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Archival description
Carl Peters crosses the Wami
77207 · File · 1884-01-01 - 1889-12-31
Part of Süddeutsche Zeitung Photo

During an expedition in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a the colonial politician and Africa researcher Carl Peters crosses the river Wami with local porters / Photographer: Scherl

Dettinger, Paul
BArch N 1095 · Fonds · um 1900 - 1919
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Correspondences and notes on the history of the German colony of Cameroon; reports on district trips; materials on the transfer to the Spanish Rio Moni colony (1916). (as of 1977)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 9 · File · 1896-1897
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1896-1897, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 bequests Rudolf von Gansser sen. and Rudolf Gansser jun. Contains among others: 1896: First experiences in Dar es Salaam (13.12.96); detailed description of the journey via Switzerland, Italy, Suez Canal to the arrival in Tanga (subsequently written after arrival in Dar es Salaam) (13.11.-7.12); description of Tanga (7th century); description of the journey to Tanga (13.11.-7.12).12.); quartering (8.12.); description of Dar es Salaam (with sketch p. 76), local people, animals, furnishing of his room (9.12.); customs clearance of imported weapons and photographic equipment, visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.).26.12); Christmas party (24. and 25.12.)<br />1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.); Christmas celebration (24. and 25.12.)<br />1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.)); solemn greeting of the new governor Colonel Liebert (17.1.); illness of Gansser and recovery (17.1.-20.01); order for the topographic survey of the country (20./21.1.); march into the interior of the country (25.1.).); Usambara Railway, arrival of Gasser at the plantation of Mr Georg Sander in Lewa (27.01.); construction of a trigonometric signal at the highest point of the plantation Sanders (28.01. - 04.02.).); visit of the governor Liebert in Lewa and visit of the trigonometric signal, short description of the coffee plantation in Lewa (05.02.); construction of a ground floor pyramid as a signal at Tongue Mountain, supply of Gansser's people by the natives (06.02); punishment of a young native boy by Mr. Hutcup (12.02.); ascent and descent to Mlinga (13.02.); erection of a trigonometric signal there (21.02.); march to Segoma mountain, erection of a signal there (22.-23.02., 28.2.); erection of a trigonometric signal there (21.02.); erection of a signal there (22.-23.02., 28.2.)); march on to Maramba, description of the village (01.03.); congratulations to the king, post from his homeland (03.03.); march on to Mount Wuga (06.03.) and erection of a signal there (07.03.); discussion with the technician Hutcup (08.03.); departure to Nielo mountain (12.3.) and erection of a signal there (13.3. ff); ascent to Lutindi, refusal to work by the aid organisations (17.3.); departure to Nielo mountain (12.3.) and erection of a signal there (13.3. ff); ascent to Lutindi, refusal to work by the aid organisations (17.3.)); construction of a signal there, exact description of the plant, after completion celebration with the assistants with Pombe (brown drink), Ngoma (drum) and dances of the natives (21.03.); illness of the blacks and cupping method against it (22.03.); healing methods of the natives (23.03.).); smaller signals set by the predecessors, from Kombola to Siai (29.03.); mail received (07.04.); erection of smaller signals by Böhler (13.04.); plantations and their ownership (15.04.); Easter as guest on the plantation of Mr. and Mrs. v. Horn near Nyuelo, birthday presents from home, birthday party on the plantation (17.04. ff.); description of the house of v. Horn (26.04.); onward journey to Kwamkoro (30.04.); the market of Kwamkoro (02.05.); march to the Bulwa mountains (11.05.); further stops at the v. Horns, completion of a signal under difficulties (16.05. ff.); ceremonial inauguration of the signal of Nyuelo, which was given to the wife v. Horn, Drunkenness of Wolffhauer (30.05.); March to Muhesa (04.06.); Assessment of the work of the land surveyor Böhler (05.06.); Theft of Gansser's left luggage (14. and 15.06.); further stay at the v. Horns, a.o. birthday party for Mr. v. Horn (16.06.); Ganssers dog "Flock" (11.07.); the plantation of the Wißmahl brothers, dispute with Böhler because of the basis of the triangulation, march of the caravan to Hakoko (12.07.); on the territory of the English mission (13.07.); further march towards Lutindi (19.07.); ascent to the Mashindei (20.07.); construction of a camp and a signal there (21.07. ff.) description: Contains and others: 1896: First experiences in Dar es Salaam (13.12.96); detailed description of the journey via Switzerland, Italy, Suez Canal to the arrival in Tanga (subsequently written after arrival in Dar es Salaam) (13.11.-7.12); description of Tanga (7th century); description of the journey to Tanga (13.11.-7.12).12.); quartering (8.12.); description of Dar es Salaam (with sketch p. 76), local people, animals, furnishing of his room (9.12.); customs clearance of imported weapons and photographic equipment, visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.).26.12); Christmas party (24. and 25.12.) 1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.); Christmas celebration (24. and 25.12.) 1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.)); solemn greeting of the new governor Colonel Liebert (17.1.); illness of Gansser and recovery (17.1.-20.01); order for the topographic survey of the country (20./21.1.); march into the interior of the country (25.1.).); Usambara Railway, arrival of Gasser at the plantation of Mr Georg Sander in Lewa (27.01.); construction of a trigonometric signal at the highest point of the plantation Sanders (28.01. - 04.02.).); visit of the governor Liebert in Lewa and visit of the trigonometric signal, short description of the coffee plantation in Lewa (05.02.); construction of a ground floor pyramid as a signal at Tongue Mountain, supply of Gansser's people by the natives (06.02); chastisement of a young native boy by Mr. Hutcup (12.02.); ascent and descent to Mlinga (13.02.); erection of a trigonometric signal there (21.02.); march to Mount Segoma, erection of a signal there (22.-23.02., 28.2.); march on to Maramba, description of the village (01.03.); congratulations to the king, post from home (03.03.); march on to Mount Wuga (06.03.) and erection of a signal there (07.03.); visit of the village (01.03.); visit of the village (07.03.).); discussion with the technician Hutcup (08.03.); march on the Nielo mountain (12.3.) and erection of a signal there (13.3. ff); ascent to the Lutindi, refusal to work by the supporters (17.3. ff); the first day of the tour (13.3. ff); the second day of the tour (17.3. ff).); construction of a signal there, exact description of the plant, after completion celebration with the assistants with Pombe (brown drink), Ngoma (drum) and dances of the natives (21.03.); illness of the blacks and cupping method on the other hand (22.03.); healing methods of the natives (23.03.); smaller signals set by the predecessors, from Kombola to Siai (29.03.); received mail (07.04.); erection of smaller signals by Böhler (13.04.); plantations and their ownership (15.); the development of the plantations and their ownership (15.).04.); Easter as guest on the plantation of Mr. and Mrs. v. Horn near Nyuelo, birthday presents from home, birthday party on the plantation (17.04. ff.); description of the house of v. Horn (26.04.); onward journey to Kwamkoro (30.04.); the market of Kwamkoro (02.05.); march to the Bulwa mountains (11.05.); further stops at the v. Horns, completion of a signal under difficulties (16.05. ff.); solemn inauguration of the signal of Nyuelo dedicated to Frau v. Horn; drunkenness of Wolffhauer (30.05.); march to Muhesa (04.06.); evaluation of the work of the land surveyor Böhler (05.06.); theft of Gansser's left luggage (14. and 15.06.); further stay at v. Horns, among others birthday party for Mr. v. Horn (16.06.); Gansser's dog "Flock" (11.07.); the plantation of the Wißmahl brothers, dispute with Böhler because of the basis of the triangulation, march of the caravan to Hakoko (12.07.); on the territory of the English mission (13.07.); further march towards Lutindi (19.07.); ascent to the Mashindei (20.07.); construction of a camp and a signal there (21.07. ff.)

Curriculum vitae, transcripts of testimonies, contract of service, 1896; letter of the local Christian Ibrahim Kerefu, 1900; confidential correspondence about Roehl's marriage affairs, 1903-1911; description of the rapes of the Evangelical Mission Societies for German East Africa by our enemies, list of damages for the years 1914-1916, died in addition. by Karl Roehl, 1920; "Eine Deutsche Evangelische Tat für Ostafrika, Werbedruck-schrift für das Suaheli-Neue Testament Roehls, 1930; Vertrag der Leipziger-, Berliner-, u. Bethel-Mission mit Karl Roehl wegen literarischem Sonderauftrag in Tansania, 1930; Johannes Raum "Um das Roehl´sche New Testament, Referat, 1931; Report on discussion with Mr. Tyndale-Biscoe, Director of Education in Dar-es-Salaam, 1932; Protocol of the Fourth General Lutheran Missionary Conference in Dar-es-Salaam, June 1933; Memorandum concerning the "Reichskirche u. Mission by Karl Roehl, November 1933; Report to the Church Foreign Office "On my work in Dar-es-Salaam, 1934; Memorandum on the printing of Karl Roehl's Swahili Bible, 1935; Introduction to Karl Roehl's Swahili Bible, 1937; Four issues of "Mapenzi ya Mungu, April to June 1937; Illustrations for the Swahili Bible, 1937; "Unser Prophet ist heilig u. a saint, translated by Karl Roehl from "Mapenzi ya Mungu, 1938; "The Story of Businsa from "Ufalme wa Mungu (In English: God's Kingdom) No.4, 1939; "Report on my 70th birthday of Karl Roehl, July 1940; obituary of Emmy Roehl, 1948; obituary of Karl Roehl, 1951

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
BArch, R 1001/4429 · File · Jan. - Apr. 1914, 1919
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Submission of the Association of West African Merchants to the Reichstag due to rapid execution of the expropriation, Hamburg, 23 March 1914 Memorandum from the State Secretary Solf on the expropriation and relocation of the local population in Duala to the Reichstag on 1 May 1914

BArch, R 1001/2166 · File · Juni 1894 - Juli 1895
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Map of D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a with drawings of the most important tribal areas, military and mission stations. M.: 1:3 000 000. 1892

BArch, R 1001/2088 · File · Juli 1914-Febr. 1915, Mai 1921-März 1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Riots in the German-Portuguese border region of Amboland and the Labour Question (1914) Situation after the World War English Secret Service in South West Africa (1938) Possibility of demonstrations by the local population in Windhoek on Dingaanotag (16 Dec 1938)

BArch, R 1001/2999 · File · Sept. 1899 - Febr. 1900
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Acquisition of real estate by the local population Award of order to Spanish officers Instructions of the Spanish government for the forthcoming transfer of ownership of the Caroline Islands to Germany Payment of the purchase price for the Caroline Islands Compensation of the merchant Zarza in Ponapé for the destruction of his ammunition supplies

BArch, R 1001/3001 · File · Apr. 1901 - März 1902
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Spanish archive material on the Caroline Islands General emigration conditions, propaganda in the Philippines Purchases of land by local people Flag hoisting on Tobi Island and Helen Reef Expulsion of Japanese traders from Truk Islands