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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 737 · File · (1911) 1918 - Mai 1921
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Assumption of civil servants, clergy and teachers from the Alsace-Lorraine Imperial and State Service, from the Imperial Colonial Service as well as from the Consular Service and the Foreign Service into the Württemberg State Service, 1919; Draft of a law concerning the the transfer of the powers of the Alsace-Lorraine Provincial Administration to the Reich Ministry of the Interior, 1919; announcement of the Ministry of Church and School Affairs of 6 October 1911 concerning the salary regulations for teachers at secondary schools, at trade and business schools and at women's work schools; law concerning the income situation of primary school teachers of 14 August 19191911; Resolution of the 7th extraordinary German Rectors' Conference in favour of the lecturers and students expelled from Strasbourg, June 1919; Draft of a law and principles on the accommodation of civil servants from the areas to be ceded and the administrations to be reduced in size, 1920; Proposal on the distribution of surplus civil servants among the Reich and the Länder, 1920; Guidelines for the Recruitment of Employees, 1920; Submission of the German East Mark Association e.V. concerning applications for reinstatement in the Reichsdienst by former Reich-German Reich civil servants in the Polish civil service, 4.1.1921. see also No. 726 and 727

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 738 · File · Juni 1921-1929, 1933, 1939, 1940
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Drafts of Reich laws concerning the legal relations of the former Alsace-Lorraine civil servants and their salary regulations, 17.12.1921; participation of the Reich in the pensions of the former Alsace-Lorraine civil servants, 1919, 1923-1925; letter of the staff of Hitler's deputy of 22.12.1939 concerning the care of the civil servants from the areas cleared in 1939; treatment of the civil servants returned from the franking areas, 1940.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/18 Bü 307 · File · 1900-1912
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Export ban on weapons and war material to China; General Field Marshal Graf von Waldersee sent to China as commander-in-chief of the international protection force; Schutztruppe moved into Beijing; East Asian expeditionary corps supports needy families and crews Darin: List of members of the German Navy who received an award for special services in the suppression of the Boxer Rebellion

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 1281 · File · 1899
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Darin: Denkschriften über Entwicklung von Kiautschou mit einer Bebauungsplan für die neu zu zu anlegende Stadt an der Tsingtau-Bucht (Reichstag printed matter no. 79/1899) Qu. 651, the island groups of the Caroline Islands, Palau and Mariana Islands with an overview of the German possessions in the Pacific Ocean (printed matter 5S. together with map) Qu. 670a, the equipment of a South Polar expedition (printed matter together with map) Qu. 657 p.27Law concerning the determination of the Reich budget budget for the accounting year 1899 of 25.03.1899 Qu. 655; record concerning the claims of the brothers Denhardt, Berlin, to the Swahili Sultanate ("Witu"), prepared by the Foreign Office, printed matter 33 pp. Qu. 662; draft of a law concerning the establishment of the budget budget for the protectorates for the accounting year 1900 Qu. 717; overviews of the non-commissioned officers who left the German army in the years 1894 - 1898 Qu. 742, 743, at the end of June 1897 existing and of the invalidity pension recipients (army and navy) Qu. 741 employed by them in the municipal service; proof of the military invalids of the peace status existing in Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg as well as the navy and of the pensions Qu. 739 paid to the same annually

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/8 Bü 214 · File · 1908-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The evidence for the 1870/71 campaign comes exclusively from the military hospitals of the Württemberg army in France. The lists of casualties of all naval personnel from 1849-1911 who died in German war operations refer to the following events: Battle with Danish brig 1849, battle with natives on the Moroccan coast 1856, battle with Danish ships 1864, battle with French ship at Havana (Cuba) 1870, defeat of a natives uprising in Cameroon 1884, battle with natives on Apia (Westsamoa) 1888, Blockade of the East African coast 1888-1890, Boxer uprising in China 1900-1901, campaign in South West Africa 1904-1905, defeat of a native uprising in East Africa 1905-1906, defeat of a native uprising in Ponape and Dschogadsch (Caroline Islands, Melanesia) Darin: Issues Report of the Board of Directors of the Württembergischer Landesverein der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Stiftung für deutsche Invaliden, Stuttgart 1908 - 1918, Buchdruckerei der Paulinenpflege;

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 635/1 · Fonds · 1810-1945
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Service regulations, pressure regulations are all generally valid orders issued for the handling of the military service or for the administration of the army, the navy and the air force. Some of them were published in the military official journals and in separate, mostly handy editions, others were only published in limited editions in the latter, for example in the case of secret or confidential orders. Supplements and supplements appeared after 1870 in the form of so-called cover pages, which were to be glued into the individual volumes or transferred by hand. Since the 1980s, a distinction has been made in Prussia, and thus also in the other German contingents, between budget-based and non-budget-based printing regulations. Only the former had to be available at the authorities and units in the number specified in the published "Printing Regulations Budget", had an official number assigned approximately according to the sequence of publication, and had been replaced by a "List of Budgetary Printing Regulations" (e.g. 1911) or a "List of Scheduled Army Printing Regulations" (e.g. The collection at hand here goes back to the former Württemberg War Ministry, which first kept the regulations of the German Federation and Württemberg, then of other German states in the library of the Ministry, in secret cabinets - for the secret and confidential regulations - and in the files - specimen copies of its own drafts, then individual cover pages. After World War I, the War Archives of the War Ministry and then - after intermediate stages - the Reich Archives branch moved into existing regulations for Württemberg and non-Württemberg troops to be dissolved and moved through, thus increasing the collection mainly by war expenditures of individual military authorities and armies. The regulations of the Reichswehr and the Wehrmacht arrived only in relatively small numbers, foreign more by chance, so some French around 1940 from Neubreisach. A "table of contents of the old publications and printing regulations", probably still compiled in the War Ministry, listed the regulations published until about 1900 separately according to the issuing country or publisher, i.e. German Federation, Prussia, Württemberg, in alphabetical order. For the budgetary regulations of the following years, the aforementioned list of 1911 (vol. 246) applied. In 1924 the Reichsarchiv branch then classified the other regulations, mainly issued during the war, according to subject groups such as "troop leadership", "foreign armies", and "infantry", without regard to the publisher, and in doing so arranged copies of the subject that were available several times in different places. The Army Archives finally compiled the regulations that had appeared since 1919 according to the list of 1939 and in an additional alphabetical list. None of these groups, i.e. the previous holdings M 635/1 - M 635/6, contained all existing volumes, nor were they counted uniformly and completely. In addition, duplicates, single copies delivered as gifts, foreign regulations were finally also included in the library, in the collection of flight documents (fonds J 150), and in the collection of memorials (fonds M 730), as, conversely, many private adaptations and instructions had found their way into the official regulations. After the then archive inspector Wannenwetsch had already removed regulations from the library in 1978 and compiled them into the temporary stock M 635/7, the archive assistant Anneliese Fink recorded the entire material within the framework of a job creation measure in 1982/83. With the temporary cooperation of the aspiring inspectors Elstner and Wüst, library material was then sorted out, memos, annual reports and other military publications on the future holdings of M 635/2 were published and, in addition, the collection of flight documents and memos was checked for regulations on the basis of the finding aids: After - including the measure of 1978 - 86 volumes were taken from the military library, 108 volumes from other holdings, 196 volumes were handed over to the military library, 17 volumes were put back into the corresponding files, 8 publishing brochures were separated out and 352 duplicates were removed, the holdings now comprise 1665 volumes in 18 metres of shelving. the regulations were separated according to the publisher, i.e. country of issue or military administration, individual armies, army corps etc., otherwise according to the chronological order. In view of the often overlapping titles of the individual rules, it seemed less advisable to break them down, e.g. after the one mentioned above. However, the chronology was broken to the extent that later editions of a regulation were not included in the first volume, or only slightly changed, and that regulations published over a longer period of time in partial volumes were included in the first volume following the respective first volume. In addition, the budgetary provisions listed above are in accordance with the specified sequence of numbers, according to which they are also frequently quoted. The detailed index, the keywords of which are largely taken from the corresponding list in the index of the statutory printing regulations of 1911, was produced by archive employee Werner Urban. the regulations, cover sheets etc. kept in the files are not included in the present find book, as they could have been recorded only with disproportionately high effort due to the current state of development of many holdings - a corresponding additional compilation must therefore be reserved for a later time. the spelling applied in the repertory is based on the current rules. The individual title recordings are arranged according to the following model: Title of the regulationPlace and date of regulation; Place of print/publishing; Printing/publishing; Year of printingOfficial number PublisherSpecial provisions to supplement the regulationAddendicesSupplements; handwritten notesEarlier archive and library signaturesRemarks.Stuttgart, April 1985(Cordes)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 70 f Bü 732 · File · 1893-1919, 1927-1928
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Jubilee horticultural exhibition Leipzig, pension and pension institution of the German visual artists in Weimar, Protestant community of Bant near Wilhelmshaven, Monument to the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig, Committee for the Dissemination of the Papal Encyclical on the Workers' Question, Nobilitas Monastery in Potsdam, "Tell" shooting society in Kulmbach, German Protestant community in Pretoria, Men's club of the Red Cross in Strasbourg, seamen's houses of the imperial navy in Wilhelmshaven and Kiautschou, statue for Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia in Metz, Catholic church in Wörth an der Sauer, soldiers' home in Jüterborg, Augusta club for daughters of deceased officers, school building in Windhoek, church building of the German Protestant community in Shanghai, German folk theatre in London, Buildings for Protestant unfunded in Karlsbad, Bismarck Monument on the Knivsberg, Archbishop's Boys' School in Bucharest, Hermann's bust for the Hall of Fame in Görlitz, Association for Medical Mission, Blücherstein in Treptow, German Fleet Association, Writers' Home in Jena, Volkstümlicher Hochschulkreis, Central Association for the Care of the School-leaved Youth, Central Association of German Veterans in Philadelphia, Evangelical German Church in Mexico, Evangelical Association for Internal Mission in Metz, German Evangelical School Association in Brno, Kaiser Friedrich Memorial in Metz, German Catholic Women's Mission in Paris, Hellmannstein Committee in Neisse, German School Association in London, Association for German Seafarers in Antwerp, Women's Aid for Abroad in Berlin, etc.a.

Various types of input
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 a Bü 637 · File · 1915 - 1921
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Proposals for the establishment of a Reichswerbeamt (= industrial advertising and cultural propaganda) by Kommerzienrat Friedrich Soenneken, Bonn, 1915, Unterfasz.1 Qu. 231; the plight of the freelance technical professions of Syndikus Dr. Klein II, Düsseldorf, 1916, brosch. 7 p., underfashion. 2 Qu. 254; Report on the 2nd business year of the Society for the Promotion of the Institute of Shipping and World Economics at the University of Kiel, Kaiser Wilhelm Stiftung e.V., with 4 supplements to the list of members, 1916 Qu. 267 - 271; submission by the Executive Board of the German Confederation against the emancipation of women, Prof. Dr. Langemann, Kiel, on the protection of civil servants against subordination to officially appointed female superiors and on the protection of civil servants and private employees against female competition in working life, Unterfasz. 2 Qu. 279; Statutes of the Association "Kolonialkriegerdank", Berlin, Association for the Support of Former Colonial Warriors of the Army, Navy, Protection and Police Forces and their Survivors, brosch. 9 p., 1913, Unterfasz. 3 Qu. 284; Annual Report for 1917 of the Pension Fund of German Journalists and Writers, Munich, brosch. 14 p., underfashion. 4 Qu. 329