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Archival description
COPY 1/516/136 · Item · 1907 Oct 10
Part of The National Archives

1) 'Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with palm trees right across picture. To the right hand a group of native houses. Titled 'By The Side Of Placid Waters''. 12cm x 16cm. 2) 'Photograph of Ocean Island native with two leaves fastened in ears, hair necklace, curly hair, teeth exposed'. 16cm x 12cm. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

R 32 · Collection · 01 Jan 1887 - 31 Dec 1984
Part of National Archives of Australia

The series consists of a variety of photographic material relating to Nauru, Ocean Island, Christmas Island and British Phosphate Commissioners (BPC) property in Australia. The British Phosphate Commissioners mined phosphate on Nauru and Ocean Island and acted as managing agent on Christmas Island, also mining there, on behalf of the Christmas Island Phosphate Commission (CIPC) [CA 6799].

The series provides an informative photographic record of the settlements and total mining operation on each island. It includes places of interest, scenery, terrain, towns, land and sea and air transport, mining plant and activity. There are photographs of workers, management, island administrators, visitors and events of particular significance. The construction of new houses, office and administrative buildings, wharves, cantilevers and the reconstruction following Japanese occupation of some islands is depicted.

Some items in the series were created by BPC staff as a direct record of the Commission's activities. Other collections were acquired from time to time from visitors to the island and, in one instance, from a journalist - Mr Thomas J. McMahon, who wrote articles about the islands. Others which date from before the formation of BPC were acquired from the previous mining companies and provide an extensive record from the time when phosphate mining on Ocean Island was first investigated.

Under the BPC the Engineer on each island was responsible for the total island's operation and would arrange for photographs of the area under his jurisdiction. These were sent to Melbourne and placed in standard albums as the 'official' photographs. These albums were green for Nauru, brown for Christmas Island and burgundy for Ocean Island, leather bound, with the island name and volume number embossed on the spine. The photographs are mostly secured inside the albums, numbered and annotated. In many cases a list of contents is held inside the cover of each volume. Other volumes of varying size have mainly brown or black cardboard covers. The run of official photographs is now held as R32/1. Negatives identified as relating to them are located in R32/10 although the collection is not complete. Copies of some prints were mounted in a separate run of albums now held as R32/12.

Other material in this series includes loose black and white and colour prints, negatives, slides and transparencies on a variety of subjects. These have been grouped by National Archives into consignments relating to particular islands or are grouped by media. Prior to the cessation of the BPC's phosphate mining in July 1981, and in anticipation of the transfer of records, the photograph collections were brought together by the BPC Librarian into the one series, the volumes being arranged by single number runs under each island, and the previously unnumbered volumes, numbered from 101. Following the initial collation of the photographs other books and individual prints have been found and added to the collection.

Originally five consignments of this series were transferred to the custody of National Archives, the first containing the albums. Once in custody, certain negatives in consignments 5 and 6 were found to be silver nitrate. Accordingly, all negatives in these consignments were removed, and those confirmed as nitrate were isolated and copies made. The original nitrate negatives were destroyed and the copies relocated in the present consignment 9. The other, non-nitrate, negatives were placed in the present consignment 6.

Further arrangement and description of this series was undertaken by National Archives which resulted in a reordering of its items. The present division of items and the allocation of consignments of this series is as follows:
R32/1 Official photograph albums
R32/2 Christmas Island photographs - loose
R32/3 Nauru photographs - loose
R32/4 Ocean Island photographs - loose
R32/5 Sundry photgraphs - loose
R32/6 Black and white negatives - general and those removed from
items in R32/3 and R32/5
R32/9 Copies of nitrate negatives removed from items in R32/3
to R32/5
R32/10 Black and white negatives of photograpns in items of R32/1
R32/11 Black and white glass negatives
R32/12 Copies of photographs in items of R32/1
R32/13 Full page negatives of photographs from albums CIPC 1-10 and CIPC NN from R32/1
R32/14 Individual negatives of photographs from albums CIPC 1-10 and CIPC NN from R32/1
R32/15 Individual negatives of photographs from albums CIPC 1-10 and CIPC NN from R32/1 (second copy, identical to R32/14)
R32/16 Copy prints of photographs from albums CIPC 1-10 and CIPC NN from R32/1
Note that there are no consignments 7 or 8. As at November 1994 there were item lists for all the consignments listed above except R32/9.

Items in R32/1 and R32/12 have retained, as much as possible, their original control symbols prior to their renumbering by the BPC Librarian. As there is not a comprehensive system of arrangement for the entire series, control symbols in the form of single numbers with alpha prefixes have been imposed on most items to form discrete sequences for each consignment. Items in consignment 2 have been allocated a C prefix for Christmas Island, those in 3 an N prefix for Nauru, in 4 an O prefix for Ocean Island, in 5 an S prefix for Sundry, and 11 a G prefix for Glass Negative. Items in consignment 6 have been allocated a prefix of NEG for Negative where the negatives could not be identified as applying to prints in other consignments. However, where negatives were removed from items in other consignments to be relocated in consignment 6 they have retained the control number of their item of origin. That is, negatives removed from item [S24] of R32/5 are similarly identified as item [S24] in R32/6. In the same way, where items in consignment /10 have been identified as pertaining to items in R32/1 they have been assigned the control symbols of those items in R32/1.

In the years 2002-2003 extensive preservation work was carried out on photographs in R32. Loose photographs in consignments 2, 3, 4 and 5 were placed into archival quality image portfolios, while photographs in consignments 1 and 12 were removed from their original albums and placed in image portfolios also.

British Phosphate Commission
FO 383/434 · Item · 1918
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Internment of German prisoners from the German colonies, including: Request by the General Welfare Committee at Knockaloe Camp that civilian prisoners due to be repatriated should not be temporarily transferred to a military camp. Lieutenant Paul Baer: complaint by the German authorities about the delay in transferring him to Switzerland. Request for interned German troops from the Cameroons and Togo to be placed in military camps. German memorandum alleging that officers and non-commissioned officers captured in the German colonies were being excluded from internment in the Netherlands; British reply refuting the allegations. Combatant status of certain prisoners at Knockaloe Camp. Johannes Rehse, interned at Knockaloe Camp, and Karl Kauss, interned at Lofthouse Park: request for their transfer to the Netherlands. Heinrich Bolle, interned at Knockaloe Camp: decision not to allow his transfer to the Netherlands; subsequent confirmation of his non-combatant status. Correspondence concerning lists of former German colonial troops eligible for transfer to the Netherlands. Lieutenants Kaiser, Hermans and Haeuseler: request for their transfer to the Netherlands. Otto Kallweit: confirmation that he had been moved to a camp for combatant prisoners, and would be transferred to the Netherlands. Heinrich Bauch: confirmation that he had been transferred to a camp for combatant prisoners. List (in docket no. 108819) of German prisoners eligible for transfer to the Netherlands. Johannes Rehse, interned at Knockaloe Camp: enquiry about his transfer to a military camp and removal to the Netherlands. Information on the civilian status of certain German prisoners (names in docket no. 111465). German memoranda enquiring about Sergeant Otto Kallweit and other interned prisoners (names in docket no. 119625) who were eligible for military status. Samoan camps: appointment of Mr J Helg to inspect internment camps in Samoa containing German prisoners; protest by the German authorities about the existence of the camps. Oberleutnant Lothar Marcks, interned at Trial Bay, Australia, including: Letters to the Swiss Consul in Sydney recommending the repatriation of a number of German prisoners (names in docket nos. 9131 and 19465) on health grounds. Sergeant Rudolf Albert Ebelt: information that he was no longer eligible for repatriation on health grounds. Permission for the transmission to Germany of the letters from Oberleutnant Marcks. German prisoners from the former colony of German New Guinea, including: Deportation of former employees of the Pacific Phosphate Company from the island of Nauru. George Taeufert: confirmation that he had been deported from German New Guinea and was interned at Trial Bay, New South Wales. German memorandum notifying the British Government of the detention of six British civilians as a reprisal for the detention of German officials (names in docket no. 67397). Reports on actions leading to the surrender of Nauru and the deportation of German prisoners, with lists (in docket no. 75585) of prisoners who had been deported or interned, a list (in docket no. 75585) of prisoners and passengers on SS Messina , and a list (in docket no. 75585) of German subjects sent from New Guinea to Australia. Statistics relating to Commerce, Native Tax, Population, Live Stock and Agriculture, etc., in connection with the Late German New Guinea Possessions. (Parliamentary Command Paper C.15195). European War. Correspondence respecting Military Operations against German Possessions in the Western Pacific. (Parliamentary Command Paper C.16383). German memorandum protesting about the internment of prisoners on Samoa, and and requesting the return from Australia of German subjects deported from Nauru and New Guinea. Report by the Principal Medical Officer of Samoa on the internment camp at Samoa. German memorandum on German subjects in Nauru and New Guinea, with a copy of the British reply. Mr Karl Hanssen, interned at Motuihi Camp, Auckland, New Zealand: series of letters to the American Consul at Apia, Samoa, on issues relating to his business, the Deutsche Handels

ADM 137/5 · Item · 1914-1914
Part of The National Archives

New Guinea and German Pacific Islands, 5 August-22 December 1914. Part 1: New Guinea, 6 August-29 September 1914, pages 1-225. Part 2: German Pacific Islands (miscellaneous papers), 5 August-22 December 1914, pages 226-end. Includes: pages 1-75: various correspondence and telegrams relating to operations in New Guinea. pages 76A-76H: telegram from the Governor General of Australia to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, would like early escort for New Guinea Expedition which has started Northward, 25 August 1914, (page 76C); Suggest informing Colonial Office arrangements proposed by Rear Admiral commanding Australia appears to meet situation satisfactorily, (page 76D); convoy for New Guinea expedition, (page 76E); Telegram regarding occupation of Samoa, dated 30 August 1914, (page 76F); Sail for Suva, (page 76G). Destroy Nauru wireless station, (page 76H), (paper M 01556/1914). pages 77A-77E: telegram from Secretary of State colonies to Governor-General of Australia, 30 August 1914. R.A.C with Australia and other ships will convoy expedition to New Guinea as soon as Samoa has been taken (page 77C), (paper M 01677/1914). pages 126A-126E: Colonel Holmes appointed administrator of New Britain, (paper M 1813/1914). pages 145-163: Precis of reports and general letters (printed) from Vice Admiral commanding Australian Fleet to the Admiralty, 29 July-29 September 1914. pages 164-178: Colonial Office reprint (parliamentary paper) of correspondence relating to military operations against German possessions in the Western Pacific, 1915. pages 180A-180P: Report (with enclosures) by Captain Silver of HMAS Melbourne about the landing operations in Nauru, 9 September 1914 (pages 180E-180N), (paper M 04106/1914). pages 181A-181S: Attack on wireless station at Kabakaul (pages 181C-181D). Report by Commander Claude Cumberlege of HMAS Warrego on taking of Kabakaul Wireless Station, 11 September 1914 (pages 181E-181H). Report by Lieutenant Gerald Hill of HMAS Yara on taking of Kabakaul Wireless Station, 15 September 1914 (pages 181I-181J). Report by J.A.H Beresford, commander, R.A.N on taking of Kabakaul Wireless Station, 21 October 1914 (pages 181K-181O). Report by Further comments by Commander Claude Cumberlege regarding the capture of Kabakaul Wireless Station, 25 October 1914 (pages 181P-181Q). pages 182A-182L: Treatment of German officials at New Guinea. New Guines, terms of capitulation (pages 182F-182L), (paper M 21569/1914). pages 189-221: Recommendations for special acts of bravery in regards to the occupation of German possessions in the Western Pacific, (paper M 07116/1915). pages 228-236: Extracts from rough diary on operations in Australia station. pages 256A-256F: Telegrams and correspondence about the occupation of Nauru and Anguar, (paper M 01841/1914). pages 257A-257H: Correspondence with the Pacific Phosphate Comapny Limited and their steamer Zambesi, and also respecting the position of Nauru, (paper M 01884/1914). pages 272-328: Pacific Phosphate Company Limited. List of persons (German) holding shares in this company as of 18 June 1914 (with name, address, occupation and number of shares, (pages 290-327). List of directors as of 18 June 1914, (page 328), (paper M 02047/1914). pages 329A-329C: High Commissioner Suva to Secretary of State for Colonies telegram, 26 September 1914. British subjects at Nauru removed by German authoroties to Ocean Islands in Frithjof ship, (paper M 02268/1914). pages 334A-334K: letters and telegrams reporting the movements of the ships Pronto and Frithjof in August-September 1914. Correspondence relating to affairs at Nauru and its occupation, (paper M 02217/1914). pages 338A-338I: Telegram from Governor General Australia to Colonial Office, 13 October 1914. Messina ship leaves Sydney for Ocean Island will take military guard from Rabual to occupy Nauru and bring back all German residents, (paper M 02679/1914). pages 339A-339M: Telegrams and letters regarding movements of the steamers Pronto, Wonganella and African transport (Pacific Phosphate Company ships), (paper M 02710/1914). pages 344A-344L: Telegrams between Colional Office and High Commissioner for Western Pacific regarding administrator for Nauru, (paper M 03033/1914). pages 345-347: Letter from Archibald Williams of Barfour, Williamson and Co regarding situation on Easter Island and the possibility of setting up a wireless station there and supplying livestock to the British navy. pages 350A-350K: Report by British Consul, Honolulu on movements of Pronto (ship) in August-September 1914. Report by Pronto's master abouts its movements, October 1914, (paper M 03550/1914).

COPY 1/516/93 · Item · 1907 Oct 10
Part of The National Archives

Photograph of group of natives taken at Nauru all dressed in reedys. The third figure in the front row from right of picture wears a black felt hat'. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/107 · Item · 1907 Oct 10
Part of The National Archives

Photograph of lake at Nauru shewing palm reflected in lake. Titled 'Around The Palm Trees Rising Sheer From The Silent Waters Dark''. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/92 · Item · 1907 Oct 10
Part of The National Archives

Photograph of Nauru girl with flower wreath on head'. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/108 · Item · 1907 Oct 10
Part of The National Archives

Photograph of part of lake taken at Nauru. Titled ' A Quiet Spot''. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/117 · Item · 1907 Oct 10
Part of The National Archives

Photograph of two Nauru women in reedys, one holding branch of almond tree in front of her standing under tree. Native house in distance'. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/127 · Item · 1907 Oct 10
Part of The National Archives

Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with old native with grey beard dressed in reedy standing at side with stick'. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/134 · Item · 1907 Oct 10
Part of The National Archives

Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with palm trees reflected in the waters. Titled 'The Sun Kissed Leaves''. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/133 · Item · 1907 Oct 10
Part of The National Archives

Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with palm trees reflected in the waters'. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.

COPY 1/516/89 · Item · 1907 Oct 10
Part of The National Archives

Photograph taken at Nauru shewing part of lake with palm trees the palms reflected in the waters. Titled 'Nature's Mirror''. Copyright owner of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Copyright author of work: William Henry Evans, Ocean Island, Pacific Ocean, c/o The Pacific Phosphate Company, 465 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia. Form completed: 10 October 1907. Registration stamp: 1907 December 9.