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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 124 Bü 3 · File · 1902-1913 und o. J.
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Inside: On the back of three children's drawings printed and handwritten menu cards of three dinners in Schloss Possenhofen on 6, 9 and 14 August 1907; circular letter of Father Bonifacius Sauer, Prior of the Benedictine College in Dillingen/Donau, asking for financial support for the Benedictine College and for the training of the Benedictines deployed in the mission in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (Tanzania), 16 Dec 1908

Urach, Wilhelm
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 45 · Fonds
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st About the Aldinger-Ostermayer family: Karl Aldinger and Hertha Ostermayer married on 24 January 1944. The marriage lasted over six decades. Only the death of Karl Aldinger in 2005 brought her to an end. The ancestors of the married couple were widely ramified and can be traced far back through the stored documents of the inventory. Due to the numerous traditional sources and many patient family history researches, they were deeply anchored in the consciousness of Karl and Hertha Aldingers. During the Second World War Karl Aldinger (1917-2005) was a soldier (last lieutenant). He then managed various agricultural estates (Staufeneck estate, Schafhof estate, Alteburg estate). In 1957 he took over the management of the youth hostel in Esslingen, which he continued to run until 1963. He then ran a guesthouse in Saig (Black Forest) until 1990, which came from the inheritance of an aunt of his wife. Hertha Aldinger (1920-2012) had undergone agricultural training and had been a teacher of agricultural household science since January 1944. After 1 July 1944, she no longer worked for the company, but devoted herself to her five children (one had died very early) and supported her husband in his various tasks. The family archive Aldinger-Ostermayer documents the ancestors of Karl and Hertha Aldinger in almost all lines back to the end of the 18th century. There are rich documents on the families Aldinger, Trißler, Unrath (ancestors of Karl Aldinger) and Ostermayer, Görger, Baur/Giani, Heldbek/Gaiser, Riedlin and Schinzinger (ancestors of Hertha Aldinger). The documents refer to members of the upper middle class in Württemberg and Baden. Some family members were soldiers in the First and Second World Wars (among others Eduard Ostermayer (1867-1954), Helmut Ostermayer (1919-1941) and Karl Aldinger) and have left photos, diaries and memories as well as letters from the wartime. The Aldinger family provided agricultural estate managers for several generations. There are numerous physicians from the family circle: Dr. Oskar Görger (1847-1905), who founded his wealth through his practice in Australia, Dr. Eduard Ostermayer (1867-1954), who was still practicing in his 80s and was thus known in the 50s as Stuttgart's oldest practicing physician, Dr. Karl Schinzinger (1861-1948), also a physician in Australia, and Dr. Albert Schinzinger (1827-1911), who began his career as a surgeon and after his habilitation worked as a professor of medicine at the University of Freiburg (about him Pagel: Biographisches Lexikon outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century. Berlin, Vienna 1901, Sp. 1499-1500). Also worth mentioning are the pastors: Karl Ludwig Heldbek (1756-1829), pastor in Scharenstetten, Christoph Erhardt Heldbek (1803-1877), city pastor in Weilheim, Emil Heldbek (1849-1884), pastor in Auendorf, and Dr. Paul Aldinger (1869-1944), pastor in Kleinbottwar, colonist and pastor in Brazil. The Ostermayers were merchants for several generations, initially locally in Weilheim/Teck and from around 1870 in the Württemberg state capital Stuttgart. Max (1860-1942) and Gottlieb Ostermayer (1871-1910) finally worked as merchants in India. The Heldbek/Gaiser family also knew merchants whose activities later extended as far as Africa (Lagos). The most famous is Gottlieb Leonhard Gaiser (1817-1892). He tried to found a German colony in Mahinland (east of Lagos), but failed because of Bismarck's colonial-political restraint (Ernst Hieke: Gaiser, Gottlieb Leonhard, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie, 6 (1964), p. 39f.). Robert Karl Edmund Schinzinger (1898-1988), university professor and lecturer in Japan, and Ernst Ostermayer (1868-1918), professor and painter are to be emphasized as representatives of science and art. Albert Joseph Fridolin Schinzinger (1856-1926), the Japanese Consul General in Berlin, worked in the field of politics and diplomacy. 2. processing of the stock: The family archive Aldinger-Ostermayer was created step by step. In ancient times, outstanding documents were preserved and entrusted to the next generation. Initially, only a few documents were handed down, mostly letters or documents with a special memoir value. This happened with both the Aldinger and Ostermayer ancestors. Only later generations left behind complete estates, i.e. closed traditions. This was the case with Eduard Ostermayer and his son Helmut as well as Karl and Hertha Aldinger. For Oskar Görger and his wife Marie, original documents have been preserved to a considerable extent, but in smaller quantities. Family research on a larger scale had already been carried out in the 1930s in connection with the Aryan evidence by the Aldingers and the Ostermayers. Lore Braitsch, née Aldinger, collected older documents for the Aldinger family, which she also evaluated (e.g. speech in honour of Dr. Paul Aldinger, cf. Bü 360). After their death in 1998 these documents came to Hertha and Karl Aldinger, so that a family archive for the Aldinger and Ostermayer families grew together. Hertha Aldinger edited this. She supplemented the originals with copies and transcriptions. With admirable patience she transcribed the documents in old, no longer generally legible script, first by hand and later by typewriter. Already in 1996 she worked with computers. Even more important are their evaluations of the family records. She put together different material to certain persons as well as whole family branches, so for her husband Karl (Bü 179) and for herself (Bü 118). She also wrote the couple's memoirs under the title "Our 20 Initial Years" (Bü 246). She also wrote down her personal memories of her parents (Bü 181). For the Ostermayer (Bü 284, 304 and 334), Heldbek (Bü 453, 473) and Schinzinger (Bü 226, 237, 296) families she compiled material and wrote elaborations on the history of these families. Probably also the order of the family archive goes back to them. This only considered a separation of the individual family branches and was otherwise little structured. When the materials were handed over to the Main State Archives in January 2013, they were stored in guide files and the subunits were formed in transparent envelopes. There were also other types of packaging. A handwritten fixation of this order was made on the occasion of the transfer of the family archive to the main state archive in a transfer register (Bü 550). Hertha Aldinger's intensive family research and work have left traces in the state of order. The units were inflated by copies, often multiple copies. Original tradition and copy or transcription were not separated. The original letter series were torn, there was the group of already transcribed pieces and the group of still unprocessed letters. The archival order of the documents restored the series of the original letters. The copies have been reduced. There is little point in keeping an original and a copy of it in the same tuft. Multiple copies of the transcriptions could also be collected. However, different processing stages (e.g. concepts, final version) were left unchanged. There was a larger collection of postcards, which had been arranged after picture motives. This collection also contained described and run postcards, i.e. family correspondence. This had to be reassigned to the letters and cards. The collection of postcards was thus reduced to the undescribed pieces (Bü 506, 509), and the archival indexing attached great importance to a detailed characterization of the Büschel contents in the Contained Notes. This was especially necessary when the title recording for the tuft had to remain very general. The collection was structured in such a way that the central importance of Karl and Hertha Aldinger for the documents is emphasized. Karl and Hertha Aldinger are expressly referred to as related family branches. The spelling of the first names was standardized according to today's spelling: Helmut instead of Hellmut, Karl instead of Carl, Jakob instead of Jacob etc.. The index lists the women among the aforementioned families from the related circle of Aldinger-Ostermayer, but also mentions the marriage name. Women who have married into the circle of relatives are classified under their names of marriage, their names of birth are given in an explanatory manner. The stock P 45 "Familienarchiv Aldinger-Ostermayer" was sorted and listed by the undersigned in Spring/Summer 2013. The duration of the documents ranges from approx. 1770 to 2013, the volume of the stock amounts to 553 units in 6.1 m.Stuttgart, in October 2013Dr. Peter Schiffer

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/133 · Fonds · 1879-1938
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. to the biography Georg von Körbling: Georg von Körbling was born in Würzburg on 12.5.1856 as son of the Bavarian Genie-Oberleutnants and later Obersten Ignaz Körbling and his wife Auguste, née Hausmann. At the age of 13, von Körbling was admitted to the Bavarian Cadet School in Munich, where he received five years of military training. In 1874 he entered the Württemberg service as a junior officer of the flag and in the pre-war period he became colonel and commander of the infantry regiment of Kaiser Wilhelm König v. Preußen (2nd Württ. No. 120) in Ulm (22.4.1912). At the beginning of the First World War, von Körbling was deployed in the Argonne Mountains (France), but fell ill with the Ruhr in September 1914 and returned to Ulm. The change of periods of service and illness then went through his entire wartime, spent exclusively on the western front or in Württemberg: from December 1914, von Körbling took command of the Deputy 53rd Infantry Brigade in Ulm and was promoted to Major General on the occasion of the imperial birthday (27.1.1915). In February 1915, he returned to the French front as commander of infantry regiment no. 120, and in April 1915, he took command of the 53rd Infantry Brigade. With this unit von Körbling was first deployed in the Argonne, from January 1916 in Flanders and from July 1916 in the Somme (France). Due to a renewed illness von Körbling was transferred to the officers of the army in September 1916 and appointed commander of the I. Deputy 54th Infantry Brigade in Ulm in October 1916. After a year, he rejoined the French front. From November 1917 he commanded the Prussian 37th Reserve Infantry Brigade, from March 1918 the 202nd Infantry Division deployed in Lorraine. Already in June 1918 von Körbling fell ill again and was again seconded to the officers by the army. After his promotion to Lieutenant General (18.7.1918) he assumed the chairmanship of an OHL commission at the staff of Army Division B from 20 July to 16 October 1918. Von Körbling retired from military service in July 1919. During his military career von Körbling received several high German and non-German awards, among others the Order of the Württembergische Krone, which was connected with the personal nobility (3.5.1911), the Iron Cross 1st class (2.10.1914), the Prussian Red Eagle Order 2nd class with swords (27.12.1916), the Bulgarian Alexander Order (8.8.1917) and the Austrian Military Cross 2nd class (6.12.1917). During the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich, von Körbling's activities included the publication of newspaper articles and lectures on his war experiences. As commander of an imperial body regiment, he had already taken part in the emperor's New Year receptions in the pre-war period. For this reason, Körbling was invited to a feast in Doorn (Netherlands) in 1929 on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Wilhelm II. Körbling's visit to Doorn is mentioned in his autobiographical writings. Georg von Körbling had been married to Adelinde von Fischer since 1886 and had two sons with her, one of whom (Theobald) died shortly after her birth in 1887. Georg von Körbling died on 27.1.1942 in Ulm. 2 On the biography of Alfred Körbling: Alfred Theobald Lukas Karl Körbling was born on 19 January 1889 in Weingarten as the second son of Georg von Körbling and his wife Adelinde. Körbling's military training began in the spring of 1902, when he first entered the Prussian Kadettenhaus Karlsruhe and finally the Hauptkadettenanstalt Großlichterfelde. In 1908 he was transferred as a lieutenant to the Grenadier Regiment No. 123 in Ulm and remained there with a short interruption until 1913. After a successful application, Körbling changed to the Imperial Protection Force for D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a in spring 1913 and joined the 10th Field Company in Dar es Salaam in autumn 1913. Only one month later he was transferred to the 1st Field Company in Arusha near Kilimanjaro. At the beginning of the First World War, Körbling participated in operations against the Uganda Railway in British East Africa and in the northeast of the German protectorate. In 1916 he fell ill with various tropical diseases, so that after the withdrawal of the German troops in autumn 1916 he was handed over to the British units because of his inability to transport. After stays in several military hospitals and camps, Körbling was sent to a British prisoner of war camp on Malta in 1918. In 1919 he returned to Ulm and in 1920 retired from the army in the rank of captain. During the First World War Alfred Körbling received the Iron Cross 2nd class (2.9.1916), among others. In the Weimar Republic Körbling began to study at the Agricultural University of Hohenheim after various occupations in the agricultural sector, which he completed with a diploma in 1926. From 1927 onwards, Körbling headed the Heeresfachschule für Landwirtschaft in Tübingen and on January 1, 1930, received a permanent post as a specialist student councillor. Körbling joined the NSDAP in the Weimar Republic as a party politician and held the rank of Sturmbannführer in the Weimar Republic.Alfred Körbling had been married to the general daughter Erna Zöller since 1919 and had three daughters. He died on 22.7.1933 in Tübingen of heart paralysis. 3. on the estate of Georg von Körbling and Alfred Körbling: documents from the estate of Georg von Körbling, especially war diaries, lecture manuscripts and printed matter, were handed over to the army archive in Stuttgart a few months after the death of the general in June 1942. These documents passed into the possession of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart in 1945. In 1955 Alfons Beiermeister carried out a recording of the archives. In spring 2011, the Stuttgart State Archives were able to produce reproductions of documents by Georg von Körblings and Alfred Körblings, which are in the possession of Ilse Hames, Alfred Körblings eldest daughter. These were photographic documents and autobiographical writings by Georg von Körbling and photographs by Alfred Körbling. The addition of new documents to the M 660/133 estate necessitated a new distortion. This was carried out in August 2011 by archive assistant Michael Ucharim, M.A. under the direction of Dr. Wolfgang Mährle. The stock now comprises 17 tufts. The documents adopted in 2011 were given bundle numbers 1-4 and 13-14. 4. Source references: Georg von Körbling: HStAS: M 430/2 Bü 1111; M 703 R233N1-6, R191N31, R191aN17; M 707 Nr. 827, 828; M 743/2 Bü 270; Alfred Körbling: HStAS: M 430/2 Bü 1109; StAS: Wü 13 T 2 Nr. 2140/143;Adelinde von Körbling: StAS: Wü 42 T 9 No. 69;Erna Körbling: StAS: Wü 13 T 2 No. 2568/615.Stuttgart , August 2011Dr. Wolfgang MährleMichael Ucharim, M.A.