Leipzig Mission (Ihmels, Gutmann, Room) (3 letters, partly 2-fold) -...

In: Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle >> Archiv des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Missionswerkes Leipzig e.V. >> Ev.-Luth. Mission zu Leipzig/ Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig >> Afrika

Leipziger Missionswerk

Working discussion of the East African missionaries (1941). Addresses of returned missionaries (1940-1941). Correspondence (1940-1941). Minutes, papers, discussion notes (1941).

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 64 1 - Leipzig 1940. Ihmels to the Mission Societies working in East Africa - n/a List of the returned East African Missionaries of the Berlin Mission (2-fold) - n/a List of the "Mission Workers of the Bethel ...

In: Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle >> Archiv des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Missionswerkes Leipzig e.V. >> Ev.-Luth. Mission zu Leipzig/ Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig >> Afrika

Leipziger Missionswerk

Plans and sketches. Shira, Machame, Nkoaranga, Moshi, sales contracts, mission properties.

Seven fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 60 1 - Sketch of one to the Ev.-luth. mission leased piece of crown land in the landscape Moshi - sketch "Mwika" - "sketch of the mission Shira" - "sketch of the mission station Arusha&quo...

In: Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle >> Archiv des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Missionswerkes Leipzig e.V. >> Ev.-Luth. Mission zu Leipzig/ Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig >> Afrika

Leipziger Missionswerk

Berlin Mission:

Correspondence, circulars, etc.; "Die Berliner Mission in Ostafrika 9 S., ms., N. N., ca. 1943; "The German and non-German Evangelical Missions in German East Africa, Rwanda, Burundi, Cameroon, Togo, German Southwest Africa, ca. 1943; &q...

In: Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik) >> Archive of the Bethel Mission/Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1885-1970 >> homeland work >> Correspondence with other mission agencies


Minutes of the III General Conference of Evangelical Missionaries in Tanganyika (1930); Church Union in East Africa. Mission Conference (1934-1937); correspondence of the Home Council of the Missionskirchenbund on a Lutheran basis (1938-1943); report on the Leipzig Mission in East Africa during the war (1939-1940).

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NO 49 1 - Dar es Salaam 1930. Minutes of the III General Conference of Evangelical Missionaries in Tanganyika Territory (machine-written; 22 p.) - "Church Union in East Africa. Proposed Basis of Union. Presented b...

In: Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle >> Archiv des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Missionswerkes Leipzig e.V. >> Ev.-Luth. Mission zu Leipzig/ Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig >> Afrika

Leipziger Missionswerk

Berlin Missionary Society III (1886)

[Ev. Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostafrika/EMDOA - since 1920: Bethel-Mission]; Correspondence and agreements on a planned cooperation between Berlin III and RMG

In: Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik) >> Archive of the Rhenish Mission Society >> Contacts and correspondence >> German-speaking Mission Societies

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft

Correspondence. Reports on the situation during the war (1933-1945); with missionaries (1946-1950); National Lutheran (Mission) Council (1950).

Ten fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 57 1 - Lehesten 1938. Küchler an Ihmels - o.O., o.J. "The situation of the Germans in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a under mandate and in British East Africa in the first weeks of the war." (typewritten...

In: Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle >> Archiv des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Missionswerkes Leipzig e.V. >> Ev.-Luth. Mission zu Leipzig/ Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig >> Afrika

Leipziger Missionswerk

Statistics (1914-1967); excerpts from the official Gazette (1931); the wartime slogan (1939-1940); combating the trade in spirits (1913-1931).

Four fiches. Contains: FICHE NR. 59 1 - 1914-1919, 1922-1925, 1927-1930, 1932-1935, 1938-1939. Statistics of the Evangelical Lutheran mission stations in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a - Shigatini 1915. Fuchs an Leipziger Mission - 1916, 1920, ...

In: Franckeschen Stiftungen zu Halle >> Archiv des Evangelisch-Lutherischen Missionswerkes Leipzig e.V. >> Ev.-Luth. Mission zu Leipzig/ Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk Leipzig >> Afrika

Leipziger Missionswerk