380 HOL 1/1. Correspondence between members of the Holt Family, 161 docs., 1861-1915, n.d. 380 HOL 1/2. Copies of letters from Mary Kingsley to John Holt, 1 vol., n.d. 380 HOL 1/3. Newscuttings, 26 vols., 1876-1933, 1961-1963 380 HOL 1/4. Letter Books, 14 vols., 1867-1914 380 HOL 1/5. Directors Meetings, Produce Prices and Quantities, Investments, Allotments, etc., 7 vols., 1900-1912 380 HOL 1/6. Trade Diaries, 20 vols., 1875-1905 380 HOL 1/7. Notes and Letters on the opening up of trade on the Niger after the revocation of the Royal Niger Co.s Charter, 1 vol., 1900-1903 380 HOL 1/8. Miscellaneous Account Books, 9 vols., 1867-1926 380 HOL 1/9. Miscellaneous Volumes, 2 vols., 1906-1942 380 HOL 1/10. Photograph Albums, 9 vols., 1901-1931 380 HOL 11. Photographs, c. 1100 items, [1851] -1941, n.d. 380 HOL 1/12. Papers relating to the Lagos Customs Law Case, 2 vols., 1 bundle, 1908-1916 380 HOL 1/13. Papers relating to claims made by John Holt & Co. (Liverpool) Ltd., against the German Government in respect of losses incurred during World War I, 13 files, 1914-1926 380 HOL 1/14. Title Deeds, etc. to Beach Property, 5 docs., 1900, 1902, n.d. 380 HOL 1/15. Papers relating to the Transfer of Property to the Government, 9 envelopes, 1906 380 HOL 1/16. Correspondence with various Government Departments, 1 folder, 1911-1916 380 HOL 1/17. Descriptions of Office Picnics, 6 items, 6 items, 1912-1914, 1920-1923 380 HOL 1/18. Printed Official Publications concerning World War I, 14 docs., 1914-1915 380 HOL 1/19. Ebani Monthly, 57 pamphlets, 1925-1931 380 HOL 1/20. Maps and Charts, 2 docs., [1730], 1912 380 HOL 1/21. Miscellaneous Items, 1 doc., 2 booklets, 1951, 1965, n.d.
380 HOL 1
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