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BArch, R 174-F · Bestand
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

The court system is well documented in numerous individual case files, both with regard to jurisdiction over natives and "Europeans".

The household and treasury system is essentially documented in the records of the governor's main treasury.

The administration can mainly be traced in the files of the district offices of Herbertshöhe, Rabaul, Friedrich Wilhelmshafen and Käwieng, whereby "administration" at that time also included jurisdiction over natives.

Only a few documents from the imperial stations have survived.

Meine Kriegserlebnisse 1914-1919
A XVII 199 · Objekt · 1914 -1935
Teil von Stadtarchiv Bad Tölz

Erinnerungen des Tölzers Heinrich Hiedl im 1. Weltkrieg auf dem Kriegsschiff Cormoran sowie in der Kriegsgefangenschaft: typewritten with glued-in photos, bound as a book, completed by 1935.nSchenkung von Heinrich Hiedl

Picture archive of the German Colonial Society

The DKG collection was organized according to a uniform concept. It initially provided very differentiated information about the sponsors and activities of the German colonial movement and then mainly documented the general and especially the German colonial history. The more extensive regional section deals with all areas in which the German Reich pursued colonial interests, i.e. 1. Togo 2. Cameroon 3. Namibia / German South-West Africa 4. Tanzania / German East Africa 5. Rwanda / German East Africa 6. Burundi / German East Africa 7. People's Republic of China / Kiautschou (Tsingtau) 8. Papua New Guinea / Kaiser-Wilhelmsland 9. Palau / Caroline Islands 10. Federation of Micronesia / Caroline Islands 11. Northern Mariana Islands (USA) / Mariana Islands 12. Marshall Islands 13. Nauru 14. Western Samoa / German Samoa. The settlement areas of Germans in Latin America (e.g. Blumenau) or Australia should also be mentioned. The main subject areas here are voyages of discovery and exploration, geology and mining, vegetation and native agriculture, landscapes and animal studies, the settlement activities of natives and whites, schools and missions, traditional trade and transportation, the introduction of modern means of transport (port facilities, railroads, roads), economic development by Europeans, protection forces and uprisings, voyages of discovery and exploration. In addition, the same topics are presented as examples for colonies of other states in Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania. Towards the end of the Second World War, the Society's picture collection was moved to mining tunnels in Thuringia, where it was seized by American troops and finally, together with the German Colonial Society's library of around 15,000 volumes, transferred to the Frankfurt am Main City and University Library under its then director Hanns Wilhelm Eppelsheimer. According to preliminary estimates, the total number of images is at least 55,000, with the few old large glass plate negatives, the hand-colored large slides and the earliest color slides from the overseas territories being particularly valuable."

Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft
Archiv für Diakonie und Entwicklung, SM, 281 · Akt(e) · 1897 - 1909
Teil von Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e.V.
  • Included: Articles of association and statutes of the company 'Seemannshaus für Unteroffiziere und Mannschaften der Kaiserlichen Marine', 1897 - Development plan for the new town to be built on Tsintau Bay. Published by the Imperial Navy Office, 1898 (scale 1:6250, format: DIN A1) - Design for a harbour in Kiachou Bay. Map of the outer and inner Rhede of Tsintau, March 1899 (scale 1:5000, format: DIN A2).- Form of an authorisation card for the use of the Christian Soldiers' Home in Tsingtau (Berlin Mission).- Directory of seamen's homes and other places for sailors and soldiers abroad. Edition December 1908, published by the National Association of the Evangelical Young Men's League of Germany.n* 1897 - 1909, Archive for Diaconia and Development, SM Committee for German Protestant Seamen's Mission
Pictures from Africa
Stadtarchiv Nürnberg, E 10/32 Nr. 44 · Akt(e) · 1903 - 1904
Teil von Stadtarchiv Nürnberg
  • 1903 - 1904, Stadtarchiv Nürnberg, E 10/32 NL Friedrich Stahln* Contains:<br />- Large panoramic map of Cape Town (1905)<br />- 20 large-format pictures, including: Views of Dar-es-Salam, Mocambique (natives), Aden (water tanks), parliament building in Cape Town and of the imperial mail steamer 'Bürgermeister'
Stadtarchiv Nürnberg, E 10/32 Nr. 41 · Akt(e) · 1904 - 1926
Teil von Stadtarchiv Nürnberg
  • Including:<br />- two negatives from a court martial in South West Africa<br />- 183 postcards (partly descriptive) with motifs (incl. Schutztruppen, locals, landscapes, places and buildings) from:<br />- German South West Africa (Namibia): a.o. Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Windhoek, Abbabis, Otjitundo, Owamboland, Omaruru, Karibib, Kubas and Lüderitz Bay,<br />- German East Africa (Tanzania): including Tanga, Dar-es-Salaam<br />- Cape Colony (South Africa): Cape Town, Aliwal North<br />- Brazil: Guaruja. Brusque<br />- India: e.g. Ahmedabad, Abu<br />- Egypt: Port Said, Suez Canaln* 1904 - 1926, Stadtarchiv Nürnberg, E 10/32 NL Friedrich Stahl

Rund 20.000 Alltags- und Ritualgegenstände sowie Kunst außereuropäischer Kulturen bilden einen reichen Fundus für Sonderausstellungen und wissenschaftliche Forschung. Ziel ist dabei, Verständnis und Respekt für andere Weltregionen zu fördern und Interesse an der Vielfalt menschlicher Lebenswelten zu wecken. Regionale Schwerpunkte der Sammlung sind Ostasien und Amerika sowie die ehemaligen deutschen Kolonialgebiete in Neuguinea, Ost- und Westafrika. Zeitgenössische Kunstwerke indigener Völker, die im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tradition und Moderne entstehen, nehmen einen besonderen Platz ein. Die Sammlung Afrika besteht aus rund 3.500 Objekten des afrikanischen Kontinentes. Kostbarkeiten sind die Alltagsgegenstände der Schilluk, Dinka, und Bari. Sie wurden teils bereits vor 1876 von den Freiburger Brüdern Rosset im damals noch unerforschten Südsudan zusammengetragen. Andere Objekte stammen aus den früheren deutschen Kolonien (1885-1918) in Ost- und Südwestafrika. Angehörige der damaligen kaiserlichen "Schutztruppen", wie beispielsweise Karl Sauer, Wilhelm Winterer, Theodor Leutwein, Dr. Lübbert und Eugen Fischer gaben Alltags- und Ritualobjekte der Makonde, Ziba, Herero und San an das Museum. Von Kapitän Johannis Heldt erwarb das Museum 1899 schöne bis wunderliche Objekte aus Zentral- und Westafrika.

Outer mission
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, A 1318 · Akt(e) · o. D., 1899-1912, 1925-1950, 1963-1966
Teil von Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • description: contains among others: Contains: Balingen Mission Association; Basel Mission; Dr. Lepsius German Orient Mission, Potsdam; German Institute for Medical Mission Also contains: In memory of the 25th anniversary of the office of Director D. Theodor Oehler (Basel 1910, 40 p.); Report by Heinrich Bizer on his work in China (1925); Letter from the foster child of the orphan department of the Dr. Lepsius German Orient Mission Sohrab Erserumian from Aleppo to Dean Pfleiderer (1932; with photo of the foster child)
  • undated, 1899-1912, 1925-1950, 1963-1966, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, Evangelisches Dekanatamt Balingen
  • Contains, among other things: Contains:<br />Missionsverein Balingen;<br />Basler Mission;<br />Dr. Lepsius Deutsche Orient-Mission, Potsdam;<br />Deutsches Institut für ärztliche Mission<br /><br />Contains also:<br />In memory of the 25th anniversary of the office of Mr. Direktor D. Theodor Oehler (Basel 1910, 40 p.);<br />Report by Heinrich Bizer on his work in China (1925);<br />Letter from Sohrab Erserumian, foster child of the orphan department of the Dr. Lepsius German Orient Mission, from Aleppo to Dean Pfleiderer (1932; with photo of the foster child)
Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 25
BArch, R 901/81218 · Akt(e) · Feb. 1914 - 1919
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Project for the establishment of a company for the smelting of zinc, lead, antimony and sulphur in Tsingtau by the "East Asian Study Syndicate" (foundation of the companies Beer, Sondheimer und Co., Frankfurt/M.; Carlowitz und Co., Hamburg; Reimers und Co., Bremen), 1914 contract for the transfer of Tsingtau to the Japanese army (transcript), 1915 "The Chino-Japanese Negotiations. Chinese official Statement with documents and Treaties with Annexures, Beijing 1915 (print) Der Handel Tsingtaus vor und nach dem Kriege (publication of the Japanese military administration, copy), 1916 "Ist die Rückgabe Tsingtaus vom wirtschaftlichen Standpunkt notwendig oder zweckmäßig" (English version of a German memorandum), 1919 "Forderungen Deutschlands wegen Kiautschaos auf der Friedenskonferenz" (elaboration of the Reichsmarineamt, print), 1919

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